2 From merchant helper to student

The door slammed open "Pul, any news?"

The man sitting in front of a valuable desk answered "Ahh yes, because they needed to make sure that their story was believable. They also imprisoned one of their servant, but that only made it easier for me to find them"

"Is it enough?" her expression was serious.

"I was able to dig up a lot of bribery and falsification, in other words corruption under their name"

"Are you going to be affected?"

"Nahhh, I don't deal with them in-person. They only send their order and payment, so no one will be able to pin any faults towards me"

"That's good then"

"Here, all of the evidence is inside the envelop" Jady only nodded.

"Did the constructors arrive?"

"Ahh yes, they will start the renovation tomorrow. I requested to finish it within a month"

A sigh of relief escaped the court magicians mouth.

"Are you okay, Jady" Pul asked.

"It's just good to hear that everything is proceeding with no issue"

"Hmmm yes it is, but why do you don't look happy at all?"

"It's nothing, I will set it up so that they'll be caught red handed. The rest will depend on you"



(It's been a few weeks now since that incident happened, master said that he had already confirmed who instigated it. It was the Earl Açgöz Zalym, he did it because of his 13 year old son Çagalyk who greatly admires Shishou.

I said that I would bury my anger and it's been days now, but it was infuriating that they attempted to ruin my whole life because of a petty reason. Because of it, I can't help but go to that nobles mansion and observe what he does. It takes all of me just to stop my urges to attack him.

(Will I be able to stop myself again today?) I was only looking down on the ground while walking when a commotion caught my attention. It was on the direction of the Earls Mansion.

"Halt!" One of the kingdom knights shouted, it was meant for the coachman who was coaching the supply carriage for the Earl.

The coachman stopped the carriage and step down, as he said "Sir knights of the honorable Knights of the Arcane Writ, how may I be of service?" the coachman was very composed but their was a hint of nervousness on his face as he bow his head as a sign of respect even though there was no need of it, as if to hide it to the person in front of him.

The coachman was still in the middle of paying respect to the knights when the one leading the assembly spoke "I am Hyzmat Edýäna a Knight Commander, the Captain of this squadron. We were ordered to randomly check supply carriages. If I'm not mistaken this is for the Earl Açgöz, open the back and let us inspect the items" I saw the coachman's face twitch in annoyance which cannot be seen through the line of sight of the knights who were on their horses.

(His bold to react that way in front of a 2nd class knight)

The coachman stood straight and answered "Apologies, however you will have to go through the proper procedure for me to be able to let you probe into the Earls personal effects" His about to step on the carriage "Then if that is all sirs, the earl is waiting for me. May you please excuse me"

Another knight lead his horse beside the Captain "You insolent fool with your impertinent insinuation, do you imply that the Earls position is greater than the one who have ordered us this task?"

"With all due respect, may I ask you whom you are talking about?"

The knight who addressed his rudeness was about to draw his sword when the Captain stopped him.

"I ask you coachman, whom in the kingdom has the authority to order the Kingdom Knights of the Arcane Writ" he said with pride.

(If I'm not mistaken, Knights only serve the king and does not take orders from the legislative nor the judiciary. Which mean that if they said ordered then it was directly from the king)

The coachman paled and fear can be seen through his face as he trembled.

"Open the back of the carriage and start the inspection" the Captain ordered.

"Gyoi" all the knights answered.

It ended the moment they opened the back of the carriage, as if they didn't need further inspection. They forcefully opened the gate to the Earls mansion and in minutes, they have subdued the Earl.

The Earls face filled with fear and regret.

"What are you doing with my father, do you not know whom he is. He is one of the Earl of this kingdom!" his youngest son Çagalyk screamed. But the Earl only gestured to him to stop.

(That serves you right, you have exploited your power to much) I left that place before I start to have pity to his youngest son who was crying his eyes out and continually apologizing just to bring back his father to him.


The next day, I heard that Açgöz was deemed guilty of corruption. He pocketed fifty percent of the money meant for the suburb part of the kingdom.

"You reap what you sow" I said while I continue my everyday routine.

