Demonic Info

Power page 1:

Demons can be in different classes depending on what their personalities or abilities represent. For example: Widow

Widow is known to be like a spider. She'll set traps and sling 'webs' at enemies, along with gain multiple eyes and arms. But with this comes the classes and usual categories:

Lust/Love- Demons like succubus's and emotion bent demons that focus on.... 'sexual' emotions and feelings.

Gluttony/Hunger- Demons that are designed to consume or absorb energy based attacks and then spit them back up. These would be considered parasites, and leeches who suck energy or life from something or someone.

Wrath/Hate- Demons that are.... Quick to anger. Usually more ferocious and deadly, and can be more strong. This can mean they'll posses more strength, and increased, or anger charged abilities.

Sloth/Timid- Sloth are.... Silent but deadly. They are recommended as spies and assassins, because of their lack of noise.... And timidity.

Greed/Selfishness- These guys and girls are sometimes rich, collectors, treasure hoarders, and theses traits are in the weaponry. Spikes of content or simple hair, they can go from steel to solid diamond depending on how they come out.

Envy/Jealousy- Strong desire or want for something the other has. This is put to true potential for these demons. They are envious and mean. Gold? Want it! A toy? Want it! A pet rock with absolutely NO value? W-A-N-T I-T-!

Pride/Ego- Pride are.... Self reflective prideful bastards and bitches.... They'll even go to the extent of making deals they know they'll win just for the fun of it.

And then.... Black Grounded. They're the demons who don't belong to a specific class or category with their powers shrouded in mystery. This is the one that is often.... 'Hunted' by the angels.