V2.1 The Mark of the Beginning of War

I was at a top of a ruin as I check out the perimeter around a group of mercenaries

The elders were being kept inside a cage, that looks like a part of this ruins. They weren't really much of an elder, they were like 50-60 years of age that are still on their Prime.

(Now I understand why humans gets so jealous) There were nine mercenaries, while there were four elders.

(I need to create a diversion) I haven't mastered Spatial spell under Space-Time magic yet.


I looked carefully inside the cage, the elders were far apart from each other but I can make out that they were talking.

(With superior hearing, I guess that's possible. Oh I wish I had that too) and an idea came to me.

'Dear elders, if you can here me. Look at the top of the ruin at the right side of the cage. Please don't let anyone notice you' I whispered.

Then they all looked at me. Oh how much I wanted to jump and shout 'cool' but because of the situation, I can't.

'I'm human so I can't hear you, but please hear me out. I came here to rescue you' some of them looked like they wanted to protest but I just continued.

'I know that your worried for your people, but please stay calm and just wait for me to do what I can. I'll do my best to avoid bringing further problems to you' they all nodded as if they understood.

I concentrated and used a location spell. I searched for kunoichi and she was just about half a millaire from my current location, far down south.

I stealthily retreated and went to her. Because of my training, my speed went up to the top speed of a motorbike. I just can't believe that I don't even feel tired after running that fast.

What I love about this world is that everything you can imagine can be done as long as it meets the laws of this world.

Even though I run that fast, if I carefully step on the ground. I won't even make a sound nor leave a trace of dust. But will it be the same if I became even faster?

(I guess I'll just find out in the future) In just a few minutes I arrived behind her.


She took her weapons out as fast as she could and attacked, but I was already a meter away from her.

"Gomen, I forgot that I don't excrete much presence that let you notice me when I approach"

"It's you. What happened? I didn't see you rescue them yet. Don't say-" she stood and pointed her weapons towards me.

"No, no. I just need some help" she brought down her weapons and squat again.

"What is it?"

"I'm gonna need a diversion, but of course I can't let you do that. Those mercenaries are obviously capable. I gauge them to be close to 1st class knights"

"Then what do you need from me?"

"How fast are you?"


"How fast are you?"

"Well fast enough to keep up with horses" she looked proud even though she sounded humble.

'Hmm, thats not good enough' she looked at me dumbfounded as I continue.

'I guess, I just have to make do'


"Ohh nothing, just keep up the good work" and I left.

I went to the South-West just a few meters away from their location. I put on some clothes I found at the ruins.

'Arggg, they got to serve me a lot of water to wash myself thoroughly later. Just that would be enough as thanks for all this trouble'

I then created little sounds, just enough for the undead roaming around to walk closer.

When I have attracted enough, I then used invisibility magic on them.

(Please work) they may be moving but they are already dead. They might not have the same cell structure anymore and the spell might not work.

As I pray to the God of Luck of this world that favored me enough to grant me a blessing. One by one the undead disappeared or in other words. Became invisible.

"Ahhhhh help!" I shouted.

The man who was closest to my location noticed my call and woke up the others. Six out of the nine mercenaries came to my location.

Once they are already inside the circle of the undead I gathered, I undid the spell and the undead approached the mercenaries.

(Those zombie movies served me well) I thought as I smile looking at the distorted faces of the undead circling around me.

I gathered about a hundred of undead.

(that should buy me enough time to rescue the elders)

'Diversion completed' I whispered pleased.

I circled around while removing the clothes I used to avoid the undead on attacking me, then went up to the ruin I was on before.

I then checked the ones who were left to guard, when I heard a scream from where I left the mercenaries.

They recognized the voice and two of them left to support those who screamed.

(I guess I was to cautious, they aren't that capable if they can't fend of those undead with their numbers)

I jump as stealthily as possible behind the guard and made a chopping gesture as I attacked him on the neck.

(Cool, it worked. I thought they only did it to look cool on those anime and movies)

I saw the key on the guards hips.

(Does this really happen in real life, they just made my job easier)

I opened the cage and released the elders as I explained the plan.

"Whoever you are, thank you"

I brought out the clays and did my best to carve it as close to how they look.

