Dario picked up Hanna. “Everyone grabs a human. We meet at Wainwright.”
All the Vampires sped of with a human in their arms. Paris picked up a human but delayed for a moment, looking in the direction of the hunter. Paris was shocked to learn that Ann's father was a hunter. ‘Good thing her mother is not a hunter as that would have made Ann a hunter,’ he thought.
“What are you waiting for?” The human in his arms asked worriedly. Without another word, Paris sped off toward Wainwright.
Eljo satisfied, starts to walk back towards his house, he notices on every light pole what seems like a dreamcatcher. He inspects one and notices two Snow owl feathers on the dreamcatcher. He recognizes it as Snow owl feathers because last year he helped Ann with an assignment about Snow owls. Eljo brushes his fingers over one of the feathers.