1 Struct, Reincarnated and Fate Altered

(Where do you think your going?)

(I'm going to save them)

(How do you plan to save them?)

(I'd rather move than just watch them perish)

(Your just gonna die in vain)

(I'd rather die in vain than die with regret)

(And our hero run towards the raging fire thinking of every way possible to save his companions)

"Ahhhhh why do you have to end now, There's still a storm outside I haven't bought the new release yet" I stood up and checked outside my window.

"Why is he the protagonist, it should be Shiro instead. If I haven't taken a liking to Shiro's character, I wouldn't even read this manga. The MC is an idiot" I opened my cabinet and changed.

"I can't wait for the rain to stop when they put the cliff hanger just before Shiro would take action" I put on a raincoat and also brought an umbrella.

I continued to complain until I got out of my apartment. The storm is raging when I stepped out of my apartment building, I opened my umbrella and walked towards the shopping district.

(Hi, I'm Hitaro Haru. You ask why both my first and surname means fire, well my parents said when I was born, fire was set to the building surrounding the hospital I was born in. It was said that the electricity throughout the city fluctuated that caused a shortcircuit to some buildings surrounding the hospital.

After I was out of my mothers womb, the doctor almost dropped me cause of the heat my body was exerting. Most of the people, in the delivery room believed that I would die in minutes but after a few hours, my body temp slowly subsides and I was deemed healthy.

I'm now 26 years old, I make a leaving as a game tester and I'm also a certified Otaku. I hate being surrounded by people, I hate anything troublesome. I just want a simple life without any problems that need to much effort to solve, but)

"If I was the hero, I wouldn't be so idiotic"

'Ohoh, you claim to become a better hero. Then you shall demonstrate your claim'

"What, who said that!" I shouted and caught every persons attention on the street.

A flash of light coming from the sky caught my eyes, the moment I saw it, it was already to late. Lightning roared down on me, thunder echoed throughout the city and masked the horrified screams of the people that witnessed what happened.

I closed my eyes the moment I felt being struct by lightning, I felt the electricity surge through my veins to my brain, I felt my body being burned to crisp. I wanted to scream but no voice comes out, as my consciousness slowly disappears, I fought as hard as I can to open my eyes for the last time.

'Wahhh gaty ýakymly, oňa näme diýmeli?'

[Wahhh, what should we name him my husband]

'Yalyn, Yalyn Adamlar'

I hurd the voices as if they are whispering to not startle me. My strength slowly comes back and the pain gone, I then gave my all to open my eyes.

"wo-yah ya yahhh" I spoke but something was wrong. I can't speak, as if my tongue and mouth aren't following my instructions. My voice was like the sound of an infant, no it was the voice of an infant.

"iieeeeyyyyyaaaahhhhhh" I shouted as I hold my mouth. My eyes trying to find an explanation, I looked around the room until I found myself looking at the woman holding me.

"Ah, adamsy gözüni açdy. Salam Yalyn, men seniň ejeň"

[Ah, he opened his eyes, my husband. Hi Yalyn, I'am your mother]

(What are they even saying, I have the hand of a baby. Then I must be a new born and this people must be my parents) I grabbed the finger of the man poking into me that is probably my father.

(I must been reincarnated as a baby when I was struck by lightning, well I'm already here. I should just forget the past and live my new life. But I think I forgot something important)

(It has been 5 years now, I learned a lot about this world I've been reincarnated in. It's a world of monsters and magic. Yes, I'm in a world of Isekai. My parents are commoners, my mom works in an inn and my father works for a Merchant.

I've tried my best to learn this worlds language, good thing their language is like English, it is the main language used by all the races all over the world. Each race has their own language like my old world but it is required for all races to learn human language. Convenient right, hahah)

"Yalyn, load this boxes on the carriage"

"Yes master"

(Because my family is poor, I tried to help them earn money. Well not because I'm a good child, it's so that I can eat and buy the things I want.

Good thing I'm an only child. My father, because he carries heavy boxes everyday, it caused him to produce low libido, because of that it is hard for my parents to reproduce.

That's why they were so happy when I was born, they do their best to buy everything I need but the money they earn isn't enough. So I had no choice but to help and earn the money to buy what I want)

"Master, I have completed the loading. Do you need me for anything else, master?"

"No, that's all for today. Here, your earnings. You shouldn't carry to much, manage what you carry so you wouldn't end up like your father. So you'll be able to make a lot of babies" he suddenly patted my back with force that made me cough.

