Chapter 48: A love under stars

Niora just woke up in her bed after reading the books in the archive room, it was 7 PM, she was confused about how she is in her room, she opened the door and headed downstairs, Mikayla was talking with one of the guards, they saw her.

Mikayla :'re awake...did you sleep well?

guard : my queen.

Niora : yeah...I did I end up in my room ?

Mikayla : you were pretty just suddenly slept on the book you were reading...Zet carried you to your room.

Niora : the rule ?

Mikayla : we found it...we were waiting for you to wake up.

Niora : you could've just woke me up you know.

Mikayla : we didn't want's not like it is usual for you to sleep at 5's ok.

Niora : where are Kipo and Zet ?

Mikayla : Kipo said they wanted to go to Karen's house.

Niora : alright....let's go.

They headed to the exit.

guard : princess ?

Mikayla : oh yeah yeah....just try to do as much as you can for now...I'll talk to you later.

The guard nodded as Mikayla and Niora left the main building.

Niora : what's that all about ?

Mikayla : oh nothing important....this is one of my trusted guards...I told him to prepare the ceremony for tomorrow.

They arrived at Karen's house.

Mikayla : hi Karen....have you seen Kipo and Zet ?

Ron (Karen) : no...last time I saw them Kipo ran out of here crying.

Niora : crying ?....what happened ?

Ron (Karen) : remember the thing I told you about Kipo's soul ?

Niora : oh....ok we'll go see her now.

Niora and Mikayla left Karen's house.

Mikayla : where should we look ?

Niora : If I'm guessing right...I'd say they are either in their tent....or they are not in the village.

Mikayla : ok....let's go check it out.

Niora and Mikayla headed to Zet and Kipo's tent.

Mikayla : they live here ?....why ?....they could be living with us in the main building.

Niora : didn't bother to ask them honestly...they want to live in a tent....they get to live in a tent.

They entered the tent.

Niora : here ?

Niora saw Zet's music player.

Niora : this Zet's music player ?

She grabbed it.

Mikayla : I don't think it's a good idea.

Niora :'s just an old music player.

After minutes, Kipo and Zet came back to the tent, they saw it opened, they knew that there is someone inside, Zet got his knives out and Kipo her claws, they approached it slowly.

Zet then immediately rushed inside and aimed the knives at the 2 intruders.

Zet : hands up...don't move.

Mikayla got scared.

Niora turned around, she was listening to Zet's music.

Kipo : Niora?...what are you doing here ?

Zet then put his knives away and opened his hand.

Zet : something you should know since you're living with no certain point in your not touch my stuff.

Niora gave Zet the music player back.

Niora : oh well...I liked the songs though.

Zet : yeah don't do this again.

Niora : pfft...I know you won't hurt me.

Zet chuckled.

Zet : please....test your chances with me....let's see if you're lucky or not.

Niora looked at Zet, he was glowering at her.

Kipo : again...what are you two doing here ? can't just open someone's tent and look in it you know.

Mikayla : we were looking for you...Karen said that you ran away crying....are you ok ?

Kipo : yeah yeah I'm's nothing important.

Niora : oh yeah...I wanted to tell you about it before....just didn't know much,...well now I guess you know.

Kipo : she told you before me ?....about me ?

Niora : happened to do so....nothing too special.

Mikayla : can we just get out ?'s getting a bit crowded in here.

They got out of the tent.

Niora : so...I'm up...can we continue now ?

Kipo : where ?

Mikayla : we need to go to one of the houses's on the other side of the village.

Kipo : ok....let's go.

They started walking to the other end of the village.

Mikayla : Kipo ?

Kipo : hm ?

Mikayla : do you mind telling me what happened ?....because I seem to be the only one who doesn't know what's going on.

Kipo : do you know the souls and the souls world right ?

Mikayla : yeah a bit from Karen....isn't this how you taught Niora and saved Zet's life ?

