Missing Wife

Tejeda took his time rinsing his new scrawny body and wondering how Kirian did anything with those long, thin fingers. His pale complexion could have been due to the extended time spent in that cave.

He closed his eyes, swiping through the memories. Perhaps it was because of his entire life spent loitering indoors or an interesting gene inherited since birth. But the last one was a stretch considering his black hair and black eyes. Of course, he could stop and search through the past or inside his body structure, but he got bored before even beginning to do anything.

Unfortunately, Shayla had wasted all of his Zondarian horra, so for now he was stuck inside this weak frame. Of course, he could have increased his strength and perhaps even improved his appearance, but he was too preoccupied with dealing with the tidal wave of memories during the shift. He deserved this nice, relaxing bath!