3 This troublesome world with this troublesome guy

"Youkoso! uni Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías. As you have learned as state to the schools name, we are a school that teaches Sword and magic"

Al and I are now in the Assembly hall of the school, while the Principal of the school is explaining what the schools origin and goals are, but I was more intrigued on the collection of races here.

On my right, two rows from mine (Dwarves! Wow so they really are small, but not as small in books or mangas I've read. They look like dwarves but taller, hmm more like of those whom weren't blessed by height in my last world) as I examine some of them, I think one noticed me so I feigned like I was not looking at her but looking pass her.

(Good, she bought it. Now lets see the people beside them) It seems that we are in a row of 15 or so depending on our class year and race. Humans has 6 rows while the other races has less.

(Ohhh, different kinds of Lycanthropes) good thing the dwarfs are small, I can clearly see what kind of animal they are.

(They look so cool, specially the Lion guy. Ohhh, there's a white rabbit that looks like the girl in the anime I watched with 1000 episodes) the Lion guy noticed me and brushed his hair, but it looks like he was showing off his muscles. I then pretended to listen to the Principal again.

(What's wrong with that man, he would have looked cooler if he was more modest) I then looked at my left, pass 3 rows from me.

(Elves, Girl Elves! Now that is accurate, even though they are still young. That is voluptuous) I was feasting my eyes.

(Ikan, I shouldn't look like an old geezer, I need to be a gentleman. Good thing no one noticed) but I was naive, one of the elves noticed me.

After the opening ceremony, we were lead to the entrance of the building but we had to place our palm on a glass tablet so that all our skills will be registered. However

"May I take your name?"

"My name is Yalyn Adamler but I would like to be called Adam" she stood up, walked to my side and turned his back on Al and the others in the line.

"Adam-kun, my name is Dirildi, I'm a senior student at this school. I was asked to lead you to a private room, you haven't meet the faculty, Yes? It was suppose to be done before admission but because you were busy, as I was told. You will have to be interviewed before you can proceed to your class" she looked at me like, I should just go with the flow without anyone noticing.

"Ohh it's required, I wasn't informed. I should thank them for considering to accept me even though I wasn't able to come that day. Thank you very much for informing me, Senpai" I slightly bowed in thanks and was also relieved that I didn't need to show anyone what my skills are.

"No, you do not need to bow your head here, even though I'm a senior, we are all equal and its not a problem. No matter what your circumstance, as long as you have a great potential, you are welcome to our school"

"You are very kind and I'm not that talented, hahah" I scratched my head, a bit embarrassed.

"Let us proceed" she said as she pointed me where to proceed.

"Please everyone, give me a moment. I will just lead one of the students to a room, for evaluation. Thank you for your cooperation"

Some understood but some was complaining, I understand why and it's fine. We didn't go far, she just lead me to a hall and pointed the room I should enter.

"I will go back now, so that the other students will not point fault at you"

I was startled, cause I was nervous "Ahh yes, again thank you for your help, Senpai" this time I didn't bow.

"You have great manners, even though you are of a commoner" I was brought back to my senses and waited for her next words.

"Again, my name is Dirildi Umyt. I'm the vise president of the student council of this school. And you don't need to worry, me the president of the student council and some of the members of the faculty that you will meet are the only ones who knows of your social standing"

I looked at her with a poker face, she might have felt my doubt.

"Ahh it is required for us not to tell anyone. So you don't need to worry and we are not prejudice so please proceed to the room"

I just nodded and proceeded to the room, I'm both naive and cautious, that's why I haven't been in trouble in this life, other than the time the Earl had tried to frame my father.

'I will never again put my family at risk, I will do my very best to hide my talent and become the very best without anyone knowing' I whispered just before I entered the room.

Their were six people in the room, the one at the desk would be the Principal and (what!?)

"Shishou, what are you doing here!?"

"Your here, have a sit" she gestured to me to sit at the space beside her, ignoring my question. If that's the case then, I will understand as we proceed.

I just nodded and sat beside her.

