Chapter 47: A ceremony (part 4)

Kipo and Zet arrived back at the main building, Mikayla was heading downstairs to the archive room.

Mikayla entered and saw Niora

Mikayla : Niora ? didn't leave ?

Niora was in the room reading.

Niora : no.....I don't have anything else to do.

Mikayla : ok ?...did you find it ?

Niora : not yet.....but I have narrowed it down to these two has to be in one of them.

Zet and Kipo showed up.

Kipo : hi guys.

Zet : you didn't leave this room did you ?

Niora : I'm about to be done.....we have two books left.

Kipo looked at Niora, she looks exhausted.

Kipo : um...Niora ?

Niora : hm?

Kipo : how about you take time to rest.....if there are only two books left we can finish them.

Mikayla : need to stop's been like 6 hours.

Niora : it's fine....just grab this book and start reading with...

Niora then fell asleep while talking.

Zet sighed.

Zet : I'll take care of this.

Zet then carried her.

Zet : two can start with these books....I'll be back.

Zet left, he headed to Niora's room to put her on her bed, she needs to sleep.

Mikayla : ok....let's be done with this's been too long.

Kipo : do we need to do something else after we find it ?

Mikayla : yeah.....but it won't be as long as this.

Mikayla and Kipo started reading, Zet came back after minutes.

Mikayla : Is she asleep ?

Zet : yeah.....that was a stupid idea from her.....if she doesn't know what to do she continues doing the most boring task ever.

Kipo : hate reading this much ?....isn't this how you spent your childhood ?

Zet : what ? read like some pages from a book once a week.....and yes....I...hate....reading.

Mikayla : then how the hell do you know so much know.....wonderkid stuff ?

Zet : Karen....she read me and Sanji these books as a bedtime story....and it paid off pretty good.

Kipo : hold on...Sanji knows as much as you do ?

Zet : well apparently he knows even more than Karen herself does....he can use two powers.

Kipo : Zet ?

Zet : hm ?

Kipo : when you were in the many masters did you have ?

Zet : 5 masters and one headmaster.

Kipo : were they ranked ?

Zet : no....but the headmaster was the one who orders them around and he was the most powerful out of them all.....I used to be so scared of him so much....where are you getting at ?

Kipo : what if he survived ?

Zet : survived with Karen ? I don't think so....but if he did...I can say already say that even 7 wonderkids might not be enough to win this war.

Kipo : is he that powerful ?

Zet : he can't control any power....but his dark magic is even more powerful than all our one was ever able to determine how good he is....he was too intimidating with his knowledge.

Kipo : so that means he probably survived.

Zet : well he is a human...a normal one....and I'm pretty sure he was not expecting the worst wonderkid he ever trained to have a chance to kill let's hope he didn't.

Mikayla : found it !

Kipo : you found the rule ?

Zet : finally.

Mikayla : it is... "Rule 6922 : a royalty, king or queen, are not allowed to have any physical or emotional interaction with the non-royalty. They are only eligible to date and or marry another royalty".

Zet : non-royalty ?.....that's just a polite way to say peasants.....who the hell wrote this ?

Mikayla : my great-great-grandparents...they are the first of the royalty.

Kipo : I just don't get it....why is this a rule in the first place ?.....what's the point of this ?

Mikayla : I know this one...I asked this before.....imagine that you're the queen.

Kipo : ok ?

Mikayla : and you once see Zet as an example....a random cute start liking him.

Kipo : and...

Mikayla : Zet notices your looks for he starts taking advantage of how you look at him to become a royalty member...and he ends up as the king....but it wasn't for you....he was just taking advantage of you....and that's why this is a's not for need a decisive and a wise queen to do it.

Zet : do you think you're wise and decisive ?

Mikayla : no...of course I'm not...the story that I just said is how I met John....but I had Niora with me....she is decisive and wise...if she told me that he's not good enough...I'd listen to her....because she knows way more than me.

Kipo : that's sister love if I have ever seen one.....Zet you might want to learn from her.

Zet : shut up....

Kipo giggled.

Mikayla : I don't want to say this in front of this is a good chance to say it...I need to ask something from you.

Kipo : of course.

Mikayla : Niora might seem like the confident badass....which she is.....but there are a lot of things that normal people experience that she didn't....and this will end up having her emotions taking what I'm trying to say here....please....take care of battle...and out of battle....she's new to having a normal life.

Zet and Kipo looked at each other and chuckled.

Kipo : see ?....I told you she's you but a female.

Zet : well I guess you're right.

Mikayla : huh ?

Kipo : Mikayla....don't worry about her...Zet is literally Niora but a guy....they have too much in common...Zet was just like her....but he changed....and that's just because he had the right people around him.

Zet : which means you.....

Kipo : and my father....and Sarah....and everyone here.

Zet : no.....just you...

Kipo smiled.

Kipo : anyway....the point is...I can tell you right now that she will experience emotions...and this is not something we can change....but the way she reacts to them is what we can try to help with...if she once happens to experience anger as an example....she'll have multiple people around her to calm her down...friends....and even she experience love...she'll have her friends around her to help her don't worry about her...I learned something important...If someone managed to change a black heart to a white one....then any heart can be changed.