The Kingdom has two Authorities under the administration of the King, the Judicial and Legislative. The Judicial is mostly in charge of the Investigation, apprehension and punishment of criminals. While the Legislative has seven powers of the government under their authority [the power to declare war, raise an army, coin money, regulate commerce, establish rules of immigration and naturalization and to establish federal courts and their jurisdictions]

Their are a total of 13 Duke and Duchess including the Grand Duke, 17 Marquess and Marchioness, 26 Earls and Countess, 24 Viscounts and 20 Barons and Baroness. A total of 100 noble families under the King. The King is a feminist that is why he had given authority to women that has the ability for it, except for Viscountess because of inadequate education. [Viscountess mostly came from the settlements or the suburb part of the kingdom which only offers standard education]

The duties are divided to all the nobles except for the Viscounts who mostly stays in their counties and only visits the Castle when a new law is establish or ceased. Barons and Baronesses who only became a noble as a reward for an achievement.

The legislative is divided to three, Council to declare war and raise an army, Council for coin money and commerce and the Council for establishment of rules of immigration and naturalization and establishment of the federal courts and their jurisdictions where the Grand Duke is a part of.

Each Legislative council has three Dukes/Duchess, four Marquess/Marchioness and six Earls/Countess. The remaining of the nobles are in the Judicial.

(If I remember correctly, Master said that Açgöz was in the council of coin money and commerce) I thought as I lift a box to load it in a carriage.

The Kingdom is divided into three parts, the district which is in the middle of the capital where most of the noble lives. The settlement at the edge of the capital beside the kingdom walls where the Barons, Merchants, Business owners and Knights lives. And the Suburb or Counties outside the kingdom walls. Which was also divided and entrusted to the authority depending on the nobles position. The duke/duchess was in charge of the district, the Marquess/Marchioness of the settlement and the Earl/Countess of the suburb. Their is 24 Viscounts which means 24 Counties in the kingdom. Their were 6 Earls in the Council of Coin money and Commerce, they are responsible for four counties each.

(So he corrupted fifty percent of the money that should have been used to aid the four counties he was in charge in. He should be thankful that his already in prison) I just frowned in displeasure and clenched my fist.

Master said that the judicial investigated those counties to substantiate the corruption done by the earl, they were able to confirm when the corruption started.

After a few more days when they have completed the investigation.

"Yalyn, come to my office" master shouted. I came immediately and was asked to sit on the guests couch, he then told about the punishment given to the Earl.

The King personally gave the verdict, Açgöz was stripped of his nobility. The Zalym family was dispersed, some relatives that was proven innocent was sent to the edge of the district, at the boundary of the the district and the settlement that abled them to continue to do business in the district but also a reminder that they are no longer nobles. While Açgöz, his family and relatives that was in cahoot with him was sent to the suburb and was given a land amounting of what's left of their fortune for them to continue to live in the kingdom as farmers.

(When karma hits, it really hits hard) I wasn't smiling but also not frowning. I can't tell if I was content or discontent of the outcome but never the less, the corruption was stopped and the person who attempted to frame my father was also punished.

"Thank you master" he was surprised.

"Why are you thanking me, I didn't do anything" his voice defensive.

(I knew from the very start that master and shishou was working together to capture Açgöz, but I can't let them know that I'm perceptive as them at my age) I only smiled "thank you for letting me know master, only from you can I know things like this"

"Ahhh yes, hahah of course" he sounded suspecting and doubtful.

I stood up and smiled widely "I can't wait to tell father about this"

"Yalyn, let me tell him instead. I haven't told him yet about what the previous Earl had concocted against your family"

I looked at him with confusion "Master, what is concocted?" I asked even though I knew what it meant.

"Sorry, I forgot that I was talking to a child. I mean what the earl did against your family"

"Ahhh I learned a new word, thanks master and yes, I understand. Do you need anything else?" as I walked towards the door and opened it.

"No, you can continue your work"

I walked out the room as I closed the door.

He was still doubtful of his thought about Yalyn "why do I feel like that child knew what we were doing for him. No, that is not possible. I only told him that I found out who framed his father and nothing else. I must be becoming senile, I should train my brain more, I'm still to young"


In this world some people celebrate their birthday yearly while others only celebrate 3 birthdays in their lifetime.

