*sneak attack
"what?" Damian asked slightly peeved, they were not even dating yet she managed to still make her demands...and he still managed to give her a listening ear.
"i want to come for dance classes today, you know as a guest" Tasha said and he mopped a hand over his face.
"and why would you want that?"
"why would i not?" he groaned, frustrated.
"you know what i mean, mikael's there"
"so, even if she hates me, she's still my sister"
"did you fight with any of your fellow choristers?" he asked and she huffed.
"you know, i'm starting to feel you don't want me there, wehat's the matter? you making out with my sister already?" he closed his eyes as his hands balled into fists, trying so hard to not yell, its not her fault he had a short fuse.
"geez, i'm joking baby" she said and he flashed a fake smile.
"come if you want, we'd be more than happy to have you around."
Tony had thought it was Tasha that had saved him that day, had even thought she was the one dancing, which had struck him as weird but at the time there had been no other explanation. now he knew, the girl wasn't Tasha, just bore an uncanny resemblance. it was quite easy to know who was who, the other girl focused on dancing, while Tasha stayed with Damian, hands on his shoulder, seeming to potray the message
speaking of Damian, he just barked others and stayed indifferent.
Or tried to.
he wasn't on his drugs that much Tony knew. he'd put two and two together from the argument the day before. the part about his mother having a hand in Damian's drug going missing was unfathomable. he'd have to look into that later..
"anthony, focus!"
Damian may have tried to pull off that indifferent expression, but he felt very far from calm. he watched the way mikael danced to the reigning nigerian song love nwatiti... the way she managed to come off looking strong but also feminine.
Tasha wasn't helping, the way she softly pressed his shoulders, got him imagining things he wanted to do..
but not with her.
with a frustrating grunt he jerked Tasha towards him and gave her a hard kiss.
leaving the hall stunned, speechless even, he walked away.
"that was some sleek move dude" Rider said nudging his best friend. they'd met when they were freshmen, he'd saved Damian from a stupid prank and they'd stuck ever since. he was the only other person apart from Damian's family and Tasha that knew that damian's bad temper wasn,t all genes and nature.
"thought you'd ended things with her." rider asked and Damian sighed
"i have" he said with a new string of curses.
"um i hate to break it to ya kiddo..but kissing your ex.."
"look it was either that or kissing her sister." he said pacing again, the teacher was running late and rider was just glad.
"ahhh..the elusive mikael baxter, are you tied to that family name or what... news is all over school....evil twin gets a front row seat of hot couple's reunion"
"there is no reunion dammit!...i messed up i know but there's nothing to it... it doesn't hold any water." damian said and rider chuckled
"tell that to the full school."
Tasha couldn't stop thinking bout the kiss.. more so he did it in front of mikael, if that wasn't a love profession, she didn't what it was.
and for the first time in one hell of a long time, Amelia and Vicky had their minds blown. she'd wanted to ask Damian all about it and him agreeing to walk home with her boosted her spirits.
"how was your day?" she asked despite her mood.
"eventful" ohhh she could attest to that.
"You were right, dance classes are lit!..its just a shame I can't do all those dance thing's"
"Uh-huh" funny she thought he'd be more enthusiastic or maube he was just trying to seem indifferent like how it was this morning. It felt all romantic.. Something you'd see in a movie.
"look dammy i'm flattered and all bout the kiss and all that, but if you wanted to get back togetherf, you could have just told me..no need to make such a big...."
"the kiss was a mistake, i'm sorry..no one is getting back together" she must have blanked out for a few seconds as she tried to find her words.
"mistake?" was the only thing she could utter.
"i know it'll be all weird, i really don't know what happened" no no no no no no no no.. this couldn't be happeneing to her, what the hell will she tell the girls..
"What do you mean you dunno what happened?..you planned this!" He shook his head.
"No i didn't.. Look I was feeling all worked up and you were just there, your lips were just there"
How was this even possible? How could he just stand there and ridicle the fuck out of her..Amelia will laugh her teeth out if she heard this.
"My lips were just there ..as in on my face slightly below my nose.. Just like everyother persons own?!..are you ttying to mock me?"
"No no..far from it.. I'm sorry"
"my full reputation will come crashing down with this Dammy.. latest news cap, you used me to satisfy an urge?!" She aked and watched him as he scrubbed his hand..then both hands repeatedly down his face.. Like he was troubled himself.. But also ....frustrated?
"you're Natasha Baxter.."
"shut the fuck up!" she felt her blood boil...
"i dont wanna see your scummy little self close to me again!"
and with that she walked away. she could fix this.. she'd tell them that Damian tried to get back with her but she refused... and he better not contradict her tale.