V2.2 Elysian, The Birthplace of Humans

Due to the noise made by those who escaped, some of the undead started to walk closer.

Eyes filled with anger, Verdeckt used every bit of mana left in him to go back to their ship leaving the mercenaries.

"Admiral" a soldier was running towards him.

Gefürchtet looked at him and gestured to continue.

"The colonel has arrived, but-" he didn't wait for the soldier to finish and walked towards the medical room of the ship.

"How is he?" the other three bowed down.

"He received a chest contusion, the attack was hard enough to injure him while making sure that he stays alive"

"What do you mean?" he asked the doctor.

"As you can see, the attacker was a two sword wielder" he pointed the marks on Verdeckt's chest.

"It seems that the one who attacked him used both swords fuller instead of it's edge.

You will see here on his arm and elbow where bones are broken that the person considered killing him but then suddenly controlled his strength when the sword was about to hit his chest as if avoiding to damage his internal organs"

"What? you want us to be thankful to the attacker for his benevolence" anger fills him.

"Sir, I'm sorry that I went back defeated. I will make sure to pay that person who mocked me, even if that's the last thing I do" he only smiled to the injured person.

"One is sure, your attacker is a Sword Saint" everyone looked at the doctor in doubt as he continued.

"Not even a Master swordsman is capable of this delicate control of strength. If he was just a Master, even just using the fuller of his swords would have killed the Colonel with the strength he has"

The admiral's face filled with excitement as if he had found what he has been looking for so long, an equal that he can go all out as he stepped out of the room.

"Call for every magician with spatial magic" a soldier guarding the door only bowed and run to follow his orders.


It has been a while since we left for Level 0 of the unnamed forest.

There were not much monsters, but there are monsters as strong as the monsters in level 6. I'm constantly moving from front, to center, to the back of the march to kill those monsters with strength of level 7-6.

Ogres who could fight can only stall the monsters until I arrive but can't do anything against them. While leader and the other five ogres are the ones who kills the monsters with strength from level 9-8.

The total number of ogres with me are 183 including leaders team. I'm just thankful that there are only 107 civilians and the rest are fighters.

I wasn't able to refuse the elders with the determination they showed me and I can't deny that I want to see the said paradise.

Getting permission for another leave at school was the easy part. I just went straight to the Principal, asked for it and he granted it without question.

The hard part was when we were about to leave.


"Are the others ready?" one of the elders spoke.

"Yes" leader answered, the others were behind him as his father walked towards the two ogres behind leader.

"Yal-dono, this man and our sole magician will be able to assist you. And I hope this youngsters does too" he held the shoulder of the old man who was always with leader and the old woman magician as he said smiling at me.

"Do you mean, the four of you will not be coming with us?" I asked concerned.

"I'm afraid not, we will be more of use left behind"

"Then I should be the one, I can buy you enough time to reach Elysian"

"That is why, it must be you who guides our people. To tell you the truth, our warriors can only fend off monsters from level 8 and unable to defeat even the weakest in level 7" another elder continued.

"That's why the four of you should be the one to go with them, you four are more than capable to do so" he only shook his head.

"It is more important for us that our people reach Elysian safely. Even if we are the ones to come with them, we are sure that a lot would still perish" another elder spoke.

"Then that also goes for me"

"I beg to differ" it was the first ogre to enter the giant bolder at the Nemir Valley.

"With your strength we can rest assured that every single member of the march will arrive in Elysian safely" I was humbled but also conflicted.

"If so then I can protect all of you, no one needs to be left behind" the four elders only shook their head, as leaders father walked towards him.

"Son, we appoint you as Lord of the horde. When you arrive in Elysian, the Dryads will speak to you and you will find out about everything. Make sure to listen to the Dryads with the five of them" he pointed to the 5 ogres behind leader.

Leader as if already prepared for this outcome only stood straight and only nodded his head.

Seeing all the ogres not even questioning the decision of the elders, only standing straight filled with determination.

'If all of you look like that, how can I even convince them' all the ogres even cocky looked at me with understanding.

