Chapter 44: A ceremony (part 1)

Kipo was with Niora and Mikayla in the main building, Kipo was borrowing some of Mikayla's clothes.

Mikayla : here.....try these....I have a lot of clothes I never use.

Kipo : wow....where do you get all of these ?

Niora : we're royalty.....we get whatever we want.....these are all made for us.

Mikayla : we just usually don't wear them to wear the queen's outfit.

Kipo then tried the shirts, but she wasn't able to move her waist.

Kipo : aww this string is getting annoying...I can't move normally.

Niora : I think you got wounded when you were in your wolf were more vulnerable.

Kipo : I didn't even notice anything until I felt blood dripping.

Mikayla : so now that we're done with the village threats.....what else ?

Niora : well....we want to go Karen for something....and change the rule book....and I guess this will be it....we can get on with you and John's ceremony.

Kipo was still trying clothes on, she grabbed a pink shirt.

Kipo : this one is good.

Mikayla : take whatever you want.....I will probably never wear them.

Kipo wore it.

Kipo : how do I look ?

Niora : oh really looks good on you.

Mikayla : I'm not even surprised.

Kipo : alright....I'll take sure you don't need them ?

Mikayla : don't worry about it...I can get a dozen of them whenever I want.

Niora : you want to go see Karen ?

Kipo : yeah sure.....I think Zet said he's with John at Roza's shop.

Niora : let's go.

Zet was with John and Jamil in his shop.

John : so how do I look.

Zet : that's a king if I have ever seen one.

Jamil : you look really'm not making a new one you have to look good.

John then looked in the mirror, he liked his look.

Zet : yeah...Mikayla is going to like this.

Jamil : oh and Zet...I have some clothes that you might need.

Zet : casual clothes ?

Jamil : yeah.....some clothes I make for fun sometimes.....and for myself.

Jamil then came back with multiple clothes.

Zet : that is a lot of clothes.....don't you have anything else better to do in your free time ?

Jamil : absolutely not...I hope you find your size though.

Zet then started trying them out, Niora and Kipo walked in.

John : hi Niora.

Niora looked at John, she smiled.

Niora : nice outfit....king.

John : like it ?

Niora : looks pretty good on you...yeah.

Kipo was looking Zet, he was trying clothes on, she started blushing.

Kipo in her mind : not this again...

Zet then saw her.

Zet : hey's your wound ?

Kipo didn't look at him.

Kipo : it's fine.

Zet : you're picking a new look too...I like it.

Kipo : look good too.

Zet knows why she's facing away from him, Niora noticed.

Niora : so...Zet....we want to go to you might want to hurry up a bit.

Zet : sure.

Zet finished after minutes.

Zet : I'll take these much for them ?

Jamil : come on're my special's for free.

Zet : alright thanks...I appreciate it.

Kipo and Zet came out.

Niora was still inside.

Niora : hey John.....go show Mikayla this.....she'll like it.

John : yeah I'll go soon....just want to finish some things.

Niora got out.

Niora : alright....let's go.

Zet : so what do we want to do here ?.....after we're done with Karen...I think we have nothing else to do.

Niora : now I'll have to change the rule book....we make the ceremony and we can go to Las vistas.

Zet : you seem excited about it.

Niora : of course I am.....I never left would be amazing waking up and not seeing ice from every angle.

Zet : I guess you'll like our world tour then.

Niora : am I the first one you came for ?

Zet : yeah.....we'll go around the world to find 5 more wonderkids.

They arrived at Karen's house, when they entered they didn't find her.

Zet : Karen ?....are you here ?

Ron then came out from the back.

Ron : hi Zet.....she's in the souls you want me to wake her up ?

Niora : actually no it's ok...we'll go to her.

Zet : sure.

They went in the back, Ron brought them the soul flower tea.

Zet : hey me a favor and don't tell anyone we're here....we got something important to do.

Ron : don't one will know.

Niora drank her tea and lost consciousness.

Zet : ready ?

Kipo didn't respond, she was staring at the ground.

Zet : Kipo.

Kipo : huh ?....yeah ?

Zet : are you ok ?

Kipo : yeah I'm ok....let's go.

She drank her tea, Zet then looked at Ron, he looked back.