(Good thing I already mastered Earth Magic or it would have taken to much time to do this)

"It will take time for me to retrieve you guys, but I'll put as much mana as possible in you to last you for a month. Don't do anything reckless, Kanarazu I will come for you guys" My golems only nodded.

When a golem is created, a pinch of soul from the creater is taken. It doesn't affect the creator much cause it is only taken from the Quiddity.

I only found out in this world that their are 3 parts of the soul. The memory orb at the center of the soul, as its name refers, it stores the memory and knowledge acquired by the Astral and Physical body.

The Quiddity, the second layer of the soul. It is the membrane around the memory orb, it protects the memory orb from absorbing unnecessary knowledge, It is more like a filter than a shield.

When the Quiddity is destroyed, the memory orb will indiscriminately absorb every knowledge of the world. In other words, it will be defiled by all the bad in the world, it will either become a demon or deteriorate until it is unable to reincarnate.

When a memory orb is destroyed but the Quiddity is left, it can create a new memory orb with time. It may lose all it's memory and experience, but as long as the Quiddity exist, a soul will be able to regain all it's power, even the power before the memory orb was destroyed. In some cases, it may even become stronger.

(I don't quite understand the logic but in my opinion, the quiddity is the most important part of the soul. It's like the memory orb is only a condense quiddity)

And lastly the astral body, this is the image taken by the soul, made of gas or mana particle of the soul.

The more powerful the soul is, the clearer the astral body becomes. The clearer the image, the more mana accumulates and becomes a liquidated mana that acts as blood of the astral body.

Back to the story.

When I gathered the undead for the diversion, I made sure to attract those at the South East of the Ruins to make sure that no obstacle will come as I escape with the elders.

I made sure to pace myself for the elders, but it seems there was no need.

(Wait, what did leader said again about half god, half ogres.

They are set to be the Elder of an Ogre village. If that's the case, their the most capable of the village. Now I understand why they didn't fought back.

If the elders weren't even able to fend for themselves, what can they even do to rescue the elders.)

Just before we arrived at the Giant rock, kunoichi joined us. As soon as we arrived, I undid the Earth wall and created platforms to act as stairs.

I stayed at the edge of the barrier, encase they can't enter.

"What the!?" it was the first elder that was going to enter.

"Why?" I asked.

"The mana within the barrier is to dense, we will only be able to last 2 days in here"

"What, but a lot of it has already dispersed"

"What do you mean?"

"Ohhh, this is where I refined my mana. All of this mana was what I excreted while on the process" he looked dumbfounded as he continued to enter.

(Refining part was a lie, but the process is still the same)

The other three elders entered while the last one ordered kunoichi not to enter.

"Two days is fine, it's just a counter measure if my golems get found out" we were all inside the cave except kunoichi.

"Do you plan to make your golems take our place for a while?" another elder spoke.


"How do they know that? when you didn't even gave them an order. It was just an assurance that you'll come back for them"

"Golems has a connection with their creators, because they are made of the creators soul. As long as your orders or plans are running in your mind as you create them, those are instilled within them"

"You mean, your memory?"

"Yes" they looked surprised as if it was the first time they heard of it.

(I'm not sure if all humans know of it, but I wouldn't be surprise if they didn't. It's not because their considered monsters but because they don't have any connection to humans)

"We mostly know the knowledge that were acquired by humans because of the Dryads, and this is the first time I heard of this"

(Ohhh, so Dryads are updated with the human knowledge and they share it to monsters. That's cool)

"Well, if you are interested, we can talk about it more in the future. I will have to leave now, though" they only nodded as I exit the cave.

I erected the earth barrier and instructed kunoichi to keep an eye to my golems and the mercenaries, she will inform me of any thing that happens there.

It took me longer to rescue them than what I anticipated, it will be a close call to arrive at my dorm.

(I have to be careful entering the vicinity)

There was already sunlight peaking on the horizon when I arrived at the dorms. I needed to use locator spell just to make sure that no one is around, had no time to check on Al and just went straight to my room.


My golem looked at me surprised as if asking why I was late.

'Sorry, it took me sometime to complete what I needed to do' he only nodded and went back to his clay form.