The elders lead us to a cave near the entrance of level 8. It was a talus cave going under, a cave that if you don't look close enough will only look like a striation on the giant wall made of rock.

It was big enough for a 6 foot tall man to enter but small enough to be overlooked, specially with it's positioning and all the trees and bushes blocking the view.

The fighters were the first to enter and confirmed that their was no monsters around. We then let the civilians enter. The ones left was me, the 6 ogres and the elders.

"We can't ever thank you enough for doing this for us" one of the elders held my shoulder, a hint of his hand trembling creeps down my spine.

I was about to speak again to convince them but when I looked at his eyes, it was filled with determination. That it choked the words in my throat.

"If you want to thank me then make sure to be alive when I get back" they all only smiled.

No other words were exchanged. The elders went back to the pathway, while I used earth magic to remove the tracks made by the villagers.


"Yal-dono, we should stop a bit later for the civilians to eat and recuperate, specially the elders" I only nodded as we continued to walk.

(Have we been walking that long, if I follow my old worlds time frame, it only has been 3 hours. There should be 2 hours more before lunch) I checked the ogres behind me.

The children, woman and elders was looking tired and made me realize that they are truly more human than we humans think. I stopped walking that made everyone look at me.

"We should take a moment break then look for a place where we can camp for lunch" I said just loud enough to be heard till at the back of the march. Some smiled of relief and sat carefully on the bed rocks as I continued.

"Warriors, you should be more alert" they all nodded and looked at every possible place of attack.

After a moment, we walked again and after more than an hour or so, we found a wide area where we can guard the civilians easier.

Meanwhile at the Ogre Village. The elders were meditating at the center when a circular light suddenly appeared, it was spatial magic. Three humans appeared, wearing full combat armor bearing the crest of Erkenntnis.

"So you stayed while letting the other monsters flee" the elders didn't answer.

"Sir, there is no need for you to waste your time. Let us deal with them" Misstrauisch, the man with orange red hair said. The tall man only looked at them then smiled, walked towards a tree, sat down and leaned on it comfortably.

"Hehhh, we'll make this quick" Liebhaber, the woman said, but the elders only showed their resolve.

It has been an hour since they started fighting.

"Tssk, this useless monsters are to persistent. They don't even speak a word" Liebhaber said annoyed.

"I'm not surprise anymore" Misstrauisch spoke. He opened the mouth of one of the elders that he knocked down.

"They cut their tongue to make sure that even a smallest detail will not come out of their mouth"

The admiral, stood up smiling at the elders mockingly.

"So you want to die valiantly. Then I should give you the opposite" the elders only stood up again, smiling at them as if saying that they don't even care as long as they were able to do their job.

They left the ogre village. From behind, the horror of such a humiliating death can be seen at the center of the village.

A crucifix made of a brittle tree was at the center of the village where the four decapitated bodies of the ogres was tied to, as if not even caring if the crucifix brakes and the bodies falls down. While the heads was put in a bag and hanged on random houses.

The three walked around to inspect any signs of tracks left behind by the ogre villagers.

"Sir, I assume that they only followed the pathway of the forest" Liebhaber said.

"If that is true, they only have one destination" Misstrauisch added.

"Deat Ammos" Gefürchtet looked annoyed as he turned around while taking out a locket from his armor.

"Let's go" they circled around to face him. A light illuminated from the locket and they vanished.

Back to Yalyn's Location. They had already continued marching, Yalyn being busy running back and forth to kill level 7-6 monsters.

After a day and a half.

"Yal-dono, I can see a light at the end of the path"

(Did we already arrive?) I looked around, the lifeless faces of the Ogres became filled with hope. One by one slowly accelerates, parents smiling down on their children. Some just carried them instead and some helped the elders to run.

The excitement in me to see the paradise vanished and I just wanted to look at this sight.

(There is no more doubt in my heart, they are more human than those who condemned them)

'I guess, being an idiot MC is fine if my actions leads to this' I then followed and carried some of the elders. Smiling as we came out of the cave.

