The Asgardian Job.

The envoy led me through the golden, glittering chambers of the Asgardian royal palace, adorned with jewels and precious metals, every seam and edge, pillared with platinum.

The walls themselves had beautiful murals of past victories and heroic deeds painted on them.

I stopped before a great tapestry, eyes wandering over the many lifelike impressions.

Thor's victory over the Jotun, Odin leading the armies across the Nine realms, Loki turning into a falcon to steal back Idunn, Loki getting screwed as a mare, Loki getting dicked down by a wolf, Loki getting to the rough and tumble with a snake. It's surprising how many murals there are of Loki just getting fucked by various animals.

It was slightly disturbing.

But I guess it's part of their culture so....

There were also mutrals of their grand feasts and solstice festivals, triumphs and tragedies.

It was breathtaking.

Except the Loki part. That was weird as fuck.

Someday, I hope my home is as beautiful, no, even more beautiful than this.


I have the resources.

Once I revive Offee, I'll make a home for us in the microverse, a floating citadel, adrift in space, the most beautiful building ever. Bigger than Asgard.

Maybe I'll even repurpose the corpses of the Celestials I kill here as art pieces.

Of course, minus the art Loki getting pegged.

That's just....No. With a capital N.

I smiled.

I can't wait till this is all settled and I am immortal, truly immortal in soul and body, an eternal being.

I can finally start enjoying life to it's fullest then, not in bits and pieces like now. Not that I hate this. This journey has it's own meaning, and raising my kids .... It's fulfilling.

And that's happiness, I suppose.

I turned to see the envoy smiling proudly at my admiration of his culture and nodded in approval.

I smiled back and gestured at him to continue.

We walked once more, through the great halls, and corridors, an awfully long way, now that I think about it, and for what?

I poked the envoy on the shoulder.

"Say, do you know why your king wants to meet me?" I asked.

"Our king's mind works in ways we don not understand. Or question.

But if I were to venture a guess, he desires recompense for your savage maiming of prince Thor. I thought you an animal in all honesty till I saw you appreciate our art. Perhaps there is yet intelligence in you barbarian mind." He spoke condescendingly.


Now that's new. I thought the Asgardians were benevolent gods to mankind.

But then again, when you believe your civilization is the best, that you are superior and turns out you're actually right, it can filter down generations to become arrogance.

Nothing that I hold against them.

It was amusing to see, in fact.

I wonder how his face will change if we meet Odin and he begs me for mercy?

Something I'd love to see.

But not today. I don't want to start any more conflict than necessary.

I have better things to do after all.

We arrived at a huge arch leading into a hall of sorts.

The royal court of Asgard.

I looked up to see the classic painting of Odin looking over the nine realms as a benevolent protector, a halo cast around his visage.

"Nice painting. In fact, the decor in this castle." I made a chef's kiss gesture, "Beautiful. Stunning. Marvelous."

"I'm glad you like it."

An old man with an immaculate white beard appeared beside me.

"I certainly do. Shame it hides an ugly truth behind it." I replied.

"So you know of that too." He sighed, walking past me as he stroked his silver beard.

"There is little regarding this place that I don't know. Including the fact that your death and Ragnarok is just years away. Five years to be exact." I replied.

Why am I telling him this?

Simple. This realm is beautiful. And such beauty, such culture, it must be preserved.

Knowing the plot of Thor : Ragnarok, I know that Hela will end up destroying Asgard in her fight with Surtr.

I cannot allow that.

"I know. It is the reason I have summoned you here." Odin said, taking a seat on his throne.

"Oh really? Because I thought you summoned me here to demand reparations for the dis-arming of your sons." I chuckled.

"No. Those two behaved like idiots. They deserved a punishment, though not one so severe.

Nevertheless." He sighed, "It isn't as if I could get you to pay reparations even if I wanted to."

"Hmm? You have a good head on your shoulders." I praised.

He was smart in not attacking me.

But then again, that's a real low bar to clear.

"Hah! It better be. Took a lot of sacrifices to get it." He laughed, slapping his throne's armrests.

I raised an eyebrow.

Ok, I'm liking this guy more and more.

"This is new. Strange even. People usually look at me with fear or worship." I replied.

"I understand that feeling. It is the same with me. It's quite difficult to make new friends at this age too." He chuckled.

I nodded.

True. So true.

"I don't dislike it though." I smiled, "But somehow I get the feeling I wasn't summoned here for a little chit chat over tea. Not that I would mind."

"I can arrange for some tea if you would like. But it is true. I am in need of assistance. Asgard is in need of assistance. That is what I ask of you. When I am gone....I want you to stop Hela when the time comes. To prevent that wretched fate. You have killed gods before or so you claim. And I believe you.

So slay one more god for me. Protect Asgard." He requested, bowing his head.


"Father!" Thor cried out, walking out from behind a pillar.

"Why must you bow to this strange-"

"THOR!" Odin bellowed, "Stay. We need his help. Ragnarok is coming."

"I can stop it. I can stop Hela." He insisted, "Father we don't need this man's..." He turned to look at me and shivered, looking away just as fast, shaken.

I could see his breath hitch, as he gasped for air, hyperventilating.

