V2.4 The Truth behind the Friendship part 1

It has been a while since Yalyn started fighting with the monster.

He received so much damage, yet not lethal enough to endanger his life. But the suffering his letting himself go through, Cináed can't let it go further.

'Yalyn, stop already. This is far enough, I know that you know that physical attacks doesn't work on this monster. You have to use magic'

But Yalyn wasn't listening to him, Yalyn continuously fought the monster aimlessly.

'Yalyn, are you going to let yourself die here? Are you going to die without avenging the Ogre elders and your master?'

This question run in Yalyn's mind again and again like a running DVD player with a scratched compact disk.

And out of nowhere he summoned all of the power left in him and shot it to the monster. The monster shone a huge bright light that can't be ignored by anyone. The power emitted by the monster was enough to mask the great power used by Yalyn.

The light was so strong that it can be seen up to the Dragons Valley which Gahar took notice of, however.

"One of those failures finally died" he said as he seeps a cup of tea.

While the knights only stood in attention waiting for the next order.

But the light was also noticed by someone who shouldn't ever know about Yalyn. But before Yalyn is found out, Cináed quickly warned Yalyn.

'Yalyn, you have to leave now. You will be found out by the enemy' Yalyn not understanding, only run towards the exit, after running all the way out of level 8.

He found himself in the Ogres village, he went inside the Elders hut. He then sat at the corner as he wept in silence, as if doing his best not to be found out.

'I'm sorry Yalyn'

(Why are you apologizing, your not the one who killed the elders and my master)

'Still, I'm sorry'

(Cináed, what will it take me to fully recover our abilities?)

'You already did'

(What do you mean)

'Do you remember the one you fought at level 1?'

(You mean the creature with human features, dragon scales that only has it's killing instinct?)

'Yes, that one. That is a half angel half Dragon

That's the only creature that is able to match Original Spirits. However, you were able to defeat it with ease'

(That monster is equal to the Original Spirits?)

'Demons and Angels are inferior to us Original Spirits, we are born from the natural magic essence of the world. While Demons and Angels are born of a human soul, which is only a replica of that essence.

We, original Spirits are the closest beings to the Gods. The only difference is, the Gods doesn't need a conduit while us Original Spirits need it. That is why we are named based on our conduit'

(You mean your conduit is Fire? What if fire is not created?)

'My very essence will slowly disperse'

(Is the reason why we continue to get stronger is because of the endless use of fire?)

'You can say that'

(Then how was the Half Angel-Half Dragon able to be an equal to the Original Spirits?)

'Do you know how Angles are born?'


'As I have said earlier, Demons and Angels are born of human souls that lost both their Astral body and Quiddity.

When a human soul lose both, the memory core indiscriminately absorbs every knowledge in the world. Without the quiddity that makes out the reason of the soul for knowing which is good and bad.

The memory core will be contaminated with all the evil in the world that causes it to become a demon, however if the memory core rejects the urges, it will deteriorate and will be unable to reincarnate.

But there are instances that the memory core that is usually colored the same color of the sky, emits a bright light and becomes a clear immaculate white.

It is believed that this soul reached enlightenment. When this happens, the soul will suddenly grow a quiddity then an Astral body as if they were gifted power by the Gods' as Cináed continues to speak, Yalyn slowly wiped his tears away.

'Demons are lustful entities but doesn't have any desire to multiply, while Angels will do anything just for them to add more to their numbers'

(You mean, they even breed with humans?)


(Then what are you saying?)

'Angel can only breed with 3 entities, those with unusual birth. The dragons, fairies and lastly with demons.

(Demons? And what kind of unusual birth?)

'You already know about demons. Meanwhile Dragons and Fairies were brought to life by the God of Creations emotions, as he was creating the World of Avani.

However, Angels weren't able to produce any normal offspring for them to be able to multiply. They were all like that monster you fought at level 1 of the Forest. They weren't far from a beast only thinking of killing those who gets near them.

In other words, angels are able to pass on their abilities but unable to pass on their enlightenment.

While dragons are almost made the same as us Spirits but with a different conduit. They are born of the emotion of the God of Creation, Pride which gave birth to Dragons and Happiness that gave birth to Fairies.

