Chapter 41: An alpha

It's 3 PM, Kipo, Niora, Zet and John were standing in the middle of the village.

Niora : alright....we're the middle of the whole village.

John : why are we here ?

Niora : because you have to choose will have a class from all of us's do you want first ?

Kipo : you go with me....we will go through the village for a while.

Zet : and if you come with me we'll have some fun outside in the wild.

Niora : and I will take you to the main'll learn everything there.

John : ok ?....which one is the hardest ?

Niora and Kipo : Zet...

Zet :'m easy with training.

Niora : yeah....and I'm actually a guy and my hair is green.....can you tell ?

Zet : alright fine....I'll go easy on him....I'll just teach him the basics.

John : I'll go with Niora.....Kipo and then Zet.

Zet : he's scared of me.

John : don't worry.....I was before too.

Niora : alright....let's go.

Kipo : do you need us to do anything ?

Niora : no....wait for us till we're done....I'll send him to you when we're done.

Niora and John headed to the main building.

Zet : huh....he is actually scared of me.

Kipo : I mean....he has a point.

Zet : what do you mean ?

Kipo : well the first time you saw him you had 2 lightning knives aimed at his face.

Zet : like it was on purpose.

Kipo : the point of what I'm trying to say just got on the wrong foot with him....all you need is to show him that you won't kill him that you're a little bit friendly.

Kipo kissed him on his cheek.

Kipo : I know you'll do good.

Zet : and....there is the only thing I would never stop from happening.

Kipo : you mean the kiss ?

Zet : yup....I love you.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo : yeah....I know.

Niora and John were walking in the main building.

Niora : so....first thing you need to a have to be always the one everyone looks up to....this means that you never....ever....let anybody that is not close to you see you looking bad.

John : is this why you and Mika always have makeup and your dresses on at all times ?

Niora :'s even harder for us...anyway.....and second....never think that you're better than somebody else because of what you are.

John : explain ?

Niora then moved him to look at the guard who was standing in a distance.

Niora : see that guard over there ?...this is one of my royal guards....looks like a normal guy right ?

John : yeah....I don't see anything special with him.

Niora :'re wrong.....this is not just a guard....he is also a human and normal villager....with a family and a life of his own....what I'm trying to show you here....just like you....he's a human....don't ever look high at worked for where you are....and so did they.

John : yeah....I think I understand what you mean.

Niora : good.

They reached a dressing room and entered, there was a guard inside, Niora snapped her fingers and the guard left the room after he bowed to her.

John : whoa.....that was sick.

Niora : yeah....but at the same time....never forget how much authority you have over them....treat them like humans....but show them that you're a king.

Niora then grabbed multiple sizes and colors of male outfits and started putting them on him to see which fits.

Niora :

John : so what do you do on a daily basis ?

Niora : as a queen...I do whatever the hell I want....but not always...if there is something that I have to do the priority goes for doing it first no matter how boring....stupid or annoying it is.

John : what about protecting the village ?

Niora : black maybe ? as far as you know.....I protect it because I have powers. but that doesn't mean that I'm the only one who can....we have a whole army here....other than the other villages around whenever I can't...I have a backup.

John : what about situations like the storm that hit us recently ?

Niora : that kind of storm is very rare to occur....even I couldn't stop it alone...Kipo and Zet helped me.

John : oh yeah did you stop it ? was huge.

Niora : Zet is the one who stopped it for the most part....he's smart....he got that Idea to combine his powers and mine together...creating another storm....hitting each other and disappearing at the same time.

John : I saw him on the ground and breathing heavily when you were done...was he ok ?

Niora : order for him to do make that storm he had to summon lightning energy.....which burned his back.....luckily....he knows someone here who was able to heal him.....this is what it means to be a hero....putting yourself in danger whenever you have to with no hesitation.

John : does he usually do that ?

Niora : more like always.....his body is full of scars and burns.....all of them were in order to save ?.....yes red works on you good.

They looked in the mirror as she held the red outfit in front of him.

Niora : lesson're the're the first and last hope of your people.....never be afraid to lose your life in order for that one little kid in your village to survive.....this is what you signed up for.

