2 - Stories by the Fire

As it seemed, the deeper into the forest they went, the less daunting it seemed and the prettier it became. With night haven fallen, fireflies had begun to appear and were flying just alongside the group lighting their way. The flowers swayed in tune with the breeze, the trees rustled and their leaves shook in excitement. Everything seemed so alive and it was beautiful.

"Do not be intimidated." Suddenly Jae spoke, breaking through the silence, looking over his shoulder towards the three awed humans. "My friend Miki, he may seem reclusive, blunt. But he cares." Jae stopped just at the edge of a flowing river, the only way across being the flat but jagged rocks in a zigzag pattern forming a resemblance to a path. "If he didn't then you'd be dead by now."

The human trio eyed one another, antsy as chills raced down their spines at the revelation of their luck.

"Careful where you step," Jae advises once more over the soft sound of flowing water, "Follow as I do." And with grace no human possessed, he jumped from stone to stone with ease and elegance.

Everest, with a large box-like grin, followed after the nymph with an excited glint in his eyes and a breathless laugh, jumping onto the first stone with a slight wobble then hopping his way onwards soon followed by Noah who, although wary, smiled brightly following after Everest with his arms out for balance. Felix closed his muddy brown eyes with a resigned sigh, settling on a quick prayer before following their lead though with less enthusiasm.

Best to be killed by a nymph and not ravaged wolves, he supposed.

And it wasn’t long that they were on the other side, greeted with a clear shimmering creating a dome structure that stretched along both the left and right as far as the human eye could see.

Noah marveled, cheeks flushed "What is this?"

And Jae smiled a secret smile, amused.

"Glamour." And he passed through the haze leaving the others to gape in shock.

They could still see Jae but from their side he looked distorted, an in action picture that had come out blurry perhaps was the best way to describe it, patiently waiting for them to follow. Which after a moment of hesitation and Felix's mutter of 'this is insane' they did.

And everything had become much clearer.

A large tree stood proud in the center, surrounded by others not as magnificent but equal in beauty. The tree looked like a hybrid of a Weeping Willow and a Magnolia Kobus in full bloom. Its trunk was wide and thick, branches just as large and long, it made no creaky groans or constant rustling even with the breeze caressing it like one would a lover. The grass was high and through the green were flowers of all kinds, even more fireflies dancing through the grassy land.

Jae smiled wide, throwing his arms out on either side as if embracing an old friend, "Miki, I'm home." And then the unexpected happened, leaving the trio of humans to stare wide eyed. From the base of the tree began to materialize in the form of a curved door, the upturned roots moving in silence to allow entry. Small and covered in moss, the door opened and the smell of honeysuckle and spring breached their noses pleasantly. The nymph let out a whimsical laugh and beckoned them forwards towards the doorway he entered without hesitation.

The humans entered after him, encased in warmth. Resemblance to a pleasant heat after playing in the snow. And upon entering they are greeted with another stranger, who they could only assume to be Miki, who was just as ethereal as his counterpart.

His skin was lighter than Jae’s honey colored tone, glimmering like stars in a night sky. When he moved-more so like a sway- his skin shimmered, sparkled as if glitter was thrown on his form and never washed away. His eyes were sharp, eyes bright- they seemed to glow when encased in shadows. He wore barely any clothes, pants like Jae's but baggier and darker in color, low on his hips revealing his v-line. Like Jae, his being was decorated in shimmering, intricate, swirls and designs colored silver like his hair.

The trio stared in awe at the two mythical creatures (and they truly were mythical, Felix would swear this could only ever be dreamt. It was almost impossible, it is impossible), separately they were beautiful on their own but together they were sublime.

Everest was the one to break the silence, eager and all the more fascinated, "Thank you for letting us into your home!" the duo behind him both nodded, "It's so beautiful."

Truly it was.

On every wall was a painted story, some of dancing nymphs and running wolves. People with wings all seemed to leap across the walls leaving the trio to watch in astonishment. There were shelves with mysterious liquids in bottles and herbs in jars, an area of cabinets and counters mimicking a small kitchen with a table that sits three people. There was a hearth sitting in the center, blankets both thick and thin surrounding it. Miki only hummed, eyed the trio, and turned to lead them away from the door with Jae attached to his back in a hug that didn't deter the smaller in the slightest.

"It was foolish of you to stray into Khater." Miki scolded, maneuvering the pot of bell flowers from the tiny table to the counter next to many other potted plants. "You could've walked straight into a faye trap. Would have wondered till death came to collect you in pieces." His words were cold and the trio of humans felt themselves flinch at the brief feeling of intimidation Miki seemed to protrude.

Everest and Noah stepped back, falling behind Felix who took a shaky step forwards, always ready to protect as the oldest. "We.. we didn't know such creatures could.. exist."

"You wouldn't." It was Jae who answered, releasing Miki who disappeared down a short hallway and around a corner. "You're human. Magic is lost to your kind."

The three humans shared equal expressions of bewilderment and Noah, always so curious, leaned over Felix's shoulder, avoiding said male's swat. "We had magic?" Everest and himself had a sparkle in their eyes at the thought of maybe possessing such a thing as magic only for their hopes to be cut short when Miki appears once more, this time with firewood.

"No but you could see it." Miki kneels by the hearth and begins to distribute wood into the dying flames. "Feel it, sense it." He dropped the rest of the wood off to the side, "Rest. We will wake once light touches the river." Disappointment paints the humans' expressions but they listened as was expected and sat around the hearth when Jae gestured them to, giving each a spoon and bowl of broth that smelt like potatoes, rice and vegetables. Miki again left without a word around the corner leaving Jae with their guests.

"Humans tainted it." The nymph said softly, eyes on the space Miki left even as he distributed more blankets, "Hard times befell the creatures of the forest." His eyes met theirs, "You're the first humans we've spoken to in centuries."

Felix wrapped a blanket and curled into the warm embrace provided by Everest, "Why?" He questioned.

"Because you treated the forests as one should. Without violence."

And with that said, he left. Following the path taken by Miki and leaving the humans to themselves. To fall asleep and dream of magic.

The next day, they awoke when the sun was high. But not where they fell asleep.


Instead, they were placed at the entrance of the forest, left to wonder.

Was anything of what happened real?