"The man at the desk is Principal Bilim Ulumsylyk, while this man beside me is Pespäl Ulumsylyk the son of the Princial, he will be your room instructor at your class."

I stood and bowed. "Thank you very much for accepting me in this school even though you have no knowledge of my abilities, only by my shishou's information"

"The three from right to left is Salkyn Atmosfera, Gyzyl Agaç, Sagdyn Earther. They are also instructors in this school"

I bowed to them "It is a pleasure to meet all of you. It will be an honor to be guided by not only the instructors within this room, but also the other instructors who are now taking care of the other students"

They all just stayed serious as I sat down and the one who spoke first was the Principal.

"He is very well-mannered despite his social standing, you thought him well Jady"

"I didn't teach him anything other than magic, he had learned that from working at the Pul's shop"

Now they all looked surprised, doubting the possibility of learning manners only by working at a shop.

"May I speak" I asked.

"Yes" the principal approved.

"I have learned my manners by assisting customers, I do not offer my services depending on the social standing of our client. I treat them all equally and my Master Pul also had lended me some books where I learned the proper manners on assisting customers and nobles"

They were more surprised by what I said and even shishou looked at me with amusement (I forgot, since the day my family moved into the shop, shishou haven't stayed long enough to be able to observe my services to customers) but one of them seems to have not liked what I've said.

"So you put us nobles at the same level of your kind?" it was the man named Gyzyl, he smiled as if waiting for me to make a blunder of myself. He was wearing a very expensive looking garment and has a posture of someone who have lived with pride all his life as a noble.

The others were unable to speak back at him even the Principal, he might have a high position in the nobility if that is the case.

"Pardon me, Gyzyl Sensei if it might have sounded like that. No, it is the other way around. Us commoners are mostly treated with rudeness and always looked down upon. I who is born of a commoner understand this, that is why even though it's only in our shop and only by me, they will feel important, respected and treated as a customer as they should be"

He lost his smile and showed a slight frown, trying not to show it to the others in the room.

Salkyn sensei spoke next, she had a silky red orange hair and a very peaceful aura. She was wearing a humble but yet in the eyes of a merchant that knows all kind of silk, an expensive dress.

"Very well said, you are not only well mannered but also very considerate. I like you"

I tried my best not to get embarrassed being spoken with those words and smiled mildly "I really appreciate it if someone like yourself, Salkyn sensei who is also of noble standing from another country, likes my outlook in life" everyone looked alarmed except for shishou.

"How did you know?" she spoke in high defense.

"Ahhh, did I spoke out of line. I'm sorry, I know of the silk used for your dress.

It is a very rare silk from Zalez Skala Kingdom, it is made of Silkworm that only leaves on the side of the Cliffs of the kingdom. Not only are they hard to get from the cliff because of the danger in destroying the silkworms habitat but also the number of silkworm is very few. That is why to acquire it, it will surely cause a nobles fortune. For a teacher to wear such a luxurious garment just means you are from a noble family from that kingdom"

Shishou then tilted his head up and looked smug. (Why does she look like, she was the one who spoke)

"You are very well informed"

"About that, a merchant from your kingdom that had been robbed by bandits ended up at our shop entrance by chance.

He was very tired and his clothes were dirty, so I lended him a hand. After that, he shared some information about rare products that we could think of selling too, as thanks. Then after I washed his clothes, I found some part of it with that kind of silk and ask him why only parts of the clothes has it"

"It is also thanks to your outlook in life that you have acquired knowledge of products that is rare to acquire" I wasn't able to contain my embarrassment because of her complimenting my outlook again.

(But for them to be that surprise that I found out about it, there must be something behind her teaching in this school)

"So, is that enough measuring his capabilities?" Sagdyn sensei spoke.

I knew something was off when I saw shishous smug look.

Sagdyn Sensei stood and went closer to a bookshelf and took a glass tablet, the same us what the student president was asking the others to place their hand on.

"Now place your hand on this and we will know your complete status" he continued.

I looked at shishou and she looked back and confirmed to do it. (Is she sure about this, she said I shouldn't inform no one about it)

"May I speak with shishou for a moment outside" she was surprised.