(I need to research how to add the ability to speak into my golems) I thought as I smell my self.

'Ohh that's potent' (I have to take a bath no matter what, good thing it's still early enough to take a short bath. I just have to make sure that no one see me before I enter the bath)

I tiptoed as I walk to the bathroom.

As I open the door of the public bath of our dorm.


"Mezurashii, I don't see you in the morning much"

(Calm down) "Yeah, I take a bath much earlier, I woke up late today. I lost track of time last night" I said as I walk towards the showers as I look at him who's currently in the tub.

(Good thing I used earth magic to mask my smell, ohh I'm so thankful of my cautiousness)

"What were you doing?"

"I was reading a magic book about Light magic"


"What?" (calm down)

"I just thought that, it was not a surprise"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hahah, don't look at me like that. You always lose track of time when you read something that piques your interest"

"Well sorry about that" (Ahhhh, when is the Oscars? I think I'll win the best actor)

"Hahah. Have any luck on your magic?" I sighed as loud as possible but just enough that it won't sound exaggerated.

"No luck hahh?" he added.

"I need longer time in the unnamed forest, I think using the magic rather than just reading about it will help me more than just studying it"

"Do you plan to request it from the principal" I was about to enter the bath tub at the other side of it.

"Maybe after the war, I want to say 'there's no rush' but the truth is, if I asked for it now, it will cause trouble once we're called on the battlefield. We have to be ready at all times to leave"

"You are to considerate"

(Hehh, not really. Cautious, yes) "I have to, this is war we are talking about. I don't want my selfishness cause lives that could have been preserved"

'That will kill you in the future' I looked at him surprised.

"Did you say something?"

(Calm down, don't get irritated at his comment. Wait, how was I able to hear that?)

"Ohh nothing" I was so irritated but I only made sure to show my confused face.

"Hmmmm, I feel like you mocked me or something" he looked surprised.

"Hahah is that so, I didn't"

"I think we should go"

"Y-yeah" he spoke awkwardly.

We split at the door. I was already close to my room, but I can still hear where he is and that made my ears twitch.

(What the hell, how am I hearing him) I entered my room.

(And did he walk back to follow me) after closing my door, I heard him leave.

(What is happening to me, I really need to research more about Cináed)

After class, I went to the library with Al.

"So your searching for more magic books?" he asked.

"Hmmpt, as if by only reading, he can further advance his magic" Asman commented.

"I only use magic books as reference so that I can efficiently execute spells"

"And how was it?"he sarcastically asked.

"I need more time to use it in live combat" he just smiled mockingly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll advance further. Specially when we are called to the front line" Aý said that made me a bit annoyed.

"If we are called to the frontline, that just means that our side is losing" I look at her with contempt.

"Ahhh, your right, sorry" she said back.

(She's smart and beautiful, but most of the time, she comments without any consideration)

"Don't worry sis, it's an honor for us to be called in the frontline so I understand why you said that" Asman looked at me angrily.

I only ignored him, as I browse the book shelf about history.

"What are you looking for, I thought you'll research about magic?" Al asked

"I am. I need to research about the origin of magic or the Spirits that represents them, maybe that'll give me a clue" he only nodded.

(This one is good) I took everything that includes fire. While the others looked for their own preferred books.


It was about the origin of Cináed and Saint Gahar.

Cináed was born from the first raid of the Dragons, the moment he was born, he aided the dragons in destroying the first city created by humans.

After the first calamity created by the Dragons and Cináed, the human survivors dispersed around Avani [name of this world] and created their own cities.

Due to their beliefs and Opinions, some even crossed the vast seas.

The humans split depending on their race and beliefs. Except for the monsters that seek total subjugation.

As humans multiply, different cities emerged until this cities became kingdoms. However; before this kingdoms were established, the Spirit of Fire, as if trying to hinder the humans to advance their civilization, causes distraction.

Every time a fire is set ablaze and becomes large as a house, Cináed shows himself and amplifies the fire that causes grate damage to any city.

And thus, he was called Cináed, a being born of Fire.

After thousands of years, the humans successfully built their kingdoms. But one of this kingdoms creates Obloquy against the gods, it was the land where Cináed originally was born.