John : but what if I couldn't ?

Niora : you long as you have the will to be brave enough.

John then looked at himself in the mirror for a moment.

Niora : you know...I'm excited to see you train with Zet.

John : come on....we both know that he'll destroy me.

Niora : long as you listen to him well....and please.....don't anger him.....because if you make him won't be able to run...and long as you're doing well with him he'll like you.

John : did he train someone else before ?

Niora : yeah.....his girlfriend Kipo.....he taught her how to fight with and without her powers.

John : so what's her deal.....why is she the one who will teach me how to talk to others ?

Niora : she won't teach you how to talk.....she will teach you how to be nice to everyone.....and trust me....she's good at this.

John : is she the best of you from the inside ?

Niora : exactly.....she's just a good'll like hanging out with her....we all did.

John : does she have anything like Zet that I should not do ?

Niora : not that I know of...I don't think so.

They left the dressing room and headed to the throne.

Niora : so now we got an outfit for the throne.

John : you want me to sit on your throne ?

Niora : yeah.....I want to see how you like it.....because you'll take a long time sitting on it.

John then sat on the throne.

John : huh.....this is....comfortable.

Niora : it is big....small...high...low.

John : fits perfectly actually.

Niora : great....making a new throne would be a pain in the ass....and would take a long time.

John got up.

Niora : alright....let's take a walk in the village.

They headed to the exit, and as they were walking, guards were bowing for them.

John : do they all have to do this ?

Niora : yes....this is their way to show respect to their royals.....don't'll get used to it.

They left the building.

Niora : now you need to know something.....expect multiple people to come up to you randomly and tell you good or bad stuff.

John : do I have to react to it ?

Niora : keep your mouth shut if it's bad....and remember to never lose your temper.....and if it's good just smile at them and thank them for it.

John : but I never saw anyone talking bad about you.

Niora : that's because they fear me.....I have powers and they know that I won't hesitate to use them....but they don't know that I will never use my powers on them.

John : have you ever hurt anyone ?

Niora : I'm a warrior John.....of course I did kill people before.

John : no I mean in the village.

Niora : that case then no.

John : how can I make them see me like you ?

Niora : you don't want to.....they are scared of me because of how I look.....they start bowing to me and apologize whenever they make a mistake in front of me.....I mean look at I look friendly to you ?

John looked at her.

John : point taken.

They saw Kipo and Zet walking, they headed to them.

Niora : and this is why Kipo is here....she will teach you how to not look like me or Zet.

Kipo : oh hi.....did you finish your royalty class for today ?

Niora : take over now.

Kipo : alright....let's go.

Niora : oh yeah....go to Roza....tell her to make it red for him.

Kipo : blue queen and a red king.....looks good.

Kipo then looked at Zet.

Kipo : coming ?

Zet : no.....I'll leave you to it....I'll have my share of him later.

Zet then kissed her on her head.

Zet : good luck.

Kipo smiled at him as Zet went with Niora, and John went with her.

Kipo : come on.....we have a long walk to do.

Zet : so how was it with him ?

Niora : he's curious....and seems to listen well...I can tell he's interested.

Zet : he wants this as much as you want it for him.....and you're both doing it for the same it's only fair he's trying his best with it.

Kipo and John were walking through the village, people were looking at them and smiling.

John : um.....why are they smiling at us ?

Kipo : well...they're smiling at me....we saved this village so they call me and Zet and the mysterious heroes.

John : what are we doing ?

Kipo : nothing much actually.....all you have to do is walk in the village and interact with others.

John : but that's what I do every day...I work here.

Kipo : no have to interact with many people here.....whether you know them or not.....and interact with them nicely....all you have to do is put a smile on their I'll show you.

They went to a random shop that was near them.

She saw this grown man sitting on his chair quietly waiting for customers.

Kipo : are you ?

Villager : pink is an honor to see you.

Kipo : my name is Kipo.....what's your name ?

Villager : I'm Mark.

Kipo : so are you the only one here ?

Mark : little daughter is in the back.

His daughter heard him, she came out from the back.

