
Chapter 10

Damian walked through the hallway to his locker. The air felt tense, people were staring at him..with pity or with shock. What was going on?

It was the first time in three days since the kiss saga that he'd passed here to his locker to get his books and actually planned to go to classes.

He was messed up he knew.

When he got to his locker he could almost hear their thoughts.

Oh poor boy..

Poor poor boy!

Cute poor boy.

What was with all their sullen expressions?.

"You know, she didn't treat you right.. But I can" he turned to face the person talking. Red hair, pale...he could possibly have seen her in one of his classes, what was her name hailey..becky?

"Uh what?"

"Damian there you are, I have to steal him a bit sweetie if you dont mind" Rider said to the red head. Damian exhaled when she walked away.

"What was that about? What's going on?" Damian said and rider grinned. He looked at Damian expecting him to crack and join the flow..

But he didn't

"Unbelievable" Rider breathed.

"So how much of it's true?"

"What are you talking about?

What's with all this half talk riddles? Its pissing me off" Damian said and Rider sighed.

"As does everything else"

"Is there something I'm missing out on?."

"You really haven't heard"

"I swear if you keep talking like this i'mma knock one tooth out"

"Natasha said after the you know, the kiss, you begged her to take you back.. But she refused.. Said something along the lines of, you're getting too violent and it has her worried, so until you can pull yourself together she rather stay clear." Rider said.. Dead silence then

"Fuck!" Damian yelled slamming his fist against the locker.

"C'mon men its not that bad I mean.."

"Not that bad!..she may as well would have gone to the field and yelled that I have a stupid syndrome i cant put a lid on! Oh Goddamn the bitch!.. She didnt take me back?!"

"Woah chill men...you're taking this a little too far, even for you" Damian closed his eyes and took deep breaths, realizing that Rider was right.

Trying to steady the palpitations, he looked up.

"Tony's mom took away my ah... Shit" he couldn't think of a better name for the antidepressants.

"Oh crap"

"Yh..so most times I'm at the end of my rope." He said and Rider sighed.

"I got a couple bucks on me we could get u a two day supply.."

"All for what, after two days I start felling like crap again? Thanks man but i'd rather just be. Besides, she'll tire herself out and giv 'em back."

"This pride of yours ain't gonna get you far you know that right?"

"Yeah yeah.. I'll see you later alright, but right now i've got a bone to pick."


Tasha was feeling all icky. They just finished cheerleading practice. a fresher got a bottle of water and a face towel for her. With a twitchy smile she took them.

Damian was on the school soccer team before was the leader of the team even.. Until he lost his temper once and beat a little boy to a pulp. It was indirectly her fault though, the guy was hitting off on her and she entertained it. Damian saw them kissing and well..

You can piece in the rest.

The coach was so mad that he demoted Damian to a normal player.. But he never came back.

That ends the tale of Damian the jock.

"Natasha!" She had her back turned to him but she could recognise that voice anywhere.

Speak of the devil.

She turned really slowly. Despite his dark skin, she could see he was flushed.

"May i help you?" She said smiling brightly.

"What's all this about huh? What's with all the lies? I'm begging you to take me back?!" He raised his voice and her heart did a little backflip. She looked around. No one was near hearing range.

"What did you expect me to do." She forcefully whispered, he had to understand, he couldn't go around throwing her off because he had blue balls.

"You kissed me ..I didnt force you. And then you tell me its a mistake?..how the hell are people supposed to take that.."

"So you tell them i'm violent?"

"That wasn't a lie was it?" Everything they'd said had been in a rush, now she took a silent breath, smiled and leaned in.

"You should be grateful I didn't tell them outstraight you had Ied's"

"You're a bitch" her smile grew wider, now that she had a grip on the situation she leaned back and raised her voice a notch.

Her expression changed instantly

"Damian! Just stop there's nothing you'll tell me now.. Its over! It was fun while it lasted but.. Its better if we leave it at that" putting a hand over her mouth and faking a sob she hurriedly walked away.


I pulled out my timetable immediately the bell rang to signal the end of math class.

A free period.

Just great. I get a free period and liv just happened ditch school for the day. Despite myself i couldn't help but listen to the gossip that's been going on around school. Damian has been going round begging tasha to take him back. She didnt think he'd be one to go back to beg especially as he was the one that ended things.

Speaking of which she walked to her locker to get her dancing clothes, she might as well go practice a bit.

Damian was on the floor with his eyes closed, replaying every that happened earlier in his mind.. She'd set him up, and he played right into it.

He opened his eyes. The door creaked open, he heard footsteps, but he didnt move from where he was.

"Oh" came the startled husky voice.


Great another Baxter to finish up his day.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing that will compromise you don't worry. I got a free period, thought i should practice" he sighed.

"Don't you have some unfinished gossip to go to?"

"Yeah, but my gossip mate didnt come to school today, so I'm as sad as you are."

She said connecting her phone to the boom box. It wasn't a song she played..just a beat jam.

Damian sat up and watched her try to imitate the happy feet tutorial she had playing on her phone. She was doing it all wrong, but she looked hot, with her sports bra that was covered with a matching half cut sweater and shorts.

With the necklace that never left her neck. Her hair was in a loose ponytail.

Tasha would never do that.

They really were two different people.

"You're doing it all wrong" he said

"What do you know?" she retaliated.

He scoffed standing up and dancing happy feet.

"Master" she said turning off the music and he smirked.

"Its easy..just, you're righthanded yeah?" She nodded

"Then use your right leg it'll be easier"

"You're left handed?"

"Yeah..but I can still use my right leg, I'm better than you, you know"

"Mm mm..show off"

"Alright back to work, move the ball of your right leg, then try to like jump with the left one..like this" he said and showed her a few times. She tried it and he bit back a laugh.

"Stop stop. You look like a penguin" he said and she groaned.

"My teacher's a jerk"

"I'll pretend not to hear that. Look its a timely thing..as you're moving the right leg the left one follows." He showed her again

"And jump was the wrong word more like a swerve with your left leg" he showed her once more and let her try.

She was a fast learner, it wasn't perfect but she definitely learnt it faster than he did. He put on the music and watched as she danced to the beat.

"Ata girl"

"Did you just smile?" She asked and he laughed.

"No i didn't" she smiled.


"Alright penguin, a little more practice and you'll be good to go." He said and she gave him a death stare, turning off the music and grabbing her fone.

"My name's mikael"

"That's what I said.. So I saw your name under those auditioning."

"Mm which one, penguin or mikael?" She sighed then added "I figured I coukd try out even though I probably won't get in." He frowned

"Why not?" She laughed at the memory.

"Something to do with bastardness."

"Oh I'm not so sure about that penguin..

Be a good girl, and I just might forgive you" he said picking up his bag.

"The rumors about you and my sister, does it bother you?." She asked and waited in silence.. He headed to the door and turned to face her.

"Don't forget to close the door on your way out."