Chapter 38: A sister

It's 11 PM, Niora was sitting alone on top of her building, she was stargazing, she loves to look a the stars whenever she can.

Kipo was walking alone in the village and saw her, she decided to go up to her.

Kipo : hey.

Niora : hey Kipo.

Kipo : what are you doing here by yourself ?

Niora : nothing...I'm just looking at the stars.

Kipo : you love to stargaze too ?

Niora : yeah....the sky is too beautiful not to look at it whenever I where is Zet ?

Kipo : he's tired from yesterday....he's asleep.

Niora : how's his back ?

Kipo : it's getting better...I think he'll be fine soon.

Niora : he's strong.....he'll get back up tomorrow.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo :'re probably how's Mikayla...did she tell her boyfriend ?

Niora : no....she didn't yet....she's scared that he wouldn't want to be a king.....which I totally understand honestly....being a king is even harder than being a queen.

Kipo : how come ?

Niora : being a king means that people look up to you....and no one dares to disrespect you because they know that you don't need any help to teach them a lesson....while being a queen you're seen as the helpless lady that's only purpose is to find a king to marry and continue the bloodline.

Kipo : I actually think I know what you're talking about.

Niora : you don't.

Kipo : I do....when people see me with Zet they get scared....not from me...but from him....they immediately think that I'm just his helpless side.....that I can't take care of myself.

Niora : to be fair you look too innocent and with your attitude too....while Zet is...

Kipo : I know....he looks like he committed murder before showing up.

Niora chuckled.

Niora : yeah...I guess that sounds about right.

Kipo : but I can fight...I just don't know how to prove it without hurting anyone.

Niora : look...I know I'm a lesbian and my attitude is more like a guy's attitude....but you have to know that this is normal....looking like you're helpless and like you need help all the time is what looking like a girl is.

Kipo : take as an example Zet....he literally isn't letting anything hurt I'm curious to know what the pain he's protecting me from feels like.

Niora : you know he's doing it because he loves you right ?.....not because he thinks that you're weak.

Kipo : well....yeah...I know...but it's not all true....he keeps trying to change something in me that I can't change.....and because he is seeing how hard it is to me....he thinks I'm not able to protect myself.

Niora : and what is this thing ?

Kipo : he's trying to change my way of looking at people....trying to make me no mercy to an enemy.

Niora : well I haven't spent enough time with you....but I can tell that this is your strong point.

Kipo : what do you mean ?

Niora : people like me and Zet....the survivors....we usually don't look back at what we did....we don't feel bad for the things we do because we consider them as a not so big of a killing others.....getting them to talk in any way possible....not being friendly to strangers.

Kipo : but I do...I hate how he talks to strangers like he is about to kill them.

Niora : that's his nature....he doesn't trust a soul....he chooses intimidation as his first option....while you choose the opposite.....your nature.

Kipo : but he's doing something can't just immediately guess that anybody is about to kill you.

Niora : and from his can't just go to anyone and guess that they are good people.....that's you.

Kipo : but which one of us is right ?

Niora : none of you is....and at the same time both of you're just like the yin and yang.

Kipo : what's that ?

Niora started using her powers to draw in the air.

Niora : yin and yang are a story of two souls in one body.....yin is white with one small black dot in it.....while yang is the black with a white dot in it....yin is the good and yang is the bad....they both are the balance of the of them goes....the other takes over and the body loses balance.

Kipo : I don't see anything wrong with yin taking over.

Niora : it may seem like it....but you should remember that there is a part of yang inside any certain can change yin....and the more yin tries to hold becomes harder and you know why ?

Kipo : why ?

Niora : because yin feels bad for holding yang it regrets taking over the body in the first place....and that's where yang takes over the body comes back to a full circle.

Kipo : and what if yang takes over ?

Niora : if yang takes over....the body becomes dark.... it takes a while...but then yang realizes that yin is trying to get out too....yang remembers that one part of yin is in it....the part that was keeping it safe from total darkness in the remembers how much better it was when it was let's yin out....but yin doesn't take over.

Kipo : huh ?

Niora : no....yin knows the whole story already....they both decide that balance in the body is the greatest solution.

Kipo looked at the ground, she was thinking about her story.

Niora : you can't change him.....he is yang....and he can't change are yin....none of you is better than the other....but you are best when you are together.

Kipo : but how do I tell him this ?

Niora : you know him better than anybody and you are the closest soul to can try more than once...I'm sure you'll figure it out....eventually.

Niora then got up.

Kipo : where are you going ?