Zet : and she managed to do's like her specialty.

Mikayla smiled then hugged Kipo.

Mikayla : you know...I wish you can stay're the best friend anyone can have.

Kipo : aw...thanks...I wish I can stay's fun here but I have a world to save.

Zet : and don't worry about her safety.....she's not stronger than me....but she's way less reckless and smarter than me....she won't put herself in danger....and even if she does....we're right behind her...I can tell a great warrior when I see one.

Kipo : that we have the rule number....should we wake her up ?

Mikayla : I don't want to...but we have to...she's the queen....we need her to continue.

Zet : oh yeah...I forgot that she is the queen...I was wondering why all the guards were staring at me when I carried her to her room.

Kipo : they probably thought that you're her new boyfriend or guys look good together.

Zet : hell no...I'm genuinely scared of her girlfriend that she might have one day....she better be as tough as her.....whoever she is.

Mikayla : you think she can find her love ?

Zet : of course....and trust me on this one...I was completely hopeless about it...I thought I was just an ace at first.....but then I found this abomination of purity right here.....and here I am.

Kipo : I don't know if this is an insult or a flirt....but ok.

Mikayla chuckled.

Mikayla : well I hope she'll have a good girlfriend one day.....she deserves one.

They headed to Niora's room, Mikayla was about to open the door, but she stopped.

Mikayla : you know what.....let's just go...give her time to sleep....and we'll come back later.

Zet : sure...we're for once not in a hurry.

Kipo : Mikayla that's so sweet of you.

Mikayla : she's been working her entire life.....I'm not going to give her more work....we'll continue when she wakes can go now if you have something to do.

Kipo : actually...I need to go to Karen.

Zet : you were just with her.

Kipo : when I went there I didn't ask her what I wanted...I had to find the solution for our medic.

Zet : ok ? you want me to come with you this time ?

Kipo : yeah...If you have nothing else to do.

Zet : no...I don't.

Mikayla : alright...I'll call you when she wakes up.

Zet and Kipo left to see Karen.

Kipo : so quick question.....what if one of the wonderkids doesn't want to come with us.

Zet : you mean if one of us just chickens out ?

Kipo : yeah basically.

Zet : well...I mean let's admit....we know how to convince we'll try our best.....and even if it doesn't work this won't stop us from saving the world...I understand that not every wonderkid is a hero..or wants to be one.

Kipo : oh yeah...I'm included in this.

Zet : what do you mean ?

Kipo : my dad...I'm so scared of his reaction when he knows that I almost died....and you actually died and came back to life...we have huge scars.

Zet : I...I don't know what to do here honestly....he's acting like a normal dad....being worried about his daughter 24/7...he's just not getting that our job is way too dangerous and there is no safe or easy way to do it.

Kipo : you're saying like we're supposed to do it...weren't we randomly chosen ?

Zet : well yes...but there won't be anyone that will save humanity if we don't.....remember when I first met you ?.....I asked whether you want to be a hero or not.

Kipo : one of the best choices I've ever made.

Zet : I feel like there is a long answer to this I will ask it....why is that ?

Kipo : look at where we are now...we're in Alaska and soon to be in a different place in the world assembling the most powerful.....and the fact that we get to meet and help so many's just so much better to live like this....sure...we might die at literally any second....but that's just how it get the best things in life and the worst in it...but in the're happy to live it.

Zet then looked at Kipo in silence, she noticed.

Kipo : what...

Zet : I think you're ready.

Kipo : huh ?....for what ?

Zet : you're ready to be our leader.

Kipo chuckled.

Kipo : I really do think that this is a bad idea...I'm probably the worst fighter out of all of us.

Zet : and who the hell said that you need to be strong to lead...look..being a leader is not about being the's about being the most needed by all of your team.

Kipo : alright...I will lead the wonderkids....but on 1 condition.

Zet : hm ?

Kipo : as long as you're with me.

Zet smiled.

Zet : and what if I say no ?

Kipo : then I'm out...I'm not even going to continue this journey.

Zet : oh well....guess I'm obligated to say yes then.

Kipo laughed.

Kipo : yeah you better...I don't want to stop doing all of this...but I am going to if you stop...I didn't mention this...If I didn't agree to become a wonderkid...I wouldn't be with'd probably be here on your own....and that's why this is one of my best decisions ever.

Zet :'re asking for it.

Zet then kissed her.

Zet : so here....happy ?

Kipo : I'm never getting used to this....much better....thanks.

Zet : every time you're mad at me I'll just kiss you....this will do the trick.

Kipo : will it work on you ?

Zet : absolutely no...I like the kiss but it takes more than this to calm me down.

Kipo : then won't work on me either.

Zet : no it'll work....wait till I need it.

They arrived at Karen's house and entered.

Kipo : hi Karen.

Ron (Karen) : hi....need something ?

Kipo : so when I came the first time I forgot to ask you.....when you said my soul is special.....what did you mean ?

Karen then got her soul tea and gave Kipo and Zet their cups.