I only smiled while scratching my head (should he really say that to a five year old boy)

"Pul, have my orders arrived?"

"Your early today, Jady. Yes they just arrived at sunrise"

"Yeah I need them for today at the school, we'll have some experiments in the afternoon" it looked like she was taken aback when she looked at me.

"Who is this child, Pul"

"Ahh, that's Yalyn. Son of Bölek, his been helping out his father here in the shop for a while now"

"Doesn't he look to young for the job" she carefully studied me.

Chills run down my body (Why is this woman looking at me with killing intent) I hid behind Pul's back. (I can't let her know that I felt her piercing gaze, I just have a bad feeling about her finding out)

"He just turned five years old, I really didn't want him to work here but he insisted on helping his parents so I accepted in the condition that when I tell him to go home, he has to go home"

She knelt down on one knee to level herself with me "Child, would you like to learn magic from me?"

Not only Pul but also myself was taken aback by what this magician said.

(Whhhaaaatttt!?? shes going to teach me magic? This is to convenient, this kind of set up will end up me being the main character of a manga)

"Th-t-tha...nk y-you f-for the o-offer, Miss. B-but I-i h-ha-have t-to re-re..fuse" (what the hell. Why is my voice trembling, isn't she going to find out that I noticed her intent if I'm nervous. Baka, baka, baka, relax you shouldn't let her notice)

(A few days had already passed from the day the court magician offered to teach me. Yes, later that day, I found out that she was the Kings Court Magician, the second highest position from the kings advisor or the Grand Duke. Also, she teaches magic at the school for the nobility. I also found out that she was a childhood friend of my master, that's why they speak to each other informally)

A few days passed and this magician with no hint of responsibility has been pestering me "Nehh Yalyn, have you no interest in magic? Your life will be easier with magic, you will be known not only in our kingdom but also to other kingdoms. A lot of sexy beautiful ladies will beg for your attention despite your feminine name"

I looked at her with astonishment, her faced lighted up expecting something. (Iya, iya, iya. I shouldn't fall for that) I thought while shaking my head.

(Why? you ask why I didn't accept the offer from this negligent magician. Because I don't want to be a main character, it will just be troublesome for me. Even if I'm poor, I'll be content of the uneventful, peaceful life. Even if I have the rarest chance to experience magic and adventure in real life, I will always prefer solitude)

She suddenly stopped that made me look at her on the face and noticed her winced as if she read what I said in my head that maid me sweat a bit "If you insist on not accepting my offer, I'll leave you alone then" I was so happy to hear what she said until.

"Well just a reminder, I'm 80 percent sure you'll die in a few years. I think about 3 years or so" I looked at her with confusion.

"You have a great amount of mana in you, if your unable to control it. You will either be attacked by those who wish to attain a source of mana or you will slowly kill the people around you, that will make people hate you and wish to kill you"

(It seems that in other countries, people with great deal of mana is used as a source of electricity. If your a citizen, you will be given great reward and will be considered as a hero but if your someone from another kingdom, you will be imprisoned and treated as a tool. If your not abducted, you will still be in trouble cause if someone with a great deal of mana doesn't learn how to control it, it may cause illnesses to the people around the person. Because of this, people will either attempt to kill or hire someone to kill the person)

I then positioned myself in a Dogeza while saying "Please take me as your student"

"I knew your a bright child" she then patted my back as hard as she could.

"cough, cough, arigato gozamaisu, shishou" (Tssk even though it sounded like more of a threat than a reminder)

(It's been several months since I've been thought by shishou, I'll be turning 6 next month. I have been training magic from sunrise till you are able to see the sun in the horizon or at my old word 5am-7am then work at the shop till noon. After lunch I would go to the training ground of the knights to copy their stance to train, sometimes some of the knights would teach me directly. Because I'm a son of a commoner, I don't have the right to access any commodity provided to people in training to become a knight.

But even so, I've attained the skill magicians apprentice and also attained the skill swordsman. Skills in this world isn't to complicated like in the RPG games, it's more like a title than a skill. When you learn the required number of action or attacks, you will then earn the title and once attained, you will unlock the remaining actions or attacks that are linked to the skill or should I say title.

For example, when I learn to cast 5 magic out of all the 10 magic linked to the skill elementary magician, I will earn the skill/title elementary magician and will also learn the remaining 5 magic. Only basic magic like lighting things with fire magic or lifting with things with gravity magic, as in basic magic that is usually used on daily life.