Niora : it's late...I need to go to bed...I have a yin to take care of tomorrow.

Kipo smiled at her.

Kipo : good night.

Niora : good night.

Niora left and got in through her window.

Kipo stayed up for a bit more before she headed back to the tent to sleep, she was thinking about what Niora told her, she is thinking of ways to talk to Zet.

It's 9 AM, Zet just got back from his morning walk, Kipo was still asleep, he decided to wake her up.

Zet : Kipo....wake's 9 AM and you're still asleep.

Kipo : mmhm.....5 more minutes please.

Zet wanted to wake her up, but he looked at her face, she looks tired, he decided to let her sleep, he went to walk in the village.

People were walking around, some were building their houses after they got destroyed by the storm 2 days ago, while others were walking around the shops, the village was alive again, Zet decided to see Roza's shop.

When he arrived, he saw Roza's shop's ceiling destroyed to multiple pieces, he saw Roza and Jamil working on it.

Zet : hey Roza.

Roza : oh....hi are you ?.....feeling better ?

Zet : yeah...a lot better....looks like the storm did a number on this place.

Roza : yeah....all it takes is one giant ice ball and there goes your building.

Zet : do you need help ?

Jamil : I mean we could use strong hands here....but you can go if you have something else to do.

Zet : no it's fine...I got a lot of free time today.

Jamil : alright....grab as many planks as you can and get up here.

Zet then got many planks and flew over to them on the roof, they started closing the ceiling, it was all gone from the ice ball.

Jamil : so tell us did your first date go ?

Zet : it went pretty good actually.

Roza : did you talk to know....from heart to heart ?

Zet : wait a minute.....did you do the same to her as Jamil did to me ?

Roza : we said is a part of our top-class service.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : yeah...we did...turns out you were right Jamil....she thinks the same way as I do....we both were trying so hard to look perfect to each looked too good for the both of us.

Jamil : it's ok....this happens to a lot of couples in their first times....they both want to balance the relationship.

Zet : did this happen to you too ?

Roza : oh was waaay worse than this.

Jamil : we were fighting all the time before we started dating.

Roza : and it didn't change when we started dating.....we never agreed on anything.

Zet : not to be mean here....but how the hell did you end up together ?

Jamil : it's just like you told me....the one person that means the whole world to me.

Roza : and just like she told me....when he kisses me or tell me something sweet...I just forget that I have a world.

Zet : did she say that ?

Roza : yes....she really loves too's way stronger than me and Jamil.....and we're married.

Jamil : I'm right here you know.

Roza : sorry hon....but it's true.

Zet : you know...I there somethings she tells others that she's scared to tell me ?

Niora showed up.

Niora : actually.....yes....she does.

Roza : my queen.

Niora : save it Roza....I'm no longer your can start calling my sister queen Mikayla.

Jamil : wait....what happened ?

Niora : I'll have an announcement later....for now....keep it a secret for me will you ?....I need to talk to you Zet.

Zet : sure.

Zet jumped off the building and started to walk with Niora.

Zet : what's up ?

Niora : you asked if she tells others anything she doesn't want to tell you....well yeah....she does.

Zet : I'm listening.

Niora : she is not liking that you are protecting her from makes her feel like she's weak.

Zet : but...

Niora : I told her the same thing.....because you love doesn't seem to be exactly what she wanted.

Zet : I can't just let her take an arrow or have second-degree burns.

Niora : she's trying to be a wonderkid....and the only one that's stopping her from believing that she is one is seeing you getting injured on a regular basis...and she's totally she didn't do anything helpful.

Zet : she is a wonderkid.....she just can't kill a soul without feeling bad about it.....I don't know how she will fight in this war.

Niora : look....she's not like us.....she is not the type to be stabbed 5 times and still cutting limbs....she is more of the opposite....the kind that feels bad for stabbing you in the first place.

Zet : I love her....but that's just pitiful.

Niora : no's's who she can't change who she is....this is her way to be strong.

Niora then heard Mikayla calling her from the window.

Mikayla : Niora....can you come please ?

Niora : be right there !..... I need to go....but I want you to remember something...the sky is in total darkness in the night.....until the stars show up.....and a star can never shine...if there is no dark sky around it.

Niora left, Zet was thinking about what she said as he was walking back to Roza and Jamil, when he arrived back he flew to the ceiling and continued working.

Roza : so....did she tell something interesting ?

Zet didn't reply.

Jamil : Zet ?

Zet was staring at the ground in front of him, Roza and Jamil were looking confused at him, they let him for more moments with his own thoughts as they continued working.

