
Chapter 11

*a day together?.

The alarm didnt blare like other days..


Worst day of the week. Had to stay home, didn't even need to clean up, the maids did that. Just woke up everyday, took a bath..and watched the time pass by very slowly.

Sighing I took my phone and dialed a number.

"Hey sweetie" I smiled when I heard her voice.

"Hey mom"

"Shhhh not to loud. Your mom may get jealous" she said and I laughed.

"Oh well she better learn to deal with it.

I'm not changing it"

"so stubborn" she said with a laugh


"That's right. Happy new month" my stomach did a somersault. New month ..already?

"Ohh.. I forgot all about that"

"Huh, been that busy?"

"I guess so. School in L.A is nothing like seattle, they take their entertainment very seriously" I said and filled her up on the latest. She laughed and commented on a few things but other than that she was pretty much silent.

"So..you're the center of their entertainment, you and Natasha?" She asked and I sighed.

"Yeah, yeah pretty much."


"Anyway, I'm auditioning next week for this dance competition coming up soon."

"Yeah Bethany mentioned it. Something about shaking you fat ass?" Mom said and I laughed.

"Beth.. No filter"

"Nope.. Not one bit."

"What 'bout you?" My voice turned sober. "How you holding up?"

"Oh you know, wake up, work, have a night out with the girls.. Get a good fuck with Dan once in a while.."

"Mom! Language" I said a bit flustered as her laugh filled the line.


"Y'all should get married already"

"Ahh.. Then we'd open an adoption center cuz we'll make more babies than normal. We're good honey." I shrugged even if she couldn't see me.

"As king as you're happy mom"

"You too baby, I don't care how the entertainment works over there. Just have fun. Get a boyfriend too."

"Oh God mom.."

"You're seventeen, we may need to make u see a shrink if u don't get a boy before eighteen"


"What i know you're not planning on going to a convent so what the damned hell?"

"Ughhhhh..I am not having this conversation" I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah whatever.. Do you, oh and call Bethany. You guys haven't talked in like a week now? She's having a fit."

"Aiit will do. Bye mom"

"Mmm bye..love you" I hung up and rushed into the bathroom to have a quick wash up. When i came downstairs they were already seated having breakfast.

"Happy new month baby" dad said giving me a quick smack on my lips

"Mm you too dad"

"You didn't kiss me this morning?!" Tasha whined.

"And you didn't call me baby" mother said, a smile creeped up on my lips

"Ahhhhh.. Mikael we have to make our affair a bit more hidden cause these people are way too toxic." Now I laughed

"Yeah i hear you" Martha served me my food and I dug in.

"If y'all are done eating..and playing love" mother said as she squinted at dad who chuckled.

"I suggest we get ready"

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked with my mouth full. Tasha sighed.

"Santa Monica" I looked her way. She seemed to have some light in her eyes. Why was she so happy?

"What's that.."

"A beach baby..now get ready."


I sat on the sand under the umbrella with dad, sipping a soda while mother and Tasha were in the water. I had my shades on, the sun was remarkable.

"Time's ticking" I turned to look at dad.

"What?" I asked and he smiled looking at me.

"You have exactly thirty days to make your decision" he said and i sighed .

"Why is everyone talking about this today?" He laughed.

"You called your mom?" He asked and I nodded cautiously. It was still a mystery as to how he acceoted me having another mother with ease.

"Tasha overheard you" he laughed "said she sounded nice..one of a kind"

"Wow.. That's odd"

"I know right, she's a good kid, just overprotective"

"Of her boyfriend?..ex boyfriend?"

"They broke up again?" I nodded

"I feel its for real this time.. What do you think?"

"That I'm the cause" I said and he sighed.

"Is that what they said."

"Nah.. News around said he tried getting back with Natasha but she refused because he was violent" I said and saw as his expression changed.

"He does have a temper"

"Not enough to be called violent..

Anyway I feel half of this is my fault.. If I hadn't impersonated Tasha.."

"Ah Damian.. Messing with my girls hearts" he said and i laughed nudging him

"Uh uh dad.. Just Tasha's heart.. Leave me out of it"

"You don't find him sexy?"

"Oh God that's it" I said standing up from the mat.

"I'm going to stay with mother"

"Even when you can't swim?" he asked laughing

"I'd drown in ecstasy"

"Touché" he said and I smiled heading to the water.

"Oh and mikael..take time and think about your decision..don't rush." He said and i nodded, jogging up to meet the latter crew.


Tasha looked at Mikael coming over.

"They make a pretty good team don't you think?"

"I'm almost envious"

"Darling.. U can't keep hating her you know"

"I don't hate her..I just, I don't like the way she gets all the attention mom..we literally have the same face"

"She's new"

"No no..it's cause she's this good cute bad ass girl. Even Damian seemed to like her"

"He dated you.."

"Who knows, if we were both there from the beginning, he might have dated her."

"He kissed you.. When both of you were there" her mom said and she shrugged.

"I was nearest.. My mouth was within kissing range"

"Don't say that" her mom was the only one who didnt judge her no mattet what she did or said. She'd seen her dad's hazel eyes go dark with disappointment many times.

"I feel bad for what I did,calling him violent and all that..but i didnt feel I had a choice and..and my whole reputation would have crashed down if everyone found out.." Her eyes teared up

"You did what you had to do."

"Yeah i guess you're right" she said blinking the tears away as Mikael neared.

"Hey guys..What you all up to"

"Enjoying the waters" Tasha said and her mom squeezed her shoulder.

"I know why don't I take a picture of you both.. I brought my phone" mom said to fill in the akward moment.

"Um..sure" Mikael said and Tasha forced a shrug.

"Okay! Get together, say cheese!"



Damian walked into the house,.he'd just finished afternoon dance practice. He danced for four hours in school. High perks of being assistant dance instructor. He didn't really need to do it but, he couldn't stand staying at home either.

He breezed in through the living room almost made it to his room..

"You're back" cursing her turned around.

The devil herself.

"You took longer than expected." She wore a provocative black dress that exposed her breasts.

"I'm going to my room"

"Before you go.. I need you to help me fix my laptop, the darn thing keeps going off"

"Ask your son to do it... He's the computer whiz."

"He went out with his father..

C'mon i really need it to work, please?"

She looked like she was gonna cry.

"Fine.. Just the laptop, no games"

"Sure" he sat on the couch as she brought the laptop to him. There really was something wrong with it, it wasn't saving files..

Trojan, stealth?

"I think its a virus" he said and she leaned in from behind him. Her full breasts pressing his shoulder.


"Can i see?"

"Not necessarily, I'll just install an antivirus it should clear it all up."

"Oh that's sensible" she said coming forward to face him, she missed her step and fell smack on his dick, her breast nudging his lips.

"Oh shit" he was a second to late to push her off.

"Oh darling you're hard.. Don't be too embarrassed, I'm wet too" she smiled wiggling her ass on him.

"What do you say we go relieve ourselves.."

"Get off me"

"Feisty.. I like feisty" he pushed off and she screamed in frustration.

"I fucking hate you...you clearly want me" she said and he smiled.

"No.. I want to jerk off"

"Asshole!" She went inside her room and came back with his drugs and a lighter.

"Suit yourself" she put the lighter close to the drugs and smiled as they caught fire..she threw them into the furnace and walked towards him.

"I'll just wait.. Wait patiently till you crack"