Demios is defeated

Demios is defeated

The battle between Alpha Henry and Demios was so fierce that everywhere was filled with blood from both opponents.

Corpses were laid down all over the battlefield, especially from the demon's side. The wolves weren't taking it easy with them as they shredded them to pieces and murdered them brutally, while the demons weren't giving up either, as they kept multiplying and charging towards the wolves, ready to bring them down no matter what the cost.

Rey wasn't relenting either. He's the one leading the wolves, and he did a good job of boosting their courage with the way he killed and used his power at the same time.

The look on his face shows that he didn't seem to enjoy the fight well because none of the demons managed to get a scratch on his body, which made it a little boring for him, but not exhausting.

He was already getting impatient as the demons seemed to keep coming out of nowhere. He looked frustrated as there didn't seem to be an end to the battles after hours of fighting. Looking over to the pack, he could see that they were getting tired and their guard had been lowered.

Then a thought clicked in his mind. From an old history book he read in his father's library, Demios is the third stone and the god of terror. He single-handedly killed about 13 witches and vampire covens. According to what he read, the Merges witch coven, which is also the first powerful and fearful coven, was scattered and turned to dust by Demios, which also made him earn the name "god of terror."

Ava, a hybrid created from Doom's elixir water, which makes her nearly immortal but not immortal, was killed by Deimos within 15 mins.

He looked over his father's beta and could see they were getting weaker and more exhausted, even though they were trying to stay strong for their lives, families, and to defend their home.

"Think deep Rey, something is missing"

He mutters to himself.

A demon attempts to slash him, but he dodges to the right and plunges his claw into the demon's chest in an attempt to bring out its heart.

Surprisingly, they have no heart. He ripped him apart and watched as he vanished into thin air, then his eyes caught another scene. Three demons emerged and reshaped after one was killed. They had been so engrossed that they didn't notice the trick.

All they planned was to finish all the demons and help their alpha against the battle with the terror god. When they weren't even aware that he had another plan for them, it was like he could read their every move and plan.

"Kill the terror god himself and his demons will vanish, they are an illusion", Rey screams to the hearing of the pack through a mind link. "They are from the underworld, so light them up while the strongest among you should join me in helping the Alpha'' he bellowed in a commanding tone even though he knew that was the right move at the wrong time.

He stood transfixed on the same point pondering on what he was going to do, the Alpha needed their help and he couldn't risk the life of the pack because none of them had any idea on where to get fire.

"Go and protect the Alpha. I will meet you soon," he yelled to them through the mind link again.

He watches as they carry out the assignment at once, and the demons run after them Just like he had predicted; with a speed of light, faster than the eyes could see, he appears In front of the demons and blasts them back with a huge fire while their painful scream fills the atmosphere.

He turned on his invisible mode and entered their midst, causing havoc amidst them with his fire element while the demons burned to ashes.

After a few seconds of the deadly battle, Rey looks around him and all he can see is the ashes of the demons and he nods his head in satisfaction.

A scream jolted him out of his thoughts, he spun around in time only to find the terror god murdering the wolf mercilessly. He became infuriated and within a few seconds, he appeared in Infront of the terror god and blasted him with fire.

"Father, leave him and let me show him the power of the moon's pack," he elucidated. "Taking out different covens of witches and wizards won't make you a god here, as they proclaim."

"Come on, let's dance, kid." Deimos elaborated. He transforms into a huge dragon with his body blazing fire. His clothes burn to ashes and everywhere turns into a hot lava pool with the snowy ground burning.

The wolf had no choice but to move back in fear, not excluding the ruthless hybrid, leaving Rey to face the dragon all alone.

"The Night Phoenix Dragon, a dragon transformed by rage and power."

Rey mumbled under his breath.

"Be careful, son. He is more dangerous than you think." Alpha Henry warns him with a melancholy face.

"Trust me father, I will be fine". He answered with a sly smile.

"You stand no chance against me, little son of a ruthless hybrid." The dragon uttered a deep growl.

Let's dance, ugly monster.

