
Chapter 22

I just finished opening the curtains in the room when i heard the door nudge.

"Can I come in darling?, I would have knocked but my hands are full." I could recognize that voice even if i was dead. Running to her I embraced her, almost knocking down the two plates in the process.

"Woah easy there!" She said in between laughs.

"I thought it was a dream" I said hugging her tighter.

"Well you did hit your head pretty hard the day before" she said and I let go off her a little too quickly.

"You know it's not because of you I lost it right?..I had a long day, was dead tired"

"Honey I know, the doctor said you were stressed and why wouldn't you be, the tension in this house can be cut with a knife" I laughed at the way she widened her eyes to make her point. She smiled too handing me a plate.

"Oh my God your omelettes?..I definitely missed these" I groaned as I put a little piece in my mouth.