The 6th birthday, the circumcision for boys and the acknowledgement for girls. Boys celebrate their birth day from morning to afternoon, after the celebration they will be cleansed then circumcized just before the sun disappears in the horizon and kneel down in front of the chapel as a new citizen of the kingdom. While girls after the celebration of their birthday will be cleansed and then braided in front of the chapel while kneeling down, as acknowledgement that they were officially a citizen of the kingdom.

The 12th birthday, the coming of age. They said that this was the age where boys start to have sexual urges and girls starting to menstruate.

And the 18th birthday, they didn't named it cause it was the age where children finally be independent. They are required to live their homes the day after their birthday and start their own life, except for those that will inherit their parents business.

I just turned 6 years old, I'm now being cleansed.

"Yalyn, are you okay. You look pale as a canvas" I was being cleansed by some priest in training.

I wasn't able to answer cause I can't remove the thought that my partner will be cut while I'm awake.

Even if I try to distract myself with the thought of my new room in the shop, the image becomes even clearer.


It was noon at my birthday, master approached me with shishou.

"Yalyn, happy birthday" master said with a bright smile.

"Happy birthday" shishou said with a hint of indifference.

From the day that my father was framed. Shishou started to slowly drift away from me. She still trains me the best she can, but she has started to avoid me after every training. (Did I do something to her that made her hate me?) I asked myself while looking at her intently.

Master coughed to take my attention from shishou. "Yalyn, I spoke to your father earlier. I promoted him to supply auditor"

"Yes, father has told me"

"Well, you already know that being the auditor will require your father to be at the shop before the sun peaks at the horizon. But only knights are allowed to walk around the kingdom at those hours"


"So I told your father that he will need to start living in the shop, mochiron, with you and your mother"

"Kamaimasen master, yoroshiku onegai shimasu" as I bowed.


'Do I really need to be awake as they cut that part of me' (I didn't even got circumcized at my previous world, why do I need it here) I thought to myself. In surprise, one of the priest answered.

"It is required, because after the circumcision, you will need to walk towards the chapel and kneel for the ceremony to be completed" my skin turned from pale to bright red.

(Thank the gods that I didn't spoke the last part out loud. Arrgggg why does this world make me do everything I didn't and never wanted to do in my previous world)

I walked out of the cleansing room and saw shishou. She might have noticed my nervousness, she approached me and whispered "Before you reach where you will be circumcized, chant this 'O, Theé tou pónou, dóse sto paidí sou éleos kai fáe ton fóvo sou, (Ohh, God of pain, bestow upon your child mercy and eat away thy fear) desensitize' this will help you cope with it"

I just nodded "Arigatō" with a smile.

After I chanted the magic, before I knew it, I was already kneeling at the front of the chapel. It's as if my fear was bottled up and my senses was numb out. I saw blood spurt out but I did not feel any pain, I also barely can comprehend what was happening, as if even my brain activity was also dulled.

It was a scary feeling but thanks to the spell, I was able to get pass through that great hurdle.

After another, right after my birthday, the shop renovation was finished and my family moved in while my partner recuperate.

A month has passed and I was back to my daily routine. I finished my lunch and was on my way to my training ground when I bumped into someone and got knocked down at the last corner just before my destination.

"Are you all right?" the boy asked as he reached out to me to help me stand up.

I accepted his help then patted my behind to remove sand and dust. "Yes, sorry about that"

"No, it was my fault. I was clearly walking to fast for us to be able to avoid each other"

"Let just say, it's both our fault" I said with a smile.

He reached out to his head as if patting it "I guess that's all right" he awkwardly smiled.

He was taller than me, he seems to be the same age as me. I mean the same age as my current body. I might have stared at him to much, he turned red.

"Sorry for staring, this is just the first time I met someone close to my age" ahhh I sound like an old geezer who haven't left home for decades.

He smiled "you sounded like an old man that haven't left his home for decades" then laughed.

(My thought exactly) I laughed awkwardly. "more like never socialized with other children" I scratched my head a bit.

He looked at me with a surprised face. I looked back at him with a hint of confusion.

"Ohh sorry, I just thought that we were the same" he said reluctantly.

"Ohh you too"

"What's your case? Strick parents?"

(His the first person at my age I don't hate answering questions to) "Nahh, just a busy daily life"

"Ohh, what do you do that is enough to spend your whole day doing it?"