"The sea serpent, turtle of the moons." Rey Henry called unto you now, heard his voice and rendered his help". Rey screams while a turtle and a serpent emerge out of the snow. Without further hesitation, they attack the black Phoenix. Rey controlled a huge amount of earth, which hit the dragon on the hinge leg, but it had little or no effect on it.

He opened his mouth, and fire poured down onto Rey's head while he quickly formed a shield out of the ground to protect him. Still, the heat of the fire was affecting him badly and he knew he had to do something or else he was going to get roasted and become a barbecue for the dragon to eat.

He felt the heat become less effective, then he slightly looked up only to see the serpent coiled around the dragon and open its mouth to shallow or rather bite its neck off, but the dragon body became more heated as the fire in his body became more intense. Rey watches as the serpent roars out loud in pain before turning to ashes.

Then he knew that he was in deep shit. He was lost in thought and didn't realize that the dragon had attacked him with another wave of fire, but the turtle was already In front of him shielding him from the fatal blow that could have ended his life.

Slowly, he watches as the turtle dissolves into liquid before melting into the snowy ground.

With anger, Rey controls the earth and they serve as an armour covering his whole body and also from a helmet on his head, the dragon charges at him but he waits for the last seconds before dodging his bite and giving him a heavy punch on the back of his neck; the attack sent the dragon across several miles away inside on top of an ice and his fire melted the ice which makes him shriek in pain as the water touch its body.

"Use the element that gives life to end what it brings." He heard his father's voice through the mind link.

Instantly, Rey let go of the earth sand that serves as armour shielding his whole body and drew power from every liquid nearby, even though it is a painful process that consumes most of his strength and energy. But he can feel it, the energy of his water element spreading across the whole packhouse, through the outskirts of the whole building, across the boundaries.

He called them together and formed a huge number of balls with them, the energy spreading across his whole body and freezing his whole blood.

1Rey knew if he delayed any longer, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand the energy given to him by the whole place again. Taking a glance toward his father and the rest of the pack with a sly smile, he levitated slowly from the ground. The dragon, as if sensing the same thing, levitated at the same height as Rey, while the duo stared at each other with anger and hatred.

Rey takes another look at his father and gives him the last respect as an Alpha while he watches as the alpha nods in his head as if he expected the same things.

Not that he couldn't stop Rey, but it was too late; and his son, knowing what his father could do, had already iced their legs to the ground. Rey watches as his father jerks furiously, trying to break free from the ice holding them, but it is futile.

"I love you, dad," he mumbled under his breath. Deliver my messages to Franni; I love her and would love to have her as a sister in my next life." He sent it to his father through the link.

Then there was a loud collision, and the ground shook to its hinges as the lava that had been on the ground earlier turned back into a snowy area with no traces of damage.

Lying on the ground is Rey, and his body is fully damaged beyond recognition. Beside him is Demios, and his body is dissolving into snow particles.

Alpha Henry sped toward his son and carried him in a bridal style. Within the blink of an eye, he was already inside the healing room. He put his hand on Rey's neck, obviously trying to feel his pulse, but he couldn't feel anything while his body went cold.

He let out a loud wail that echoed around the whole building while everybody bowed down to his strong aura. His hybrid form started to take over, and his eyes took on a golden colour.

I failed to protect my wife, and now my son is dying right in front of me.

He watches as his claws come out of their shells, and in a swift second he gives himself a deep cut on the neck and a painful growl escapes from his mouth.

Before the wound could heal again, he thrust his long claw into his neck and brought out a small shining object in the shape of a bead. He opened his son's mouth and made him swallow the bead. After a few minutes of silence, Alpha Henry watches as Rey moves a finger. Finally, he shakes his whole body; a smile crept into his lips, but it

was cut short as he felt his life force fading away.

"Farewell, son," he said to his ears as his breathing became laboured. "You must lead the pack to victory and make me proud." Alpha Henry continued while watching his son, who had started breathing now, even though it wasn't stable.

"I am proud of you and happy to be your father. Now make the pack stronger and protect them from any danger. May your reign bring peace to your sister.. "

The Alpha couldn't complete his statement when his body went cold and his eyelids closed on their own.
