It's 9 AM, Niora was walking in her building, she was heading to Mikayla's room, she reached the door and knocked.
Niora : Mikayla ?
Mikayla : come in.
Niora opened the door, she saw Mikayla dressed in the princess outfit, as usual.
Mikayla : hey.
Niora : what are you doing with your princess outfit ?
Mikayla : what do you mean ?
Niora : where is your queen outfit ?
Mikayla : oh it's not ready still haven't announced that I will be a queen I wouldn't wear it even if I have it.
Niora : I was waiting for you to convince your boyfriend.
Mikayla :'ve been busy with Kipo and
Niora : look...I'm sorry about this....but they are teaching me a lot.....many things that I need to know....they are preparing me.
Mikayla : it's ok I feel that this is your destiny.....I'm cheering for you.
Niora : aww.....come here.
Niora then came closer to Mikayla and hugged her.
Mikayla : alright alright.....I love you too.
Niora then backed up and looked at Mikayla with a smile on her face, she noticed her.
Mikayla : what.
Niora : nothing.....I'm just proud of my little sister're going to be a great queen....better than me.
Mikayla : you really think that ?
Niora :'re better than me...I'm more of the queen that helps because that's her job.....but you're more of the queen that helps because she can.
Mikayla : so you wouldn't help people around you if you weren't a queen ?
Niora chuckled.
Niora : do you really want me to answer this question ?
Mikayla laughed.
Mikayla : well.....this is more than a job to you're now a hero.....a wonderkid.
Niora : talking just like a queen.
Mikayla : would you stop.....this is getting repetitive.
Niora : yeah did it go with jack ?
Mikayla : john....
Niora : yeah yeah did it go with him ?
Mikayla : Niora !.....
Niora laughed.
Niora : I'm just messing with did it go with John ?
Mikayla : I talked with worked...
Niora : this is not the reaction that you should be having right now...there is a but right ?
Mikayla : well it didn't entirely work.....he said he's going to think about it.
Niora then looked at the ground.
Mikayla : I can tell that he's still scared.....and honestly.....I don't know what to do at this point.
Niora : I do.
Mikayla : huh ?
Niora : I'll talk to him.
Mikayla : no....don't you dare go to him.
Niora : why is that ?
Mikayla : we both know that you won't just talk to him...I'm worried about him.
Niora : relax...I'm going with Kipo and Zet.....Kipo will do the talking.
Mikayla : look...I need you to promise me that you won't intimidate him.....not you....not Zet.
Niora : why not Kipo too ?
Mikayla : Niora.....please.....promise me you won't hurt him.
Niora : alright fine.....I promise.
Mikayla : now you can go talk to him.
Niora got up and headed to the door, but just before she got out.
Niora : um....quick question.....what if we couldn't convince him ?
Mikayla : it's ok.....maybe we're just not meant to be together.
Niora closed the door and left.
Zet and Kipo were at Roza's shop.
Jamil : and we're done !
Zet : you finished it ?
Kipo : wow.....that was quick.
Jamil : clean....beautiful....and new as you go.
Jamil promised Zet before to make him another suit, other than the one he burnt.
Roza : well go on.....try it out !
Zet then got in a room and wore it, moments after, he called Jamil.
Zet : Jamil....can you come ?
Jamil got in the room with him.
Jamil : you need something ?
Zet : so I need you to make me something.....I need a small like napkin thing to put in this chest pocket.....and it has to be pink.
Jamil : well....that is what this chest pocket is for actually.....good guess....but doesn't really fit with black and white.
Zet : what do you mean....this is literally Kipo's wolf form white and pink.....look...just give it a shot.....we both got nothing to lose here.
Jamil looked at Zet and sighed.
Jamil : alright.....fine.
Jamil then got out of the room and called Roza.
Jamil : Roza.
Roza went to him, they started whispering, they don't want Kipo to hear.
Jamil : I need our darkest pink thread.
Roza : what do you want to make ?
