
Chapter 20

"What're you.. What're you doing here?" She asked a confused smile on her face.


"I mean it's odd seeing you here considering you're not friends"

"What are you doing here?" She looked indecisive, like she didnt wanna tell him but she must have gotten over it because she shrugged.

"I uh.. Damian wasn't feeling too well, so I uh..brought him home"

She said and Tony nodded, he seemed okay few hours ago though.

"What about you, what are you..what are you doing here?" He gave a slight chuckle, now it was his turn to bite his lips and hesitate.

"I ..I live here".

"I don't understand.. How do you..how is that even possible? You dont live in someone's house unless there is a mutual closeness, you're married or related so.."

"We're brother's Mikael..brothers"

I sat down, craddling the little glass holding water in between my hands.

"Brother's..so you're saying that you guys are related by blood?"

"Well no.. Step brothers, his father married my mother"