Kipo saw her carrying a doll with pink hair and eyes, when she saw Kipo she was speechless, opened mouth and widened eyes, she stood in front of her.

Kipo : hi....what's your name ?

little girl : Lia.

Kipo looked at her hands.

Kipo : what do you have here ? this me ?

Lia nodded as she gave her the doll, Kipo took a close look at the doll and smiled.

Kipo : do you know her name ?

Lia shook her head hinting to say no.

Kipo : this is you love her ?

Lia nodded.

Kipo : aww...come here.

Kipo hugged the little girl.

Kipo : well she loves you too.....who knows....maybe one day you'll grow up to be like her.....even better.

Lia smiled a very happy smile, she met her idol.

John was observing silently in the back, he noticed Mark smiling because his daughter was happy.

Kipo then looked back at Mark, she saw his smile.

Kipo : what a lovely girl.....where did she get that doll ?

Mark : I made it for her.....this is what I sell.

Kipo : well I think I have something I need you to make me.

Mark : of course.

Kipo : you know the other hero that's always with me ?

Mark : yes....the yellow guy.

Kipo : yeah him.....I need you to make two of me and one of him.

Mark : would be my pleasure.

Kipo : and here's a little challenge for you.....if you finish them today...I will give you triple their cost.

Mark's eyes widened.

Mark : triple ?!

Kipo : yeah....all you have to do is finish them ?

Kipo reached her hand to shake his hand.

Mark : deal....thank you Mrs Kipo.

Kipo : was nice to meet you....goodbye Lia.

Lia waved her hand and smiling as Kipo left.

Kipo saw John's face, he was very impressed.

Kipo : see ?

John : I get what Niora is saying about're actually just a good person.

Kipo : well now It's your saw me in like me and you'll be done with me for today.

John : sure....I'll try....where do I go ?

Kipo : pick any shop around here that has people that you don't know.

John : ok.

John then headed to a shop a bit far from where he was.

Kipo : I'll wait here and watch.....and remember....put a smile on their face.

John reached a shop where on old lady and her grandson were sitting, it was Karen and Ron, Kipo was far to recognize them, and John didn't know who they are.

John : hello.

Ron : hi can I serve you today.

John looked at Karen that was sitting silently in a chair looking at him, he decided to smile at her, but she didn't react.

Ron : sir....over here.....she won't talk...what can I do today ?

John : uh what do you serve here ?

Ron : multiple kinds of natural rare

John : so what's up with her ?

Ron : this is my grandmother.....she's muted.

John : she can't communicate with anyone ?

Ron : no she does....she uses sign language and I translate for her.

John then looked at her and started using sign language.

John (sign) : hi....what's your name ?

Kipo saw him in the distance moving his hands, she immediately knew who is he talking to.

Ron : you know sign language ?

John : father talks the same way....and I was his translator.

Karen started talking to him too.

Karen : I'm Karen....and this is my shop...I have seen you work here in the shops ?

John (sign) : yeah.....I work near own shop.

Karen : so what are you doing with Kipo ?

John (sign) : you can see her ?

Karen : son.....I can see much more than what I can tell.

John (sign) : she is teaching me how to be nice to others.....and I happened to choose this shop to bother.

Karen laughed.

Karen : are doing a good job here so far.....tell you what... I'll help her here.

John : ok.

John then looked at Kipo and waved his hands hinting for her to come to him.

Kipo : huh ?

Kipo then came to him.

When Karen saw her, she smiled.

Kipo : hi Karen.....hi Ron.

Ron (Karen) : hi Kipo...good to see why are you with John ?

Kipo : oh I'm just teaching him how to be you know each other ?

Ron (Karen) : no...we just met...he's a nice guy...I like him.

Kipo : great !

Ron (Karen) : is he the new king ?

John : wait you know ?

Kipo : yeah it's fine.....she's a close friend of ours.

John : hold're the one that Zet knows here right ?.....the healer ?

Ron (Karen) : well I guess you know who I am after all.....I'm more than a healer...I'm his mother.

Kipo : well yes but not actual mother.....but yeah she is Zet's mother.

John : I have to say...It's an honor.

