Violent...or violent in bed?.
"Everything working out well for you?" Rider asked Damian as he drank from his water bottle.
"Yeah i guess, haven't heard anything from my step mom."
"And Natasha?" Damian put down his water bottle and sighed.
"I heard about the picture thing.. Well how could I not its all over school"
"Tasha came yesterday"
"Yeah..she wanted me to pretend it was me and her in the picture"
"So the rumors are true? Its her hotter twin you were with?"
"I was helping her with a dance move.."
Rider laughed.
"With your hands on her shoulder aye I get it."
"Oh fuc off"
"Don't lose your head..she came with a proposal did you agree?"
Rider just looked on.
"You just said nope"
"You dont plan to let me off easy do you"
"No i don't" Rider said and Damian sighed.
"Look it was fucked up alright, she came in I turned her on and left" Damian's words were met with silence.
"That's pretty low man" Rider said and Damian covered his face with his hands.
"I know, I know ..I just got so angry, then i wasn't thinking straight..then i got holrny and.."
"Oh shut up I'm not judging you. But you just gotta be careful, If you wanna get laid I got girls for that..a whole lotta blondes." Damian got up from where he sat and began to pace around.
"The last one was pretty good though"
Damian said and Rider broke into a huge smile
"I have good taste men"
"You could reduce your love for blondes though"
"Not a chance, so what do you say.. You want another round?"
"Yeah..but with the same girl"
"Amelia?.. Odd, but a wonderful choice."
That was why she looked so familiar.
The name rang in his head without stopping. Tasha never let him get close to her friends, always thought he'd make mistakes or mess up something for her and he'd been just fine with it. One snobby not bitch in his life was more than enough. But back then when they used to talk it was always Amelia this or victoria that.
"Rider.. Please tell me this Amelia isn't a friend of Natasha"
"Oops?! What the hell man?!"
"She was one of my cutest babes..and besides you picked her! I thought you knew"
"If I knew I wouldn't have picked her!."
"How is that my fault. How the hell am I supposed to know you didn't know what your girlfriend's best friend looked like! ..some relations you guys had, maybe it's for the best its over." Damian threw his water bottle on the floor, frustrated. Why did his life always have to have some funny twist.
"Easy with the anger. Look I'll tell her to scram.. And keep her sexy mouth shut."
Damian scrubbed a hand down his face for the hundredth time in two minutes.
"No no..tell her to come over"
"Woah..are you sure?" Rider asked, he knew his friend had a way of falling headfirst into trouble.
"Yeah, I'm sure."
I was sweating profusely, just finished my dance try out and I watched as one of Tasha's minions danced. She was pretty good. Especially as she twerked.
My phone rang.
"Heyyyy babe!" I laughed as I walked out of the dance hall so I could hear her better.
"Aren't you supposed to be in school"
"Ohh its night over here" she said and I sighed
"Bethany you do know the time zones are the same for Seattle and L.A right?"
"Shit, do you always have to be smart?"
"Did you ditch school?"
"Relax gurlll..I'm just im the ladies room. I just wanted to know how your audition thing was going"
She said and i smiled.
"Aren't you sweet? I actually just finished dancing. We're rounding up."
"Call me when you get in to the group okay" now I laughed.
"That's a slim one. Considering I wasn't exactly the nicest student.."
"Oh come on..he just have forgotten about that bastard thing by now. Except he's a twerp."
"He may just be a twerp"
"Oh come onnnnn.. You got raw talent, I dont think even he will disagree."
"Oh I'm all teared up. Talk to you later." I said and ended the call after she snorted. Walking into the hall I saw Damian, he was staring.
Damian watched as the crowd dispersed. They'd announced that the result would be pasted on the door by the end of the day, along with the names of those that got in.
"Amelia" he said just as she was about to go.
"You know my name?"
"Not until recently.. I didn't know you danced."
"Well how could you, you're always stuck uo with Natasha's twin" her accent had a tinge of British.
"You knew Tasha and I were together"
"Were precisely.. Past tense, last time I checked you were single and looking for a good lay." She said a smirk on her face as she walked towards him.
"That anonymous article, you wrote it" he said and she shrugged.
"And the picture..of me and Mikael?" She shrugged again.
"Isn't Natasha your friend?" He said and she laughed.
"Wasn't she your girlfriend?"
"You're a bitch"
"An honest one. You on the other hand fucked your girl's best friend"
"I didn't know"
"How long have y'all dated again?" She said and let the silence make clear her point.
"Precisely.. You're as bad as I am..or worse." She said a pecked him lightly on the lips
Then she was gone..
With him stupefied.
The bells rang for school dismissal and my stomach sank.
"Hey dont worry, you'll get in, and if you don't it's their loss." Liv said squeezing my fingers, I smiled in return and walked out of the class.
Getting to the door I began to search for my name but a smashing noise stopped me. I walked into the dance hall, to see damian on the floor and a broken water bottle at the other end of the hall.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked kneeling by him but he shoved me off.
"Go away.. I wanna be alone"
"Sure you do..what's making you angry enough to break things?."
"Very little things make me angry enough to break things. Now get out will you" he said and I sighed walking to where the bottle was.
There really was no saving it .
I threw it in the nearest trash can and found a mop to clean the water that spilled.
"No you don't have to do that.."
"I doubt you will " I said and he looked away.
"That picture that's going around school"
"Yeah" I answered not looking up.
"Tasha said I should tell everyone that was her."
"Go ahead" I said still not looking up.
"Go a.."
"I heard what you said you think we should get back together?"
"If it makes you happy..why the hell not?"
"I don't think I deserve to be happy"
Now I looked up.
"Sure you do. I mean you can be a total asshole and and all time jerk sometimes but doesn't mean .."
"I'm a bad person"
"No you're not"
"I've made huge mistakes over silly things" he said walking up to me.
"We've all made mistakes" we were standing nose to nose.. Okay not nose to nose he was like a foot taller..maybe two feet, Looking down at me.
"Have you ever slept with your ex girlfriends best friend?"
"By mistake?" My eyes were wide.
"I didn't know they were friends."
"Tasha's best friend?"
"I just wanted to well..and a friend brought her over."
"You feel remorse"
"Don't be so sure"
"That's what's eating you up isn't it, that's why you've been behaving like a sour fruit all day."
"Don't make any mistakes girl..I am dangerous, and you're playing with fire" she could feel his breath on her neck.
Then maybe I wanna get burned..just a little bit" i whispered.we stayed like that for a few moments before he turned away and walked off. I felt a certain abscence.
Taking a few breaths i walked back to the door.
Joseph New day
Amelia Scott..
Mikael .T. Baxter
Unable to hide the smile that creeper up on my face I brought out my phone and speed dialed Beth