V2.3 The Devastating Defeat and Deaths

The moment the ships of Erkenntnis beached at the shores of the Dragons Valley.

The soldiers came to shore and formed their squadrons. The one leading them was Admiral Gefürchtet, with no moment wasted, they marched towards the South-East of the Dragons Valley.

Just before the sunset, they have arrived at their destination. The ideal location for them to camp and 'look down on their enemies' as how the Admiral put it.

They were at a hill top not far from the set battlefield. The border of the Dragons Valley and the Giants Forest.

He sat on an oak carved chair that is usually used by a king inside a Pavilion Canopy type tent.

As he lazed on the chair, young dragons can be seen flying above the camp as if guarding them.

Fear can be seen on the faces of all the soldiers on the other side of the battlefield that gave Gefürchtet the feeling of fulfilment.

"Do not fret about the dragons, we all have come here knowing that this could be possible, for them to be able to control the dragons.

Prepare for supper, we will eat merrily tonight for the war tomorrow. As you fill your stomach and quench your thirst.

Remember your village, your friends, your family, your children. We are not fighting for ourselves, we are not fighting for our honor.

We are fighting for those who we left assuring to come back with victory, we will make sure that in the future, they still have their freedom"

Every single being, no matter what their race screamed through their lungs and smiled.

Food was served and they all ate and drunk to their hearts content.

The one who spoke was Asil Tyypa, the Grand Cross, the highest rank of the Kingdom's Knights of the Arcane Writ.

No body has known where he had been for the past years but was still in contact with the King. Just about a few months before the movements at the Erkenntnis Kingdom, he showed up at the Poznaniye Castle.

He was on a 3 feet high stage so that he could be seen by all the races.

As he stepped down, Jady was waiting for him and they continued to walk towards a tent to re-brief the war plan.

"I heard that someone was aiding you on this plan" Jady was surprised, no one but the 7 elves with her at the Elves settlement should have known about it.

"Do not worry, the elf who told me also said that the person aiding us on this plan prefers to stay anonymous" he added.

"Yes, the person providing information to us is very cautious and doesn't want anyone to know about him. I would appreciate it if you could understand" he only turned his head to look at Jady as the other Knights and leaders entered the tent.

"I'm not questioning your decision to abide on his demand to stay anonymous, I just want to make sure that this person is truly trustworthy" Jady only looked at him emotionless.

They looked at each others eyes, pressure can be felt in the atmosphere that made the other knights and leaders of other races only stand in attention. Until the Grand Cross nodded.

"I understand, then tell me all the information he provided" Jady only nodded then placed a map on the table.

(If that elf didn't told him my apprentice's name, he or she trust my apprentice enough and the plan) that made Jady relieved.

She explained everything.

"So this person, provided most of the vital information we acquired for the war. He also provided some tactics that can aid us on the battle" his face was doubting and filled with concern.

"I now believe you that the person aiding us is very cautious, nobody can provide such detailed information and convincing tactics if they weren't so" he added as he looked seriously on the map.

"Yes, if he didn't provide us with this information. Just seeing the faces of our companions earlier when they saw the dragons, I can't even imagine what could have happened if we didn't knew about it" he only nodded to Jady.

"Yes and this walls or may I say pathways, I can already imagine how much help it will be" It was the Grand Cordon.

"That's not all, we are also able to plan our defense for possible monster attacks" It was the 2nd class Grand Officer.

"This person, by aiding the Ogres he had avoided a great lost in number from our soldiers. Monsters may be cursed but Ogres are equal to 2nd class knights" as the Grand Cross move pieces that represents human races on the table.

"Even if they are few in number, they could easily kill 3rd and 4th class knights" he added.

"Isn't all monsters equal to us 2nd class knights?" It was a 2nd class knight commander who asked.

"Yes, but as all of you know. Monsters are all cursed, they are born merely as a human with monster features. If they want to attain strength, they need to train as hard to reach their full potential.

But because even if they do, they can't go beyond it. So most monsters chose to just live in piece, their are maybe some who trained but they only did so to protect their people" Jady nodded.

"Only the Ogres are known to train half of their population. While the other races only trains 20-50 persons.

Because there is no need, as long as they don't attack humans, they are left alone"

"How can you say that we already have avoided a great loss when the person Jady-sama spoke of only aided one village" It was a 3rd class Commander.

"Monsters have long lives, because of this they don't have the urgency to multiply. Before they were cursed, they were only 40-70 in number. Even though it has already been 3000 years, each monster race with intellect only reached 200-300 in number in current"

"Why is that" the 3rd class commander.

