
Chapter 8


I closed my eyes immediately the bell rang for the end of government classes.

Taking notes were extra annoying today. The next class was dancing but I was too tired so there and then i decided i wasn't going. I'll most likely make up for it later. I meant what I said to Beth though, before classes much to my satisfaction I'd written my name on the audition paper... His expression was indifferent even when i had deliberately dropped the pen a little too loudly.

"Aren't you going to dance?" Liv asked snapping me out of my reverie.

"Ahh.. No, no. I don't feel like"

"You wanna get your instructor angry?"

She asked and i rolled my eyes.

"Please i think he'll leap for joy if he doesn't see me today" I said and she gawked.

"I honestly thought he'll like you a lot more when he found out you weren't your sister"

"Fat chance...apparently he hates me" and believe me that was fineeee with me.

"Soo..what do you plan on doing for the next forty minutes?"

I shrugged..

"Iono walk.. Or maybe doze a little" I said and she snorted

"Aiit whatever.. See you in a bit" she said and even as she walked towards the door, I knew I wasnt gonna take a walk.


"Huh?... Can you say that again?" Tasha wanted to curse outloud.. But she supressed her anger.. How she did that was a mystery. He always seemed far away in thoughts.. Hardly ever listened to what she was saying. His outbursts were more frequent, he hardly stayed with his friends..

Well neither did she.

But that was not the point. The point was something was wrong and it was affecting her everyday happiness.

"Are you okay?" She asked keeping the irritation just under her tone.

"Why do you ask?" He asked back, looking as irritated as she felt.

"Well not to be a party pooper but you been so far off normal lately, you cant even hold a convo for more than five minutes anymore." She said and he grunted.

"Well excuse me if I have important things to think about" he said and she bit her lip, the last thing she wanted was getting him angry...

This wasn't how their walk home was supposed to be. She wanted to be all flirty, get him back slowly..maybe even get a kiss if she was in luck.

But how the hell was she supposed to do that if he won't even reply her most of the time.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just hungry is all.

How was your day?" She asked and she felt him Relax.. That was another thing, he was always on edge these days..like he was lightly holding the lid to fury closed. Had he even be taking his drugs..

She hadn't seen him.

"Oh you know.. Normal" he said then frowned.

"Mikael didn't come to dance today" he said and she frowned..

Was he supposed to notice her presence or absence?

"Is that supposed to matter?" She asked as casually as she could.

He shrugged, he didnt know if it should. Didnt know if it was her absence.. Or not dancing with her, or not seeing her charm or the way she dressed that made dance lessons empty today.


He just hadn't made out with someone in a while, that's why he was all roughened up.. Coupled with the fact he hadn't taken his drugs in days. He suddenly felt a headache.

"She's a good dancer, bitch or not I noticed" if she was trying to piss him off by not showing up to classes she sure as hell succeded...

She was stirring bad waters..and something else

he felt Tasha's aura change, but was too tired to care. She'd asked to walk home with him and he'd agreed, she'd been doing that lately, he didn't know her motive and he won't try to find out either.

"Is that all?" She asked and something in her voice made him spark

"Is there supposed to be more?!" She frowned

"Don't yell at me" she said and he laughed

"I was wondering when your angelic facade was gonna wear off"

"Have you taken your drugs?" She asked and he chuckled

"Funny you should ask that, do I seem different?"

"You're acting like a sour bastard"

"Well you and your bitchy twin agree on one thing" he hadn't anticipated the slap.. So it shook him more than it was supposed to.

"When you calm down you can come over, but don't think you can be all stupid with me because of your stupid disorder." She said and walked away.


Cursing, Damian walked into the house. He hadn't walked to the living room when getting felt something was wrong.

When get saw his dad and step mom duscussing in hushed tones.

"Damian" his dad said stopping him as he headed to his room

"Oh hey dad.didnt see you there" his father snorted

"Sure you didn't" Damian used the opportunity to run a quick glance at his father's wife. She wore a sleeveless beige dress that exposed her cleavage..

She smiled.

"Your mother's worried son. She says your more-" he fumbled for a word

"Bitter than usual"

"Oh she did now" damian said raising his eyes dramatically.

"And she suspects you're abusing your drugs" he said and Damian stared at the woman.

She was always quick.


"I'd like to see the fluoxetine" his dad said and he sighed frustrated.

"I can't"


"Why not? She was right? You take more than prescribed?"

"You think you're so smart huh?" Damian turned to face the bitch of a woman..

Nice one, two scores to nil

"I'm only trying to do what's right.. Those drugs can cause severe damages if taken wrongly." He laughed, feeling the palpitations.

"Fuck you"

"Enough!..where are the drugs"

"Its with her dad you have to believe me" he said and she shook her head..her eyes were suddenly all teary.

"I told you Charles.. Told you I'd be bait.. That's why I didn't want to tell you" she sniffled.

"Those drugs cost over thirty six dollars damian, I'm not gonna buy any more till the end of next month..and that'll pending on your attitude towards your mother.."

"She is NOT my mother..never forget that."

He said and shoved past them, growling at Tony who just walked in.


Taking several deep breaths was not enough. He hadn't even had the chance to change his uniform. He looked disheveled. He was heading to the school dance hall.. Yes he had the keys to the hall, one of the perks of being a good assitant dance instructor.

Then his saw one of the twins, instantly he knew it was Mikael.. You hardly ever see Tasha in grey slacks and headphones taking a stroll.

Twas getting easier to tell them apart.

Even though he hated the bitch for being so annoying, he couldnt help but notice how natural she looked, how pretty.

Damn he really needed to do jerk off somewhere real quick.. blue balls arent doing him any good.

"Hey!" He called out and waved his hands without thinking.

"Damian" she said as she took her headphones off.. Her tone had an edge to it.

"You missed classes today"

"I know" she said opening her eyes to exaggerate.how can simeone be so obliveratingly annoying.

"That's not allowed"

"Ah yes..but what if I had a leg injury, would u want me coming.."

"That's not the point dammit, auditions are in less than a week" they were so close, she being a few inches shorter made his heart jolt..especially when he felt her eyes slowly scan his face. And when she spoke he could feel the heat on his neck.

"Don't worry.. I won't give you the satisfaction of seeing me flop that easily"

Then she patted his cheek and jogged away.