Minutes have passed, Zet was still with his own thoughts, Roza decided to make a move, she poked him to snap him out of it.

Roza : Zet ?.....can you hear me ?

Zet then looked at Roza, but he didn't say anything, he seemed surprised.

Roza : are you ok ?

Zet : ye....yeah yeah...sorry I just....zoned out for a bit.

Jamil :'s been like 5've been carrying the planks all this time and froze in your you want to say what's going on ?

Roza : did she tell you something important ?

Zet : yeah...she did...I just realized how trash I've been treating Kipo.....and the worst part is that I didn't even know.

Jamil : what are you talking about ?.....we saw you together.....she didn't seem to be bothered at all from you.

Zet : that's because she doesn't want me to know....she doesn't want to feel upset....she will think that she is the reason.

Jamil : what did she tell you ?

Zet then jumped off the building and left in a hurry.

Roza and Jamil were confused, they don't know what's going on, they just know that it's bad.

Jamil : what do you think ?

Roza : I can't even guess.

Kipo just woke up, It's 11 AM, Zet was sitting in front of her, he was looking at her.

Kipo : *yawn*good morning Zet.

Zet : good morning....did you sleep well ?

Kipo : yeah actually.

Kipo then looked around her, she noticed that the sun was shining brighter than usual, it can't be early in the morning.

Kipo : um....what's the time ?

Zet : it's 11.

Kipo : what ?! let me sleep till 11 ?!

Zet : I just figured that you're why's ok to do something your body wants to do from time to time.

Kipo immediately knew that there is something going on, this is not something Zet does, she started to get suspicious, but she decided to go with it.

Kipo : so do we have something to do today ?....maybe a hard training....or a long adventure ?

Zet : no....not really....actually...come to think about it.....I always pick what we about you choose what do you want to do ?

Kipo : you want me to choose what we want to do ?

Zet : of course.....why wouldn't choices are just as important as yours.

Zet smiled at her.

Zet : so....what do you want us to do today ? anything.

Kipo : anything ?

Zet : go creative.

Kipo got more suspicious, now she is sure that something is going on with him, and she knows how to find out.

Kipo : well...I always wanted to fly.

She started naming things she knows he doesn't like to do, she is testing him.

Zet : you want to fly with me ?

Kipo :'s going to be fun....unless you...

Zet : no no....I'll be ready whenever you are.

Kipo then got up and washed her face with some snow, she then stretched out.

Kipo : alright...I'm ready.

Zet then turned around.

Zet : hop'll enjoy this.

Kipo then got on his back.

Zet : ready ?

Kipo then tightened her grip on him.

Kipo : let's go !

Zet then launched himself in the air, Kipo got scared at first, she put her head on his back and closed her eyes, Zet then suddenly stopped in the air, it went silent, Kipo noticed that they are not moving, she opened her eyes and saw him looking at her.

Zet : you're scared....aren't you ?

Kipo : how did you guess ?

Zet chuckled.

Zet : are you holding tight ?

Kipo : I'm about to get my claws out if I hang tighter.

Zet : alright...I want you to do something.....let me go.

Kipo : no.

Zet : do you trust me ?

Kipo : yeah....but not right now.

Zet : come on.....gather your courage and let me go.....don't worry...I won't let you fall.

Kipo : promise ?

Zet : promise.

Kipo then sighed, she let him go, and the gravity took place, she closed her eyes and screamed, seconds after, Kipo felt two hands under her, one behind her knees and one behind her back, she was still feeling the cold breeze of the air, she opened her eyes, Zet's face was right in front of her.

Zet : see ?.....isn't this a better position ?

Kipo saw him looking at her with a smile on his face, she suddenly no longer felt scared, she sighed with relief.

Kipo : yeah...that's better.

Zet then started flying slowly.

Zet : so where does queen of the day want to go ?

Kipo : not again with the queen of the day please.

Zet : alright....where does my queen want to go ?

Kipo started blushing.

Kipo : and now you're being flirty.

Zet : I can tell it's working.....pretty good too.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo : alright fine.....let's go to see Mikayla.....haven't talked to her in a while.

Zet : right

Kipo : don't finish that.

Zet started laughing.

Zet : my queen.

Kipo : damnit Zet !

Zet looked at her, she was laughing and blushing, she put her head on his chest.

Kipo : you always know what to say to me.....literally always.....keep talking and my hair will glow again.

Zet : like you want me to stop.

Kipo : that's the thing.....I want you to stop.....but I really don't want you to stop.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : I love you.