It was so bright but it wasn't causing any discomfort to my eyes. In the eyes of other people, it may look like an ordinary field. But the ambiance, the atmosphere that fills the place gives an amazing feeling of piece and comfort.

Lesser spirit playing around, wind touching our skin as if comforting us. Sound of the tree leaves as if the sound of music that lifts our spirit.

And a field, filled with colorful flowers and beautiful grass, as if calling for us to lay down and relax. Telling us that there is nothing to be worried about anymore.

"We have been expecting you" a gust of wind built up in front of us and a spirit appeared. She bowed down to me while other spirits appeared and also bowed down.

"Who? What?" I was surprised and unable to think straight.

(Shoot, this is the first time I got flustered in this world. How can you blame me, when such a beauty suddenly bowed down to you saying they have been expecting you. Not only one but a lot of beauties.

I think I just experienced one of mens most wished fantasy)

"Ohhh Great Spirit of Fire, Cináed. We knew that the time will come when you come back to us" the ogres looked at me with astonishment.

"Ahmm, miss what are you talking about. I'm human see, I'm no Spirit"

"Yes, it seems that you are human right now, but there is no doubt that you contain the Memory Core of Cináed within you"

(Guess there is no doubt anymore hahh) I looked at them wanting to know more.

They led us to the center of the fields where there is a forest. This forest was so different from other forest outside of Elysian. There was noy a single leaf drying up, every single leaf is green. There is not even a single leaf on the ground. It was bustling with life and fruits that it makes you think that the trees never age.

"This is the very place where the first humans was created and the very place where they were casted away" as I sat down with the other 6 Ogres. The villagers and the fighters stayed behind at the fields, to eat and rest.

"The very place?" I asked.

"Yes, that exact spot where you are sitting down is the same spot the first man emerged from dirt" I just looked down at the soil I'm sitting on.

"This is the tree of life, where we were born in" another Dryad said as she points at a tree.

"Then what is that tree? We saw a lot of trees coming here but that's the only tree that is slowly dying out" leader asked.

"That is the tree of knowledge, the very same tree with the forbidden fruit. After man and woman ate the fruit, the tree slowly died out as if it has already lost it's purpose" the Dryads looked at the tree with pity.

"I really want to learn more about this place and the creation of humans, but what I need to know is about what you said earlier" the Dryads only nodded at me.

"It seems that Cináed's memory core was detached from it's Quiddity and Astral body. But not removed from it, only confined and limited, to hide it from anyone's knowledge" I nodded.

"That means, you are the secondary core created by Cináeds quiddity. You can also say that you are the quiddity of Cináed" she continued.

"Do you mean that my Memory core is just the second memory core of Cináed?" she only nodded.

"But I was born in another world and as a human"

"Did anything unusual happen when you were born in that world?"

"A lot of places spontaneously burned, I also had a fever that could kill a full grown man" they look at me still thinking.

"If that is true, then when your spirit was put in the human body. You still had no memory core, only the Astral body and quiddity was present that caused those events.

It is said that to create a new memory core, a spirit consumes the mana that forms it's astral body and thins out it's quiddity for a new memory core to form. Then that explains how you were able to stay alive. If the original Memory core wasn't constrained, it won't be able to be planted within a human body.

It is a fact that when a spirit devoid of a memory core creates a new one, it becomes so weak that it can easily disperse and vanish" she exclaimed.

"Then the reason why Cináeds quiddity was planted into a humans body was for it not to vanish.

Whomever helped Cináed, hmhm, helped you had thought all of it thoroughly, making sure that you are able to stay alive and able to get back to this world" that left my mouth hanging.

"Then what do you mean you see two memory cores within me?"

"I assume that the constrains were already removed, but the view is very astonishing. It looks like the other memory core is not even fighting to claim its place but instead supporting the second core, your core" she looked at me as she points at the middle of my body.

"Then does that mean, that Cináed doesn't want to claim it's true place?" I asked, she only smiled.

