"Babeeeeee! It's all over school how did you not know about it?" Liv said slamming her palms on the table which caused the food on it to clatter.
"Would you pipe down?"
"I'm sorry, I'm too jittery"
"Where do you get such stories anyway? It may just be a crazy rumor" she looked at me like she was gonna take at my eyes at any minute
"Since when have my info ever been rumors?" She asked and I stayed silent. She had a point there.
"Well forgive me if I find it a little hard to believe that my sisters ex- boyfriend with like only two weeks and i thought was a bit cool is out banging another girl he doesn't even know"
"Life baby girl. Maybe he got angry at what tasha said and wanted to get back at her"
"Can we not talk about this..like it isn't any of our business" I said stabbing the fork at my lunch.
"You're no fun" Liv pouted and I sighed.
Tasha adjusted her eyeliner with the little mirror she had in her locker. She almost had a perfect line when someone yelped behind her.
"What the hell?" She turned back to see a vibrant looking Vicky and a dull looking Amelia.
"You scared me" she said with a tinge of frustration, cleaning off the not so prefect line from her face. Vicky gave her an apologetic pout. They all knew she hated getting her makeup ruined.
"Have you heard?" Amelia asked, her blue eyes dull.
"Heard what?" She didn't respond but instead gave Tasha the school news paper.
"Page 16, headline, Violent or violent in bed? "
"Nice name" Tasha said and Amelia rolled her eyes. She began to read and along the lines her smile began to fade.
_few days ago we witnessed the sardonic break up of the greatest couples of all time, their names need not be mentioned.
Reason being one was too violent for the other.
Now did she mean violent physically is tge thrillion dollar question, we just had an anonymous tip contradicting what was said about this violence.
"He isn't violent, he treated me quite nicely. If anything he was really gentle with me in bed" ..
"What in hell blazes is this?" Tasha said as she flung the papers.
"The hottest gist in school" vicky said
"Lies.. Everything there is a lie"
"The beginning is true." Amelia said not smiling
"W..w..that..that may not even be me and Dammy I mean it's clearly anonymous"
"Darling even a blind person will recognize this story line" Curse Amelia for not mincing words. She breathed heavily as the hall way seemed to blur.
"Violent in bed? Did he cheat on me?"
"Technically no. Y'all have broken up...
Look Tasha fix this mess or avoid us, he's clearly retaliating. And my reputation in this school cant afford to take a blow for yours"
Tasha looked at Amelia shocked.
"What do you mean"
"Who did he fuck?" She choked out, Amelia shook her head
"I don't know, there are rumours, but nothing factual..look, You're at the wrong end of the school gist. And until you fix that i don't want you anywhere close to me" Amelia said and walked away.
Tasha looked at Vicky who just shrugged.
"You shouldn't have lied. Sure he has a temper, but violent?..." She shook her head and walked away.
Tasha picked up the papers from the floor.
But she didn't lie ur
Damian was shocked to hear music coming from the dance hall. He'd gotten pissed and walked out of Maths class, hush outbursts were coming a lot more often. So he'd changed into his dancing clothes to dance his anger away.
But that was before he saw the provocatingly cute Baxter.
She was wearing grey joggers and a sports bra.
Did she do this on purpose?
He recognized the song. The viral one from Nigerian artist Ckay.
Love nwatiti.
It looked like she was doing the tiktok dance with the song. He watched her for a while then paused the music.
"How did you get here?"
"I let myself in" she said grabbing her waterbottle
"Don't you have classes?" He asked and she shook her head, still taking huge gulps from her water bottle.
"What about you? No classes? Or you ditched 'em to be with some girl"
I didn't even know why it bothered me so much. I mean I wasn't his girl friend..wasn't even his ex. So why did some little gossip that didnt concern me at all get under my skin.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Whatever you want it to" I said and pushed the play button on the speaker, but he immediately paused the song.
"Do you mind?"
"Actually yes, you do not get to drop a snearing comment about me and act like its nothing"
"Maybe it is nothing, considering the way you change girls under your sheets" I said and he laughed
"Am i with the wrong twin?"
"Funny" I played the song he paused it again.
"What is your damn problem?"
"Look, I'm one of the bad cool kids, every news about me is exaggerated"
"So you did sleep with a girl"
"Last time I checked it isn't wrong as long as the two single parties are willing"
"You just broke up with my sister! How do you think she'd feel?" I heard his breath thicken
"Too bad, I didn't think! Did she think when she went around spreading bullshit about me?!"
"Did she lie?" My voice was calm
"What did she mean by violent? Anger issues?"
He stayed silent for a while. All I heard were his uneven breaths.
"Stop asking me questions I can't answer" he finally said and played my music.
I began to dance but after some time he stopped me.
"Don't let emotions affect your movements" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"That's cheap coming from you" he smirked and walked behind me placing his hands on her shoulders.
"What're you.."
"Shut up" with that he massaged my shoulders and oddly enough i stayed silent and closed my eyes.
I didn't open them till i heard the door creak and.. Shuffling of feet?
"Did you hear that?" I asked him but he shrugged
"Wind?" I nodded and broke from his grip.
"For the record, I think this tough guy outlook is just a facade. Don't do things you'll regret."
"There you go, trying to see the good in me, like I'm some depressed character in a book hiding behind a wall . You'll be disappointed just like everyone else, I am what I am" I stared at him for a long time before grabbing my bag and walking out of the hall.
I'd walked to the dressing room when my phone rang.
"What's up?" I asked and she sighed
"Why aren't you reading your text messages?"
"I've been busy".
"In the dancehall with Damian?"
I stared at my phone shocked.
"How did you.."
"Go look at the picture I sent you" she said. I hung up and entered my whatsapp quickly loading the picture.
A small gasp escaped from my lips when the image cleared. It was a picture of me and Damian
He was massaging my shoulders
.. I saw the notification on the top of the screen showing that Liv was typing.
It's all over school.