
Chapter 7

_I was elated when she came back' Tasha had said to Damian on their way home ...she'd particularly asked that they walked together.

"Don't get me wrong, I liked being the only child but when i saw her, she looked good! And I was already planning tiktok videos we could do together in my head" she said and managed a laugh.

"But she was so silent and shy, when she asked me that I say nothing about her arrival, I reluctantly agreed.."

"You could have told me!"

"She said no one Damian..."

"Since when are you one to follow orders?" He asked and the expression on her face almost made him regret it.

"Granted i can be over the edge sometimes..but this is my sister... Flesh and blood"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..

But you know how risky that was? What if I made advances to the wrong person?" "She promised not to let that happen and i trusted her..I just didnt know she wanted to make herself known" she said frowning "I guess its my fault though.. I got so busy with school I didnt have time to talk with her. But it was really over the top when she.."

"What she did was wrong"


Tasha tried to suppress a smile.

He was falling just like she knew he would.

"Don't blame it all on her, she's really sensitive, and i tried to make you look away because i didnt know..." Damian stopped and took her face in his hands..a little too roughly.

"What she did was wrong Tasha.. I'm done talking about it. I should kick her out of dance class.."

"No no don't do that, then I'll feel guilty. Besides, she's great at dancing" The last thing she wanted was for Mikael to come over to music class and outshine her. She's heard her singing in her room..and she was good.

Damian scrubbed a palm down his face.

"OK fine dammit"

"And i get that you just wanna be friends, take a break from us.."

"Yes..we need it" he said, gritted teeth, eyes closed.

That was weird.. But she was too happy to cara at the moment.

"I can live with that"

For now


Damian watched as they all walked into the dance hall.

Mikael was one of them.

She wore tight blue shorts with a matching large crop top, and that charm that always seemed to trigger something in him.

"Take your places everyone.. How bout a little freestyling warm up." He said turning on the speakers. A little cheer from the group and they were dancing. They were all doing great till Damian's gaze focused on an all too familiar face that he tried to ignore.


The whore's son. Memories of his last encounter with his mother started filling up his mind.

Tony was generally a good dancer, but today he was just off, almost like he was limping.

"The hell is wrong with you.. You can't do a freaking jig right?" He paused the jam, let everywhere go silent.

"I'm..I'm sorry" sometimes he wondered why Anthony went through all that trouble.. Joined dance classes when he could just have easily gone to music..

Whenever he treated Tony badly why they danced, Tasha won't speak to him for a week or more. She didn't like him being violent..didn't speak well of her reputation..

He felt like a dog in a cage.

"Start jigging" he said putting the music on.

But it was more or less the same thing.

"If you are gonna just stand there pulling of that shit!..." He was already striding to Tony

"He's injured!... Can't you see that?" He stopped midway to face the voice that challenged him.

"Who dares?" He said strolling over to the girl Tasha had called shy.

"I'm sorry, I just don't think it's humane to lash out like that when we can all see that the boy is clearly injured."

I tried to look square in his face.. For someone i thought was rational he was sure behaving like a dimwitted psycho.

"His dancing pissed me off" he said coming even closer.

" you have anger issues?" I asked and he smiled.

"Oh you have no idea" they were almost inches apart. The hall was deas silent.. You could hear a pin if it dropped. I could almost hear the thoughts of other dancers, they're expressions clearly showed that they thought she was crazy, causing commotion like that..especially since they knew she wasn't Tasha.

"Look..in case you didn't know, after mr. John who hardly comes around, I'm practically the head of this place..I could get you out with a snap of my fingers"

The audacity.

I smiled.

" I respect that, but u were being unfair your holiness."

"If he was injured enough not to dance to my standard, then he shouldn't have bothered to come in today"

"Ofcourse your bastardness" she said taking two steps back and turned to walk away.

He was angry...

Very angry... But also intrigued. A bitch that's what she was, a very annoying bitch that looked a lot like his ex.

"There's a competition coming up real soon" he said stopping Mikael in her tracks.

"Dance!...Mr John says we competing among a bunch of other schools..

I need at least fourteen dancers..auditions start next week, you're all free to apply" he said making it a point to look at mikael. She was a talented dancer.. A talented bitchy dancer.

She stared back.

Then walked away.


I sat on my bed fuming..

The last period before closing just had to be dance classes. Who the hell did he think he was ordering everyone around..

My phone rang and I cursed before picking it up. I didnt even bother to look at the caller ID because i thought it would be Liv.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey mickeyyyyy" tears gathered my eyes as i heard the voice on the other end.

"Beth?"she laughed hysterically

"Ah so you remember my name?"

"Don't start with this beth, I tried to call your line wasn't going through."

Another long laugh.

"Oh yeah, mom took my phone away 'cause i was swearing too much...

But I didnt stop anyway so she made a new rule.. I give her a dollar anytime I use a swear word"

"That ought to teach you".

"Yeah yeah enough about me, you've spent a month there already.. Your mom told me of the ultimatum"

"I've spent three weeks and five days" I'd stopped giving thought to the two months duration.. I suddenly had an unsettling feeling.

"Same thing girlll.. You found a Tyrell yet?" I shook my head then remembered she couldn't see me

"No...I doubt I will actually, L.A is large"

"Ohhh bummer...your soulmate"

"He's not.."

"How bout a boyfriend?"

"Well i did run into my sister's babe..ex now though.. Partly my fault, he's a dick" I said and she yelled okurrrrr

"Their breaking up was your fault.. Give me the gist in details" I sighed and told her everything

"Damn... Oh fuck.. Mom shouldn't hear this. Your sis sounds like a bitch and. not. the. good. type!" she said snapping her fingers. I'd certainly missed her drama.

" what about the dance competition? Ur dance instructor is one hot bastard"

She said reacting to the pic I sent her.

"Oh shut up"

"Will you audition.. Shake your fat ass?" She asked and i laughed

"You know what I think I will..

I probably won't get in cause I called him a bastard respectfully.. But i certainly wont give him the satisfaction of not trying out at all"

"You go girl!" She said and I laughed till the tears ran out of my eyes..

God I missed her.