Kipo : yes...what's going on is about Zet's death and how I saved I went to Karen to ask her....she said before Zet was about to die that my soul is today I came to ask her about it and what she meant.....and I wish I didn't know.

Mikayla : well you seem to be ok I'm guessing the ending is happy ?

Kipo : not really...I have Zet....he made me feel better....but this problem is not something anyone can it turns out that my soul is really strong and rare...I can turn anyone's soul into my long as I'm close to them enough.

Mikayla : but Zet....

Kipo : I know I know.....I'm not done....when I knew that I'm basically a soul plague...I just ran away....I literally was scared to be near anyone at that point.....then Zet followed me and talked to me....I didn't want to be near him the most out of everyone...I thought that I can end his life whenever I want to....but he won't stop....and yeah...he talked to me and now I'm not sad about it....he just made me see it from a different angle....and it worked....but still....I now know how dangerous I can be and I really hope I never have to use these powers.

Mikayla : are you close to someone other than Zet ?

Kipo : yeah of course I do...I have a dad and a close friend back in LV.

Mikayla : no no...I mean....someone as close as Zet to you.

Kipo : this case then no....he's pretty much the closest person to me ever.

Mikayla : then how are you not going to end up making his soul yours ?

Kipo : he told me something that I never thought of....he said that even though I'm the person he loves the most and the closest to him....that doesn't mean that he can't live without me....he had a life before he met me....and that explained something....why would I end up controlling someone's soul...if they won't allow me to in the first place.....and he is right...I can be close to someone....but I can never be too close to someone that they are willing to lose their life just because I wanted to.

Mikayla : but you can use it if you want to right ?

Kipo : yeah...I think there is a way....which I gladly don't know and don't want to know....that I can control souls with.

Mikayla : ok....not to be the bad news carrier here because Zet really knows how to change your feelings....but I feel like I have to....don't be afraid to know what that way is if you need to use it....not all lives deserve to live after all.

Kipo : yeah...I think I know what you mean...I hope I don't hesitate....that is if I ever need to know how to literally kill people without touching them.

Mikayla : yeah when you put it like that....this sounds pretty brutal.

Kipo : yeah....this is why I'm scared of it....let's just hope that I would never have to use this power.

They have arrived at the house.

Niora : here it is....the law keeper's house.

Zet : law keeper ?....couldn't you find any better name ?

Niora : as the queen herself...I won't even bother.

Kipo : so why are we here ?

Niora : the law keeper's only job is to approve or deny any rule....and he's the one that is going to be in the ceremony tomorrow...if he doesn't say Mikayla is a's not official.

They entered the house, there was an old man sitting on a chair behind his disk and had a guard with him, The guard kneeled once he saw Niora.

Law keeper : my queen....what a surprise.

Niora : hello are you doing ?

Phil : I'm's my queen living her life ?

Niora : oh nothing special....just walking around.

Phil then looked at Niora's company.

Phil : princess've grown since the last time I saw you.

Mikayla : hi Phil....good to see you.

He then saw Zet and Kipo.

Phil : and you too are ?

Kipo : hi...I'm Kipo...and this is Zet.

Phil : nice to meet you Kipo and what do I owe the pleasure ?

Niora : we have a rule to change.

Phil : a rule ? know you can do this once.....don't you want to wait ?'re still young.

Niora :'s rule 6922.

Phil was smiling, once he heard the number, he stopped and became more serious.

Phil : and what's the reason ?

Niora : I have a confession to make....I...Niora Evaline Royceston...I'm not the right throne inheritor....and the reason is that I'm an LGBT....breaking rule number sister...Mikayla Evaline Royceston is the real throne inheritor.

Phil : I see...I believe you know that this is considered treason....and you know the consequences of such actions.

Niora : I'm ready for it...but before I do...I need to ask you one thing.

Phil : hm ?

Niora : change rule 6922 in my name.