Jamil : he wants me to make him a pink pocket square.
Roza : but it doesn't fit with black and white.
Jamil : I know...I tol.....
Jamil stopped.
Jamil : actually.....I have an Idea....get me a pink one....and a white one.
Roza nodded and went to get the threads.
Kipo : is there something wrong ?
Jamil : oh nothing.....he just wants a small addition to it.....don't worry about it.
Roza came back with the threads.
Roza : here....what now ?
Jamil : I need you to distract Kipo....don't let her see this.
After minutes, Jamil was done, he then rushed to the room Zet was in.
Zet : that was quick.
Jamil : yeah I know...I'm good at my job.....and here you go.
Jamil made it pink and striped white.
Jamil : so I couldn't just make it look I made a few additions to it.
Zet : you added white strips.
Jamil : so what do you think ?
Zet : I like it.
Jamil : glad you go show her.
Zet then sighed as he got out of the room.
Kipo saw him, her eyes widened and her mouth slightly opened, she was amazed by how good he looks.
Zet then came closer to her.
Zet : hey.
Kipo started blushing.
Kipo : h...hey.
Zet : so what do you think ?
Kipo : look good.
Zet : good ?.....yeah and I can see your face.
Her face turned even redder, she was looking at the ground, she then raised her eyes higher, her hair started glowing.
Zet : really like it.....your hair is glowing.
Kipo : alright look amazing.
Zet : said the correct password.
He grabbed her face and moved it towards his, he then came closer to kiss her, Her her hair started glowing brighter.
Kipo looked at him with widened eyes, he was smiling at her, she then laughed, he waited for her to finish.
Zet : so....
Kipo : huh ?
Zet : we need to go.
Kipo : oh yeah yeah.....let's go.
Zet then looked at Jamil and nodded to him with a smile.
Jamil : it's the least I can do for you.....have fun with it.
Zet and Kipo then left Roza's shop.
Niora was waiting outside, they saw her.
Kipo : Niora ?
Zet : is something wrong ?
Niora : wow....not every time you see me there has to be a disaster....jeez.
Kipo : but there is something going on....right ?
Niora : well yeah...we have something to do....all of the way I like your look good.
Zet : thanks....and now....what's up ?
Niora : we need to go to John's house and convince him to live with Mikayla.
Kipo : wait....did Mikayla try ?
Niora : she said that he will think about it....but we need to make sure he picks the right decision.
Zet : do you have a plan ?
Niora : yeah.....Kipo will convince him.....I will teach him how to be a king....and you will teach him how to fight.
Kipo : alright.....I guess we can give it a shot.
Zet : and how much time we got to teach him ?
Niora : as long as it takes.
Zet :'s not like we have anything to the world....and save this village from a monthly subscription of wolf attacks.
Kipo laughed.
Kipo : monthly subscription.....
Niora : yeah....I forgot about the wolves.....alright....can you train him in a week or two ?
Zet : sure....I can try to teach him as much as I can.
Noira : I just need you to teach him the guard's leader will take care of him.
Kipo : alright.....let's go.
Niora : don't you need to change from this suit ?
Zet : ye....
Kipo : no.....he doesn't.....let's go.
Zet chuckled.
Zet : alright....I'll stay like this I guess.
They went to John's house, it wasn't a big house, nor a good looking one, it seems that John and his family aren't good on money.
Niora : and here we are...John's house.
Kipo : he's poor huh.
Niora : yeah.....seems like it.
Zet : makes me wonder how he met her.
Kipo looked at him and shook her head.
Zet : what.
Kipo : you have a point....but you can't say that.
Zet : um....noted ?
Niora knocked on the door.
An old man opened the door, his eyes widened.
old man : queen...
Niora smiled at him.
Niora : are you ?
old man : just made my day to see you....and the 2 mysterious's an honor to meet you all.
Kipo : hi...I'm Kipo.....and this is my boyfriend Zet....nice to meet you.
old man : I'm what does bring the biggest 3 people in this village to my home ?