Their conduit is the body they obtained, it is both a physical body and an Astral body that directly absorbs the essence of the world. However, they have a limit in strength, even though they can easily absorb essence they can't become stronger by it, they can only recover from it'

(Their mana pool has a limit and is unable to expand?)

'Close, but actually their body is the problem. Because it is both physical body and Astral body.

What happens to a human who is unable to contain their expanding mana?'

(They become a ticking bomb)

'That also goes to Dragons and Faries. Because of their large bodies, dragons can still obtain insanely large amount of mana plus their elemental breath that was bestowed to them by the Gods.

While Faries, make up for their weakness with schemes'

(Then the half Angel-half Dragon should become weaker, right?)

'Even I thought so but it seems that mixing the human essence and Dragon essence, awakens a Dragons true abilities that they have received from the God of Creation. The ability to hone the natural essence of the Universe that should only be done by the Gods'


'Gods are born out of the natural essence of the Universe.

Human souls are a replica of that essence, while Dragons and Faries were also born from that essence but only through the God of creation, which means that they were not designed to control it and are unable to access the ability.

However, when a dragon mates with a human soul that is a replica of the Gods, which are designed to be able to use the ability but unable to absorb the essence.

They become complete, but without receiving the angels enlightenment. They are only contaminated memory cores with Godly abilities'

(Does that mean, they have a memory core and an Astral body but doesn't have a quiddity?)

'That is an interesting question, I think I know where your going at this. But for now, those monsters are a problem not only to us, but for the Gods too. That is why, they were used to guard the entrance of Elysian'

(Did the Angels stopped attempting to multiply)

(More or less, yes)

(Angels won't breed with demons, that means there is no other way for an Angel to be born but by enlightenment?)


(I don't want to think about it but, are they?) Cináed didn't answer that led them to silence.

After a few moments.

'Have you calmed down?'

(Yes, thank you)

'That's good then,

(Nehh, Cináed I have to get stronger) he slowly stood up.

'You are already strong enough'

(No Cináed, shishou who was far stronger than me was defeated even the Grand Cross who was also a Sword Saint. I have to become stronger, even stronger than the Gods as the Dryads said, if I want to assure victory) Cináed unable to say anything.

(I'm angry, I don't know how long I could hold it in. But I know that taking action now will only lead to my demise, if I'm going to need to fight anyway. I will do so when I have achieved the power to defeat all enemies that will threaten the piece I want to achieve)

'I guess it's time for you to meet them' Cináed suddenly said.


'We will still have to wait for the right time. For now be patient and do everything to hide your abilities' Yalyn nodded.

"I will become stronger than anyone, if that could save everyone that I cherish and earn the simple life I wish for. I will do everything for it.

I don't care how long I have to wait, if it can assure my revenge to the person who did all of this to the Elders and to my Master"

Yalyn walked out of the Ogre Elders hut as a new person, a person who is ready to endure anything to attain his wish.

Days had passed since the defeat of the co-op war front against Erkenntnis, but the enemy hasn't shown any movement nor any signs of further attack.

Which made all the civilians and nobles feel agitated.

Until a scout from the Dragons Valley arrived. As they report that the Erkenntnis is building their fort at the Dragons Valley. And because they seized the Zales Skala by default, they used the kingdom as base for all of their soldiers.

"Are you feeling any better?" Al was the one who asked and I just nodded.

"Ne, did you hear about the report?" Aý was the one who spoke.

A lot of their comrades died in the war but because their fathers job was as a medical support, their father was safe.

"Yeah, I can't believe that they still let the school continue even though with all this issues" Al answered.

The reason why he wasn't here for three days from the day the war started is because his father went to the Giants Forest to provide Supply support. Because he doesn't have any other siblings, he needed to go back to his family domain to lead his people in his fathers absence.

But because of the unprecedented defeat of our side, his father was able to go back home safely. Because the kingdom and school chose to continue running the school, he had no other choice but to go back here instead of helping his father on supporting those who lost their families in their domain.

I only looked outside the window as they continued to talk.

"Yalyn, why did you ask for a leave just before the start of war?" Asman asked out of nowhere, I guess thanks for me being down that I wasn't nervous about it.

"My family work in a merchant shop. I owe the owner so much that even if I work for him my whole life, I won't be able to pay him back.

