Birthday boy

"Maira look, blue bells. I love these flowers." Haity excitedly pointed at the front glass windows of Shimmer mansion, covered with lots and lots of blue bell flowers. Entering the outdoor gates, Haity had already started to feel the sense of uneasiness but this view of the house provided solace and calmed her nerves.

"You must be really digging it. What's your obsession with blue bells?" Maira said handing the keys to the valet as she linked her own hand with Haity's and dragged her towards the entry doors, held wide open as several others entered.

Front face of the mansion was shimmering just like its name. Kavita has left no stone unturned to make it as gallant as possible. Empty area before the house was adorned with several garden patches leaving out a lane for vehicles and an average size movable fountain.

"That's the way to back of the house, its magnificent. Pool, tent rooms, tree house and everything, I'll show you around later." Maira said pointing at the pathway that went round the house towards the 'out of view' back area.

"How many times have you been here?"

"Just once."

Entrance was covered from the three sides with glittering lights and tiny foreign multicolored flowers, that opened into an enormous hall. Glimmering with the fancy candles, lamps and lights, it was occupied by individuals in lit expensive cloths that made Haity feel like a grain of sand among diamonds.

"Why are we here?" She whispered to her friend who also seem to have the same thoughts.

"I feel you woman, just pretend to be confident, alright?"

"Do I look okay?"

"You look fine Haity. I can't find Ms. Kavita."

"Let's take a glass of wine in our hands."

"But neither of us take alcohol. Why did we had to be so conscious about our lungs?"

"And heart and brain."

"Of course why—"

"Maira?" Kavita detached herself from the group she was indulgent in talking to and walked towards the both of them. Maira and Haity beamed from a distance as they greeted her with a faint hello.

"Ms. Kavita this is my friend Haity, Haity, Ms. Kavita, my boss." Maira introduced.

"Oh come on let's leave that boss part to offices only. Hello Haity how are you?"

"Thriving, your house is very beautiful Ms. Kavita." Haity said eyeing the interior of the hall and visible hallways of floor above.

"Thank you Haity, there's still time before my son show more tantrums and come down for cake cutting." Turning her head to Maira, she continued, "Why don't you show her around? Have a look."

"I'd love that. Come Haity." Maira said and they left the side of Kavita mentally praising her efforts to make the guests feel welcomed.

"Girl she literally asked you to show me your house. How much does she trust you?" Haity squealed in excitement as they made their way away from the crowd.

"I know, I've worked for her long enough and we had a few personal chats in past. Mostly about her relationship with her son."

"Have you met him yet?"

"No, today would be first. He doesn't live with her anymore, didn't wanted to join the business and got a job as swimming instructor and coach in some club."

"Really? Wow."

"Let me show you the back of the house, that's the way." Maira guided Haity towards the shadowy hallway, a distance away from the crowd in party which was dimly lit with some colourful bulbs.

"Spoiled the entire mood, can't we just celebrate another day?" Sahil was talking frustrated as he and his three friends approached from the other end of the hallway, clearly coming through the back to sneak in without disturbing the guests and letting his mother know that he abandoned his own party to celebrate with his friends.

Dim lit hallway darkened as the distance between them cut itself, even after having noticed the second group, none of them bothered to look up and steal a glance at what's coming from front, instead passed each other, a few feet apart without noticing the identity of each other which could have most possibly triggered an uncalled series of arguments.

The hallway ended with a few steps to climb down and then opened into an area bigger than any garden she's ever seen. The whole place was covered with grass except the walk path of concrete tiles, in the almost centre were two pools attached side to side, one large and another small, slightly bigger than a bathroom tub.

On the far side, were three tent rooms, closely ten meters apart and all the sides were covered on border with big variety of trees. One of the giant trees that stood separate from all others was the one with tree house on it.

"God Maira, I love tree house." Haity breathed, unable to express her overwhelming feeling at the beauty of the perfect scene in front.

"I don't think we shoul enter it, it's private."

"You are unfortunately right. Let's go back in, don't want to miss the party and appear rude to such a nice woman." Haity said.

Inside of the house was as loud as they left it, that is, not loud at all. All the guests were busy in their formal chit chats and Ms. Kavita was nowhere to be seen.

"Is this really a birthday party, feels more like a business party."

"This is a birthday party thrown by a business woman for her son, so I guess it's a birthness party." Maira said and they both giggled at their new born private joke, built on the host.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." Kavita's voice echoed in the hall as the faint murmur of guests further ceased, everyone dropped their chats and focused their attention on the two beings standing at the foot of hall stairs covered with soft rug.

One of them was Ms. Kavita and to her side stood the same annoying boy with whom they had some, not so satisfying conversation.

Looking at Sahil standing there, grinning all teeth smile, Haity felt her blood boiling even under such an environment of greetings and wishes.

"Haity we had a fight with that guy, he's Kavita's son. Hope this doesn't cost me my job. Hope he never see me here." Maira panicked, trying to stay out of the view angle of Sahil who kept smiling at the guests.

"Why did it have to be his and only his party?" Haity grinded her teeth in frustration and anger, remembering the venomous words said by him right before she pushed him that almost spoiled his fancy tux.

As Kavita was introducing her son to the guests, he seemed bored and kept looking around to find something that can catch his interest and occasionally smiled at his friends.

While scanning the hall with his naked eyes suddenly, something of immense importance caught his attention, Haity talking to Maira as they both exchanged some privated joke and laughed at the same time.

Sahil, in his mind agreed with the sense of attraction he felt towards Haity, the one that he made clear with his offensive remarks on the street but he was not yet in the place to offer an invitation of 'welcome to my heart'.

Staring at the flick of hair letting loose on her face as she smiled giving a highlighted glimpse of rose red lips, Sahil outlined the figure with is eyes. Unable to hold anymore, he excused himself from the group and walked straight towards the woman who steared his heart in the direction he never wanted to go.