Phil : I don't want to do this but It's the least I can do.....consider rule 6922 that says..."a royalty, king or queen, is not allowed to have any physical or emotional interaction with the non-royalty. They are only eligible to date and or marry another royalty" officially removed from the rule book and will not be considered as a part of the official law of Huslia....or any of the following villages.

Niora : thank you.

Mikayla : wait wait....what's the consequences of treason ?

Phil : Niora Evaline the law keeper of Huslia...I declare you as vanished and banned...

Mikayla's eyes widened, she started crying, everyone was surprised.

Phil : and banned from entering any of Alaska's villages....for once....and for eternity.

Mikayla : no no...Niora...

Niora : I'm sorry Mikayla...I have to end this lie.

Kipo then hugged Mikayla.

Kipo : Niora why didn't you tell us.

Niora : she wouldn't agree on doing all of this if I did....nor will you...I'm sorry.

Mikayla left the house while crying, Kipo followed her.

Kipo : Mikayla !

Zet pushed Niora.

Zet : what the hell is wrong with you Niora ?

Niora was looking at the ground.

Zet : is this what you wanted ?.....just to get rid of this life and start a new one ?

Niora didn't reply.

Zet : well here you go....she's going to be a queen now and you'll never be able to see her again....hope you're happy about it.

Zet then left and followed Kipo and Mikayla.

Phil : you shouldn't have done messed up.

Niora : she is the real queen....and I don't want to be the queen anymore....she has a life of a queen to live....what else was I supposed to do ?

Phil : I understand why you did it but even with that...there has to be something else you could've done.

Niora : like what Phil....we both know that there is no way I can be dethroned unless I break the rules.

Phil sighed.

Phil : when is the ceremony ?

Niora : I don't know.

Phil : I can give you another week here before I make it official for all can come to the ceremony....but after that...I'm sorry....there is nothing anyone can do for you.

Niora left the house.

After minutes, Zet just arrived at the main building, Mikayla was in her room, Kipo was with her, Zet entered.

Kipo : Zet...I need to talk to you for a second.

Kipo then went outside the room with Zet.

Kipo : we need to do something about it.

Zet : like what ?.....Niora literally messed up so bad....she's not even supposed to be here anymore.

Kipo : can you talk to her ?

Zet : Niora ?

Kipo : yeah... I'll try to talk to Mikayla....just convince Niora to come talk to her....we need to make them talk to each other.

Zet : ok...I'll try.

Kipo : alright...go....and one more not fight.

Zet : I'll be honest with you...she did make me mad about this....but ok...I won't fight her.

Zet then left to look for Niora while Kipo went back into the room to talk to Mikayla.

Kipo then sat next to Mikayla on the bed.

Kipo : hey...

Mikayla was cowered in her knees as she was crying, she didn't reply, Kipo doesn't know what to say, she waited for her to be ready to talk.

Zet was looking for Niora, he found her sitting on top of a building, alone, he climbed and sat next to her.

Niora : what....did you come to continue shouting at me ?

Zet didn't reply as he was looking at her, she saw his look.

Niora : what...what do you want ?

Zet : you missed up.

Niora : think ?!

Zet : so tell me....what was exactly your plan....what did you think of ?

Niora : I'm not going to talk to you about how bad I...

Zet : Niora....answer my question....what was your plan ?

Niora looked at Zet in silence, he was looking back at her, she stopped for a moment before she talked.

Niora : I was thinking that I can be vanished and leave this place forever.

Zet : and what about your Mikayla ?

Niora : she's the queen...she doesn't need me here anymore.

Zet : and did you forget who you are to her ?

Niora didn't reply.

Zet : you're more than just a big sister for saved her life multiple raised her as if she was your daughter....and you still think she doesn't need you ?

Niora looked at the ground.

Zet : it's not about how much you's about what you do you think Mikayla is feeling now knowing that the only family she had is just going to leave her....does this sound familiar to you ?

Niora eyes widened in realization.

Zet : just became what you once hated and now history is repeating itself with different characters....she's now you when you were younger....and you're doing just like what your parents did.

