Twins and Twins.

"So..... Where do we start?" I asked.

We were sat on a bed in a triangle, facing each other in one of the empty rooms in the physical kid's cottage.

It was the summer vacation, and they had empty rooms, after putting the tired kids to sleep in an adjacent room.

Though, I still had gotten myself an apartment in the city.

We'd move out there once the whole Fillory business was done with.

"How about you banging Ahsoka? What was that about?" Offee asked.

"Uh.... "

"Please tell me you didn't just have a one night stand with her and dumped her?"

"What? No. No, I ... uh. She initiated it, no who am I kidding." I took a deep breath.

"After you died, I... I just buried myself in working towards revenge. But since I promised you that I wouldn't kill more people than necessary, it took some... Prep work, let's just say."

Offee's expression softened as she relaxed.

"But in all that I ignored everything else. Even Star. I was not in good shape. Offee you... You were the first girl I ever loved and your death it.. it nearly broke me. And when Ahsoka saw that... She dragged me to bed and I did it."

"You mean you slept with her. The thing I had been asking you to do for years."

I nodded.

"It felt wrong. And my revenge wasn't done. So I kinda left her." Offee's hand reached for my ears and I shrunk back.

"With a note! With a promisory note. I said I'd come back for her. You know-"

"Did you?" Offee asked.

"No-owowow!" She twisted my ear.

"You left my best friend on read. Permanently." She growled.

"I was ashamed!"

"You should be!" Offee huffed.

"I didn't know what to say... Or do. Ow! Will you stop that?"

"No." Offee said but Yue pulled her hand off me.

"Leave Jay alone. I'm sure he had his reasons." She defended me.

"I was wrong. She was so pure...and I was a two faced asshole. I thought she deserved better."

"She loved you." Offee said, "She didn't want better. She wanted you, Jay."

"I know. And trust me, I regret it. The whole affair. Offee, you know how stupid I can be."

"I know." She sighed, "That's why I want you to promise me you'll go back to her. If nothing else, give her the closure she needs and deserves."

"I will. I like her too, you know."

"I do." She agreed, "And I would love to believe you, but then I have this."

She oulled out a holo-projector as a transmission started playing.

A recording.

"Creator. Galatea. Children safe. Current residence, Boob World. Designation coordinates Q144783830. Contact. Please. Miss, creator. Send mothership location. Message."

"Oh, that. I can explain-"

Offee raised a hand.

"I know you can." She pouted, "You're always good at that."

"Just trust me and contact the coordinates. You'll know."

"I did it already. They didn't pick up."

"Try again." I insisted.

She deflated and gave in, contacting the coordinates reluctantly.

This time they picked up.

"Creator! Joy!" Galatea's happy face appeared on the hologram, the nebulous matter in her eyes lighting up like a collapsing star, against the backdrop of an ocean of milk and a beach of boobs.

In the distance, I could make out the name of a resort in flashing neon.

Boob world indeed.

Perfect place for a newborn. Especially with Paige and her flat chest.

"Yes. It's me, Galatea. I'll send you the coordinates to the ship soon. But first could you put Paige on please."

Galatea nodded.


"You haven't learnt much about human language have you?"

"Multitude languages. Not practical." Galatea answered.

"Well, you're better than last time at least, so that's something." I said as we came upon a large cottage made out of a dark crystal.

"Who's Galatea?" Yue asked.

"An entity I created to protect our family. A guardian of sorts. Very powerful." I explained.

Galatea entered the large cottage, and three beds came into view.

On one of them lay a blond woman with rainbow colored feathers sprouting out of her head.

Her nose twitched as Galatea came in, the freckles on her face acutely twisting into a scowl.

And in her arms, suckling on her chest, a pair of twins.

Shit. I still love her.

I have always wanted twins and now.....

"Damnit, Paige."


"Don't you dare. Not after you sperm jacked me." I shot her down, "You seriously dug my used condoms out of the trash?"

"I just love you so much!" She said, her eyes crazed, "I couldn't help it. I couldn't bear the thought of you never coming back.