Kipo : um...if we can do this here ?.....we don't have much time.

Ron (Karen) : don't worry....this won't take long...I just need to talk.

They drank their tea and woke up in the soul world.

Karen : soul is not like any soul....not because of have a special power here in the soul world.

Kipo : ok ?.....what is it.

Karen : touch Zet.

Kipo then put her hand on his face, he turned pink.

Zet : yeah....we know about this.

Karen : this is not because you two are's because Kipo's soul is something that occurs once every 300 have the ability to change souls....they can change color completely and become fully pink because of you.

Kipo : I can make a soul belong to me basically ?

Karen : yes...but in order to do so....that soul must be someone you're close to only....that means it can work easily on Zet.

Zet : what happens if I lose my color and become like her ?

Karen : that's what she gets to decide...if you turn pink and no longer yellow....your soul will belong to her...that means she can control it if she become whatever she wants you to become.

Kipo : but why do I have this.....what's this ability is for...this is a curse !

Karen : have the ability to change matter how dark or bright their souls are....your soul is always stronger....with Zet you may not need to change it....but you can whenever you need soul can do this.

Kipo : can I have the choice to set them free ?

Karen : huh ?

Kipo : can I set the souls free from my control ?

Karen : no.....once they are pink...they are yours...that means they no longer have a soul.

Kipo : can I prevent it before it happens ?

Karen : just need to be not the closest ever to someone that you're able to control them.

Kipo : but this is not fair.....I don't want to own Zet's soul !

Karen : this is yours to can take over it...or you can let it alone...I'm sorry Kipo....this is an ability that was supposed to be for a shadow kid...not for you.

Moments of silence have passed, Kipo then closed her eyes and woke up, she started crying as she left the house, Zet followed her, but before he closed his eyes.

Karen : can't do anything about this....the more time you spend with her....the more you become a part of her.

Zet closed his eyes and woke up and followed her.

Zet : Kipo.

Kipo was running away, Zet started running behind her, she left the village and went into the wild.

Zet : Kipo....wait !

Kipo : just leave me alone !

Zet then ran faster to catch her, and after seconds, he was able to catch her, he stopped her by grabbing her arms.

Zet : hey hey listen to me.

Kipo's face was full of tears.

Zet : calm's ok.

Kipo : what do you mean it's ok...I'm literally deadly to be close to anyone.

Zet : no you're not...look...can we just sit and talk about this ? can't just run away from others.

Kipo then sat on the ground, she's ready to listen to Zet, he sat next to her.

Zet : have the ability to control people....what's so bad about it.

Kipo : it's not just's the ones close to me the most...I can end your life by being in it.

Zet : you may be dangerous to me....but it's still your choice.

Kipo : you heard Karen.....I can turn you into a pink soul and just....remove your soul....this is killing you but keeping you alive to suffer.

Zet : are not just a deadly plague soul running're the purest soul everyone has ever seen...look at me...remember how I was before I met you.....and look at me you think any of this could happen if my soul didn't meet yours ?...and this is not just me...Sarah...Niora...Mikayla....even Karen... we are all glad that we met you...your soul is not's just good enough...good enough to change the darkest spots in a soul...I can tell you that you can turn my life around.

Kipo : and that's what I don't want to happen...I don't want you to lose who you are because you're with me.

Zet : it won't happen...yes you're close to me....and about the closest to me....but that doesn't mean that I want to be a part of you...I'm my own...and it will always be like this...I know that you are worried about me....but I need you to believe me can control my soul....but I will never let much as I love you....I'll never forget that I had a life without you are what others need in their life but never are willing to ask for...being nice to people was a choice to you and it will always be...and controlling lives is just as much of a choice.

Kipo : you said that I can't change your soul....but what about others...I don't want to be too close to them that I will be the end of them.

Zet sighed.

Zet : ok this're just saying events that happen normally in anyone's will definitely be close to many people....but you can't be too close that they are willing to die by you.

Kipo then looked at Zet.

Kipo : not even you ?

Zet : not even me...I'm ready to die to save your life...but I won't kill myself just because you want me to die.

Kipo : of course you won't...that doesn't make any sense.

Zet : see ?....just like I can be close to someone....and even too close....but no one chooses to lose their life for no reason....not just felt bored or something.

Kipo chuckled as she let out a small smile while in tears.

Zet : there it is....there is that beautiful smile.

Kipo hugged Zet.

Zet : hey...I just want to know something....there is something you taught never said it....but you showed's a lesson I will never forget...a person with no loved ones is just another dot in this why don't you smile to your loved have no idea how much it means for them seeing you happy.

Kipo then looked at Zet and smiled, he looked back at her.

Zet : see this have no idea how much it means to me.

Kipo started laughing as she wiped her tears.

Kipo : you really know how to make me happy huh.

Zet : I'd say it's an experience....I learned from the best.

Kipo : oh yeah...and you're still terrible at flirting.

Zet : you want to go back now ?

Kipo : no...I want to walk for while's beautiful.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : of course.

Kipo and Zet then started walking in the wild as they enjoyed the moment of silence in the cold snow.