Mikael..say something!..mikael!..
Mom's voice had been so real..damn almost like she was really here. All she remembered was that she was dead tired after finding out that tony and Damiam were brothers, then she was barely thinking straight when Tasha off loaded in front of her..then everything else was a blur, except when she dreamt of her seattle mom beside her door with her..
"Hey honey..you awake now?" A knock on the door stopped my reverie.
"Uh yeah Dad come in" he walked in looking a bit dishevelled.
"Is something wrong?" I asked him.
"You gave us quite a Scare darling, the doctor said you'll be alright but.."
"You don't remember?" He asked and I shook my head. Dad sighed and looked up the ceiling, almost as if he was unsure about something.
"Baby, when you saw Madeline I thought you'd be glad, but you just passed out and ..and that scared the shit out of me, the doctor said you were stressed.."