So I made a little memento. A symbol....a proof of our love."

She lifted the twins up, towards the camera.

"Aren't they precious?"

I frowned.

That's cheating!

Of course they're precious. They're my babies. My own. My precious little gems.

"Yes." I said, mustering up as much coldness as I could, even as my heart melted at the sight of my kids.

For a moment I almost considered taking her back.

Just rushing over and kissing her and holding her so tight that I never let go.


"I can tell when you're lying, darling." She giggled, "You already love them, don't you?"

"But I don't love you. Can't love you after this." I lied.

Seeing her lying there with my kids in her hands....

I could feel my love for her rekindle.

"Hehehehehehe. You're such a bad liar. I can hear your voice shaking."

"Galatea. Bring her to a parallel earth and set her up in a decent life. Then bring my kids to me."

I said, just to make her panic. I wanted her to know what I could do.

Show her never to betray my trust again before I took her back.

"Wait! Darling. Listen to me."

"I've heard enough. Galatea-" I played along.

"What about the other mothers creator?" Galatea asked innocently.

I raised an eyebrow.


"How many women did you get with after me?" Offee asked.

"Just two. I'm as surprised about this as you." I admitted with a shrug.

"Who else is there, Galatea?"

"String Theory. Tattletale." She answered.

"String Theory, I can guess. She probably hid some of my sperm in one of her body mods. She's nasty like that."

I muttered.

"You're damn right I am." I heard String's voice from behind the camera.

"Our son will rule the multiverse!"

"Yes. He will. Shame you won't be there to see it." I snarked.

"Oh, something tells me I will." She said, coming into view.

"If you're hearing voices in your head, get it checked, String. Maybe you've finally gone cuckoo enough to be diagnosed as insane."

"Oh you flatter me." She grinned.

"That was not a- nevermind. Words will go over your head anyways. Know this. You're not turning my son into a supervillain." I said, a plaful grin growing on my face, "That's my job after all."

Offee slapped my back affectionately.

"Don't you dare." She chuckled, "Our kids can be whatever they want to be."

"Of course, baby." I kissed her hand.

"Pussy-whipped~" String teased.

"Shut it you." I scolded her, which only encouraged her.

I sighed.

"As for Tattletale, no, Lisa...I can make a guess."

"I bought the sperm from Paige." Lisa admitted, coming onto the screen.

"I figured as much. What I don't get is, why?"

"You're handsome. And smart. Good genetics. Besides you're the only one whose mind I couldn't immediately guess. It's hot. And without my power, I'm not asexual anymore. But you just wouldn't listen." She pouted, "So I had to take matters into my own hands. Take some drastic measures."

"Is that so?" I scoffed, "Not because you wanted access to the multiverse?"

"Nope." She grinned smugly, "By the way, before you took away my power, it gave me a 96 percent chance that you wouldn't reject me if gave you twins."

It was right. For my kids, I wouldn't reject her outright.

And she was cute. Very attractive.

But that doesn't excuse her actions-

Wait, what?

"There are two sets of twins?"

"Affirmative, creator." Galatea answered.


I've always wanted twins and now I get two sets of them.


I couldn't help but bubble up with happiness as a warm smile bloomed on my face.

"So I get to stay, yeah?" Lisa asked.

"Hey! You said we get to stay!" Paige complained.

"Every girl for themselves, darling~" she mocked.

"Yeah no. All of you are going into early retirement on a no name parallel earth. Galatea. Once the kids are grown enough to be without their mothers, do the needful. Dump these bitches in a comfy place in life and bring my kids to me. Sending you the coordinates now." I ordered before cutting off the call.

That last comment from Lisa ticked me off.

I'm not so easily predictable!

I make a point of that.

Originally, I was going to take them back immediately but now.....maybe once I'm too powerful to fail.

I do still love Paige. Even if she's being a stubborn little psychotic shit.

I'm no simp and I care about my kids first and foremost.

Fuck those jizz stealing hoes.