Ron (Karen) : it will be soon mine to see you.....good luck with your journey.

Karen then nodded to Kipo, Kipo then whispered to John.

Kipo : hey I need you to go where I was and wait for a bit...I'm coming...I just need to talk Karen for a bit.

John nodded and left.

Kipo :'s his soul ?

Ron (Karen) : he's pure....his soul is white....but he also has multiple dark spots.

Kipo : that would be because of his parents...he lost them when he was younger.

Ron (Karen) : could be....but they are getting smaller the more he spends time with her.

Kipo : you know about Mikayla too ?

Ron (Karen) : yeah....his soul is pretty close to hers...I can see them both.

Kipo : oh're really impressive.

Karen smiled.

Ron (Karen) : coming from the purest soul I've ever's an honor.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo : alright...I have to go....he's waiting for me.

Ron (Karen) : good luck.

Kipo then headed back to John.

Kipo : come on....let's go....we're done's time for you to go with Zet.

John : oh no*sigh*.

Kipo : huh ?.....what do you mean by that ?

John : I don't want to train with him.

Kipo : let me're afraid he's going to hurt you ?

John : I'm afraid of this guy.....I saw what he can least you are way more friendly than him and Niora can't hurt me because of Mikayla.....but he has no reason to not to.

Kipo : alright listen.....I know how intimidating he looks...but don't worry.....just don't show him that you are scared of him....he likes you when you're more brave than a coward.....just show him respect and listen to him and you'll be fine.

John : alright....but can you at least talk to him ?'re the closest person to him....just tell him to take it easy on me a bit.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo : alright.....sure....I'll talk to him.

After minutes, they came back to the main building where Zet and Niora were outside.

Kipo : hi guys.

Niora : so how did it go ?

Kipo : he's's exciting to see him work...and apparently he knows how to speak sign language.

Zet : you met Karen ?

John : father was like I was his translator for a bit.

Kipo : um Zet.....can I talk to you for a second ?

Kipo then moved Zet to the side away from John and Niora.

Kipo : so he wanted me to tell you to go easy on him.....he's really scared of you.

Zet : relax.....I won't make him hate training with me....I'll make it fun for him so he wants more.

Kipo : just remember.....he's not a wonderkid.....he's stages worse than us.

Zet : well....that's for him to decide.

Zet then kissed her on her cheek.

Zet : don't worry....he'll be fine.

Kipo smiled.

Kipo : alright.....I'm trusting you.

Zet and Kipo then came back to John and Niora.

Zet : alright...I think it's time to go with me John.

John didn't reply.

Zet : do you want to come ?

Niora : maybe later if you took your time with him.

Zet : before we go.....Niora where is the armory ?

Niora : in my building down the're going to make it exciting for him from the beginning ?

Zet : yup.....let's go.

John and Zet then entered the building and headed to the armory, they saw more than 50 weapons all over the place.

Zet : alright....lesson one.....each and every warrior has a special weapon that they like more than the others and is their first choice when they fight.

John : so what's yours ?....I'm not seeing any weapon on you.

Zet : my favorite weapon is two short knives.....they are called Karambits.....and I don't have them on me because I summon them with my powers whenever I want.

John : so....lightning Karambits ?

Zet then summoned his knives and showed them to him.

Zet : yes.....lightning karambits.

John : whoa.

John then looked at all the weapons.

Zet : so there are 2 kinds of weapons.....heavy or light.....and melee or ranged.

John : isn't it better to have 2 weapons ?.....melee and ranged ?

Zet : that's pick 2.....just grab a weapon and try it out....and try to not hit yourself.

John : so what's the difference between light and heavy weapons ?

Zet : heavy weapons deal more damage....but you can't use them as fast as the light ones....and light weapons don't deal as much damage but hit way faster.

John then looked at a weapon.

John : how about that one ?

Zet : a bow ?....ok sure....try it out.

John then picked it up.

Zet : alright....first put the arrow body on the mount....and the tail on the string....then pull it back while maintaining steadiness.

John then put the arrow and pulled it back, but when he fired it, it fell on the ground.