Then when I learned to cast 20 kinds of magic, I earned the skill/title Magic Student then also earned 10 more kinds of magic, a total of 30 magic which abled me to use much more useful magic that can let me aide other people with some simple problems.

Now that I'm a magicians apprentice, I can now cast about 50 kinds of magic that abled me to obtain at least 10 basic defense magic.

Ohh did I mention that shishou obtained the skill Earth Master Magician, which allows her to cast 300 kinds of magic that are linked to earth magic aside to the basic magic she learned till magician in training that has nothing to do with Earth magic. There are a total of 10 kinds of Element of magic that can be mastered.

Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Creation, Gravity and lastly Time and Space. Only a few are able to use Time and Space, it's not a practical magic cause it requires a long while to be able to complete the chant for one magic. Also it requires a huge amount of mana, so to cast one alone will be suicidal.

To be able to reach Saint Magician, a person will require to learn 200 magic linked to each Element of magic. Which means, a person needs to memorize 2000 kinds of magic.

(Auugghhh, just thinking about it makes me dizzy)

Before I became a swordman, I was first a sword holder, which I'm only able to hold a sword and can't fight yet. Then a sword defender, which I can defend against some weak enemy's but still doesn't have the experience required to fight and then a swordsman, with the ability to fight a set of kind of enemy)

"Bozu, if you keep at this pace. You'll attain Magician in no time" with a smug look.

"Is that what's next on magicians apprentice?"

"Nahhh, you'll first reach magician in training before, Magician"


"When you reach magician in training, you will be able to learn all basic defense and attack magic. You won't learn powerful magic yet but with enough mana, your basic defense magic can defend from powerful spell and you'll be able to attack decently against powerful foes.

"So if I'm able to master the basic magic spells I know for me to insert more mana efficiently in casting them, I can even fend off against someone like you shishou?"

"Yes, that's why it is important for you to master your mana control and then master some attack and defense magic so you can efficiently utilize the strength of the spell"

"You said I have a great amount of mana in me shishou"

"Yes I did" he was lying down on a wall not to tall while using gravity magic to a leaf big enough to shield her from the sunlight.

"Does that mean, if I learn to control it. Even if I only reach magician in training, I will be able to defeat someone like you?"

"Hmm that's a good question. I would answer that as Yes and No" she sits up and looked at me and gestured to continue.

I continued my stance while waiting for her to continue.

"Yes it's possible for you to defeat someone at my level but only if they underestimated you. However, for me who already know your potential, it will be impossible"

I stopped and looked at her with a face expecting for more explanation.

"Even if you mastered controlling your mana, you will only know basic magic which is easily blocked. Which means, you only have one chance to defeat a magician who underestimated you. Cause once they have seen your power, they will strengthen their defense and they will attack you with their strongest attack magic that cannot be blocked by basic defense magic. Do you now understand?"

I just nodded (I have no choice then but to become a saint magician) I sighed (I really don't have a chance to have an easy, quiet normal life huh)

"Nehh, shishou. Does that also pertain to swordsmanship?"

"No, you only have one choice in swordsmanship. That is to train, train, and train untill you master it and perfectly utilize every sword stance linked to your skill. You will be able to defeat a saint even if your only a swordsman but that still depend on how you use your skill"

"I also don't have a choice in swordsmanship then but to train huh" I said as I swing my double edge sword.

(You ask why I'm training my swordsmanship? Simple, because I have accepted to be this magicians apprentice. I have now a 70/30 percent chance to be the MC of a vital story in this world. I just wish I end up to be the supporting role instead) I sighed. (The good thing is, swordsmanship is more simpler than being a magician. It only requires experience, reflex and adoptability. You don't have to memorize anything, you can fight freely

I only have to make sure that in every circumstances, I have the highest possibility to survive) I sighed again (this is becoming more troublesome by the minute)

"Ohhh are you getting board in swordsmanship training bozu? I know that magic is more fan, but you have to be firm with your decision to train both" she smiled from ear to ear with a smug look.

(Why does this person loves to assume, isn't she the one bored and not me) I just smiled a bit and continued my training.

I knew that once I have accepted training under the court magician, I would face trouble someday, but I never new that in just a few months under her, seeds of jealousy are already sprouting.