He needed my help on supporting the war, so I went"

"Why didn't you tell me, I could have come with you" Al asked as if trying his best to hide something rather than concern, that made my ear twitch.

"I was going too, but I wasn't able to find you. I was already at the shop when I remembered that you were at the public bath at that time of day.

But isn't that good, if I found you that day, you won't know about the request your father sent and your domain would have became leaderless even if those were mere 3 days"

Aý nodded in agreement.

"Guess your right, we weren't called at the front line but we were called for support" Al said.

"If we were called at the front line, we would have been dead by now" Asman said that made everyone not only us but all our other classmates silent.

"Did you guys feel the menacing aura from the unnamed forest just before the war started" Aý asked to change the topic.

"What menacing aura?" I asked.

"It was a sudden surge of aura filled with depressing emotions. It was to short to recognize the owner of the aura but strong enough to make every person who felt it feel dreadful.

The Instructors are saying that another of those monsters were born" Al said looking doubting as he thought of it.

"Isn't it to powerful to send such strong aura that could make someone feel dreadful" Al asked.

"It's not the effect, but the distance the aura reached is what's questionable. That's why we're asking you guys about it, I heard that the aura reached up to the North-West suburb of the Poznaniye kingdom"

"I did feel weak on my knees while I was lifting boxes but didn't feel dreadful" (I shouldn't lie to hard, this should be fine)

"Well that's normal, your a Provost swordsman so you won't feel the same effect that civilians does"

"Yeah I'm still a provost swordsman" I pretended to be as disappointed as I can.

"No luck in advancing your skills, hahh. Asman already caught up with you" I fell on my desk.

'How can I take revenge on the person who killed my master if I can't advance my skills anymore'

Aý hit Al's head on saying what he uttered.

(Me being only a provost is a lie but this frustration is very real)

Weeks had passed and I trained continuously with Al not only at the unnamed forest even at school. I would visit Elysian from time to time using the cave.

Where I learned the names of the Dryads, I also slowly gave names to the other fighter ogres while the Civilians refused to receive one.

They said "Yal-dono, we don't have a need for power. You should use your soul to those who will be of help to you"

It does help me out, I may be well versed in every name from every language in my old word. I still don't know when I'll run out of it though, good thing monsters are few in numbers.

I also asked the Dryads why the number of monsters in the unnamed forest doesn't thin out.

The cause was the DragonAngel, it's magic essence flows through out the forest except inside Elysian, the essence was already absorbed by the monsters, that when they are killed they are able to respawn.

The only way to kill the monsters permanently is to kill all the DragonAngels in the forest then let the monsters use up all the essence that they have absorbed from the DragonAngels.

I also trained with the Ogres, they are a great help. Because their abilities is beyond human, their the best training partners, I get to help them too, for them to get a better feel on their abilities.

I heard from the Dryads that after naming the 6 Ogres they fell into a deep slumber for 2 days. It was a sign that the curse was being lifted and their body was being reconstructed to what it should be.

When I went back, they were more buffed and even the women had more toned muscles, while Shinju-san and Noriaki-san looked a bit younger.

"Yal-dono, what is your plan next?" Shinsuke asked while the others only looked at me intently.

"I'm planning to gather more of the higher monsters like the Lizardman and Orcs, but if goblins or other races want to join then welcome them" they all nodded as I continued.

"I would also like to create a magic circle using the lands lay-out, is that possible?"

"A magic circle, that will be very inconvenient. Don't you think?" the others weren't surprised about my suggestion but instead against it.

(Hello, this is the time you would look surprised right?) Gözel chuckled.

"You didn't know Yal-dono, but making magic circle by using the lay out of the city or land has been used before to prevent Cináed or rather your attacks.

However, over time it became a nuisance cause every time humans want to develop their city. They need to reconsider the magic circle"

(Well that make sense)

"But still I want to plan for it, I'm not going to built a city that will need developing every 100 years anyway.

I want a city that can accommodate any number of human or monster anytime while preserving the beauty of Elysian" everyone nodded.

"We'll also occupy half of the cave. Gözel-san can you have someone guard the entrance of the cave at level 9. I'd prefer someone who can cast earth barrier, so that if ever the cave is found out they'll just see it as a place to take shelter and nothing more" I added.