Zet : it's's your first time....try again.....and this time I'll do it with you.

Zet then summoned his bow.

John : whoa.....this looks so cool.

Zet : just like me.

John then took his position and started replicating Zet.

Zet : grab the arrow from the end of it.....but just before the tail....but all the weight on the the arrow tail on the string and slowly pull it back.

Zet then saw his arrow shaking.

Zet then left his bow and grabbed his arms and directed them.

Zet : look just above the head....the head of the arrow is your eye....keep your posture up....let it go whenever you're ready.

John then fired the arrow, it was fired correctly but it didn't reach the wall against him.

Zet : not bad.....but here's a small tip...whatever weapon you're using...if it needs you to aim with it....holding your breath helps you steady your shot.

John : noted.

Zet : so do you want it or do you want to try another weapon ?

John : I saw this weapon that uses arrows too.

Zet : you mean the crossbow.....well it's better and worse than the bow.

John : huh ?

Zet : this weapon has only one shot at a time and it's heavy.....but you don't have to worry about the power of the always shoots it hard.

john then picked it up, it was heavy on him, he was struggling, Zet then grabbed it for him.

Zet : maybe not this's pretty heavy for need to have more strength to carry it.

John : can you show me how to use it ?

Zet : sure....all you have to do is aim and fire with this trigger.

John : do you have to look above the arrow just like the bow ?

Zet : yes but you have to be more accurate with it....once you fire your shot it will take about 5 seconds to get another one in.

John : but what if I use 2 instead of one ?

Zet chuckled.

Zet : you're creative I'll give you that....but no....the more crossbows you have the more time it will take for you to reload them....bad Idea.

John : so you said 5 seconds to this for anyone who uses it ?

Zet : well can do it in 3 seconds if you are an expert with it.

John : but what about you ? don't need to reload a lightning crossbow right ?

Zet : well I never tried it.

John : can you give it a try ?

Zet : sure.

Zet then put the crossbow on the table in front of him and started staring at it.

John : what are you doing ?

Zet : I never summoned I have to study its body before I replicate it.

After moments Zet then put his hands high in front of him.

Zet : you might want to step back a little bit.

John moved.

Zet then closed his eyes and started summoning random shapes made of lightning in the air, after minutes John started to see the crossbow being built.

Zet has finished forming his crossbow.

Zet : and there we go.

John was amazed by the way he reformed a crossbow out of nothing.

Zet then fired a shot with it, the crossbow broken down as the shot was fired.

Zet : damnit.

John : did something go wrong ?

Zet : yeah.....I didn't make it the same as the real one.....this is what happens when I mess up my summoning.....and this is why I prefer my bow and knife over machines.

John : so I want to ask you.....what did you do to become this strong.....physically I mean.

Zet : a lot....multiple reps of multiple body destroying workouts.....but the most important thing you need to have is patience.

John : what do you mean ?

Zet : when you start working want to reach your goal as fast as possible....but you never will.....which leads you either to give up....or doing it wrong and ending up hurting yourself.

John : so I decided that I want to use the crossbow as my ranged weapon.

Zet : pick a melee weapon.

John looked at the weapons.

Zet : it would be better if you choose a light weapon.....having 2 heavy weapons is not a good idea.

John : how about these ?

Zet : you want to use the brass knuckles ?

John : yeah....they look fun.

Zet : but you need to learn how to box for them.....these knuckles are pretty light and usually not that sharp.....I'm just not a fan of them.

John : ok how about these ?

Zet : huh.....actually these are a good choice....the sai.

John : where the hell did you come up with all these names ?

Zet : these are the names of these weapons.....I'm not coming up with them.

John grabbed the sai.

John : so a crossbow and a sai ?

Zet : I guess.....sounds like you can handle them.

John : and I'm ready to workout to carry a crossbow...then work on it.

Zet : I like your'll master them if you really want's all in your hands.....alright....let's go outside now.

Zet and John got out of the door, Kipo and Niora were sitting on top of the building, when they saw Zet and John coming out they jumped down next to them, Zet reacted quickly, he pulled out his knives and aimed it at their throats, he didn't see who it is yet.