"If they multiply to much, they won't be able to easily protect their people" It was the 2nd class Grand Officer who spoke.

"And you may not believe it but monsters are very particular in the person they will mate with" Jady said with a hint of smile on her face, that lifted the anxiety in the tent.

"Do they want a stronger mate?" the knight asked.

"No, they want true love" everyone was amused yet doubting.

"I understand. They are more human than we think" the Grand Officer said.

"No, they are humans to begin with. Only our ancestors was whom who called them monsters" there faces filled with remorse.

"Whatever had happened, they are our enemy when they attack us. Feeling sorry for them won't change anything" the Grand Officer said clearly, and the tension easily came back.

"But if there is a chance for us to free their people, we should do it, do all of you understand?" Grand Cross ordered.

"Hahh" they only saluted.

And they continued to review and finalize the plan.

Before sunrise, all soldiers were already marching to the battlefield. Their were 40 companies containing 10 squadrons with each has 900 foot soldiers and 100 knights totalling to 400,000.

But they were not all of them, their are another 100,000 troops scattered in the battlefield to prevent the surprise attack of monsters. The information given by a source.

Fear can be seen to every soldier on the battlefield.

On the other side of the border, their were about 300,000 troops as the 13 dragons slowly lands to line up in front of the enemy company.

Jady who was way behind the line up of their formation proceeds at the front while riding her horse.

'Listen' she murmured still thinking of the right words for her to say.

"Listen!" she shouted, as if woken up from a nightmare, all soldiers and knights looked at her and followed her every move.

"I know you are scared, I know that many of you wishes that this is only a nightmare, but this is real. We are going to fight a war against dragons" some looked like they were chocked unable to breath properly.

"I can't even assure you that you'll leave by the day. I will not give you words of hope nor encouragement. I will give you words of praise" faces from fear became anticipation.

"I salute every single one of you who are standing on this battlefield despite knowing that they would face dragons.

I salute you, for coming here to protect your family, your friends, your kingdom" her voice was mellow but still loud and clear, resolve slowly shows in their eyes.

"The moment you have signed up for this war, your name has already been written in our history.

To those who will live, do not ever forget about us who has given up their lives for the freedom of every child. And to those who will die, we will do everything in our power to protect those whom you wanted to protect as we hold the 'Piece' tightly within our grasp, the 'Piece' that this foes are threatening to take" she shouted with resolution that made every being looking and listening to her shout in agreement.

Their shout resounded on the whole battlefield that it even reached the tent where Admiral Gefürchtet was in.

"Their lively" irritation can be seen on his face as if seeing the opposite of what he expected.

"Yes, the sight of the dragons on our side was not enough to make them lose their resolve"

"Tssk... maa ii. Hows the plan proceeding" sounding indifferent.

"Yes, the left and right wing has been informed of the plan. While the center of the battalion will proceed with the previous plan.

They are also in position" that put a smile on his face.

"Dewa, shall we see how they struggle"

Sound of drums and horns were played to announce the start of the war. It was Erkenntnis who first moved.

"Our source said that the enemy will first attack with the center guard. The vanguard and rearguard won't move, so we shouldn't ever do a pincer even if it looks like it will give us an advantage.

That is what the enemy will expect. When we do a pincer, that is when the monsters will suddenly show themselves, as we all know monsters has a lot of way for them to hide in the battle field*

"Guess his right hahh" the Grand Cross said as he gave the order.

Only the center guard moved, which contains most of the demi humans.

The enemy center guard contains over 100,000 troops while our center guard contains over 150,000.

After a while since the war begun.

"Sir, a report from the battlefield. Some of our troops suddenly disappeared" exasperation can be seen on his face.

"Not even a trace nor armor was left, as if they were transported to another place" he only bowed nervously.

"What tricks are this vermin's playing" he then stepped outside his tent.

"Send this to my Captains, it's to early but I don't want those insects to think that they have hope in winning" he handed pieces of cloth with writing.

At the battle field.

Small groups of enemies are encircled and lead to a part of the battlefield.

With the help of the lycanthropes, they can easily locate the holes made by the Elves.

Then suddenly, the earth barrier is undone and most of the enemies falls in the 20 feet deep hole with 10 feet iron spikes that pierced the enemies who fell.

The left enemies who was surprised by what happened are easily killed. Because of the number of holes made, non of it was easily filled.

And others who has gravity magic, removes the bodies from the holes. So that the enemy won't think of the possibilty of holes in the battlefield.

"Jady-sama, the enemies are retreating" she only nodded and gestured to the one holding a giant horn.