"iroiro" I answered trying to avoid eye contact. (Because I've been doing a lot of things I don't enjoy doing. I will study to have a poker face and be able to have an eye contact even when I don't want to answer straight up) I was thinking at the spur of the moment.

"So, you are that busy everyday huh. Your not busy now?"

"I still have something to do but postponing it for just a few minutes won't be a problem"

His eyes widened "can I come with you?" he said excitedly.

I was caught of guard as I answered "iiyo"

I moved my body sideways and pretended I was looking at something behind (baka, why did you say yes without thinking) I thought while grimacing.

He was staying quiet that made me look back at him. He was smiling (is he waiting for me?)

"Sumanai" I apologized as I gestured where we'll be going.

In just a while, we arrived at a vacant lot near the training ground of the kingdom knights.

"Ahhmmm" I didn't know how to start a conversation, I don't even know his name yet.

He looked at me puzzled, then he looked like he realized something "Ohhh, my name is Aldawçy Allykyldy, you can call Aldawçy"

"My name is Yalyn Adamlar, call me Yalyn. your name is a bit hard to say. Can I call you Al instead?"

"Iiyo, I'll call you Adam then"

(Isn't that the father of all humans in my old world) I was going to ask him why, when I remembered my first name was too feminine.

"Ii ne" I answered with a smile.

"Are you sure Al, that your fine spending your time here? I won't be able to talk with you, I'm gonna train my swordsmanship"

"You train here?"


"I should come here in the afternoon then, starting from tomorrow"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I train my swordsmanship here every morning, then relax till just before lunch"

"Then we've only been missing each other"

"It seems so. Good thing I over stayed today or we might have missed each other until we turned twelve"

I was surprised by the coincidence. This kind of coincidence only happens with someone your meant to be with or befriend with in the mangas. (Is he meant to be my friend?) I looked at him intently.

He turned a bit red "Is something on my face?"

"Ohh, nothing. Gomen"

I positioned myself in a stance and started training. After a while of watching me, he stood up while smiling then approached me.

He grabbed my shoulders "Do you want to be my training partner"

It wasn't a question, I was surprised by what he exhorted me on, but it was no problem with me.

(Shishou doesn't come early anymore to help me with my swordsmanship. The Knights haven't been training cause of the still on going investigation on the nobles. It doesn't sound so bad too) "Okkee"

"Splendid, I will have to go for now. I will come after lunch tomorrow. See you!" he said enthusiastically.

"His like a storm, we might have been doing similar things but our personality is a worlds apart" I continued my training.

The next day "Master, do you know someone named Aldawçy Allykyldy?"

"I don't know an Aldawçy, but I know the family noble Allykyldy. Baron Isleýän Allykyldy, he was just granted his Baronhood a year ago for defeating an Ogre King"

"An Ogre King!" master nearly fell from his chair when I shouted in surprise. So I waited for him before I continued what I was gonna say. He composed himself then lifted his tea cup to drink it, not to show his embarrassment.

"What's that?" I said.

He spat out the liquid he just drunk. He looked at me as if telling me (why did you shout in surprise if you didn't know what it was?)

I know what an Ogre is, I just wanted more explanation about why the Ogre is called Ogre King.

It seems that in this world, all monsters has a level of intellect. Depending on their intellect, their danger level is determined. Humans believe that monsters adopted the system the humans has developed in determining the leader and follower.

Monsters that can stand on two feet, are determined to have high intellect like Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, Lizardman etc., while monsters that are still on fours or more are low intellect.

Elves, Dwarfs and Lycanthropes [human that has animal feature, the other way around or mostly animal but can stand in two] are called demi humans. Only the Vampires is not determined by their race but by their individuality. If they see humans as to befriend with and to protect, they will be categorized as a demi human but if they see human as merely as a food resource, they will be hunted by a party that specializes in Vampire hunting.

Monsters adopted the human system but with lesser ranks; from lowest to highest, Worker, Leader, Soldier, Commander, Shaman, Shaman Commander and King. While the demi humans has more ranks than human, because of their prowess that humans do not have.

"Then what the Baron defeated is the Highest rank of an Ogre Colony?"

"Yes, we have 7 levels of danger in monsters. Natural, Hazard, Emergency, Calamity, Catastrophe, Cataclysm and God. The Ogre he defeated was an Emergency level monster"

"How do you determine them?"