John : whoa !

John was startled.

Kipo looked at his eyes, she was not scared, he saw her but he didn't put his knives down.

Kipo : come it....we both know you won't.

Zet : don't test your luck.

Niora and John were confused.

They looked at each other for moments, they then started laughing, they couldn't hold it.

Zet then put his knives away and hugged her.

Zet : you're right.....I'd never.

Kipo : *laugh* you look cute when you're about to kill someone...I'm jealous.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : you're way too weird.

Kipo : yeah....then why I'm with you.

Zet : good point.

They started laughing again.

Niora : ehm...

Zet : oh yeah yeah....what's up.

Niora : so what did he choose ?

John : I chose a sai and a crossbow.

Kipo : isn't a crossbow heavy to you ?

John : and this is why I want to get stronger like I can carry it easily.

Niora : ambitious.....a quality for a king.....I like it.

Kipo : so how was your first impression with Zet ?

John : he's cool....and a good teacher....I mean I can see the results in front of me too.....and I got to say....he has the best powers out of all of you.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : is it because I can make weapons out of energy ?

John : yeah.

Zet : Niora ?....Kipo ? to show him ?

Niora then summoned a big battle axe made of wind, and Kipo turned her hands into wolf hands with sharp claws.

John : Jesus Christ...

Zet : I'm not the only one with weapons....we all have weapons.....but not all of us can summon them out of nothing....only the natural elements can.....that means me...Niora.....the plants wonderkid and fire wonderkid....and the rest of us have their own weapons.

John : so are we going to go in the wild ?

Zet : no.....I think you had enough for today.....get some rest while you can.

John : ok then...I need to go see my uncle...see you tomorrow.

John left.

Kipo then hugged Zet tightly.

Kipo : you did it !.....he likes you.

Zet : well I wasn't going to if you didn't tell me I guess credits to you.

Kipo : actually....I want to give a surprise.....consider it as reward.

Zet : ok ?....what...

Kipo then came closer to him and Kissed him.

Kipo : and here you go.....your reward.

Zet : wow...I was so caught off guard with this one.....thanks.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo then saw Niora.

Kipo : Niora.....we forgot you're here.....sorry.

Niora : you once told me to keep this relationship a this still a thing ?

Zet : yeah...but I'm not talking about here...I'm talking about Las Vistas.....just keep it a secret between day I'll tell them myself.

Niora : sure.....just a heads up.....I think literally everyone here knows that the animal pink girl and the lightning yellow guy are together.

Kipo : good.....that means we're doing a good job.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : I guess.

Kipo : oh !....I just remembered !.....when I was with Karen.....she saw John's soul.

Niora : how the.....

Zet : she can see souls.....yeah I know.....she's really good at this.

Niora : so what did she say ?

Kipo : she said that it's pure....but has multiple dark spots.....I'm pretty sure that's because of his parents.

Zet : I mean you can't blame him.

Kipo : but she told me that she saw Mikayla's soul with him....the dark spots are slowly being removed.

Niora : well I think it's safe to say that he's a good guy.

Zet : yeah...but I don't know about him being the king though.

Niora : what do you mean ?

Kipo : yeah....he's a good person.

Zet : maybe good....but not strong or brave.....being nice to people won't protect them from an attack.

Niora : isn't this why you're here ?

Zet : even if I trained him.....he needs guidance....guidance that I can't give to him.

Kipo : so what do you suggest ?

Zet : not that I want it....but I think we'll train him instead of me.

Kipo : what ? know that I don't know how to use these weapons.

Zet : it's not that'll train him on how to fight in a to show mercy....and how to be brave.

Niora : agreed.....I think you'll do better than us.

Zet : if he's going to have one of us as an better be you.

Kipo sighed.

Kipo : fine....extra work for me I guess.

Zet : don't worry.....he'll have to shoot and hit something.....and this is why I'll be with you.

Kipo : wha ?!

Niora : you want to be his target ?.....don't you have any value for your life ?

Zet : relax you two...I've had a mutant wolf hunting me down before...I'll be fine....he won't be able to hurt me...I'll be careful.