"You can trust them, I've known them since I was a student here"

"I need to tell you something before I do it" she looked at the others and they just nodded.

We went outside and to make sure no one can here us, I also just whispered at her.

She was smiling smugly until I whispered 'I've already reached Master Swordsman and Magician, I've already mastered all stance and spells. Are you sure it's okay to let them know of it?' her smile slowly fades and she was like a running DVD with a scratched compact disk, as if running what I've said to her again and again in her head.

A moment passed, she looked at me shocked and shouted "Nani!!!"

"Shhhh" I calmed her desperately.

"Why haven't you told me?" her voice toned down.

"Can you blame me, your always busy so I had no excuse to Al when I needed to train my swordsmanship, so instead I trained at night. Then when you do have time, you just provided advise and don't want to speak too, except when you are teaching magic" she looked sorry but became sure.

"It's fine, it will just show how great your potential is" I just nodded and came inside and as soon as we sat, I placed my palm on the glass tablet. In just a moment, all my information was written on it.

They all suddenly stood up to look at it while the Principal was busy seeping his tea. They were skeptical but the Principal still stayed serene when he suddenly spoke.

"If you are not convinced then use another tablet" then Pespäl Sensei spoke.

"Father, you should take a look. He is farther than what Jady had said he was" then he stood and looked at it and he also made the same look as the others. He then took another glass tablet at the bookshelf, checked it for something before handing it to me.

I sighed, I set down the new tablet on the table and placed my palm on it. As they looked at it, only Gyzyl spoke.

"Is this why you looked so smug earlier?" he questioned shishou.

"Not really, I also just found out when we spoke outside"

"Does this child even needs to go to school here?" the principal said. But I was the one who spoke.

"I need to go to this school, I have been stagnant in my magic and haven't been able to master anything. I need your guidance to further my knowledge" I said as I bowed.

"Okay, let us sit" the principal said as he went back to his desk and he continued.

"Why are you in a hurry to advance your skills?"

I took a moment to find the right words "Do you remember the previous Earl Açgöz Zalym?" they all nodded.

"Before he and his family was banished to the suburb, he tried to frame my father of stealing. It was just because I have shown great potential and have taken notice from shishou and some knights" I didn't mention about his son anymore.

They all spoke in surprise to what they have learned, so I just continued.

"Shishou also told me about practices from other kingdom on abducting people with a great deal of mana. I just don't want to put my family in the same position again" they just looked at me with understanding.

"Then, their is no more word needed. You may proceed to your class, the vice president of the student council should be waiting at the entrance for you" Pespäl Sensei said. I only bowed to them for the last time and left.

"Isn't that child to mature for his age?" Salkyn spoke.

"You can't blame him, he has experienced the inequity of our society when he was just about to turn six years old.

When the men of the Earl broke in their house, he was the one who fought them without even letting his parents know of it" Jady revealed.

"What!" Gyzyl shouted in disbelief "what was his current skill at that time?"

"He was a Swordsman and a Magicians Apprentice"

He sat down and questioned himself.

"Then it is our duty to assist him" Salkyn spoke and they just nodded with a troubled face, even Gyzyl.


All the students were gone and just the Pres Dirildi was in the entrance.

"Let me send you to your room" she spoke without hesitation and walked.

It seems that this school even though they are very prestigious. There is only one room for each class year, with 20-30 students each. She explained as we walk.

(Then theirs 10 or more people with a different race on each year)

"Their is not a lot of people that has talent in both swordsmanship and magic, some even can only reach swordsman and magician apprentice even if they did all their best"

(Does that mean that the skills in this world are simple but harder to reach and master?)

We stopped at an open classroom. "This will be your classroom, you should be already informed who is your instructor, right?"

I just nodded, she gestured goodbye and left, so I entered the room.

"Adam, here! I saved you a sit" Al waved and pointed on the sit beside him.

I was gonna climb the stares to where he is when an Elf stood in front of my way, that made me stop just inches from him.

