Send the Head

Roseanne wakes up to the cooing of a bird. She sleepily rubs her eyes and looks at the window where a tiny blue light is floating right next to a pretty white pigeon.

“Annamaria!” Roseanne laughs as the light flies her way and settles on her shoulder. The bird also lands on her lap, cooing in a cute manner. Roseanne smiles and strokes the bird’s head. Then it strikes her that she is in her nightgown and also notes that she is in her chamber not in Dmitri’s study.

Did he bring me here after I fell asleep? She wonders. But where is he?

Dmitri is nowhere in sight which makes Roseanne a little anxious. She is about to mindlink with him when the door to her chamber opens and Dmitri enters with a large tray of food for her.

“Good morning, my darling!” He cheerfully exclaims and puts the tray down. “I brought breakfast for you.”

Roseanne is touched by his gesture but admittedly, she missed him a lot. Seeing him smile makes her heart flutter like a child.