"Natural is an everyday occurrence that can be solved by even commoners. Hazard is a possible human injuries and property damage. Emergency is as it says, it requires the humans to vacate a designated parameter." He brings out a map and drawn a circle. "This wide"

"Isn't that wide as a village?"

"You know how to read a map now, that's good"

"An adventurer at the Inn teaches me when I wait for mother"

"You should thank them, reading maps is a valuable knowledge"

"Yes master"

He Circled a part of a map again as he continues "A calamity is a level that had already damaged an area as wide as a village and humans need to vacate a perimeter as wide as a city" he circled a bigger part.

"Catastrophe has already damaged an area as wide as

a city and need to evacuate the whole kingdom while the cataclysm is a damage to the whole kingdom"

"Just to make sure, this danger level means that a monster has a capability to create damage depending on the danger level given to them" I was trembling. (This world is dangerous, very dangerous, I thought that those danger level was only in the world of my idol slime)

"I won't criticize you, you are still a child of course" he patted my head.

"Then God level, how much powerful is God level?"

"The last one that was ranked as God level was the Spirit of Fire. From the day it has obtained intellect, it created distraction and continued to do so for six centuries until it mastered fire to the extent that he can't be defeated by the water spirit, he can even distort time and space by manipulating the temp of an area"

That caught me speechless (I can't be idling now, I have to find a way to up my level so that if ever anything happens, I will be able to protect my parents and survive)

When Al and I meet at the vacant lot, I was still lost in my thought on how to up my level faster (It's better to be cautious than sorry when the need comes)

"Hey Adam, you listening?"

I was brought back to my senses "Gomen" my face was still serious.

"What were you thinking?"

"I just learned about danger levels of monsters yesterday and I realized that I've been naive. I have to find a way to strengthen myself" he looked at me puzzled.

"We are still 6 years old, your to serious"

"But we never know what could happen tomorrow. I just want to be strong enough to protect Mother and Father and be able to survive"

'You are still a child' I thought he whispered something

"Sorry, did you say something?"

"Nahhh, then we should train from today onwards with our all hahh"


"Then let us begin" he walked backwards to distance himself like what knights do before a duel.

(His presence changed, I will need to take this serious. I will still need to hide my ability just encase people watch us in the future, he will surely get mad if I suddenly held back when the time comes)

He then jumped towards me for an attack, I blocked him holding the hilt of the sword with both hands and moved to the right while he was sprung to the left. I was the one to attack next, I changed my stance, my right holding the sword while my left the scabbard of my sword.

He was cautious with my left that gave me more chances in attacking, I leveled my strength of attack to his strength of attack earlier. I stabbed to left that he dodged but I swung my sword fast to slash at his right at his waist that he blocked by holding his sword upside down to be able to put more strength on it.

"Where did you learn that stance?"

"From my teacher, she said that someone used it against her and she was to cautious to strike a determining attack"

"Well that stance is only usable to light sword holders, usually rapiers. But to use it while using a double edge sword, you have incredible strength"

(Did I accidentally showed my capability? yabai, yabai, nobody else knows my skills/title and strength other than shishou) I was panicking when I remembered that I already mastered lifting magic, it's not as convenient as gravity magic but it depends on the bearer.

"Ohhh, I didn't know that. But this sword I'm using is very light you know" I tried lying, I won't be able to let go of my sword around him anymore but it's better than braking my promise with Shishou.


We were at the masters office, shishou wanted to tell me something while she's waiting for master.

"You should never show your true strength around other people other than me, you understand?"

"Why?" I was sceptical (I'm so cool to reach this level at my age, that's what she said then why hide it)

"I thought you at a young age because I saw your raw potential just exerting throughout your body"

"Eii was I exerting a sent or body liquid"

He hit me on the head "baka, not that kind of potential" she coughed to bring us back to topic.

"Your mana was leaking through out your body. Even though you haven't trained yourself, it was already refined"

"What do you mean by refined, shishou?"

"All humans has mana, but it always starts rough, meaning, even though they can cast magic, they can't insert mana properly to cast it" I nodded as I wait fo her to continue.

She stood and took a glass of water. "Let's say that your mana container is this glass while the flow of mana is the water" I nodded again and came closer to her.