"You, lecherous boy. Why were you looking at the girls at our row earlier"

I smiled even though I can see disgust in his face "Please refrain from the harsh words, my name is Yalyn Adamler, please call me Adam" I moved backwards.

"I was not looking at the girls of your row, I was looking at all the races in the assembly. I admire other races that I wasn't able to hold myself on looking at all of the Dwarf, Lycanthrope and Elves.

I didn't know that all races are going to be in one room depending on their year, I thought we will be divided depending on races, cause I know that other races are superior to other qualities" I smiled at him innocently.

He was blushing and was taken aback by what I have said "th-then i-if you know your p-place, their is no problem" he went back to his sit, still flashed, so I proceeded to Al.

'Smooth' he said.

'Avoiding issues is a must' he only smiled with doubt.

Then Pespäl Sensei entered the room. He just introduced himself, took an attendance and started the class. It was about how to obtain skills, which I already know of.

'Can I nap, I already know what's being discussed. Wake me up when it's something new'

'Baka, don't sleep


'If you sleep, I won't wake you up even if the instructor comes here'

'Tssk, fine'

Time went by and nothing new to me was discussed. Then we were instructed to go outside, for demonstration of our skill.

We were at the back of the school, a clear lot with targets and equipment for sword practice.

"You will come up front one by one, shout your name and skill, then provide the name of the stance and spell you will be demonstrating. First your magic then your stance. Understood"

One by one, my classmates demonstrated. Most only has the skill swordholder and elementary magic. Now I understand why the instructors and the Principal was shocked earlier and why shishou wanted me to conceal my skills. After 6 students, Al was called.

"Aldawçy Allykyldy, Current skills Magicians Apprentice and Senior Swordsman. Spell, Earth bind and Multi Slash"

Some of the students murmured.

'Isn't his skill already equal to those in 5th year'

'We're so lucky'


After he finished chanting, multiple sphere like stone appeared and the dummy was in between, then he slashed the dummy 7 times in an instant. Not only the dummy but also the stones that binded the dummy was cut to pieces.

They screamed when he finished his demonstration and continued to murmur.

When he went back to where we seated 'You lady killer'

'What did you expect' how can he say that with a serious face.

'Hai, hai'

After another 3 Students the Elf girl I was looking at the Assembly was in front.

(Let's see her skill) She's really beautiful, her face isn't exaggeratedly beautified. It was simple but you can't help but stare and I think even if you stared at her everyday, you won't get tired of it

"Aý Yüregi, Current skill Magic Student and Sword defender. Lifting Magic and Push defend.

(Oi, oi. Shouldn't the elves be advance in skills specially in magic) I looked at Al and asked.

'Shouldn't the elves be more advance than us in skills?'

'What are you talking about, she's only the same age as us' I looked at her again puzzled then I asked Al how does the lifespan of elves work.

As she demonstrated, Al explained it to me.

It seems that the Elves lifespan doesn't work the same as what I have watched in animes and read in manga. They grow the same as humans till they reach the age of 18 which is the age of independency. After that they won't show any sign of aging even after hundred of years.

(Okay, this is making my head hurt. This world has to much difference in the world of manga, anime and games. I can't use my memory as guidance) I sighed.

'What is it?'

'Ohh nothing, I was just thinking if me going to this school will be worth it'

He hit me on the head.

'Aawww what's that for?'

'Don't judge the school by the students skills, it's only our first day'

'Aa, sumimasen Al'

After another 11 students, the guy who stopped me earlier was called. I got curious and paid more attention to his demonstration.

"Asman Yüregi, Magicians Apprentice and Senior Swordsman. Water Prison and Flash"

(Ho-hoh his better than expected) I don't know why but it irks me.

"Aý, what's your relationship with Asman"

That took my attention (right, she has the same surname as Asman)

"His my twin"

"Ehhh you don't look alike"

"Hahah, I know but his really handsome right?"

"We don't doubt that, but his to aloof"

"His just shy around girls"

"Ohh a late bloomer"

"Aloof is fine, his cool that way"

He suddenly coughed while chanting as they chuckled and he became flashed up to the tip of his ear. But he continued his chant.