As if he was ordered to, he set the whole kingdom to a sea of flame that lasted 3 days. It is said that the Spirit of Fire used every ounce of his mana to make sure, not even a single human from thus kingdom survives.

This kingdom is now called, Deat Ammos. It is believed that the sand of the said land is made of the ashes of every human, monsters, houses, plants and trees.

Also due to the great heat by the blue flames created by Cináed, even the ability of the land to give life was burned.

After the catastrophe created by Cináed, the Spirit of Fire didn't show itself for hundred of years just until a year before Gahar Gözlegçi the future First magic Saint was born.

No one had the idea that the endless malevolent of Cináed will come to an end soon.

At the age of 43, The Great Saint Gahar successfully destroyed the spirit of fire.

A year after the great feat, the Great Saint, Gahar also expelled the monsters from the boundaries of the Poznaniye Kingdom and removed all their abilities that surpasses the humans.

At the age of 87, the Great Saint disappeared. But one of his apprentice said that the Saint died of his old age. Due to his great amount of mana, his aged body has lost it's ability to house his soul.

All his apprentices constructed a chapel on the place he died and his body was sealed within a crystal that most of his apprentices gave their lives to create, those apprentices were buried beside the chapel.

For 27 centuries, the power that the Great First Saint had, would be passed down to one of his lineage of apprentice.

And 300 years ago, one of them was able to become the 7th Great Saint Magician.

And was able to establish a 300 year Armistice with the Kingdom of Erkenntnis that is slowly conquering all the kingdoms surrounding them within their continent.

He made sure that the Kingdom of Poznaniye has enough time to gain friendly relation with the surrounding kingdoms, encase a war was unavoidable in the future.


"The First Saint was incredible, isn't he? Even the lineage of his apprentice is." Al suddenly looked at me with a face looking humbled that also disappeared in an instant.

"Is he?" he asked and reached out for the book I was reading as I nodded.

(But he was to perfect to be true, is he really that great?) What the monsters told me is making me uneasy about this history. As if something was wrong about what was recorded.

"I thought your gonna study magic?" as he flips the pages.

"That book just piqued my interest"

(I need to check for more) I stood up and was about to go search for more books.

"Hey, where are you going? It's already night, we have to go back to the dorms" Asman said.

I looked outside the library windows.

"Your right, sorry about that. I'll just return this books then" they all nodded as Al handed me the book back and they also returned theirs.

I was already at my room.

(I guess I won't be able to leave tonight) I sat on my table and read the book I borrowed from the library. It was about the First Saint.

As I read I had no idea that someone was watching outside my window.

(I guess, you really are just an ordinary human. I don't have any reason to continue this charade anymore.

I had planned to make you one of my Generals when my plan comes to fruition, but you just keep reading those useless books.

I can't see any sign of hunger to become powerful, even the power you were excreting when I first met you had slowly diminished. As if it has already reached it's limit.

It is almost time for me to move, I guess until that time comes, there's no harm to just enjoy being a kid for the last time) the being just flew away that created a strong wind and made Yalyn's window creak.

I stood up and checked outside my window, but their was nothing. I then chose to sleep, turned of my lamp and went to bed.

The next night.

As I entered the Ogre village, Samurai-san run towards me and suddenly bowed down.

"Woaahhh, why are you bowing down?" I tried my best to stand him up.

"There is no time, Yal-Dono. You are needed by the Young Master"

I feel something was wrong so I rushed towards the leaders hut.

They all stood up.

"Yal-dono, we have to go back to retrieve your golems"

"Why what happened?"

"The mercenaries said that, they will take the elders to the Dragons Valley at sunrise"

(Tssk, I already had an idea this would happen but I didn't expect it to be this early, are they going to move now?) the leader noticed my worry.

"We may not know why but it is obvious that you are hiding a secret.

I heard from the other monsters that the Erkenntnis ships will be arriving the day after tomorrow" his first comment made me flinch.

(What, but it only had been 38 days. They are about 40 days early) I was about to leave.

"Please let me assist you" kunoichi and samurai-san said at the same time.

"No, it will be faster to go alone. Sorry" as I exit the hut.

"Hmmpt, how is he even gonna arrive there faster" cocky said.