After a while, Zet reached in front of the queen's building.

Kipo : finally....we can go through the actual door.

Zet : meh...the window was more fun.

Kipo then knocked on the door, a guard opened the door.

guard : Mrs Kipo.

Kipo : it's just Kipo.....can we talk to Mikayla and Niora ?

guard : I'm sorry to inform you....they are very busy right now....they won't be able to take any visits at the moment.....but I will let them know that you came today.

Zet : long was Niora in here ?

guard : about 3 hours sir.....she didn't come out.

Kipo : alright...thank you.

guard : my pleasure.

The guard then closed the door.

Zet : see ?.....everyone calls you Mrs Kipo now.

Kipo : alright sir Zet....let's go to the window now.

Zet : yesss.....the fun part.

They then went around to the building's rear, Kipo then climbed up while Zet flew up to the window.

When they looked through the window, they saw Mikayla sitting on her bed and crying, Zet then looked at Kipo.

Zet : Kipo.....I'll let this one for you.

Kipo : come on....we will see her together.

Zet : no....she needs a girl's nothing I can do.

Zet then got closer to her and kissed her on her head.

Zet : I trust you...I trust you'll know what to do.

Kipo then nodded to him and entered the room.

Kipo : hey...Mikayla.

Mikayla couldn't reply, she was crying, Kipo then sat next to her on the bed she then put her arm around her and her head on her shoulder.

Kipo : do you want to tell me what happened ?

Mikayla : he left me.

Kipo : and why did he do that ?

Mikayla : he doesn't want to be a king.....he said he wants me as his girlfriend the princess....not the queen.

Kipo : is he afraid ?

Mikayla : I guess.

Kipo : and what's wrong with that ?

Mikayla : what do you mean ?

Kipo : tell me....what did you tell him ?

Mikayla : I told him that Niora has to go....and I was supposed to be the queen in the first place....he immediately decided to leave me....he doesn't want to be a king.

Kipo : and why do you think he did it really because he is just scared ?

Mikayla : yes...because he is scared.

Kipo : but that's not the whole story...he is scared to be a king because he doesn't know how to be one.

Mikayla : huh ?

Kipo : you were a princess....and you live with a know how to be one...Niora gave you a hand to show you the way....but he has never seen this building from the wonder he left.

Mikayla : so you're blaming me ?

Kipo : no of course not.....look...this is just a human nature.....we are scared of what we don't know....until we know what it is.....I'm not blaming you....but I'm saying that you are the only one who can fix this.

Mikayla wiped her tears and started focusing on what Kipo is saying.

Kipo : he loves both of what you are...Mikayla....and the queen....but he just doesn't want to be John....and the King....and that's where you come need to show him the way....just like Niora showed you.

Mikayla : but how I'm supposed to make him try in the first place ?

Kipo : listen to this.....what do you think of Zet ?

Mikayla : he looks fearless...brave...mean.....and sounds like he is ready to die for you.

Kipo : but that's not true....when we were friends.....he had a crush on me as much as I did....but he was too scared to have emotions....until I showed him that there is nothing to worry is the sweetest person you'll ever know.....the point of what I'm trying to say here...if I could change someone who used to call himself can change someone who can't admit to being scared...he needs you....but he can't say it.....believe me when I say that it takes a lot from them to say it.

Mikayla started chuckling in silence.

Kipo : you are a queen....and a queen takes care of everyone.....and he is just in a hole....he needs your hand to pull him Mikayla....your king is scared....what are you going to do about it ?

Mikayla then got up.

Mikayla : I'll save him.

Kipo : and that's how you know that this crown is on the right head.

Mikayla then turned around and hugged Kipo, she hugged her back.

Mikayla : thank you.....I'm glad I met you.

Kipo : no get out there and get your king.

Mikayla then sighed as she left the room, Niora was waiting on the other side of the door.

Niora : Mikayla...

Mikayla left without saying anything.

Niora saw Kipo inside.

Niora : what happened ?

Kipo : don't worry about her...I think she's ready to be queen.

Kipo then left the room from the window, Niora was confused, she decided to listen to Kipo, she let her go and waited.

Kipo got out of the window, Zet was waiting on the other side.

Kipo : were you listening to all of this ?

Zet : yeah...I said I won't talk....not won't listen.

Kipo : that's so not cool of can't just listen to girl talks.

Zet : relax.....I was listening in case you needed did it go ?

Kipo : she's about to talk to him now.

Zet : I knew you could do it.