"With pleasure"

"I will look into the best protection magic I can find. When I find it, we'll start planning the layout" I stood up and was going to leave.

"Yal-dono, about that. We don't have anyone with the knowledge of architecture. We monsters only create huts and that is all we know" that made me smile.

"Don't worry, haven't you noticed that I have knowledge of it" I only smiled to them and felt their admiring gazes and talk to each other with assurance.

Yes, I have knowledge of architecture. I was a gamer and a comic enthusiast, that I would even go through books of architecture, medical books and Science book just to better understand what I was playing and reading.

Because of it, I became a known game tester and a manga critique.

"It might take me a while to visit. Reina-san, you'll be in charge of speaking with other races. Before coming into contact, make sure that they don't have any connection with the enemy" she nodded.

"Naruhito-san, make sure that no one leaves Elysian unsupervised. We have to make sure that no one finds out about this place" they all nodded in agreement as I left.

(I never knew that my reading of those complicated books would be so useful in this world)

'It helped you on better understanding magic and in creating original magic, now it will help not only you but all the monsters to have a more comfortable life and I'm sure it will help you in the future,too'

(What I can't wait is being able to eat my favorite food again)

'I'm sure you'll get there, with you here we might even jump to robot age'

(Nahhh, I don't want to bring any of that here. Vehicles and Medical knowledge is fine but other than that, nope) I was already at the cave. I run leisurely as I speak with Cináed.

'No games or mangas?'

(I would like to have those. Games are possible but mangas, I'm not so sure, if I was like my idol slime I could have been able to. I'll think about it in the future, when I find someone with talent in drawing)

'I can't wait'

(Guess me being a NEET in my past life wasn't so bad after all)

'I think so, too'

I arrived at my dorm and went to the dorm bath. Where I met Al, we talked about the training regimen we were going to take today.

It was said to be training for the next war. Every kingdom was agitated, they don't know how they could fight a man able to slay over 250,000 soldiers.

"What would you do if that man asked you to join him" I thought for a while before answering.

"I would accept of course, I don't have the ability to go against him anyway" I saw Al smiling like he won until.

"That would what I have said before, but I'd rather die than to join hands with him now" I wasn't able to read Al reaction, his face was blank.

"I already know that you would ask if I was kidding on my first answer, I know that you won't let me join hands with that monster, right?"

"Monster?" he smiled awkwardly.

"Of course I won't, why call him monster though?" he added.

"Isn't it obvious, demons does their bidding mostly just to enjoy themselves but him, he said that someone ordered him too.

Being ordered to do so is already not a reason enough to slaughter those many humans and magical races but he also takes pleasure in it. Humans that are called monsters deserve more to be called humans cause true monsters are humans like him"

"Is that so"

I stood up and finished cleaning up, as we stayed silent until we went back to our rooms.

(Ne, Cináed)


(Can you guide me in using our abilities, I have been having changes happen to my body lately. My hearing became stronger and my eyesight clearer too)

'I'm sorry but I can't'

(Why?) that made me feel scared.

'Don't take it the wrong way' I forgot that he can easily sense my feelings.

'It's not because I don't want to, it's because I don't know how to'

(What do you mean?)

'It's because you have a human body which is different from an astral body. My only hypothesis is that because of being born twice as a human, our soul developed a way to compliment with our physical body to be able to house our soul.

Usually a human body is unable to contain or even be able to endure the power and abilities of a strong soul and that causes the body to deteriorate faster or maybe' he suddenly stop.

(Maybe what?)

'Nothing, I might be reading to much into it

You should look into your memories, you might get a hint'

(I already did, but it doesn't work.

I tried concentrating and focusing my hearing or eyesight but with no avail)

'Maybe, just maybe try harmonizing your Astral Body with your Physical body first. Like what they do in Taoism from the other world'

(That's a good idea. Wait, how do you know that?)

'I might have been awake when you were at the other world and researched on how I could develop my own quiddity'

(You were, then? Wait, you also mentioned robot age at the ogre village)

'I'm sorry, I didn't want to be a hindrance and startle you. I was enjoying even though I was just watching you'

(No, that's not what I mean. If you were awake at that time then, you can help me on looking at my memory or your own memory so that we can develop the city better. It takes me a lot of time to look into my memories you see.