'Nehh Al'


'Will you get mad at me if you suddenly learned that my skill is ahead of you?'

'Why would I?'

I looked at him just to make sure that his truthful as he continue.

'I won't even be surprised, Because you train more than me'


'Well maybe a bit, cause you hid it from me but not much that I would fight with you' he smiled.

Asman finished his chanting, the moment a sphere of water completely formed and imprisoned the dummy, he was already behind it and slashed not only the dummy but also the water prison vertically in half.

The girls screamed louder than how they screamed at Al.

'Tssk' he looked at me then looked at Asman and realized something.

'You know what, I won't even get mad at you, if you show that Elf his place'

"Nani?" Everyone looked at me even Asman.

I smiled awkwardly then looked at Al.

'It irked me when the girls shouted louder for him' he smiled with annoyance.

(kowai, kowai-o. I have to make sure, I never annoy him)

"And lastly, Yalyn it's your turn" we were at the very back so I heard what the girls was saying as I walk towards the front.

'His name is so feminine'

'Aa, the others said that he was sent to the principal due to him not showing up at the school interview'

'Oohhh a delinquent?'

'Nahh the student vise president said that he had something to attend to at that time but because his talented, they still accepted him'

'Hmmp or his family just paid the school to look the other way around'

'Shh he might here you'

(Ahh I heard all of it) I wanted to tell them that I'm a commoner and don't have the money for it but there is no need, they will see it through my abilities.

I smiled as simple as I could. "Yalyn Adamler, as you know my first name is to feminine. Don't get me wrong I love the name my parents gave me but please call me Adam. Magician in training and Provost swordsman"

Pespäl Sensei eyes me as if telling me 'what the hell are you doing' but I ignored it and continued. And all my classmate murmured except for Al who looked satisfied and Asman with dissatisfaction.

"I'll be demonstrating thousand needles and sword flow. Many won't understand the sword flow, but if its used in live combat, it let's you read the movement of your enemy and easily avoid it with grace. Please watch carefully"

I activated the thousand needles. Countless water drops appeared around the dummy and suddenly became water needles and pierced it that almost destroyed it.

"Uso, chant less activation" I can't really see their reaction but by just that comment I can already imagine it.

Then I slowly walked to the dummy, an after image can be seen behind me like a water flow, I was already close to the dummy when I unsheathed my sword and slowly moved around the dummy as I slash it slowly.

"It's graceful yet scary" one said.

"That's overkill" a human boy said.

"Who do you think made his sword, with his moves, an ordinary sword can't withstand it" a dwarf said.

"One is sure, he is crazy strong and him being here means he hasn't reached his limit yet" Asman was the one who said it.

Everyone suddenly fell silent. I walked back and I was almost at the back row when I spoke.

"Yes Asman, I haven't. But I envy you cause you have a long life, I might die without reaching my dream but you, you have the potential to be the strongest"

He frowned in displeasure and walked out, even Aý looked disappointed and followed Asman.

"What was that, I was honestly envious of their long life" I asked Al.

Another Elf approached me and Al, she spoke with us without letting the other students hear.

"Elmydama Dost, call me Elmy" she introduced herself and sat in front of us and continued.

"Don't mind it to much, we know you don't mean to offend. It's just, their father died 13 years ago when they were still in their mothers womb.

Weeks after she gave birth to them, she killed herself because of her long life. She couldn't accept that she had to wait hundred of years or even thousands before she can reunite with his husband, so rather than waiting for her death, she killed herself and left her children"

(Now I understand, even if they know I didn't mean it, anyone will get mad at a thoughtless comment)

"Arigato, I really appreciate it that you told me"

"Don't mention it, just make sure you apologize to them"

"You don't have to tell me cause I definitely will"

"Okay everyone, I have finished recording your results. You may take your break, the bell will ring when it's time for you to go back to the classroom. And Mr. Adamler, you are to come to my office after you take your break, understood"

(Ouch, I thought he already left)

Instead of taking a break I tried to find the Yüregi siblings, when I arrived at a garden beside the school. Aý was walking towards me alone.

