I dropped my phone in my bag and sighed. Who the hell stalked people like that?
It's all over school.
The words didn't stop ringing in her head. At least no caption has been tagged to the photo..
But that really was only a matter of time. I could storm to where Damian was and throw a tantrum but all for what?
I cursed digging into my bag and pulling out my car keys, when I got to my car I sat in and closed the door. Yelled a few times..okay not so few times before starting the car. I drove out of schl, hours early.
First time I've ever done that.
Tasha was about to close her locker when her phone beeped. She took it out, a picture
She tapped on the picture and watched as the little circle rotated on it as it loaded. What could it possibly be? Things like this were always trouble.
Anonymous messages in the middle of the day.
Her sight blurred as she saw the picture.
"What?! What the fuck is this?!" She yelled.
"Who took this?!" She asked loudly already knowing nobody would answer.
"If i get my hands in you I swear to God!"
"Would you calm the fuck down?" Amelia whisper-yelled behind her friend..
Or ex-friend.
She watched as Tasha turned behind her looking bewildered.
Poor thing.
"Do you..the culprit.. How?"
"Breathe.. And make a coherent sentence" Tasha closed her paint cladded eyes and took three long breaths
"Who took That picture?"
"Who cares? The deed has been done."
Amekia said and Tasha sighed looking her over.
"So why have you come here?"
To confirm her fears. Amelia was almost eighty percent sure she was right.
"Was that you he was holding?" Amekia asked and this time Tasha didn't even pretend to hide her disgust.
"Have you ever seen me wearing..or even owning grey slacks?"
"They're joggers"
"That's what I fucking said" Amelia sighed.
"So youre saying..that that girl in the picture, isn't you?"
"I never knew you to be so slow Amelia"
"I'm hanging on a really thin thread here Tasha, annoy me just a bit more and I'm out" she said in the calmest voice she could muster. After a little bit silence and a sniffle from Tasha, she apologized
"I'm sorry I'm just stressed from all of this"
"Not everyone knows that's not you Tasha. There are two major headlines now all over school"
"Which are?"
"One is Ken and Barbie back together"
"Ken and Barbie as in.."
"You and Dammy" Amelia Said and a certain light seemed to creep up in Tasha's eyes
"And..the second"
"Violent or violent in bed's anonymous is your sister." And the lights were snuffed.
"How could they.. Even.. If that goes out I'd be ruined..that can't be true"
"It may be" Amelia felt sorry for her as the colour seemed to drain from her skin, but she continued anyway.
"They are pretty close..I would know, I attend the same dance classes. Which reminds me i have to go practise with vicky, there's an audition tomorrow"
"You're leaving me?!"
"Didn't you.."
"What should I do?" Amelia frowned.
"Well your best chance is tipping all this in your favour. If people think you and Damian are back together.."
"He may contradict me"
"I dunno girl. But you gotta do what you gotta do..or else" and she walked away. Tasha looked like she was gonna cry. .
Tasha waited until Damian was alone in the dance hall, she entered and bolted the door, keeping everybody out. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone hearing them or worse, risk the fact that Damian may humiliate her.
At least if he did humiliate her..
They'd be alone.
"Hey" She said and cursed in her head when he didn't answer.
"C'mon I don't deserve this Dammy"
She said and he laughed as he turned off the music.
"You have such nerve coming here"
"I know.. Look I'm sorry if what I said hurt you"
"Hurt me?.. Let's see, you treated me like shit, then told the world about my disorder."
"No i didn't" she said and he stared at her so hard that she had to take a step back.
"But what did you expect me to do Dammy? You kissed me remember.."
"You're right I did" he said and put his music back on and went to sit on a nearby bench, taking a sip out of his water bottle. Tasha wanted to yell in frustration.
"This isn't going the way I hoped" she said kicking a wall.
"What do you want Tasha?"
"That picture of you and Mikael, its all over school." He laughed
"Yeah so?"
"Dammy let's just put everything behind us, we've made bad mistakes."
"Damn right." Was he agreeing.
"Great. We'll just say that was a picture of us.. Not you and Mikael" she said staring at him, he smiled. Infact he seemed relaxed.
This could just work.
"Yeah that'll really help you wouldn't it?
But what about Mikael? she may feel bad"
"I'll handle it I promise" she said feeling a smile creep up her face.
"Don't you wanna know what happened between me and Mikael? Why my hands were on her shoulder?" He said standing up, walking towards her.
"Doesn't it prick your skin that maybe, just maybe.. We may have been doing..something " he said stopping behind her, putting his hands on her shoulder, he put his face in her hair, nibbled at her neck.
She let out a sharp breath.
"Yes it does.. But it doesn't matter, I just wanna make things right.. Between us" she tried to turn to face him but he held her in place, his hands moving up and down her body stopping at her breasts.
Her nipples were perked.
He toyed with them through her shirt and she shuddered. He smiled
"You like that?" He whispered, opening the first three buttons of her shirt. Nipping her earlobe for a short while before turning her to face him. She seemed to be confused but turned on.
He dragged down the handles of her bra so that her breasts were exposed, then looked up at her before taking one taut nipple into his mouth .
She moaned.
"You like that?" He asked again in a whisper and she nodded rapidly, breathing through her mouth.
He left that nipple for the other..then claimed her lips, crushing her breasts with his chest. She sighed and palmed him, satisfied with the result she laughed.
He allowed his arms roamed her body, stopping where her panties covered. She always was one to match her undies.
"You're wet' he said when he touched her. She moaned in response. They were on the floor, with two of his fingers inside her, pounding her. Her face was a mixed expression of agony and ecstacy. He kissed her mouth again
"You really like it huh?" He asked and she nodded.
"Answer me Natasha.. I want to hear you say it"
"Y..yes..yes" she breathed and he smiled.
"You want everything back to normal..just like the old times." He pushed his fingers in deeper.
"Yes!" A little silence then
"Well too bad"
Before she could wrap her head around things he was practically ten feet away from her. She was so horny she could cry..beg him to finish what he started. But she bit her lip, trying to salvage what pride she had left and stayed silent.
Watched him walk away.. He didn't even glance at her.
She just lay there..breast open panties on the floor breathing heavily. A tear slipped out then two and then she was crying uncontrollably.
He had humiliated her.
But at least they had been alone.