Ron : I don't know man....she seems really distracted.

Zet : you think ?....

Zet drank his tea.

They woke up in the souls world.

Niora : Karen....are you near us ?

Karen : I'm here.

Karen then approached them.

Zet : what are you talking about ?.....that's not Karen.

Karen :'s me....this is me when I was 29 years old.

Zet :'re shorter than I thought.....and why can you talk ?

Karen : this is my world...I can imagine whatever I want as long as it is not the what brings you here ?

Niora : Zet came up with an idea.....Zet ?

Zet : so when someone dies.....the soul departure the body right ?

Karen : correct.

Zet : where do they go ?

Karen : they go to a place called the dead world.....or the afterlife for a less creepy name.

Zet : so what if we can get in that world ?.....can we see anyone who died ?

Karen : you want to see her ?

Zet : yes....does this work ?

Karen : I'm sorry one can get there without being dead.

Zet sighed in disappointment.

Niora : damnit !

Karen : but there is something you can do.

Zet : hm ?

Karen : if you want to see can imagine them the way your memory remembers them.

Niora : but they're not real.....they are just pictures.

Karen : I'm so sorry....but that's about the best you can do.

Zet : well...I can show you Kate if you want.

Niora : sure....and I'll show you unknown too.

Zet : alright do we do it ?

Karen : simple...all you have to do is remember their picture in front of you....and don't lose focus on it.

Zet and Niora then sat on the ground and started remembering, Karen looked at Kipo.

Karen : Kipo....can I talk to you for a second ?

Kipo : huh ?....yeah sure.

Kipo and Karen then got away from Zet and Niora.

Karen : are you ok ?

Kipo : yeah...I'm ok.

Karen : I told you're a terrible can read souls.

Kipo : oh.

Karen : I know what you're thinking about.

Kipo : I can't think of anything else.

Karen : he's an asexual you know.

Kipo : but I'm not....and Mikayla and Niora gave me an Idea.....maybe he's just a demisexual but he doesn't know it.....he thought he was just an asexual until he met he knows he's biromantic.....what if I can change him again ?

Karen : you know that this can be very bad too....he might be fine with it.....or he might not want you anymore.....he's unpredictable.

Kipo : I won't last long with him like this...I'm ready to take this chance.

Karen : I'm on your side here....but I want the best for you both and not just you...I know how much you mean to him...I don't want him to lose this meaning.

Kipo : there is nothing else I can do...I have to be with him alone and try.

Karen : alright....I understand why you're doing this....but I'm telling you...if things went wrong....try your best to correct them.....once it's one else can fix it.

Kipo nodded.

Karen : alright.....let's go back to them.

Kipo and Karen then came back.

Zet : check this out Kipo.....that's Kate.

Kipo then looked in front of her, she saw a young girl, brown hair and blue eyes.

Kipo : she's beautiful.

Karen : she looks like you.

Niora : yeah...I can see the resemblance.

Kipo : how old is she ?

Zet : that's her when she was 13....2 years older than me....she'd be 19 by now.

Karen then hugged Zet from the back.

Karen : Imagine her at 19 ?....

Zet chuckled.

Zet : she'd be probably stronger than me.....way stronger.

Karen : I may have raised only you...but I wished she was closer to you so I could take care of her too....she was so brave at a young age...I was really happy that you met her.

Zet : you know....from one side...I'm so grateful that I met her.....but from another...I'm scared of who I would be if I didn't.

Karen then imagined a picture of the young Zet, they all looked at him.

Karen : this is the young you.

She then imagined a picture of the present Zet and put him next to his young one.

Karen : and this is you know...see the difference between these 2 ?.....these are the same person.

Niora and Kipo looked in surprise.

Zet : yeah...I know....this kid is pathetic.

Karen : it doesn't matter who you were....the past never and will never decide the present and the future and you are the biggest proof of this.....this is Zet when he was younger....but it doesn't necessarily mean that this is've changed a one would guess that this little innocent kid is this wonderkid now.

Niora : I can approve to literally became a whole different person.

Karen : I'm proud of what you became Zet....I know what you were supposed to be....and I could never be happier to know that you became the opposite of it.

Zet sighed.

Zet : Niora ?

Niora : hm ?