Oh boy.

Looks like I gave him PTSD.


"Odin, send him away. It's not going to be good for his health to stay here. And get him some therapy." I advised.

"I don't need ... Therapy!" Thor shouted.

"It's not shameful. It's completely natural-"

Thor leapt at me, rage filling his eyes when a beam from Odin's spear hit him, carrying him away, out of the court.

"I apologise for my son's behaviour. I wanted him to be here and learn a king's duties but perhaps I was too hasty. He needs time to heal." Odin sighed.

"And therapy." I added.

"And therapy. Yes." He agreed.

I pulled out a card from my coat pocket and threw ot over to him.

He caught it.

"Dr. Wong?" He read.

"Great therapist. She worked with my daughter for a while there. She'll do wonders for him. I can arrange a few sessions for him if you'd like. Or you can choose someone else. Your son, your choice. But get him some help. Because he will be needed soon, to lead your people."

Odin nodded.

"Thank you. But you have yet to answer my request. Will you save Asgard?" He asked.

"For a price." I replied.

"Ask and you shall receive, whatever I am capable of delivering. Even Asgard, should you wish to rule it."

"You would give me Asgard?" I asked, surprised.

"The lives of my people are worth far more than any piece of land. Asgard is the people. Not the place. Besides, I am old. Ruling is a game for the young and the hungry." He answered.

"You are a wise king." I smiled, "But sure. I will have Asgard, in return for defeating Hela. But I do not wish to rule the people of Asgard.

I just want to preserve this beautiful realm.

The people fo Asgard can move to a settlement on Earth if they so choose. I care not." I replied.

"Thank you. If you want Asgard, it is yours. Once you defeat Hela, of course." He offered.

"Sure. But I will take a down payment now if you don't mind." I said.

"A down payment? What is it that you want?" He asked.

"The Tablet of Life and Time." I replied, much to his shock.

"I should have known." He muttered.

The Tablet of Life and Time.

A stone tablet that contains the formula for evolution inscribed on it in ancient nordic runes.

It was what made Odin so strong.

It was what made the Asgardians gods.

The formula for a serum that can evolve a creature to it's perfect peak of power.

The Tablet was priceless.

"And a spark of the Eternal Flame." I added.

The Eternal Flame.

As the name suggests, it is a special flame that never goes out. Mighty useful for perpetual heat engines. Right now, I am using a miniaturized sun I stole from an abandoned system in Star Wars.

It was efficient but had a finite lifespan.

But the Eternal Flame? Not so.

Especially after I mix it with some Amaterasu from Naruto later this year.

I was also interested in it's ability to revive people, so that was a plus.

"Why not?" Odin caved in, "Follow me."

Odin guided me down a set of corridors and into an antechamber leading down into the vault.

We entered the cault and I pulled out a thick stick of wood from a portal, swiping it through the Eternal Flame as we passed it, before throwing it into my water tank.

To no one's surprise, it kept on burning even in the water.

Guess, that Eternal in it's name was no joke huh?

At least the water will keep it from spreading.

We came to a stop before a glass case enclosing an hourglass shaped chunk of stone, with intricate carvings running down it.

With a quick scan, my A.I. was already well on it's way to decoding it's cipher and putting together a formula for the Evolutionary serum.

"That's it then." I snapped my fingers and the stone tablet disappeared into a portal, safely tucked away into my storage.

"Thank you once again, for agreeing to this. I was going to leave the task to my son, out of necessity, but now that you are here, this is clearly the better choice. If my people survive Ragnarok, I will be eternally grateful." He said, bowing lightly.

"Yeah. I'm glad we could reach an agreement. Now, I'll take my leave if you don't mind. I have a present to make. For my daughter." I smiled, opening a portal back home.

"No. Not at all." Odin replied, "Just one last thing before you leave. Would it be possible for my son to regrow his arm?"

"You mean can I regrow his arm for you?" I corrected him, with a smug grin.

"It's a manner of speech, yes." Odin smiled slyly.

"I can. Tell you what, you train him well and teach him humility, I will regrow his arm. If he doesn't learn though....." I offered.

"He will." Odin smiled, twirling Gungnir in his hand.

"I am sure."

I smiled back.

Looks like Thor is in for some good old anime training montage time with daddy one-eye.

I pity the fool.

Old men in fiction are almost always slave drivers when it came to training.

"Goodbye, Odin. It was a pleasure doing business with you. I'll visit sometime if I have nothing better to do." I said stepping into the portal.

"Come by anytime you wish. It would do you some good to learn about the lives of your soon-to-be subjects." Odin teased.

I just rolled my eyes and disappeared into the portal.

Back home.


Mc makes a deal with Odin and Ragnarok is all but foiled.

Also, Evolutionary serum, baby!

Time for MC to become a god. Or at least pretty strong, especially on the magical side of things.

Next time, MC works on some projects. And maybe, a training montage for MC too!

Thanks for reading.

Donate your powerstones!

Let's get this fic back to the top 20!

This was the regular chapter for wednesday.

We are all caught up now!

All owed chapters have been written!


Next extra chapter at 400 powerstones!

Till then see ya!

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