Tasha walked into class, her head high and her bag slung on her right shoulder. After classes, she walked straight to Damian’s desk.
“what do you want?”Damian asked when she wouldn’t stop pouting.
“I messed up, I should have told you I had a sister, and that she was staying for a while”
“damn right you should have” he said and she rolled her eyes.
“its just, I felt threatened alright. After years of being the only child, I suddenly have to share everything..and I probably have never told you this but, back when we were kids, she was the lucky one, had all the friends” she said, her mind drifting to Tyrell. Damian looked at her for a moment.
“but letting her hide in your shadow, that’s cheap” she felt desperate, he was taking Mikael’s side, just like everyone else.
“that was actually her idea..she didn’t wanna go through the whole newbie issue so she asked me to keep her identity a secret..then it went out of hand and for that I’m sorry” his expression was unsure
“you’re not shitting with me?” her expression potrayed hurt.
“have I ever..wait don’t answer that” she said and we laughed.
“so we good?”she asked and he nodded.
“but I think we should take a break from this relationship stuff..you know” he said and she nodded forcing a smile, she could work with that for now.
Damian walked into the house after his evening stroll, he hated staying here, living with his stepmom and her son, but his dad frowned at the idea of him living alone even if he was eighteen because of his godamn disorder. So because of that, he was stuck here. He thought about what Tasha had said, his sister seemed really selfish..now that he’d thought about it, did she just join dancing classes for fame or something? Then going behind Tashas back and revealing herself.. appalling. He’d have to keep an eye on her…the way he saw it she didn’t deserve to dance. Sighing he walked into his room… his door was open, his stepmom was on his bed.
“what are you doing in my room?” he asked dropping his water bottle on his reading table.
“welcome home”
“you didn’t answer the question” he said blandly
“no one was at home, I got bored” she said and he mopped a hand down his face.
“and you thought it wise to come to my room?” he asked and she shrugged.
“how was school?”
“what do you want?” she frowned.
“I’m being nice..don’t you like me, you know all..nice?” she drawled the last part. Leaning and touching his chest.. he took two steps back.
“oh come on Damian, just a few minutes with me won’t be so bad.. spend time with momma” she palmed him, pressing her silicon breasts to his chest, moaning earnestly.
“why not? Tony won’t be back for over an hour and you daddy’s not home so..”
“so I’m just supposed to say yes and fuck my father’s wife?” she pouted
“well when you put it like that?” she bit her lip running her hands up and down his chest. This time his push was not so gentle.
“stay away from me” her next expression resembled that of a devil
“I’ll make life very hard for you darling.” She went straight to the drawer where his drugs were
“how about I give you these back when you start being a good boy and treat me with respect”
“you’re scum” she laughed then slapped him hard across his face.
“I know” she said walking away with the packs of fluoxetine in her hand
“I’ll tell dad” he said even if he knew that was a weak comeback
“I’ll deny it..it will b your words against mine, and we both know who your father will believe”
Author's note;
I'm sorry for such a short chapter, but its vital for the next phase:-)