Even though I say that, I myself do intend of stealing some jizz very soon.

I chuckled at the irony.

"Why not kill them? Didn't they betray your trust?" Yue asked.

"Nah. I don't want my kids to grow up idolizing some false image of their moms. Better to keep them alive so that when they fuss up about their 'real moms' I can just show them what their real moms are actually like." I explained.

Don't look at me like that.

It was partially true.

"Smart! As expected of my Jay!" Yue praised.

I smiled and turned to Offee.

"Satisfied, mein inquisitor?" I poked Offee. She made a cute noise and nodded, running her hands across my lap.

"And Yue... Thanks for defending me." I smiled.

"Un!" She nodded, eyeing Offee as she hugged my arm possesively "I'm Jay's. If I don't defend my love, who will?"

"If you have something to say, why don't you say it to my face?"

"Oh? Did I touch a sore spot-"

"Okay. Okay. Girls? No cat fights."

"But she-" Yue protested.

"No. Cat. Fights." I insisted.

"Uuuun." Yue sulked.

She was so cute even when she was down!

"What's the matter Yue? You're not usually like this?" I asked, taking her hand in mine.

"Nothing." She said.

"We talked about this, didn't we Yue? After that whole fight. No more games."

Yue let out a little groan and acqueisced.

"I... I just thought I'd... We would have more time together. But now.... "

"Did you think I was going to throw you away because my wife is back, you silly goose?" I kissed her head.

"You won't?" She asked, surprised.

"I won't be sidelined? Forgotten?" She asked.

"Seriously. You and your abandonment issues." I squeezed her in a hug, "What sort of imperial harem do you think this is? No. I will always love you just as much."

What is she even thinking?

She wasn't like this with Hajime in the novels.

"My teacher told me king's lose interest in concubines..."

Oh! Right. She was Hajime's first wife in the novel so she never had to consider the scenario. Now however, as the third wife, she must be feeling threatened.

"I'm not a king." I said, pulling Yue into my lap, kissing her nape as she made a cute noise.

"And even if I was, I have multiple bodies you know? I'll always have time for all of my wives."

"How many wives do you have? I thought you were still broken up over me?" Offee teased.

"I was. But then Wanda, my other wife, she brought me out of my depression and well, I could help it. I just fell for her so hard even though I planned to wait till I revived you."

Offee giggled.

"I always knew you wouldn't be satisfied with just me. It just wasn't your nature."

"Uhun?" I grabbed her and pulled her close, playing with her chest, "Is that so? Because I know one thing I'm very satisfied with."

"Ahn~" She shivered, looking up at me with hazy eyes as she kissed me.

And her kiss lit me up like a firework, sending tingles throughout my body.

"Uhm!" I gasped, "I missed this too."

"You're one to talk!" Offee pushed me down, straddling me.

Man, those eyes....

They make me lose control.

"I haven't been with anyone since you died five years ago." She said between moans, "And mommy.... needs a release!"

She pressed down on me, her limbs coiling around me like a snake as she quivered and collapsed on top of me.

"Unyahn!" She let out a sweet gasp.

Wait, that fast?

From dry humping?

She must have been really backed up.


"Sorry." She said weakly, sensing my disappointment.

I ran my hand through her hair, feeling her massive breasts press into my chest.


I pulled her closer, kissing her forehead.

"It's okay." I gently assured her.

"Really?" She asked, "I'm just so tired after walking through that neitherlands place for so long. And the kids were....." She nuzzled into my chest, nodding off.

"A handful." I completed the sentence as I felt love bloom in my heart like a sunflower in the spring sun, "I know. They always are. It's okay. You can sleep now, baby."

I caressed her hair as she drifted off to sleep and smiled.

It wasn't okay.

Not in the least bit.

I didn't even get to take off my pants.

Talk about blue balls.

But for Offee, I'll let it slide.

Honestly, for Offee, I'd let just about anything slide.

She was my first love after all, and no matter what I say, she came first.

This time, quite literally.

I turned to Yue and she licked her lips.

"Player two has joined the game."