As the enemies retreated, they also signalled the allies to make sure to hide the holes and retreat.

"Sir, isn't this a bit unusual as if they know what we are about to do" Misstrauisch said.

"I don't care, he had laid down the plans and our only job is to follow and give him the best outcome possible" Gefürchtet said resolute.

He then started an incantation, but it was more like he was talking to someone. Then he looked at the biggest Dragon on the line up and then the dragon roared as loud as it can.

The dragons suddenly hovered slowly and then flew, circling in the sky as if counting how many humans it could kill in one breath.

Then one flew down close enough to kill most of the humans in the front.

The view gave Gefürchtet a smile on the face. But something was wrong, it was a multi barrier, all of the magician and elves formed multi barriers to prevent the dragons breath to reach them.

He spoke in a different tongue as if giving orders. Then half the number of the dragons landed on the ground to destroy the barriers. In one swipe of the dragons, the barriers crumbled and some of the soldiers was tossed and killed by the attack. The dragons crawled closer to breath against the humans but one suddenly roared in pain.

One dragon was caught in a hole, the other dragons as if in instinct positioned themselves to fly which give more pressure to the ground their standing in as their weight is in one point.

Then one by one, holes appeared, the dragons fell down on the holes with their whole weight in one point in which they were easily pierced by the spikes in the hole.

As the dragons struggle to free themselves, dwarfs attack with their enchanted weapons as the Elves used their elemental arrows and Lycanthropes attacked with brute force.

Loud cheers can be heard from the other side of the battlefield. Which filled Gefürchtet with Anger.

The only option left is to use a pincer attack on the enemy.

Only a few of the dragons who landed was able to escape. They hovered in the sky as if waiting for the time to strike back

"This is it, sir" Jady said to Asil.

"The war proceeded so fast that I can't even believe my eyes" Asil mesmerized by the outcome.

(A war that take days before reaching this point was done in a day, just because of the information and tactics given to us by that anonymous person) he thought to himself.

"I would really like to meet the person who provided us such great help" he smiled to Jady.

"When the time he is more confident with himself, I'm sure that time will come" he was surprised, that was the first time Jady slipped something about that person that only made him more intrigued about the individual.

Then suddenly it was an all out war, magician in stand by always ready to erect barriers to block the dragons breath attacks.

Lycanthropes using their sense of smell to locate the holes that was still hidden.

Elves who was always alert to undo and erect the earth barrier blocking the holes and dwarfs defending to avoid any flank attacks from both the van guard and rear guard.

While the Scattered soldiers hanging on their wits to make sure that no surprise attack are done by the monsters.

At one side of the forest, outside the battlefield.

"I know that all of you wants to support them and to fight with them. But remember, even though we are hidden. We are still fighting with them, we are going to protect them from any surprise attacks" most of the troops nodded.

"So that was the plan" A voice suddenly spoke behind him.

A man, no a child stood up.

"I knew something was odd, when you saw the dragons. Why wasn't despair written on your faces? Why were they able to anticipate my armies actions? Who thought of those holes and elaborately thought of the possible uses of it?

Those questions run through my head. You even know about us using the monsters"

Just meters away from the center of the battle field was where Jady and the Grand Cross was.

Someone then casted a Wind surge that pushed ally and foe from a wide area.

Then suddenly, shackled monsters appeared out of nowhere. That made the humans stop fighting.

In an instant, all the monsters were decapitated. That made every person who was near the area scream with horror.

"I have no use for this monsters anymore, they will only be trouble in the future so I just killed them.

Now monsters, you don't have the need to follow me anymore" his voice reaching every individual in the battlefield even though he wasn't even screaming.

He was a mere child with his voice and height. He is wearing a mages armor, that hides his identity and only shows his mouth which was bizarre.

Every species of monster suddenly appeared from nowhere. They were hiding underground, in a manmade fort.

"They were able to dig those even though we were here the whole time" an elf spoke.

"More precisely, I was the one who dug it. The day the Erkenntnis showed movement. But I never imagined that you also thought of the same idea. No, a better idea infact.

I guess, I underestimated you all to much and didn't thought of putting someone on watch.

You see, I was conflicted cause Elves has a great sense of movement, anyone who watched over your actions will surely be found out"

With the commotion no one noticed some of the enemies retreating. No, they were compelled to only pay attention to the action done by the person speaking.

Then a sudden wave of power surge throughout the battlefield that hit both foe and ally.

"Chant less magic" she protected as much soldiers and knights as possible even if some of them were enemies.