"You may have different memory cores but, you are still Cináed. Only the Memories are not attached but you are still you. That means the first memory core, with your previous memory chose to be a different individual but will continue to support you.

It's the same as Spirits entering humans to assist them on managing their skills and mana pool"

"What? Spirit's does that?" they chuckled a bit.

"It seems that you had not much of an interest in this world to learn more about it" she chuckled lightly then continued.

"Yes, there are 3 ranks in Spirits. The Original Spirits, the first spirits that were born the same time Avani was created.

The Mid Spirits, lesser spirits who had gained enough power to have a more stable quiddity and attain an Astral body.

And the lesser spirits that has a very small memory core and an unstable quiddity, they can only support lesser life forms.

It is rare for an Original Spirit to assist humans or other beings, if I'm not mistaken, they only help those who had piqued their interest.

Because the job really is given to Mid Spirits by the Gods. They possess humans chosen by a God, a human that has great amount of mana, then help them use their skills and managing their overflowing mana"

"How about the humans that wasn't chosen?" the Dryad looked glum and just shook her head.

"Unfortunately, those humans that aren't chosen by the Gods, mostly perish because of their great mana"

"Guess I'm lucky that I'm the second core of Cináed" thinking of how the gods forsake other humans, makes me mad.

"But if what you say is true, why didn't my abilities show at my previous world?"

"Ohh dear child, I'm sorry, I do not know the answer. Even the things I have told you are only hypothetical, I was only basing it on the knowledge we know" she only cupped my cheeks to show her concern.

"For now, just make sure that you do not attract to much attention. As long as you keep to yourself, you will be able to avoid the eyes of the Gods" she continued.

"Why do I need to avoid them?"

"It is to early for you to know, become stronger. Stronger than all the Original Spirits and even the Gods. You being a human made it possible for you to master every elements and laws, when you regain your original abilities you will become stronger than anyone had thought off"

"Does the Gods keep watch on every human?"

"They may know a lot about us but they don't know everything. Specially within Elysian, only the God of Creation has the ability to see us here but it has been thousand of years since he last look within the boarders of Elysian"

"I-I understand" I then remembered the elders at the village.

"I will have to go now" I stood up and looked at the Dryads.

"Is there anyway I can communicate with my Original core?" they look at me with surprise.

"You should be able to, but that still depends on Cináed, I mean your other core. If it is time to do so and with the knowledge you are slowly learning about yourself, all your abilities should slowly manifest"

"My abilities?"

"Yes, even if you have a human body. You are still one of the Original Spirit, your natural skills should slowly manifest" I nodded.

"Can I give name to monsters?" now the ogres looked at me.

"Yes, but let me warn you. Giving name is very risky, it requires mana but that isn't the risky part. When you name a monster, a piece of your quiddity is taken"

"Like when I give life to Golems?" the dryads was surprised as if it was the first time they've heard of it.

"When you give name to a monster, you will exchange a piece of quiddity to each other that will serve as a link to your souls. Once the exchange of quiddity is completed, a soul cloister is created, a holy passageway that can't be meddled with by anyone, even by the Gods.

That is all we know, other than that. No one has shared their experience. But one is sure, the one given a name becomes a follower of the giver and the connection slowly cancels the effect of the curse placed upon the monsters"

(Guess that is enough, I can give name at least to this 6)

"Can you please, observe my soul for me as I give names to them" I pointed to the ogres.

"Are you insane, why would I accept a name from you" she was blushing.

(I guess now I know why she's always like that. She's a certified 'Tsundere') that made me smile.

While the other Ogres bowed with a face that shows gratefulness.

"You don't have to bow"

"No, we have been aiming to be your follower, but you giving us names are more than we had hoped for" Tsundere also bowed.

(She's funny) I gestured to them to stand up.

And gave leader his name first.

"I will call you Naruhito" (it just fits him perfectly) I looked at the Dryad and she only nodded.

(Does that mean it's safe?) so I continued to give names.

I gave them names that fits them in my opinion of course.