Niora : we just need to talk to he here ?
George : no....he's at his work.
Zet : is he your only son ?
George : son ?.....he's not my son...I'm his uncle.
Niora : actually.....mind if we come in ?.....we need to talk to you about him.
George : my pleasure.....come in.
They got in the house, it was calm inside, and George is the only one who lives with John.
George then went and grabbed 3 chairs as he went to set on his one seated couch.
Niora : before we start...I need your permission to ask you anything....personal or not.
George : go ahead...I have nothing to hide from my queen.
Zet : so long did you know john and why are you the only one who lives with him ?
George : John is the only son of his parents who got killed by the wolves when he was young.....I used to live here too with my brother and his wife.....and after they died he had no one to take care of him but me.
Kipo : how old is he ?.....and what do you mean when he was young ?
George : he's 15.....and I'm talking young when he was 6.
Niora : old as Mikayla.
George : Mikayla ? mean princess Mikayla your sister ?
Niora : yeah.
George : why does John have anything to do with her ?
Zet : he didn't tell you ?
George : no.....what's going on ?
George started to get worried and confused.
Kipo : need to's nothing big.
Zet chuckled.
Zet : well....don't want to lie to you is.
Niora : ok...John has a girlfriend.
George : well yeah...I know that.
Zet : let me guess....he never told you anything about her and you never seen her.
George : nothing.
Niora : this girlfriend of his is my sister...Mikayla.
George's eyes widened, and he started sweating, he got scared.
George : I'm so sorry my queen.
George got off his chair and kneeled on the ground, begging Niora's mercy.
George : he's just a kid...I truly apologize to for his there anything I can do to repay you ?
Niora looked at the ceiling with disgust and sighed.
Niora : see what I have to deal with here ?.....this is exactly why I want to leave with you.
Niora then got him up and put him back on his chair.
Niora : listen.....I'm not mad at him at fact I'm happy for him.....for them.
George : huh ?....but.....the rules...
Niora : alright....say one more word about the damn stupid rules and I will really get mad.
Kipo then saw Niora slowly getting angry, she whispered to her.
Kipo : hey hey.....I need you to're scaring the hell out of him.....why don't you just back up a little....I'll talk to him.
Niora sighed as she stepped back.
Kipo then turned to George and smiled at him as she started speaking.
Kipo : sir.....John's girlfriend is the princess....who is soon to become a queen....because Niora is leaving this village to do something more important.
George : what's more important than being a queen ?
Zet : none of your business.
Kipo : don't worry about is very important...anyway.....Mikayla loves him too...a lot....and she wants him to live with her but the problem is that he doesn't want to be a king because he's scared...he has no idea how to be one.
Niora : and that's why we're here....we want to teach him how to be a king.
George was looking at the ground, after moments, John opened the door.
John : uncle...I'm ba...
He saw them inside with his uncle, his heart started beating faster, he then ran away in fear.
Kipo : um.....where he is going ?
Niora sighed.
Niora : Zet.
Zet then got out of the house and started chasing him, after seconds Zet reached next to him as they were running.
Zet : you want to come back or do I have to do it myself ?
John : leave me alone !
Zet : oh well.....I tried.
Zet then passed him and stood in front of him, he then grabbed his hand and started dragging him back to the house.
John : no....let me go man !
He started hitting his back.
Zet : you know this won't work right ?...just shut up and walk with me here...relax...we don't want to hurt you...probably.
They arrived back at the house.
Kipo : and here he is...John ! are you doing ?...hope Zet didn't hurt you.
Zet then put him on his chair.
Niora : hi John.
John didn't say anything, he was scared.
Niora : so...I'm pretty sure you know why we're here.
John : no....I said it you're coming to my place to hear it yourself ?
Kipo : but why is that.....she is literally offering you to be a king.....and comparing to what you have's stupid of you to refuse such an offer.
John : want to's because I don't want to mess things up....I know that it's hard to be a king....and I won't leave my uncle here alone.