"Aý, can I speak with you?" she stopped and faced me.

"Did the others tell you?"

I nodded "Don't get mad at them, they just wanted me to apologize to you both because of my thoughtless remark"

"It's okay, a lot of people are envious of our long life not only humans"

"I still want to apologize so let me. Hontōni gomen'nasai" and bowed to her.

"No, you don't have to go that far. It's really okay"

"Thank you, can I ask where Asman is?"

"His in the middle of the garden. But it's better if you left him alone first"

"No, I don't want to drag this longer. I really need to apologize as soon as possible or I won't get any sleep" she chuckled.


"You are an odd person, with your talent and looks. You are pretty modest"

"Thanks, I will go now. I'll see you in the class"

"My brother is stubborn so just be patient with him" I nodded.

The garden was beautiful, (I can't believe something like this can be done. It's more beautiful than the gardens I've seen in magazines at my previous world)

After a while, I think I've reached the center of the garden and saw Asman sitting on the grass lawn looking at the sky. Hhmmm he does look handsome, even though his face is side viewed from where I'm standing, he looked like the models I watched on TV.


He looked at me with surprise, he stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait, I wanted to apologize"

"They told you didn't they?"

He asked while his back facing me.


"Tssk, those nosy elves. Don't they even know privacy, it's not for them to tell to just anyone."

"I know. But they just wanted me to apologize to both of you and your sister, but I won't be able to sincerely apologize if I don't know anything" he just stayed silent.

"Hontōni, Hontōni gomen'nasai" and bowed even though he can't see it.

Then I heard a sword being unsheathed. I peaked at what he was doing while I was bowed down.

If I was slower, I would have been cut to half. He jumped towards me with incredible speed and attempted to slash my body. I blocked his attack and pushed him back.

"What is your problem. If I didn't looked at you, you would have killed me"

"If you died, it was your fault. You have the skill but you don't have the experience, that's just it"

He attacked again, now on my right side, no to my left. I barely dodged that.

"What's that stance"

"It isn't a sword stance, it's magic enhancement. I enhanced my maneuvering and was able to side step faster"

"Why would you use that against me at this circumstance"

"I don't accept that you are ahead of me, I will get stronger and show you your place"

I was still speechless when he sheathed his sword and walked pass me, I heard him say in a whisper.

'Thank you for apologizing'

He was already far ahead when I turned around to face him.

(What a troublesome guy)

"Why am I reincarnated in this troublesome world and now I meet this troublesome guy" I only sighed as I sheathed my sword and also left.

I headed to Pespäl Sensei. He scolded me so hard, I think my ears almost shattered. Their was nothing that can be done anymore but to make sure that no one finds out my true capabilities. He had sent me back to the classroom after he drilled what I should do from now on.

When I entered the class, I walked towards my sit. As I passed by where Aý is, she looked at me as if asking if I was able to apologize to Asman. I just nodded at her and smiled.

As soon as my behind touched my sit.

"Did you already make up?" he asked smiling, why does his tone insinuating something.

I just looked at him.

He changed his tone and lose his smile.

"I said did you already made up with Mr. walk out"

"Ohh Asman. Yeah we did, demo"

"Demo-?" he was waiting for me to continue.

'He suddenly attacked me and claimed that he doesn't accept me being ahead of him' I whispered to him.

Al just laughed. "What a very amusing person"

"Shut up"

"And then?" he asked.

"After attacking out of no where, he thanked me"

"Ohh, isn't that nice?" he was really enjoying himself.

"No it's not"

"Why not?" still with a wide smile.

"I just wanted to apologize, I didn't want a rival"

"The question is, does he only think of you as a rival?" he was looking at Asman and that's when I noticed him looking at us with a serious face. When he realized that we have noticed him, he suddenly removed his gaze at us.

(Ehh Nani? What was that? why does he look like a girl with his first ever crush)

"What do you even mean?" I asked Al.

"Nothing" his smile is getting annoying.

"Aaarrrgggg this world is troublesome, that guy is troublesome and even you is becoming troublesome"


I just smiled at his reaction. As the next instructor entered the room.