"Yal-dono is 3 times faster than me" they all looked at her with astonishment.

As I ran, I'm more worried that they find out about my golems. There is a high chance that my identity will be discovered if they capture one.

(I don't want to stake any chances. If ever anyone in Erkenntnis knows about how golems are made and if anyone there has far more knowledge than me, they can learn about my identity, my abilities, and even my connection to Cináed) I ran faster, I have reached the top speed of a Motorbike of my previous world or even faster cause I didn't care about my footing anymore. I just want to get there as soon as possible.

I slowed down as soon as I reached just about half a millaire away from the ruins.

I masked any scent on me, I also casted invisibility as I approached the ruins.

I went up the ruin I was on before.

"The ship will arrive at the Dragons Valley when the sun is at it's highest peak today" a man with a golden blond hair said.

(Noon today!?) It's already passed midnight.

"You have to make sure to arrive the next day" the mercenaries only nodded.

He walked towards the cage.

"Hmm, you were said to be the strongest of the Ogres but I can't even sense anything from you guys. I can't even imagine your people being any use to us"

Irritation was building up in me and I can sense my golems feeling the same thing.

Before I can even think, I already immobile the mercenaries.

"Don't thoughtlessly comment about the Ogres without even knowing their circumstances" I put a cloth around my face just showing my eyes and undid the invisibility spell.

I sighed for a bit (I am really becoming an annoying MC. Wait I'm not an MC) I shook my head to get my head back to reality.

"And you are?" he wasn't even fazed by the sudden attack that made all the mercenaries around him unconscious.

"I was just passing by and noticed the bonfire, so I came here to check why a bonfire was lit around here.

And what do you know, humans capturing and disparaging the ogres" I had no weapon on me because I didn't think that I'll need it when I left my room. I walked towards the mercenaries and took two swords.

I'm not a dual wielder but with my skill, I can make do with it.

(I should also try to master dual wielding. If I take consideration the possibility of him recognizing my swordsmanship if ever we meet again, I should just use my natural skills) I only stood there examining the swords I've taken and thought of what attack pattern I should use.

"Aren't you gonna attack? If your not, then I should just end you without pain" he jump towards me as he unsheathed his short sword.

(I never considered mastering other skills other than magic and swordsmanship. Should I Master Assassin and Archer?) I thought as I was thinking about an attack to use on my enemy.

(Ohhh that one would be cool) I remembered an attack I watched done by a three sword holder in an anime.

I smoothly avoided his attack while examining his blade.

(His slower than the monsters at the unnamed forest, I already reached level 6 and that place is totally arduous)

I just continued to avoid his attack as I examine his stances and weapons, while reminiscing my fight at level 6 of the unnamed forest.


Sweat and blood was already mixing as they drip down my face.

(Shoot this monster is fast)

It was a mix of a Hyena and a dog with the size of a wolf. Its looks make my hair stand to it's end.

It was growling, as its fangs show itself, claws digging into the ground as it readies itself to attack.

I was still thinking how to defeat it when it was already in front of me, I barely avoided its claws.

(I'm already fast but his faster, he doesn't even need to rev itself. It can attack at it's fastest speed.

Constantly on that speed, how does that even work? He stops and turn without even losing speed) I had no other choice but to retreat.

(Thank the Gods I mastered light magic or I would have to go to class with this wounds and get found out)

I used healing magic and trained at level 7 for a few days with the fastest monster there.

(With my skill in swordsmanship and magic, I thought I could easily get pass this levels but I guess this skills aren't enough meaning I have to get even stronger)

It was a mix of a cheetah and a lion.

(What the hell is with this monsters, they are way off the designs of monsters in the animes I watched. The further in I go, the more they become mixed animals of my old world)

After two days training with the Cheeion, I went back to level 6.

I wasn't still fast enough to be able to attack, so instead I trained with the Hyenadog. It took me 5 days just to be able to move as fast as him, I examined every part of it, just to get me a hint on how it maintains its speed as it moves.

But there was no luck.

(What did I expect, I'm a human and his a monster. Guess I'll just get accustomed with it's speed)

Days had passed and slowly got accustomed with its movement, I also found out that my ankle joint at my hindfoot is what helps me maintain my speed as I side step.