"You already know what to do, right?" he smiled with expectation towards the person kneeling down not far in front of him.

"Ha-hah! I shall remove the thorn on your side, kakka"

I opened my eyes after a disturbance in the air woked me up. (I can feel unfamiliar presence inside our home, thieves? No, impossible. We don't have anything of value. Our home is just made of stones and clay, what do they even want from us) I approached my room door as silently as possible and peaked outside.

(Four people? why are they inside our home?) I readied my self with physical defense magic and made sure I was calm to not make any mistake that could endanger my parents. I just hope they leave the moment they learn that they were found out.

"Who are you people? what do you need from us, there is nothing of value in our home"

"Tssk, we don't have a choice. Make sure to make it look like a break in"

"Yes, sir"

Three of them surrounded me while one of them remained in stand by as if observing me and waiting for an opening.

"Wait I'm only a child misters, are you really gonna attack me" (yabai, yabai ,yabai. I think I'm slowly becoming a idiotic MC)

"Don't worry boya, were only gonna knock you out as long as you don't struggle"

The man on my left wielding two daggers slashed at me that I dodged, while the man behind me with a one edge sword like a katana took the chance to slash through my neck with the back of his sword that I also dodged to my left. Now the man on my left was now in front of me and the man behind me on my right.

(Oi, oi, those actions are barely just to knock me out. But not bad me, my reflex are awesome. Thank you shishou, I now realize that the tormenting training you have done to me was not fruitless)

The man now on my left circled to my back and the other on my right followed, attempting to capture me but I jumped over the man who circled behind me, he side stepped and tried to jump in attempt to attack me on air however with magic, I was able to maneuver to avoid his attack. But my magic hit some kitchen wares.

The door in my parents room at the other end of the room slowly opened as my father said "Son is that you? what's that noise?"

The man that was only observing was the closest at the door and attempted to attack or more like immobilize my father but I casted defense magic earth wall to cut him off. He jumped back using the earth wall and landed in the middle of all of us to avoid crushing to the wall I made.

'Tssk, his better than expected. We shall retreat now' he did his best to not let my father hear.

'But sir' one was hesitating.

'Don't worry, I have already finished our objective. After we have collected the reward, we'll leave' the others only nodded and as if they were never there, they all vanished into smoke. I then undid the earth wall before my father opened the door all the way.


"Son, can you bring this stuff to the storage room?"

"Yes father" I was helping my father with his job when some soldiers entered the store.

They are not the kingdom soldiers, rather some personal guards instead. The soldiers walked towards my father and tied his hands behind him.

"Bölek Adamlar, you are suspected of stealing goods from order carriages, you will have to come with us"

"What are you talking about, there must be a mistake sir, I would never do such a thing"

"Some soldiers are now on their way to your home to investigate the claims. If you didn't do such a thing, just quietly come with us. You will be released immediately once you are proven innocent."

"Father" I looked at him with puzzled and worried look.

"Don't worry son, I didn't do such a thing so I'll be home before dinner"

Though father said I should not worry, but I have a bad feeling about them searching our home. I asked master Pul to let me off for today and run as fast as I can to home.

I just got in time, when the soldiers arrive at our home. (How do they plan to enter, masaka, are they planning to break our door) I walked through the crowd and spoke to them.

"Please, you do not need to break our door. I will open it for you" as if surprised they looked at me and gestured to me to proceed.

They entered the moment I opened the door. (Why are all of them going to one direction and not searching our home? wait isn't that the place I found a bag that might have been owned by those who broke in our house last night)

'There's nothing here, sir'

'Look for it, look around the house'

They were whispering but because I was inside the house, I was able to hear them. (If they are really looking for that bag. Good thing I brought it this morning and gave it to master with shishou after my magic training)


I told them about what happened last night. We were in master Pul's office.

"What do you think, will you be able to find out who owns this?"

"I'm gonna check the records, they wouldn't be able to claim anything if they didn't order this through my shop also they wouldn't be so dum to use a months old order."

Shishou just nodded "It was a wise decision to bring this, if you have let a day pass before bringing this here, a mount of problem would have happened and we'll have trouble to resolve it"

"If I understand what you are saying shishou, is somebody plotting something against my family?" they looked at me with astonishment like I have said something unbelievable.

(Baka, of course they'll be surprised, your barely a six year old child) "Ahh the people who broke in last night spoke to each other and said that someone bought their service and that after they get their reward, they were going to leave the kingdom" I said in a panic.