And we can alternate the work, that way we can do the job more accurately, right?)

'That's a good idea, I'm in'

(And Cináed, are you able to hear every single thought in my head?)

'No actually, I'm only able to hear it when you allow me to. It's like a door is being opened when you speak to me'

I then concentrated, imagining closing a door.

'Hey, why did you close it' I still hear his voice but it was mumbled.

(I don't want you to know everything I think, it's a bit unsettling) I let him hear it.

'Privacy hahh, well okay. No worries.


It has been a week since our training and Al slowly lost interest. He said he expected more but it was the same training we already done.

As day passes, his way of speaking to me also changed like I was a toy that his growing tired of.

"Hey Adam, what do you think of the training today?"

"I guess it's fine. They emphasize on cooperation, guerilla tactics and retreat options" as I look at my school mates doing their best I nodded to my answer.

"Tssk, don't you have any quarrels about it. Their not even teaching us how to defeat the one who killed your master" that made me uncomfortable.

"Don't listen to him, Yalyn"

"When did you two became chummy?" he smiled in displeasure.

"We aren't, I just don't like him getting worse"

"What do you mean by that!?"

"Al, stop. I know that your not content with the regimen and I'm not saying I am, but the other students isn't really at the level to contend with the level of our enemies"

"That is why they should train them covert tactics"

"Al, they need to learn the fundamentals. If they learn covert tactics but doesn't know what to do after that. What's the use if they don't survive" boredom was written all over his face. As if he heard the last thing he never wanted to hear.

Then suddenly he walked away.

(I'm wasting my time here, I thought he could entertain me longer. I guess I won't be able to keep my promise to the previous Grand Court Magician hahh) he smiled as he thought of the best way to show his power.

Two days had passed and Al went back to his previous self.

'Maybe, he just felt stressed the other day' Aý whispered to me that made me nod in agreement.

"Stressed? I didn't know he was capable of that"

"Who's capable of what" he was already in front of us when Asman said it.

"Ohh nothing, we were just talking about our father" nice Aý

"Al, we'll be training covert tactics next. It seems the other students heard you and suggested it to the instructors. It will be a team of two" I put my elbow on his shoulder.

"Is that so" did I just see a foreboding smile on his face.

"Then I will go with Aý then" that surprised all of us specially Aý.

"Wait your not going with Adam" Aý asked.

"We already work great together, we also need to learn how to work with someone else or we will have trouble adjusting when we are teamed with some else on sight" he only smiled at us.

"Ahh, your right. I thought-"

"Thought what?"

"Hmhmm, nandemonai" she still looked awkward.

"So I guess we'll be teaming up together?" I asked Asman.

"Don't worry Yalyn, I already caught up with you so I'm sure we'll be able to work smoothly"

"Hey, Nii-san. Why did you start calling Adam by his real name?" he blushed a bit.

"I just don't like all of us having the same first letter in our name. If Al had a different name I would too, but he has the same first letter in both his first and last name" Asman said hiding his face.

"Ohh, my 2nd name starts with a different letter" I was the most surprise about it. I didn't know he had a 2nd name.

"Really, what is it?" Aý asked curiously.

"I'll tell you after the training"

After breakfast, we went to the Giants forest. We arrived just before night.

"Okay everyone, we'll be camping here tonight. Assign two people of your group to assemble the tent, then one to search for fire wood and one to help with food prep" it was sir Sagdyn with sir Gyzyl.

Miss Salkyn was at the capital assisting on supporting his people and to make sure that no one finds her in Poznaniye.

I still don't know why she needs to hide even though she's doing her best to help her people.

But who am I to judge when I'm also living a half lie life.

I was assigned to help with food prep, it seems that Al mentioned it to everyone that I'm good with my hands.

While the sibling was the ones who assembled our tent. The thing here in this world, they don't believe in separating woman and man.

It is normal to separate the bath but other than that, everything is A okay.

As I chopped the vegetables, I saw my classmates and senpais struggle in prepping the rice. So I left the chopping for a bit and helped them.

After chopping the veggies, they were still not finished with the meat that made me dread.

(What kind of knife did they use on this?)