Kipo then jumped on his arms.

Zet : alright....where to ?

Kipo : actually....hold on.....wait here.

Kipo then jumped back in the window.

Kipo : Niora....wait.

Niora : hm?

Kipo : hey I need you with something really quick....can you follow me ?

Niora : um....sure.

Kipo then came back to Zet.

Kipo : alright now we can go....let's go to the guards at the gates.

Zet headed towards the gate, he saw Niora flying behind him.

Zet : is she ?....

Kipo : yup.

When they reached the gate and landed, Kipo saw the guards chatting together, she went to them.

Kipo : hello.

guard : what do you's our break.

Kipo : I want my emerald knife back.

guard : no weapons in the village.

Niora then came from behind her, the guards immediately kneeled.

guard : my quee...

Niora : pretty sure you heard her loud and clear.....or do I need to repeat it for you.

guard : ye....yes my queen.

One of the guards then rushed to their hut and got Kipo's knife and gave it to her.

guard : here....sorry for...

Niora : these 2 are with me...their orders are my that clear ?

guard : queen....understood.

Niora : go back to work.

Kipo and Niora left from in front of them and back to Zet.

Zet : got it back !

Kipo : I'm not losing your gift....and let's be looks cool...if I didn't come back to it they'd probably took it from themselves.

Niora : is that all you need from me ?

Zet : actually no....there is one more's more important than this.

Niora : go ahead.

Zet : the animal house....they are being tortured there....they get one meal a day to keep them alive....and the guards can't care less about it.

Niora : wait....why did you go there in the first place ?

Kipo : oh !.....I forget to introduce you to Aya.

Niora : Aya ?


They have arrived at the animal house, the same guard Zet who talked to before saw him walking towards him, he decided to stand in front of the entrance.

guard : oh it's you again....came back for more humiliation ?

Zet then raised his fists and punched him, his head hit the frame of the door, his nose started bleeding.

The guard got mad, the archers aimed at Zet.

guard : do you know what you just did ?

Niora : come on archers....take your shot...I dare you.

The archers looked at who said that, once they knew, they all lowered their bows and kneeled down.

The guard's eyes widened, he got up and kneeled.

guard : my queen.....what a sur...

Niora : shut up already.....Robert.

They entered the house and looked at the animals, some were sitting in silence, some were asleep, and some didn't move at all.

Kipo then led Niora to Aya's cage.

Kipo : this is Aya....our mutated flamingo bird.

Aya was so happy to Kipo again, she started making loud noises.

Niora then got mad, she walked back to the entrance to talk to Robert.

Robert : my...

Niora : pack your stuff and get the hell out of my

His eyes widened, he got scared, Zet was smiling in the back.

Robert : but my queen I.....

Niora's eyes glowed, she looked him in the eyes.

Niora : DID YOU HEAR ME ?...or do I need to say it again ?

Robert : I...

Niora : give Zet the have an hour to leave...If I ever see you again near this village...I will throw you out myself.

Robert looked at the ground.

Robert : yes my queen.

Zet started chuckling in the back, Robert approached Zet as he was glowering at him, he gave him the keys.

Zet : until you know that there is no head above yours...know who you miss with.

Robert left.

Niora's eyes came back to normal, she talked to all the archers around her.

Niora : we are the main village of the center of Alaska.....people come to us for help....and this what we do with them ?...from now only take orders from the archer leader and arrow is allowed to be shot without knowing the reason...understood ?

The archers : understood !

Niora then looked back at Zet and Kipo.

Kipo : thank you Niora.

Niora : hey...they don't know that I'm not the queen anymore....might as well use this to my free all of the animals and deliver them back to their owners.

Zet : all of them ?

Niora : yes....from now on....animals are allowed in the long as they don't kill.....I'll tell Mikayla to announce that you need anything else ?

Zet : no....that's all....thanks.

Niora : take care.

Niora left.

Kipo : hey we actually did it !

Zet : yeah...let's free them now....we have some work to do.

They went in and started freeing all the animals, Kipo then talked to them to calm them down, they moved from door to door, giving everyone their pets.

After hours, everyone who had an animal friend got back to them, everyone was happy about it, Karen had a wildcat, Roza and Jamil had a small bird, all the animals were so happy to finally go back to their owners.

Zet : and that's the last one.....all animals are back to where they should be.

Kipo then hugged Zet.

Kipo : that was so nice of you....standing for all these animals.

Zet : hey....maybe I did it for them....but I enjoyed every second of humiliating that guard....he actually thought he can miss with me and get away with it.