Niora started tearing, Zet then got up.

Zet : there is nothing you can do to change what you did.....but if you really love her....gather your strength and apologize to her....she may not see you might as well stop being like your parents and tell her goodbye.

Zet left, Niora was crying, she understands what she had done, he was right, she became what she hated.

Kipo was still with Mikayla.

Kipo : Mikayla ?

Mikayla still doesn't want to respond.

Kipo sighed.

Kipo : alright....I'll be right outside when you need to talk.

Kipo then got out of the room, Zet was on the other side.

Kipo : did you talk to her ?

Zet : I's her choice to come talk to her....she's the only one Mikayla is going to listen to right now.

After minutes, Niora showed up, she entered the room without looking at Zet and Kipo, she sat on the ground in front of Mikayla.

Mikayla was still cowered in her knees, she saw Niora.

Mikayla : just leave me alone....go away.

Niora didn't move or say anything.

Mikayla then got up with anger, she pushed and hit Niora.

Mikayla : just go !.....I don't care where you go....just leave me !

Niora was looking at the ground, she didn't say anything, Mikayla was looking at her.

Mikayla : why....why did you do this ?

Niora got up and hugged her, Mikayla was crying, she didn't hug her back, Niora started crying.

Niora : I want the best for you...I want you to have all what I couldn't have...I didn't want to leave you.

Mikayla pushed her away.

Mikayla : oh is it now ?.....because it seems like this is all you wanted.

Niora then sat back on the ground.

Niora : you know...Zet talked to me earlier....he told me something...."you are running away from your old life to start a new one....doesn't this sound familiar to you ?"....I knew what he means....he's talking about our mom and dad.

Mikayla : he's just did what they did....and look who happens to be where you were.

Niora : I know what I did...there is no way I could be dethroned unless I break the law.

Mikayla : I don't care about the rules ! are banned from being here ! you have the slightest idea how much you mean to me ?!

Niora didn't answer.

Mikayla : well...I guess it doesn't matter anymore....seems like I don't mean anything to you.

Niora : mean the world to me...I don't want this to happen....but I'm ready to sacrifice anything I have....for you to have the best life.

Mikayla : you really think I'd have a better life If I can't see my own sister ever again ?

Niora : no....but you wouldn't have a life if I'm with you....people consider you as my shadow....they think that Mikayla is just another person who happened to be with the queen.

Mikayla : a shadow ?....well how about now...I won't be a shadow I'm a queen with a vanished sister....does this sound better to you ?

Niora didn't say anything, moments have passed.

Mikayla : fine....if you're not going out...I will...hope you'll realize that you're not the only one you can care about.

Mikayla walked away, but before she opened the door.

Niora : I can't do this anymore.

Mikayla : huh ?

Niora : I can't do this...I can't be a queen anymore....all I'm asking for is a normal life...I don't want to leave you but I can't live like this...I know what and who I am...I know how selfish I am and how much a mistake costs're the only person that matter to me but I just don't know what to do....when Zet and Kipo first came and told me that they need me to go with them...I never felt more excited...It's not the people's not the place's me....all I ever wish is for once to know what a normal life is like....a life where I don't have responsibilities I never asked for....a life where I can actually make friends...not just fake people who pretend to be with me because I'm the queen....even a chance to know what love is like...I don't just look at you and John or Kipo and Zet together and feel nothing...I ask myself....will I ever know what this is like ?

Niora got up and stood in front of Mikayla and looked her in the eyes.

Niora : I understand what I did....and I will regret every second I ever thought of this decision....but I want you to know...I will always be sorry for what I've done to you today....and maybe one day you can forgive me....but if you don't...I understand why....our parents left us and I will never forgive only makes sense for you to do the same...

Niora reached the door handle.

Niora : I know I never said it before...but here it is...I love you Mikayla....and I hope you become a queen that I never was able to be.

Niora then opened the door and left, she walked past Zet and Kipo, she got out of the building and flew outside the village.