As one by one, ally and foe fell to their knees while all the foot soldiers was already dead.

2nd class knights and those in equal strength were barely standing up.

"Wow, a lot of you are still standing. I knew that the Elves, Dwarfs and Lycanthropes won't be easily killed by this magic but I never have guessed that 2nd class knights and those who has the same abilities will still be able to stay on their feet"

Monsters witnessing what was happening, hesitated to live but even though they wanted to even just retrieve the bodies of their leaders. Someone was in the way, and they knew that if they died there, the death of their leaders will be for naught.

Most of them left but few stayed behind to watch the deciding moment of the war, to acquire even the smallest information about the individual who killed their leaders.

"Who are you, what is your motive?" Jady was the only one who was able to speak.

"Motive? that is a good question" in a blink of an eye, he was already in front of Jady which surprised Jady but she still did her best to hide her fear.

(His a saint magician, there is no other explanation. Such intricate chant less casting of magic. But with his voice, his only a child) she thought to herself.

"Should I tell you?" he smiled mockingly as he walked away from Jady.

Anger, slowly filling Jady but she did her best to hold it in.

"What if I tell you, I want to thin out the human population?" he looked back to Jady as he said those words with a menacing voice.

"Thin out the human population, you say?. Huzakeruna! why would you want to do that! You're insane!" the Grand Cross finally spoke.

"Am I? I was just ordered to do so. With so much humans populating the world, they can't keep tabs on every single one" that made Jady realize something that she doesn't even want to think as a possibility.

"I planned on using this war to get rid off a lot of humans. I also planned to use this war to exterminate the monsters. As much as possible I didn't want to get involved you see" he exasperatedly said while smiling.

"But somehow, you were able to see through my plan, well I already expected that. But you even knew about the monsters" unable to see his eyes, a person shouldn't be able to tell what he truly is showing under the mask. But with only his smile, he was able to send fear to every soldier and knight left standing.

"Who might have planed this?" He asked and a lot of the soldiers looked at Jady.

"Ohoh, it was you? You never strike me as a strategist, I guess I also underestimated you. Well it was my bad and either way you will die here anyway" The Spirit of Wind and Water appeared behind him.

Then the spirits started to sing. Most of the people were deprived of air while others were vomiting water.

"It can't be? Original Spirits?"

"Oh your versed well, you know that only Original Spirits are able to do this kind of phenomenon"

"Then I'll give you a treat" another Spirit appeared then Jady felt his body getting heavier and heavier.

When Jady's body was slowly being crashed by the gravity magic casted by the Original Spirit of Gravity, a group of knights appeared. They bowed down to the kid in armor as he removed his Helmet.

Surprised of what she's seeing, she was able to utter a question.

"Why, why are you here?" Jady asked.

"Me, because I'm the one who planned this war, I just wanted to make sure that your people learn that there is no hope. But ended up doing the job I gave to my Top admiral" he looked at Gefürchtet who only stayed bowed.

Tears well up on Jady's eyes, she wanted to ask more but she had no strength left to utter the words.

'Jady' she heard the Grand Cross uttered struggling.

'I guess, this is it. I truly wanted to meet that person but I guess, it wasn't meant to be' as the last word came out of him, blood spurted that even reached Jady who was a meter away from him.

A soldier approached the child in armor.

"Gahar-sama. We are ready to leave" it was Misstrauisch

Jady's eyes widened as she fights for air to stay alive.

"Wait" he said to the soldier and walked towards Jady and sat half squat beside her.

"You might be thinking that, you had the upper hand on this war, but let me tell you something.

The winner of this war had already been decided 3000 years ago, when I have successfully defeated Cináed and cursed not only the monsters but also the humans that you people call monsters. This outcome was caused by your racism and self serving" he slowly stood up as he continued.

"But because you showed me a good fight, I will grant you a gift. I will not kill your last apprentice, I was going to but realized that he was not a threat. He has the skills but doesn't have the knowledge and the power to support it.

Anshin shiro, I will only play with your apprentice for a bit longer, but will not harm him"

At the last moment of Jady's life, as Gahar turned his back on her, she smiled in relief and triumph. Just before the last breath left her a thought came.

(I'm so glad he was so cautious and paranoid. If he weren't like that, then there will be no one left to save this world)

Gahar then walked with the knights through the battlefield without caring about the left soldiers hiding in the woods, as if only strolling through a park as they casually stepped on the dead bodies.

The squadrons hiding in the woods, baring witness to what happened. Decided to regroup, they were at the West side near the center of the Giants forest.

