The bells rang for the end of school and I packed my things from my locker.
"Where you headed now?" Liv asked and I sighed, today particularly had been a long day.
"Are you crazy?"
She rolled her eyes at me like I was supposed to understand what she was saying just with that gesture.
"Olivia what is it?"
"You said you flopped today's dance classes girl, go practice to make up"
She said and I Groaned.
" oo oo"
"This us your big chance, and you've had no trouble oractising after school before."
"Trust me"
I could hear music even before I got to the dance hall. Did they have extra lessons i didn't know about?
I walked into the dance hall and few minutes I gasped.
"Oh my God Damian..Damian!" The sight got me on the floor. Damian was on the floor, in a star position, arms and legs spread out.
A smile on his face
"What the..Damian? get the fuck up" I said lightly tapping his face but he only groaned in response.
"Damn you.."
"Damian! Nigga where are you?! Sulking away your problems..what the hell?" some tall guy with black hair ran to where we were.
"What happened?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I.. I don't know, I just xame in and saw him like this". I said and he looked around picking up a wrapper.
"Shit" he turned back to where Damian was and shook him so hard i gasped.
"Wake the fuck up!"
"..What?" He finally groaned
"How many pills did you take..Damian how many?" He said shaking him some more making him frown and open his eyes.
"Pills?" I asked but was completely ignored. The guy focused on Damian as he seemed to count with his fingers then frustatingly waved his hand away.
"Some good shit" Damian slurred just before his head lolled.
"Shit? What is going on?"
"We need to get him out of here"
"You're not listening.."
"I'm choosing not to.. Him out of here..without being seen." He said and I let out a breath, how did my life come to this.
"I brought my car."
"Great..I'll carry him you go make sure the coast is clear."
"Coast is.."
"Stop asking questions will you?"
"Not until you tell me what I'm getting into." He sighed out of frustration but i couldn't care less.
"We don't have time.."
"Shorten the story" I said crossing my arms taking a bad barbie pose.
"Ugghh.. I gave him molly and..well I didnt expect him to swallow all of 'em"
"You gave him what?"
"A drug Tasha that if he's caught like this will get him a suspension ..if he's lucky"
"Oh the other are very identical. You see this is important"
"I'll go check the coast."
When I was sure no one was around I signaled to him to comeout and slowly we got to my car. Just as he put Damian to lay down in my back seat his phone beeped.
"Shit..I gotta go"
"What? now?"
"Yes, can't wait. Take him to his home will you? His dad won't be home. Watch out for his mom though"
"I don't even know where his house is." I said and I heard a groan come from Damian.
"" he dug into his bag and brought out a pen and paper and scribbled something then handed it over to me.
I read what he wrote down.
"This is..this is so close to my house"
"Yeah incase you haven't noticed he dated your sister. I gotta bounce.."
"Can i.. Can I at least know your name?"
I said and he turned around and smiled.
Anthony dropped his school bag in his room, didn't even bother to change his school uniform.
He headed up to his mother's room. She was wearing makeup, smoothening the edges of her lipstick.
A sinful red.
"Mom can we talk?"
"Yes honey?" She turned around and her eyes widened.
"You haven't even chamged your uniform, this must be serious."
"Mom what happened to Damian's drugs?" Her smile slipped up a fraction.
"How would I know? I presume he abused them"
"Do you know that for sure?"
"Is something wrong honey?"
"Mother what happened to Damian's drugs?"
"What is.."
"Did you burn them?" The lipstick slipped fron her hand.
" who told you that .. Damian that boy, turning my whole family against me.."
"Stop! You wanted him to have s*x with you is that it?! And when he refused you burnt his drugs? Mom you got rid of what keeps him sane? Mom!"
"Well he was driving me insane! He deserved it."
"You know what ended your last marriage..and you want to start it again?"
"Nobody has to know" she whispered getting to her feet and he stared at her appalled.
"How could you be so cruel? He's a child"
"He had no problem having fun with that blondie!" She yelled
"You're his mother!"
"Step mother. He made that very clear no?" Turning on her heel she picked up her lipstick and dat down. Her face calm again as if they had been arguing about what to have for dinner.
"I'll tell dad."
"You do that.. But think about what you have to lose before you do that"
"I don't Care"
"Alright then, but I'm not going down without a'll be your words against mine."
I grunted as we made our way to his room.
God damn he was heavy.
"I think I'm gonna be .." He didnt finish his sentence as he ran to his bathroom and retched repeatedly.
"Oh God..Oh God" I stood there indecisive if I should go in and..well do something or just stand there and wait til it was all over.
When has it ever been that easy.
"Rider you owe me big time for this"
I walked into tge bathroom, he was hunched over the bowel seat turning his bowels inside out. I crouched by his side, rubbing his back till i was sure he was done. Cleaned up the toilet seat and wasged his face.
He looked exhausted.
Sighing I unbuttoned his shirt and undid his trousers.
"What doing?" He asked weakly stopping me.
"Relax I'm not planning to get into your pants..I think some water will do you good.."
"Yes, you'll feel better, I just didnt want to ruin your clothes can you stand?" I said and after sometime he nodded.
He was naked, save for his boxers.
That's how things were gonna stay.
Fortunately the faucet was one of the detachable ones so I took it down, made sure the water was warm enough before i sprayed it over his hair and chest area..all the while trying not to think of what I was doing.
Getting him to cleanup wear clothes and lay down wasnt so difficult. I think he was not so dizzy anymore.
" you feeling?" I asked when I put the duvét over him
"A bit cold"
"You'll be fine" I said standing up to go.
"No no.." He said taking my hand
"A bit longer.. Stay..just a bit longer" I sighed, I was surely gonna kill liv.. This was her doing. He didn't look so annoying, didn't make me feel like i wanted him dead with his eyes closed.
I sat down by his bed side and listened to his breathing, waiting for him to fall asleep.
Tony breaths came out in short spurts as walked out of his mother's room. How in the hell does a woman..
"Anthony?" His heart sank when he heard his name. Only one person called him liked that.
He turned around slowly, hoping to push away the inevitable.