Zet : did you imagine him ?

Niora : no...It's not working.

Karen : maybe you just need more time to practice.

Zet : you have anyone to imagine ?

Kipo : I never saw my

Zet : alright...I guess that's all we need from here.....thank you Kar....mother....for helping us.

Karen : you're welcome son.....I'm proud to be a mother of a wonderkid.....and a great hero.

Niora : are you coming with us ?

Karen : no...I have some time to spend here.

Niora : alright....see you later.

Karen : goodbye.

They closed their eyes and woke up in the shop.

Ron : oh you're up.....took you a while.

Niora : how long ?

Ron : 6's 8 PM

Zet : did anyone ask about us ?

Ron : yeah...Mikayla wants to see you Niora.

Niora : alright....I'll go see what she wants.....later.

Niora left.

Zet : Kipo.

Kipo : huh ?

Zet : do you want to go somewhere or do we go back ?

Kipo : let's go back to the tent...I'm tired.

Zet : sure.

They have arrived at the tent and got in.

Zet : finally....we're done with our first wonderkid's country.

Kipo : yeah...

Kipo was looking at Zet while he was using his backpack, her hair started glowing and she started blushing.

Zet then looked at her, she was smiling a very small smile.

Zet : um...Kipo ?....why are you glowing ?

Kipo then started biting her lips, Zet realized what's going on.

Zet : oh no no no no....this is not happening.

Zet turned around and faced away from Kipo and sat on the ground.

Kipo : look...I can't keep doing this....every time I look at you shirtless I just turn into a red tomato're hot ok ?.....and that's not even just my's literally everyone's word who saw you.....and me out of everyone....your girlfriend.....I can't just keep pretending that I'm fine with are an asexual I get it....but I'm not.

Zet : is this why you didn't talk this whole time today ?

Kipo : yes.....I was thinking about you.....I want to be with you....all of you.....and I know you want me too.....but you don't want all of me.

Zet : what do you want me to do ?.....I don't feel this way about're the most beautiful to me....but I don't care about what's behind your clothes.

Kipo : I helped you discover that you're not just an asexual right ?.....what if you're not just a biromantic asexual too ?

Zet : let me think I can be a demisexual ?

Kipo : listen....this relationship is something we both want.....I really love you....but I can't hold myself any longer.....I need you right now more than ever.

Kipo then came closer and wrapped her arms around him from the back, she then reached her hand under his shirt and started moving it across his body.

Kipo : so why don't we just be done with this.

Zet sighed.

Zet : if I often do we have to do this ?

Kipo : I don't know....but I promise you that it will take a long while till I ask you again.

Zet : fine.

Kipo : really ?

Zet : I'm not doing this for me...I'm doing this for you.

After a while.....

Kipo was lying with Zet, her head was on his chest, they were done.

Kipo : see ?'s not that bad.

Zet didn't reply.

Kipo : look...we're done did it.....I can actually feel comfortable around you again.

Zet sighed.

Kipo : I'm going to be honest with you here.....for an're really good at this...I enjoyed it.

Zet : glad you did....because I don't want to do this again in a long while.

Kipo hugged him tighter.

Kipo : you know...I there anything that you're not ready to do for me ?

Zet : yeah....this....but I don't want us being together to I guess I have to.

Kipo : I wouldn't want it either if you weren't this hot.

Zet : now you're making it like it's actually a mistake.

Kipo : do you think I'm hot ?

Zet : are....but not for's just from someone's perspective.

Kipo : then now you're making it like it's my mistake.

Zet chuckled.

Kipo : thank you so much for doing this...and I'm sorry for somewhat forcing you into it.....but I just really needed you.

Zet : it's ok...I understand why anyone who's not an ace would need this.....but it's just not for as long as this doesn't happen often at all...I think I'll be fine.

Kipo : one day....I'll repay you all of this.

Zet : you don't have to...I just want you with me.

Kipo : you literally went against what you are for me...I won't let this go away like this...I just don't know what Zet.....whatever your sir name is.....wants.

Zet : I don't have a sir's just Zet.....and I told you what I're giving it to me

Kipo chuckled as she closed her eyes lying her head on his chest.

Kipo : I love you.

Zet : I love you too.