She shook the glass that made the water spill a bit. "When your magic is not refined, when you cast magic it's like your only shaking your mana container and you can only cast it with the spilled mana. But when your mana is refined, it's as if you can easily draw mana" she casted simple water manipulation magic and draw water from the glass.

She continued "It take years to refine magic, you have to acquire 'magician' to master your mana flow"

"Is mana flow and mana control different?"

"Mana flow is drawing your mana, while mana control is controlling how much mana is used in a certain magic spell. Fire ball" she suddenly casted a magic on her left hand.

"Fire ball" then on her right."Do you see the difference?"

"The one on the left is smaller while the right is bigger"

"This is due to mana control. For mana flow, when you cast a spell, their are instances that the magic dwindles before it reach it' target"

"When I trained you, I never expected that you would grow this fast that normally takes a human 10-15 years to reach. Not to mention, those knights who mindlessly thought you sword stances, they haven't even realized that you have already reached their level" she sighed of disconcert.

"You will surely grow stronger, but you shall never show anyone that you have mastered all of your swords stance and magic spells. You should only show that you are a novice to everything okay, there is a difference in acquiring the skill/title and mastering every single stance and spell"

"I understand shishou, untill when should I pretend?"

"You will officially master your stace when you turn 12 and your magic spell from elementary magician to magicians apprentice at the age of 18"

I showed a discontent expression.

"Even if we delayed it, you will still be viewed a genius. You are still free to learn more stances and magic spell but only in secret, do you understand?"

My face lighted up as I gestured of triumph.

"You have to make sure that nobody finds out, not until you reach saint"

"Why saint?"

"You will be able to defend yourself from anybody when that time comes"

"I understand" I only gestured to be excused and left.


I didn't take shishou's words seriously at that time, but when I learned the danger level of monsters and that some entities can reach a God level danger. I need to be cautious if I attract to much attention not only being framed will happen to me, I will be targeted constantly not only by human but by other races

He looked at me doubtful then he gestured for me to hand my sword to him.

"Hmm is this a training sword for kids?"

(Hahh what's that?) he noticed my reaction.

"You've been using it but you didn't know what it was" he laughed.

"What is it then?"

'I really am expecting to much from a kid' he was bowed down from laughing.

"Did you say something?"

"No, nothing" as he wiped his tears caused by his laughing.

(I was sure he said something like expecting to much)

He returned my sword before continuing "It's a sword for kids aspiring to be a knight but doesn't have enough strength to lift a normal short sword"

"Ohh this sword is?" who invented that sword I thank you for saving my ass, I lifted the spell and sheathed my sword.

"But don't worry, you have a good and strong swing. You should train your strength next so that you'll be able to use normal sword soon"

"Hmm I think I won't have a problem with using a normal sword, because I lift boxes everyday. I'll just have to adjust to it first, cause I got used to this swords weight"

"Lift boxes?"

"I work at a supply shop"

"Ohh, then who is your teacher?"

"It's Jady shishou"

"Jady? the court magician?"


"That's why you developed to this extent and reach your curren skill, the only possible teachers that could have thought you is either the Commander Grand Cross cause the Grand Cross is usually on an expedition or the Court Magician. But the Commander has no knowledge on magic, on the other hand, the court magician fights in all fronts. So I already expected it, but still I'm surprised that I was correct"

"Your really smart Al, shishou met me by chance at the shop and took a liking to me then offered me to be her student" I genuinely praised him but it also made me think that he might be like me. (Is it normal to meet someone whose from another world like me this easily) I thought while telling him a part lie about how I became shishou's student.

"Thanks. Can I train sometime with you when the court magician is around?"


"No it's okay, I already knew the answer"

"No, it's not that. I'm not the only student shishou has. But he doesn't train multiple student at once"

"Ohh okay, if I can't train with you then never mind"

"But I could ask shishou if he could teach you"

"No, I want to train with you not be trained by your teacher"

"Are you sure?"

"Aa, let's continue then" I just nodded and continued our training.

Days passes as we continue to meet each other after my job and train.

Then months, I bring him from time to time now to my job when shishou has to leave the kingdom, he would bring some book of languages and we were able to learn Dwarfen, Elven and Lycanthrope. Because I train swordsmanship with him everyday, I train at home at the back of our shop every evening to advance my swordsmanship without him knowing. As we learn languages I obtain the skills Senior Swordsman and Magician in training without Al knowing, I am now on par with 2nd Class knights. But I only use the sword stance under swordsman when I train with Al.

