The two were made to fit each other.
Jae's wild and vibrant energy came in loud, warm waves of laughter and happy shouting. Infinite bouncing that clashed so beautifully against Miki's calm and patient hush, always managing to tame the storm that raged within the other.
For a very long time, it was always just them.
Them and their tiny home filled to the brim in warmth, with admiration and family. There was happiness in their silence, peace left unbroken. Miki, with his paints, painting stories that'd come alive. Jae with his flowers which would sing a tune for his ears only.
There was contentedness in the way they knew each other down to their very cores. They knew what the other was feeling with just one look, with just a single touch.
It came as no surprise when Miki felt the bubbling of excitement in his chest. An excitement that was not his own. And when he stared at Jae- his eyes always so fond- he caught the look of intrigue on his other half's face, and he smiled. Because he couldn't deny Jae just like the other couldn't deny him. They were two halves of a whole.
And while Miki could care less for humans, cared so little about their kind, Jae was fascinated with them.
So who was Miki to stop him?
Thus he permitted the humans to enter. He allowed them to roam and allowed Jae to follow behind them to observe and indulge his curiosity. Miki never expected to find himself just as intrigued as his other was, but these humans were so benign, kind.
It was unnerving.
He could feel the way Jae wanted. Miki knew there was no telling the other "no, they cannot come" because just as he was stubborn, Jae matched him. Even when Miki told his other half that "this was dangerous" and "isn't worth the trouble", it was still a losing situation. So he indulged, just as he has always done, and allowed his partner to bring home the trio of humans.
Miki was uncomfortable the moment they stepped foot in his home.
Their home.
Their safe place, he knew Jae felt it bubble inside when said male latched onto him, comforting him just as he has always done, nuzzling into his back in a silent "Thank you for this" as they led the humans further inside their tiny home.
The two locked eyes, Miki glowing "just this once".
And Jae would smile back, sharp teeth on display, repeating "just this once."
Then the one human, the one with a sparkle in his eyes and a box-shaped grin spoke his thanks, "It's so beautiful." And Miki would only hum-eye the way these humans took in the place he and Jae built from the heart- he would play nice, he would not harm the fragile creatures invading his home because it made Jae happy.
They respected his domain, and perhaps that helped him decide that maybe, just maybe, they should be allowed free.
They would be the first to leave the forest in a long time.
"It was foolish of you to stray from the path." Truly, it was.
Brave or possibly stupid, these humans were. But which of the two, Miki didn't know.
Though, he didn't necessarily care either.
Because soon they would be gone, and peace would return. Miki would feel Jae's curiosity settle into content. Then things would be right. They'd go back to being normal.
"You could have stepped right into a faye trap. Could've wondered till death came to collect you." With that being said, the humans looked dejected. Miki couldn't understand why. It was the truth, had it not been for Jae, these humans would have been long dead come morning. In these woods, death was unkind and showed little mercy to those that wondered its domain.
And so, for a brief moment, Miki left for more wood- humans always so delicate when it came to the cold of which did not affect Miki- after receiving a gentle nudge to his person, a soft and unheard "I'll be fine" echoing around him. Collecting the wood to an even-numbered amount, he made his way back and into the main living space where the humans stood near the soft fabrics Jae collected over the centuries.
Hearing the question "We have magic?" spoken from the entranced male with his box-like smile, Miki spoke up, "No. But you were able to see it. Feel it. Sense it."
'A long, long time ago,' Mikik thinks as he dropped the firewood off to the side, close enough for the doe-eyed human to reach and place within the hearth should they need it. "Rest. We will wake you once light touches the river." Miki could see the disappointment clear on the humans' faces, but they listened as was expected and sat around the hearth.
And he left without a word, turning around the corner, once more leaving Jae with the humans as he felt bitterness creep around his insides and fuel him with grief. Upon entering his shared room with his other half, his sun, he fell into the comforts of their nest. And it wasn't long before he was joined by Jae. Said male curled around the smaller, his moon, and whispered in his ear of how everything "was alright now" and how he was "thankful of having someone like you by my side." And Miki smiled, turned in the embrace so that his face was pressed against the firm chest of his other half and his eyes drifted closed.
Come that morning, the humans would be gone, and all would be fine.