It seemed almost surreal, Natasha offered me a ride to school. Not to strike a bargain or take my life in the process, but because we happen to be tight chums.
Too quick?
Anyway, for whatever mannered reason it might be, I was really shocked and apparently not only me 'cause it seemed like the whole school was staring when we got out of her car together.
"What's happening?" I asked almost slightly put off by the totally unnecessary but not so bad attention I was seeming to get by everybody.
"I guess they've never seen both of us with each other before" Tasha said letting out a musical laugh.
This should be fun.
This was not fun!
Amelia couldn't believe it. The school news papers and social media were completely filled up with pictures of the Baxter twins together!
So the twins are real..Finally the twins are seen together #twin power #love over everything.