I also ate some fish fat for Omega 3, green leafy veggies and potatoes to maintain my ligaments so that it doesn't snap from overexerting.

I don't know how but I think I have perfect memory, I can remember everything I've read from my previous world to it's smallest detail as long as I try to recall it.

(Creepy but helpful. Thanks to it I was able to strengthen myself without a hitch)

And finally the day came, I was able to decapitate it.

'You really gave me a hard time, but thanks to you. I acquired this speed' as I sheathed my sword.


(Arrrgggg just remembering those days of constant training with the Hyenadog, makes me realize that this world truly is a troublesome world) I just sighed.

I started to attack the man with golden blond hair. I hit his wrist and removed his weapon. He jump backwards to avoid any other attack from me.

(His good, he realized what I was about to do) I thought to myself.

"Who are you!? How are you even able to avoid all of my attacks!?" he was screaming up to the top of his lungs with anger. As if realizing that I wasn't even serious yet.

"I told you, I was just passing by and decided to rescue this monsters"

"Tssk, damn monsters. What is it even matters to you, if we take or even kill this monsters. A mud is even more useful than those bugs" that made my ear twitch.

Irritation welled up in me, I wasn't able to contain the anger.

'How dare you speak against them when you planned to use them for the war you started' I looked at him in anger, I didn't know that I was capable to feel this way for strangers.

The man backed up realizing that he spoke something he shouldn't have said.

"It's to late for you to realize that now" my aura filled the area, even my golems shown anger within their eyes as if resonating with me.

I aligned the swords I'm holding to my right side and attacked him. In an instant I was already behind.

As if his body wasn't able to realize that he was attacked, he didn't felt the pain.

He cupped himself looking for damage then suddenly he fell down unconscious.

'Be thankful that I still had my reason and didn't kill you'

I approached my golems as they shrink back to their original sizes.

'Thanks for the help'

I run back to the Giant Bolder and there I found the elders Meditating.

"Good evening" they all looked up to me.

"Has anything happened?" they asked as I sat down.

"Nothing but instead there's something about to happen" they became serious as I continued.

"Ships from Erkenntnis will arrive later today, the mercenaries who were guarding you was ordered to bring you to the Dragons Valley" they only nodded.

"I had no choice but to take my golems. I posed as someone else and pretended to be just a passer by. Is there anyway for all of you to stay here longer?"

"Your presence left in this cave is to dense, we tried meditating but we were only able to add one day"

"Just until tomorrow" I felt conflicted of the idea in my mind.

"How about, I let half of this disperse. How long will you last?" they looked at each other.

"Are you sure? We know there's a reason why you don't want to disperse this dense mana. If they are able to identify this mana, your enemies will easily recognize you without even needing to see your face" the others nodded and another continued.

"It is better for us to go back to our village"

"If that happens, all of you will need to move somewhere else"

"It is better that way, so that our people doesn't need to face those humans anymore"

"But-" one tapped my shoulder.

"We know that your doing this for us, as a human who doesn't have any reason to assist us Ogres. You have created an option for our people to not follow those from Erkenntnis" another spoke.

"Thanks to you, our people avoided being used for war" they only smiled.

We all went back to the Village and spoke to leader.

"We should seek asylum from the Dryads" one of the elders said.

"But father, no one has seen the Dryads for a century now" he said as he stood up.

(I can see the resemblance)

"There is a cave going under the unnamed forest not far from here, it's a two days walk. It follows the spiral walls of the Spiral monster fortress. There are also some monsters as strong as the monsters in level 6 till the exit, but none stronger" the elders stood up and lined up behind me, as I turned to them, they were all already in a dogeza position.

"This is our request from you, please assist our people to reach the middle of the unnamed forest"

"Level 0, that's the most dangerous part of the unnamed forest" cocky said while I was still unable to speak.

"It's the opposite, it is the safest place to be in the world of Avani. It is the so called Elysian, the birth place of humans and where the Dryads dwells"

That left me dumbfounded. The birth place of the humans of this world and the dwelling place of the Dryads. A chance for me to see with my own eyes, the paradise that was made by this worlds creator.