1 - The Forest

Eastborne was large in and of itself but a place where everyone knew one another. It was run by a Council of three: Jahnai, soft-spoken and lithe, in charge of cattle and crops. Matalia, an older muscled woman in charge of the lumbar and labor. And Kaison, quick-witted and ever observant, was in charge of well, everything else. The Trinity Council is what they are most often referred to as and each has been firm to enforce one law above all else.

“‘Do not enter the forest.”’

There is a rumor regarding the forest, Khater, surrounding the village of Eastbourne, massive and seemingly never-ending. The trees looming, hunched over as if sizing up the prey that dare enter their domain. The wind whispers, brushing against the creatures of the night with silent warnings. There was but only one path that led outside the mass of greenery and it was so unstable, riddled with overgrown roots and uneven gravel, camouflaged dips and bends, no one dared try their luck for many to turn back before even making it halfway.

The village provided for itself, evolved throughout generations.

They knew better not to take from the forest, to enter its unknown territory but there will come a day where one brave soul dares enter it.

That day is now.


"I'm telling you! That's what it said! Reach the forest and pray it doesn't take you." Bright-eyed brown eyes glow with an adventurous wonderment, emitting the excitement of any young man his age. Noah was this tall boy’s name and he happily walked beside his friend to who he was referring. Everest, who was immersed in the tale as he traveled beside the youngest of three friends, "The crowned jewel is said to harbor the magic of immortal youth!"

Noah and Everest were ahead of a pouting Felix, the third of their party and older than Everest by only a few months. Him dragging his feet along the grassy ground, exclaiming with a huff of "that's why we shouldn't be doing this!"

These three young men had been bold enough to enter what their village had feared, Khater. And to put it simply, Felix was right, they really shouldn’t have entered because somehow, along the way, they ended up where they're at now.


Very Lost

It was Everest who spoke up first, lip between his teeth, one of many nervous ticks as he glanced at the ground, noting how everywhere looked the same. "Maybe we should have left a trail?" he eyes their surroundings warily.

Felix spluttered, hands thrown in the air. "You think!" He ran a hand through his blond hair, letting it stick up in all directions as he freaked out, "How are we supposed to get home?" he inquired almost bitterly as he paced just in front of the younger two.

"Sorry, ami..." Noah had kicked away a rock, eyes downcast and shielded by the curls of his black hair. Felix softened, shoulders sagging while Everest gave the younger a gentle, sympathetic pat.

Felix sighed, "It'll be ok, we just... We just gotta retrace our steps." The two younger males both nodded and so, they retraced their steps.

That plan was a bust.

"Felix, we've passed by that tree four times already! This isn't working..."

"Quiet, just keep going!"

But, night had already fallen.

The three boys were nervous, rightfully so. They were in a large forest, a forest that many refused to enter for all the stories that circled it. Stories about creatures that weren't human but weren't animals ruling over these supposedly sacred lands. Everest had been mindful of the flowers littering the ground, Noah had stared at the towering trees in wonder. Felix just wanted to go home but cursed his damn need to protect his friends from their stupidity.

A crack and rustle from their left had them freezing in place, tense and anxious, the three of them all sharing wary glances. Everest gripped firmly to the sleeve of Noah's tunic, hiding behind Felix with a slight tremble of "Do you hear that..."

Their fear was for not because out of the shrubbery came a fox, who stared at them for a moment, almost observing them, before deciding to take off. The three each let out varying sighs of relief.

"Are you lost?"

Cue the screaming.

And the one who spoke from behind, with burnt orange colored hair and wide brown eyes, screamed back just as loudly in response. Noah didn't think, just acted, and picked up a stick to point it at the stranger, waving it left and right imposingly. "Stay back!" He waved it around once more.

But the boy had abruptly stopped screaming at the sight of the brandished twig, tilting his head in what one could only be assumed as confusion. "That's a stick." He said bluntly, "Why are you waving around a stick?"

Felix, who had taken place beside Noah, spoke up next completely ignoring the stranger's question. "Who are you?"

The stranger had pointed to himself, turning to look behind himself into the forest as if looking for someone else then turning back to the awaiting, though frightened, trio.


"Yes, you!" Everest piped in from behind, pointing an accusing finger at the stranger.

Said stranger furrowed his brows, "My name is Jae." The three collectively froze as they eyed Jae’s attire. His upper body was bare to reveal honey-tanned skin with intricate lines of silver that glimmered when the sun hit him. He wore flowers in his burnt orange hair and had bracelets of the finest jewels resting on his wrists. His pants were baggy and green, looked to have been made out of soft green leaves and dark fabrics sowed together.

He was ethereal.

"What... What are you?"

The question seemed to intrigued Jae who walked backward and twirled around so that he was hidden partially behind a tree, "What am I? What are you?" He smiled and revealed sharp teeth, "You are lost? That is what Miki assumes."

Everest eyed him cautiously as he leaned slightly towards Felix and Noah, "Is he speaking in riddles? I'm no good at riddles."

Noah had pinched at Everest's side, the older jumping at the assault with a huff as Felix ignored both of them in favor of asking the stranger, "Miki?"

Jae gives once more a secret smile, "He's a friend." His hand trails the bark of the tree, and it was then the trio noticed his slightly longer, pointed fingernails on pretty ringed fingers. "A friend who knows when one, two or three, beings enter this domain." Jae drones and the plant life around them seemed to sing amidst a sudden breeze and look livelier.

It was then Felix whispered, seemingly breathless, "You're a nymph."

"And you are human." Jae countered, "Quite lost, very vulnerable humans."

His tone sent shivers down their spines and Noah waved the twig once more, "Don't try anything!" He warned with a glower that had Jae staring on in amusement.

"You want to leave the forest, yes?" Jae chose to ignore the younger in favor of asking a different question. "But night has fallen, many are out to hunt." Jae hid behind the tree some more, "You are prey."

The statement froze them to their core and it was then that they each heard a collective howl in the distance.

"Humans interest me." Jae starts again, "We offer no harm, only a place to rest your head until morning comes." Jae began to walk away, eyes fluttering almost teasingly, "Take your chances with me..." His lips once more curled into a smile, "Or with the wolves."

Death by a creature with piercing canines, bound to tear them limb from limb or death by a pretty nymph and the allure of a warm bed?

They ended up following.