Niora : wait seriously thought that your uncle will be without you ?
John : uh....yeah ?
Niora : and every member of your family is allowed to live in the main building.....once you're a king.....the house becomes yours.
John : wait really ?
Niora : do I look like I'm joking with you ?
Kipo : look....she really loves you.....and she refuses to give up on you but you're making it so hard on her.
Niora : when I asked her to convince you....she didn't want me to because she was worried about you from me.
Zet : jeez.....I wonder why.
Niora : shut up Zet...but I'd never hurt you because you mean too much to her...when I asked her what If I don't succeed in convincing you know what she told me ?
John looked at her and waited for her.
Niora : she told me "it's ok.....maybe we're just not meant to be together."
John's eyes widened.
Niora : she is slowly giving up on you this what you want for her ?
John : but I can't.....I have no idea what to do.
Niora : and this is why we're here....we will teach you how to be a King.....I'll teach you royalty.
Kipo : and I will teach you how to deal with people.
Zet : and I will teach you how to fight.
Niora : so....are you ready to be a king.....are you ready to do this for her ?
John looked at his uncle who was looking back at him and smiling, he nodded.
John sighed as he closed his eyes.
John : alright....for Mikayla.
Niora smiled at him.
Niora : you've made the right choice John.....get ready to be a king.
John : and my uncle ?
Niora : once you become a can put him wherever you can keep him with you.....even build him a new house of his own.....all under your command.
John : can I ask you something ?
Niora : hm ?
John : why did she become the queen ?.....she told me that she was supposed to be the queen in the first place....but she didn't tell me why.
Niora : that is because I'm a lesbian...and according to the rules I'm not supposed to be the queen.....only straights.
John : well she told me that the rules say that she can't be with me.....only other leaders can.....and that you'll change this.....why don't you change this rule too ?
Niora : there is one rule that cannot be changed.....a queen and or a king can't change more than one rule in their entire life as rulers.
John : so you chose to change the rule that has nothing to do with you....instead of changing that one rule that is all about you ?
Niora : don't worry about me.....I spent 18 years with no one.....I can won't be here we go ?....I want you to tell her yourself.
John nodded.
They got out of the house and headed to Mikayla.
Kipo looked at Zet's suit, she saw the pink pocket square.
Kipo : hey....what's up with the pink pocket square ?
Zet : oh yeah...I asked Jamil to make it for me before I wore's for you.
Kipo : aww really ?
Zet : yeah....he told me that pink doesn't fit with black and white....but I really wanted it.
Kipo hugged him.
Kipo : damnit I love the way he was doesn't fit.....but you still look amazing.
Zet chuckled.
Zet : alright....I'll take this as a yes for the your dress with you ?
Kipo : yeah....I'll take it with me....I'll wear it whenever we want to dress like this again.
They have arrived at the main building.
Niora : ready ?
John : let's go.
Niora opened the door and they headed to Mikayla's room, they reached the room and knocked on the door.
Niora : Mikayla ? in here ?
Mikayla : I'm here.
Niora opened a small part of the door and showed her head only.
Niora : hi.
Mikayla : hey.
Niora : so.....I have a surprise for you.
Mikayla : huh ?
Niora opened the whole door, John was standing behind it.
John : hey Mika.
She came closer to him.
Mikayla : hey.....did they convince you ?
John : yeah...I guess I was just being a coward....that's all.
Zet : Jesus Christ he finally realized it.....took you long enough.
Niora and Kipo looked at Zet.
Kipo and Niora : Zet shut up !
Zet : ok...
Niora : anyway.....John is ready to be a king.....your king.
Mikayla : and how will he learn....are you going to teach him ?
Kipo : huh.....good guess.
Niora : yes....we 3 will teach him.
John : and I'm ready to do whatever I can for you.
Mikayla hugged John tight, her head was facing behind him on his shoulder, looking at Niora and smiling, she teared up, she whispered.
Mikayla : thank you.
Niora nodded at her with a smile.