Chapter 04 - Dryhawk City

Lena erased the terror in her mind and looked foward

she learned from her father that a strong person should not let anything shake its mind

*..Lena, your mother used to be like this too, no matter how much i'd tell he she was wrong, she aways ignored me, and fixed the problem and never missed the same way again, she was quite scary honestly, she took it all and never let her mind get affected by negative thoughts, you should be like her too.. im sure you will..*


Lena started to walk toward the city, after about 4 minute of walking, she reached the main gate

"oh hey! you finnaly came here"

said one of the guards on the left side of the gate

"I thought you were a thief to be honest"

said the other guard that was revisting some merchant close to the gate

"you looked quite creepy from there, just watching, you gave me the chills kid"

"im sorry"

Lena said feeling a bit embarassed from the missunderstood.

the guard that was close to the gate came close to her and the one close to her moved to the gate, they seemed to be taking turns

"we even called a Knight to take a look at you there, he came back here saying you were just resting"

"Sir Albert?"

'now that i think about it, he did said i looked creepy there, thats what he meant'

"yeah yeah, i think that was the name"

the guard looked at Lena and realised she had a sword by her waist

"oh are you a swordsman"

"oh yeah she does have have a sword"

both of th guards came to talk with her since there were no one entering the city right now

"are you a swordsman, kid?"

"im learning sword-arts at he moment, sir"

'better say this, in case anyone want to try anything, since even Albert seemed to respect the sword, i guess swordsman a pretty respected'

she recalled that Albert introduced himself and talked in a formal manner with Lena after seeing the sword too

'swordsman seemed to be respected here'

"i see, you are on the right path, nice job kid"

the guard seemed to be proud of her for some reason

"i wished my son was interested in sword-arts too"

the other guard had a gentle expression on his face too

"Sir, how much is the entrance fee into the city?"

Lena asked while the mood was good

"oh its 5 silver coin, but since you'll be a swordsman we can let you in with 3"

'oh great.. im so glad a have enough'

she putted a smile in her face while taking 3 silver coins from the bag

"here sir, thanks for the work"

she said this as she walkpassed them, she heard some people saying this when they payed the guards

"have fun in the city kid, and be careful, there are some very dangerous streets"

she waved as she walked inside de gates, it was a big, very big tunnel, and very long too

'why are the city walls so big, do they need such strong walls? are there such thing here that needs such protection from external attacks?'

the dark tunnel , with only torch lights, started getting bright and bright and the smell of something being cooked started to get inside the tunnel, it became stronger as close to the exit she got, it became a lot more noise too

as she left the tunnel, she behold quite a sight

big houses, on top of each other, there was a ceiling covering the whole city, it was made of glass, in a dome shapped format, there was light passing trought the glass light, also, the ground of the city was wierd, it looked as if was going down and down like in levels, rings of levels, each on going down, there was so much houses, and right in the middle, there was a massive castle, but she could only see the tip of the highest tower from behind the houses from the entrance, since the castle was in the middle, and in the lowest level

'what is that behind the houses, is it the top of a contruction? it looks so big'

at the same time, she saw so many people in the streets, the smell of food in the air and the music playing while the kids and lovers were dancing and enjoying the time, it was lauch time, yet, there were so many people in the streets.

'wow, this city is so lively, is amazing'

she tried to avoid the crowd as she moved trought the city, she had no idea of what to do, so for now, she wanted to see the thing she had seen at the distancy, it was the tip of the castle, after that she tought about join the knighthood

'i dont know how long will take for me to wake up, i might as well ocupied myself or be able to learn how to defend myself here'

it was quite

she saw colorful houses, but no knights

'i thought they were knights here, and they were the 'cops' of this place, but i havent seen a single one yet'

there were no knight in this city, she did not saw a single one of them, it was worrying her, since she thought it would be safer if people like Albert were here, but she didnt saw anyone

'its concerning'

she was worrying, there were some people looking at her from the top of the buildings, she could feel the same feeling she had when Eda used her Enchant, but none were strong enough to worry her of attacks, so she kept walking in a nonchalant manner

she reached something like the border of the first level of the city, after walking for about 20 minutes from the entrance, she finally saw, how deep the city was, and how big was the castle in the middle

'what, how?'

there was a big dark blue castle with sparkles here and there around the castle about 10 of soldiers riding something that looked like wyverns

at the moment she gazed upon the city she could feel a enchantment aimed at her right arm, and she dodged to the left, very calmy, as she tried not to make too many movements, something that she learned while training martial arts, that her father made she learn since 6 years old, don't do unecessary movements

"wow nice dodge there honey"

a chain that looked to be electrified pass by her side, and the old man with a scar in the right side of his chin started to pull the chain very quickly.

"i guess i'll need you guys help"

at that moment she could feel 4 more enchantments aimed at her from her left, right, back, and above, she just charge toward the man with the scar, and placed her hand on the scabbard and touched the sword, she was about to pull to slash the man with the scar when she heard a laugh


she could feel small enchantments aimed at her from the back right, they were not strong to be called dangerous, but they were aimed at her neck, she could feel it, she removed the sword from the scabbard the place where the small things were about to hit.

4 dart like things, fell from the impact with the sword, she did one more swing from the right to the left, she aimed at the neck of the guy in front of her, the man with the scar,he jumped back as he heard the sword blocking the projectiles like enchants, but he could not dodge fully, and the sword cutted his belly, leaving a big wound.

"Holy shit, that girl is a fucking swordsman"

the man with the scar screamed in pain

"heavens! you people are giving me quite the welcome"

"she slashed Gelkio, hes bleeding a lot"

said the guy who shot the dart like enchants, who, had a very distinct apparence since he was covered in shadows in a very dark alley, he added on

"she's so strong, she dodged all of us an injured one, but here lies a question, how did she block my darts, since im using cloak and dark mantle?"

"oh fuck, she is a guardian!"

one of the bandits, the one in the roofs screamed and ran away

"what should we do Glock?"

the thief in the right asked

"should we keep going, she might kill all of us, is not worth it"

"that.. is true"

the man in the shadows took a good look at her and said

"disperse, we'll try a different one, this one is a bad one"

all of the guys ran, except for the man in the shadows, who kept staring at her

meanwhile in her head, there was a lot of panic

'thank heavens, they ran, im so scared right now, what is that, the guy is covered by a dark red fog, i can barely see him in the dark, so creepy, i hit the belly of the other guy, he still in the ground screaming in pain, oh heavens, hes diying so paifully,ugh..'

all that, as she kept a poker face, as if she was used to it, gave the man in the shadows a very scary feeling, he did not believed she was a guardian, but her demeanor was saiying exactly that, it made the man in the shadows sweat a bit.

"i dont know what someone like you came to do here, but dont think you'll have a good time here"

he said that as his body became shadows itself and he dissapeared

'hm.. but i didnt do anything, they attacked me first, and again, im the bad guy? whats wrong with the actual bad guys of this place..haa'

she let out a deep sigh

and look at the man, now, dead in the ground

' really is messed up, i just killed another one, such a deadly world, and i have no idea why the..why do they keep attacking me all of sudden'

she glared at the dead man, and took his bag

hes not gonna need this, she shoved the bag insidee the other bag, or she tried at least, the moment that bag entered the other one, it was trowned off from it


she let out a short scream that she covered with her hands, she then placed her hand on the bag she already had, it had everything the other bag probably had, since it had new items in the bag, a diary that she had never seen in her life, a white potion, 9 darts, 4 daggers, she looked at the last item, it was a ticked for the festival that were happening in the town, it readed, 'welcome to Dryhawk'.

"welcome?... this is not even close to a welcome."