Then years had passed. Shishou found out that I could already speak the languages of the demi humans and left books about Vampire, Ogre, Orc and Goblin Language. She told me that I could not tell anyone about it even to my friend, cause it is forbidden to talk to monsters.

(Then why learn them) I still studied them every morning before work.

Al and I are as close as brothers now, my parents knows him but he hasn't introduced me to his. He said that his parents are always busy, that's why he can roam around as much as he pleases.

For less than 6 years I have obtain, provost swordsman and then master swordsman without anyone knowing even shishou, because Al reached Senior swordsman, I informed him after a few months after him obtaining it that I also learned it. It was really hard work to guise my ability, I continue to master the stances under the two swordsman skills and only training the stances under senior swordsman when I'm with Al

While in magic, I have only obtained Magician, I'm in the middle of mastering water magic so that I can become a Water Master Magician, but am having trouble learning some of the magic without shishous help.

The years I've trained with Al, guising my true ability was still fruitful. Now that I'm 11 years old, it has accumulated to experience and it boosted my confidence when it comes to swordsmanship.

Sweat run down through our naked body, due to summer heat, we have been training with our shirt off.

"Have you asked your teacher yet?" Al asked while wiping his sweat with a used shirt.

He told me that I should enter the school his going to attend. Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías, it means Institute of Sword and Magic in Magic language.

"Not yet, shes currently busy with kingdom issues. That's also why I haven't gotten any better with magic"

"That's tough, you haven't advance in swordsman then even in magic" I hid my face as I wiped it (good thing in this world, it's natural that you learn some stances that aren't under your skill to learn a new skill or I might have been found out a long time ago)

I firmed myself and put on a worried look "I know, it's already getting frustrating" I reached out for a new shirt.

"Then, the more reason to enter the school"

"I understand. I just wish she comes to the shop soon"

We said goodbye to each other and went home. As soon as I arrived home, I heard my parents talking to shishou.

"Your sons abilities will go to waste if he doesn't go to the school, specially now that I'm always busy with my work. I won't be able to guide your son as frequently anymore"

"Your Grace, we understand what you mean. However, we don't have the ability to send him to a good school"

"That is what I wanted to ask you, will you be willing to send your son to Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías. Of course I will admit him under my name, I will also pay for his school fees, will provide daily necessities and will give him daily allowance"

My parents was dumbstruck by what shishou has said.


"Ahh you've returned, come Yalyn"

"Are you sending me to school?"

"That's what I'm telling your parents, I know that you haven't gotten any further with your magic because I have been busy with my job at the castle. So I want you to go to Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías under my name and to further your skills in magic"

"Your Grace, we greatly appreciate your offer to our son. But why our son, he always speaks that he loves his normal life"

"Mother, I know I always praise our simple and normal life. But I have a great deal of mana flowing in me that can cause trouble to you and I do not want anything to happen to both of you and Father. You both are the first to grant me love and care"

In my old world, my parents are divorce, I was raised by my mom. My father never sent any support money, my mom beats me up every single day. Till the age of fourteen, I ran away, experienced a lot of hard work and met a lot of people that never showed any concern to me. When I turned Sixteen, I learned that I could earn money with my hobby, I became a game tester, a NEET and an Otaku till the age of 26 and was struck by lightning.

"Of course, we're your parents" they said with a hint of confusion.

"That is why, I want to do my best for you. Onegai, let me go to the school to become stronger, to a point that no one would dare to do any harm on the both of you, ever again" I bowed down.

They looked at each other as they answered "How could we not grant you this, when we can see your determination"

I smiled and hugged the both of them.

After a few months, I have arrived at the front of the Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías with Al for the first day of school. He was months older than me, but because my becoming of age will be after 5 months from now, I was still eligible to enter the school year.

Our clothes was half of a knights armor and half of a magicians robe, it was in the color of dark blue with a lining of purple and black that gives emphasis to the armor.

I was smiling from ear to ear while looking at the uniform, it was so cool that it shouldn't be just a school uniform.

"Are you ready?" Al said as he patted my shoulder.

I loosen my smile and look at him "Aa"