(They didn't actually said it with detail, but it was easy to understand if you were old enough. If my brain was also a brain of a 5 year old child, of course I wouldn't be able to understand)

"That's an unusual mistake, as I heard from your story, they seem to have great skill and are professionals" shishou said while holding her chin.

"M-maybe, because I was a child?"

"Ohh right, because of your great skill for such a young age, there are times I forget that your still a child" she said and laughed.

I hid my face and grimaced with relief.

"Are you okay Yalyn, your shaking a bit" master said with worry.

(Of course I would shake, you guys are to intuitive. It's hard to hide things from you) I shouted in my head.

I lifted my hands and smiled with a worried face "nothing master" I then bowed my head and clenched the end of my clothes "I'm just worried about my parents" (I think I can already win the oscars with my acting)

Master held my shoulder and caressed it gently as if to make me calm. "Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to your parents. Now go to work" I went and left my masters office and helped my father.


After more than an hour of searching they went outside our home "There is nothing in your house, we will dismiss the charges on your father and release him in a while" his voice filled with displeasure and they left with no further explanation.

I went back to work and informed master. After lunch I continued my sword training and some knights approached me and shared their thoughts. I was never a person who was good in socializing so I was uncomfortable and was not sure how to respond to them.

One of them said "I think you have attracted a noble and this noble made a decision to create issues that would directly affect you and your family"

'You shouldn't say that to a child. What would you do if he develops hatred towards the nobles and choose not to be part of the kingdoms forces' another knight whispered to the other.

The man who spoke covered his mouth with an apologetic look "Don't mind what I said Yalyn, would you like us to teach you more sword stance" he said to take away my attention from what he said.

(I already knew that and they didn't need to worry, I won't do anything against the nobles and the kingdom, it will just be to troublesome.) I looked down for a bit to firm up my composure (I know that what that nobleman did was hateful, but I'm to powerless right now. If I used violence against that noble, I will just create more trouble) I looked back at them and just smiled a bit with innocence "Hai!"

(I will built up my experience and connection and become more powerful at the point that they won't even think of defying me. Until that time comes, I will hold this anger within in me and use it as a motivation)

The moment I accepted the court magicians guidance, I have swore not to take any action that could take heed from anyone. But without any notice, I have already entered the stage of the main story of this world.


After I left the masters office.

"He is to bright for his age, it's a bit worry some" Jady said.

"I understand what you mean, it's to bad for him to witness such ugliness in such a young age"

"If we let him and his family continue to leave at their home, they will be targeted again and again"

"What do you want to do then?"

"Do you have any job that needs constant attention that you can entrust to an employee?"

"Well the stocks need to be checked before opening and closing time now, cause of the growing demand and a lot of new helpers"

"Then you can entrust it to Bölek then"

"Why does your words sounded more like an order than a question? Hmm well he is the oldest employee in my store, the problem is that he isn't a detailed worker"

"That's not going to be a problem when his son is his helper, right?"

"Okay, okay, I will widen the store and add some floors too, for them to leave in. I've been thinking on renovation for some time now anyway for wider stock rooms"

"Thanks for this"

"You don't have to thank me, I also worry for that child. It's just to unusual for you to care for someone this much"

"I just see great potential in that child and I don't want anything to hinder his development. He will be a great asset to our world. Specially to the upcoming catastrophe prophesied"

"So it will really happen?"

"It will still be decades from now, so you can still relax but I plan to make him a vital pawn in saving our world"

"Is he really just a pawn Jady?" she only turned her back on Pul.

(I have to think of him as a pawn and nothing more or I might make a mistake that could cause me) she only frowned and left the room. Pul only made a troubled and worried look but he knew very well that he shouldn't cross his bounds.


I had no idea what path has shishou made for me when we had met for my afternoon magic training but I felt that she changed a bit and became a bit distance.

"From today onwards, you will train as if your life depended on it"

"What do you mean shishou?"

"I know that your name sounds feminine but you should act more masculine"

"Sensei, you know that you shouldn't comment about my name like that"

"Enough with the pointless chatter. Let us begin"

Sensei casted a powerful attack magic and I had no choice but to defend my self with the strongest defense magic I know. (Good thing I learned chant less magic or I would have died from that)

(He can cast magic without any chants? I can already imagine him as a saint magician, he will be truly terrifying. But for now he is still a novice and I shall make sure that he understands that)