Chapter 03 - Wake up!

'i should've waked up by this point, im here for over 6 hours i think'

she was very close to the city, she could see the guards in both sides of the huge opened gate

but she had not left the forest yet, she was close to a tree, watching how people were entering the city

that was a lot of moviment, there were five roads crossing paths close to the entrance of the city, merchants and merchandises were going trought the gates without any problem, but what looked to be civilians had to stop by the guards and give something, it was money, or thats what Lena thought

'it looks to be something kind of currency'

she was not in her smal short and small t-shirt anymore, she looted the thieves from before and took some clothes from the Ivor guy since he was the smallest of them, it still was quite big for her, upon looting them she noticed they had quite a lot of things that she could not understand, a bag that could hold more than it looked was one of them

'this bag is quite something too, not only it holds way more than it looks, it also shows inside my head everything that it holds as soon i put my hand inside of it, very practical'

the bag had most of the items the thieves had since it was with the Ivor guy,it had some bottles with dark red liquid inside, some with green, some purple, some blue, and a orange one, it also had five scrolls and four coins with a grey color

'if people of this place use weapons such as chains and swords then this are probably silver coins, i wonder if this if enough to go inside the city..'

she heard someone walk behind her, it was a bit far away but she could hear, because it sounded like metal and chains moving


a person wearing full plate armor that was about 5.2 foots tall with the crest of a dragon on his chest cheerfuly greeted Lena


she replied with a shy voice

"forgive me, but you looks quite suspicious likes this, looking from behind a tree while hiding, are you lost?"

the knight saw a sword by her waist, that, she had her hand resting on the scabbard

"oh you are a Swordsman? forgive me, im Albert Vinscent from the knighthood of Filamore"

the knight said that while removing his helmet, the blond hair flew with the morning breeze, he was looking at her with his dark green eyes, and a gentle expression in his face that looked very young maybe 1 or 2 years older than her

"oh im not a swordsman, i just finded this sword in the woods a few hours ago, Im Lena Melanor, is a pleasure to meet you Sir knight"

'since is a knight i shoud probably be respectful, they should be something like the police of this..d-dream'

"Lady Lena, i apologize once again, but im afraid you are unaware that lying in front of a knight is useless"

'hm.. im a pretty good liar tho, how did he finded out'

"But im not lying, it is truth that i found it in the woods"

she paid close attention to Sir Alber she noticed his eyes glowing for about a sec

'ah.. the magic of this place is a huge problem'

"if you insist in lying im assuming you cannot say, or are scared of telling the truth"

'do i run? can i run? he looks heavy, but he probably has some sort of mobility magic, im sure'

his eyes glowed once more

"i do not wish to harm you, so you dont need to run"

"can knights read minds too?"

'why..c-can he read minds? heavens.. the 'police'of this d-dream are so scary'

"we can read the state of your [IN], since your [IN] is showing indication of preparing for a run i had to say it in advance"

'[in]? what is that now? Eda did not told me about this'

"i-is this why you keep saying that im lying?"

"you were lying tough, but, yes."

"if you know im lying and i just tried to run, is this ok?"

Albert looked at her with a gentle smile and nonchantaly said

"your [IN] does not have malice in it, wich is why i did not attacked you in first place"

Albert walked to the tree by the side of Lena and sitted by the tree while looking at the city

"you killed someone to get that sword right?"

'this guy, he's so scary'

"is it ok to kill people?"

"like i said, your [In] is not in a malice state, wich is a state of someone who killed a person by any means that is isnt in self-defense or have done that multiple times"

he looked at her and notice the clothes were quite big for her, he stare at her eyes, she had a gaze o someone with guard up, but with no fear what so ever, the eyes of someone scared yet brave.

"my [in] shows all of that?"

"yes, it does"


she left out a short sigh

"i was walking towards the city, about 2 hours in that direction, and 4 guys attacked me, they use enchants and swordarts to try to get me, and one of them was talking as if he was gonna rape me"

the knight looked surprised and confused at the same time

"are they still there?"

", i killed all of them"

'hm.. she did.. what?'

"y-you..what? alone?!"

the knight was extremely surprised

"yes, i can defend myself at least"

'defend? what? she killed all of them, she is not lying about this though'

"against 4 people? with a Enger? thats pretty strong in my opnion"

"i got them by surprised, they didnt expected me fighting back i guess"


'im sure is not just that, being able to go against a large number of people is what the knighthood trains the most, we need to be able to hold on our own against at least 3 people at once, and she took four on her own, she's talented'

Albert took a deep look at her

"maybe you are talented in swordart! are you interested in join the knighthood?"

'maybe she can be the partner im in need right now, we have almost the same age, so it will be good for her'

"hm.. can i join in like that, im 15 years old yet"

"dont you know? the knighthood code says the minimum age is 12, wich is the age i joined"

the knight stood up and looked at her, he looked at her and gave her a small crest with a 2 sword crossing and a leaf in the middle

"if you ever get interested, show this crest in any chapel of the Dragon king"

'dragon king? there are even dragons in this dream?'

Lena took the crest from albert hand, the leaf on the crest started to rotate

Alberto watched that with a surprise in his face

"this thing is moving, is it suppose to do this?"

Lena said with a worried expression

"hm.. you see.. that is a singularity alarm, you have one, apparently."

'isnt that the powers that Eda said can be the weakness to enchants?'

"do you know what it is?"

"unfortunally not, but thats really good, you're can have a high rank amoung the knights for that, congratz"

"do you have one too?"

'he is too calm for this, a tought Eda said it was rare'

"in fact i do, my singularity is kinda weak, it enables me to see perfectly in the dark"

'thats not weak, it means he cannont get ambushed in the dark, very useful for whatever'

the knight was blushing a little bit, while scratching he's face with his right hand

"anyway, just show this in the Church and they will accept you in the knighthood"

he said that while cleaning his back that was full of grass and woodust from being sitting in the ground

"i must leave for know lady Lena"

Knight Albert started to walk towards the crossroad to enter the city, Lena watched he moving foward while he said in a sterned voice

"may we meet again lady Lena, for now, i bid you farewell"

Lena waved at him while saying

"goodbye sir Albert, may we meet again someday"

'this is becoming a problem'

she looked at the crest in her hand with the spinning leaf

'why am i not waking up'

she closed her hand, tightly, to the point the crossed swords on the crest started to cut her hand and make her bleed

'its hurting but im not waking up'

she had a very scared expression in her face, no, she was terrified

'why im not waking up'

she started to feel the breeze of the morning in her face, and the smell of the flowefield by the side of the city

"am i really not dreaming? wake up, please!"

she remained there, standing, almost crying

'wake up!'