It was a nice and perfectly sharpened knife but the look of the meat was like chopped by a bread knife.

So I did the chopping of the meat too. Then they put the pot on the fire, but the fire was too strong.

"Okay that's enough!" everyone looked at me as I pushed them away out of the portable kitchen we made.

(Why did I expect anything from this silver spooned children) I just sighed.

Because I was cooking for about 100 people, it took me a while but. I was able to finish just in time for dinner.

Good thing I trained my endurance and stamina or I might been unable to finish all of it and also lost my appetite because of exhaustion.

Everyone was a bit dubious about the food I made.

It was curry, it's a food uncommon to this world. So I understand why their hesitant to eat it. I've been craving for it for so long, I always search for ingredients for some of the food I want to eat again in this world.

Most of them are unknown while some doesn't exist in this world. So I'm trying to find some ingredients that could be used as replacement.

Turmeric and Ginger can be bought at store but, this world doesn't know about cumin. I also only found cumin in the unnamed forest.

It surprised me that they don't know about it, it has so much benefits too.

(Should I start my own business) that thought made me smile. (Maybe once we settle the war)

As soon as they put one spoonful in their mouth, they ate it as if they haven't eaten for days.

"Sugoi, nani kore? Umai! Can we have more?" Some of them said while other just went straight to the pots.

"Good thing I cooked more of it than I should have, just get your 2nds yourself" they only bid thanks as they formed a line.

"Nehh, Yalyn" I looked at Aý waiting for her to continue.

"What is this little diced sweet thing?" yabai I left a chunk in, I thought I was able to remove every bit.

What Aý was asking about was a fruit from Elysian, it was an apple but because it was bare in Elysian. It was tastier and sweeter than a normal apple.

It helped me harmonize the taste of the curry.

"That's apple, I thought I removed all of it. I was supposed to just use it's juice"

"Where did it come from? we didn't have an apple in our stacks, right nii-san?" Asman only nodded as he continues to fill his mouth with curry.

"Ohh, I had a few in my bag. It was about to start getting spoiled so I used it on cooking" she was going to ask something again when a senpai approached me.

"Nehh Adam" she sat beside me and scoot closely. Then suddenly the atmosphere around us changed as if senpai did something she shouldn't do. I saw Al, Asman and Aý stop eating and look at her that made her back away.

"Ahhhmmm, hahah. I just wanted to ask, what is this food?"

"Ohh, it's called curry rice. I just called it that way cause that's the sound my mother and father made when they first ate it"

I wasn't lying, it was really the sound they made when they first ate it which was convenient.

"What is it made of"


"Ehhh, kechi" I only smiled as I ate.

The next day we were ordered to group into two. As we have talked about yesterday, I would team up with Asman while Al is with Aý.

We were at the North East of the Forest not to far from Nemir Valley. We stationed here for us to go through a course including the Nemir Valley.

Sir Sagdyn as a magician is assigned to watch over us at Nemir Valley while Sir Gyzyl will be challenging our covert skills in the Giants Forest.

The course was short enough to be completed within 30 mins. Every group of two will enter the forest every 10 mins.

So it is estimated that everyone will be able to finish the training when the sun is at the North-East sky, meaning at 3pm.

Then the training begins, we were the 87th group. The line up order was the lowest to highest skill, so the 4 of us was lined up before the 6th year students.

That nobody can question because of our current skills. Well the current skills of the other three, I mean.


"A lot of our classmates haven't arrived yet. I don't see my sister and Al yet too" Asman said as he looked at the forest where the students should come out from, it was almost sundown which was way pass the time frame given to us by our instructors.

"Even the people who should be supervising us isn't here, what the hell are they even doing" Al was growing impatient, while everyone was already concerned.

"Should we look for them" I asked Asman, looking relieved that he didn't have to say it himself.

"Mina, please stay here. Asman and I will go inside the forest once more. Senpai can you please take care of everyone"

"No problem, the two of you is currently the most capable so it's best to leave it to you. Just be careful okay" we only nodded and entered the forest.

After a while of search. I saw an unsettling scene.

"Aldawçy! What are you doing!?" Asman asked infuriated, he was just behind me.

Al only looked at us smiling as he snapped the neck of the person he was chocking to finish the deed.