Grief and hopelessness was written in their faces, they tried to hide it to one another to comfort their companion with no avail, when they realized one squadron hasn't arrived yet.

A group of scouts was sent at the Nort-West of the forest. A part of the forest which is in between the border of Nemir Valley and the Dragons Valley. It was where Gahar first appeared before revealing himself in the battlefield.

As the scouts stealthily approached the area, the first scout who saw the area where the squadron was supposed to be, was unable to contain his scream that made the other scouts run towards him.

All of them unable to utter any word, witnessing such a horrendous sight.

Dead bodies of the soldiers was scattered, no, parts of there bodies was scattered, blood splattered everywhere.

The person who had done it was clearly without remorse. Bodies decapitated, amputated and bisected.

The person who did it, obviously did the job clumsily to make sure that this people felt the pain as they were being cut through.

They returned to the area where the other squadrons were and gave the report.

As soon as night fell, the 90,000 troops that was left. Went back to the battlefield to retrieve some of the valuables of the troops and knights to give it back to their families. While they carried the high ranking individuals like Jady, the Grand Cross and some who are of Noble blood.

As if understanding each other, some of them even helped the monsters carry their elders inside of the forest.

The monsters only bowed in thanks to the humans who lended them a hand.

While the Elves, Dwarfs and Lycanthropes searched the battlefield for those who still alive. Not many of them died but still the hopeless situation they endured at that time was enough to kill their resolve.

The event that occured may not have killed them but it succeeded in killing their will to fight.

After less than 2 days of walk, they arrived at the Poznaniye just after sunrise.

The light of the new morning sun that should have given new hope to the kingdom became the very thing that burned the memory into the minds of the civilians who are witnessing the defeated look of the soldiers who entered the gates.

The first body they saw was the dead body of The Grand Court Magician and Grand Cross Asil, that made most of the civilians lost their strength and fall on their knees, shock and fear written on their faces.

The soldiers, unable to contain their tears anymore after seeing the reactions of the civilians. Cried in silence.

They were already near the Castle when two students approached the carriage that is carrying Jady's body.

It was Asman and Yalyn.

"Yalyn, what are you doing here?" he moved his horse to prevent Yalyn getting any closer.

He knows Yalyn because he was one of the knights who thought Yalyn sword stances.

"Sir Jakşı, I already know. My friend already told me about it" Asman only nodded to the knight who was riding a horse beside the carriage.

"Then you shouldn't see her in this state. You should see her when she has been already attended too, your master won't like it if you see her like this"

"Sir, I need to see her" Yalyn only looked at the knight. He didn't emitted any aura this time but chills run down the knights spine by just hearing Yalyn's voice.

He then moved his horse aside and gave way to Yalyn.

Yalyn touched his masters hair, as if burning the memory to his head to never forget about it. Asman, held Yalyn's shoulder to pull him out of the way.

The knight nodded to the young Elf as they continued to enter the castle gates.

"Are you okay?" Asman asked even though realizing that it was a stupid question.

Yalyn only walked away then stopped.

"Asman, thank you for accompanying me here. Even though I know you hate me, you still treat me as a friend. But from now on please stay away from me, can you also tell Al to do the same" then Yalyn continued to walk.

Asman was unable to rebuke Yalyns words, they were never close. They mostly disagree with each other, he also even pick fights with Yalyn.

Him trying to comfort Yalyn was not going to help. He had no choice but to look for Al.

(When you need him, that's just when you can't find the man) he shouted in his head.

After a while, Yalyn arrived at the Unnamed forest.

He fought and killed monsters continuously, until he reached level 5. With no constraint, no hesitation, no remorse, he mowed down his enemies using every stance and magic in his repertoire.

He then reached level 4, he continuously took down monster one after the other without any trouble. Until he finally reached level 1.

It was huge, as big as a young dragon. It had dragon scales, a dragons wing with patches of feathers and claws of a dragon, yet it clearly looked like a human.

Yalyn jump to attack it but physical attack had no effect on it.

The monster despite it's size swiftly attacked Yalyn. Because of Yalyn unable to think straight was caught up on the attack.

One of the claws of the monster dug in to his leg that made Yalyn scream in pain. As he was tossed to the wall.

He finally felt physical pain that comforted his heart. As he slowly stood up again, still in pain.

Then he jumped towards the monster to attack without even thinking twice.

He was in pain, so much pain that he wanted to be damaged physically for him to forget the pain he was feeling.

He continued to attack the monster aimlessly.

Cináed seeing his other self in such a state was unable to speak. He was only able to watch and sometimes moves their body to avoid fatal damage.