The Trench 1

Chapter 26

Rey stood at the pack departure milestone. Beside him strutted McCloud and some other high-rank beta. He was sure the journey he was about to embark on was a dangerous one, but what other choice did he have? Examining the beta's face, he could see glimmers of tears in their eyes. But they must emancipate Seer Argon if they need to defeat Virgo. He could remember his discussion with Franni. She had told him that they were now in Medusa Gorgon liars and that Ariel had come out to be a scythe-meister.

"Are you okay Alpha?" McCloud's voice twitched him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I am flawlessly fine." He replied casually.

"You know, if you have changed your mind, we can send troopers," McCloud proposed. "Conceivably, you should take an escort with you."