Samurai is now called Shinsuke, kunoichi is Reina,

Tsundere is Yaeko with her multilayered personality (Hahah)

Old man is Shinju, old but still has great value and the old magician is Noriaki cause she's a magician.

"How does my soul looks like?" I asked.

"Not a lot of it was pieced out and the pieces taken was replaced with the piece of their quiddity, but do you feel okay? You named six ogres, you should be running out of mana"

"Heki, heki, mondainashi. As long as my quiddity is fine, I'm fine. I've always been known to have a great amount of mana. But just encase, I'll stop today, I have to go back now to check on the elders and go back to school"

"We understand"

"When I come back, I will give you guys names too" I left as fast as I can.

"There is no need, we have-. Ara his already gone"

"Sister, what should we do with them" the ogres were past asleep.

"We should create a temporary shelter for them. He was in a hurry that he didn't even notice what happened to the others" as she looked at the direction the human run towards too.

(With my speed, I should be able to get there in just a few hours. Please just be alive)

I have arrived at the exit of the cave and continued to run towards the ogre village.

But the sight of the elders stopped me in place.

(I don't understand this feeling, what is this. Why do they have to do this to them) In an instant I released all of my emotions disturbing all that surrounds me.

Not knowing, Yalyn's menacing aura reached far up to the kingdom of Preziveli, Kingdom of Vrede Siek, the Dwarfs Mountain and Poznaniye.

Even to Elysian, dreadful feeling has fallen to every being that had felt the aura. They felt in an instant, the mix feeling within Yalyn's heart. Anger, Sadness, Regret and the urge to kill.

Every monster in the unnamed forest seek shelter, wishing that they don't encounter the person emitting the aura.

The menacing aura only stayed in a moment and vanished.

Yalyn who's at the ogre village, was unable to cry as he carefully brought down the heads and the bodies of the ogres.

He cut a piece of hair from the ogres to give to their families and buried their bodies.

He then slowly came back to his school dorms, his friends seeing him but they were unable to make conversation. He was unresponsive till he enter his room, and stayed in the whole day.

'Are you okay' a voice spoke to him.

'It's me Cináed' the name made him frown.

'I know that your mad, specially to me because I wasn't able to help you'

(If you already know that, why do you continue to speak)

'I speak to you now not because I want to make excuses but instead, I want to tell you something' he only stayed quiet.

'It is not your fault, it was their choice to protect their people. You being eaten by regret and anger, are you taking lightly of their resolve?' that snap me back to reality.

I remembered their faces and the look on their eyes as we bid farewell at the entrance of the cave. Yet I was still unsure.

(Then what should I do with what I'm feeling?)

'I didn't say to let it go, instead hold it in. We are the Original Spirit of Fire, Anger is our fuel, hold that anger within you and the time will come where it will serve you well'

(Cináed, will I be able to talk to you more often now?)

'Hahah, we are the same spirit but we are very different I see. Is talking to me really that important'

(You are me and I am you, it's a very strange thing but it is true. I have always wanted to know about you and I know you knew that, but why are you only speaking to me now)

'I was still recuperating, I may be within our quiddity but I have already became a different entity from you. That means that, I don't receive any mana from our quiddity anymore. That means I'm slowly becoming a different spirit with a different quiddity'


'Let us stop here for today. Someone has been knocking on your door' I looked at my door and realized that someone is really knocking.

I stood up and was about to open the door when Cináed spoke again.

'Yalyn, my other self. From today onwards, endless pain will come to you, but always remember that I am here for you from now on. Do not let anything break you, if you let yourself be eaten by your anger and anguish. It will be our enemies victory again'

(What do you mean?) Cináed didn't answer as I opened the door.

The look on Asman's face made my heart pound. A feeling of dread again started to slowly cloud my sanity but I held myself firm and harden my resolve.

(Endless pain? I was already used to it due to my life in my previous world but Anger is unknown to me. Cináed please help hold this Anger that I know I will again feel) I still had no idea of what was about to happen.