Damian was edgy and Amelia could feel it. He'd told her to meet him at the right end corner of the parking lot. He'd been asking for drugs a little too often lately, she just hope he wasn't getting too attached..
But that's ridiculous, he wasn't one to do those things.
"Hey" she turned round when she heard his voice.
"Hi, I um.."
"Did you bring the stuff?" Cutting her short and looking around, he couldnt have looked anymore suspicious.
Was he fidgeting?
She sighed bringing out the colored pills from her bag
"Atta girl" Smiling at the stupid pills instead of her, he opened his bag, wanting to throw it into his bag then apparently changing his mind and popping a pill into his mouth.
He didnt even seem to notice her, in fact he was about aalking away when she held him back.
He turned sharply, almost as if he was surprised that he could feel her touch. She ignored the flabbergasted look on his face.
Or tried to.
"Are..are you you know..are you okay?"