The Trench 2

Rey glances back, only to recognize that the sailor has also diverted into one of the ugly-looking monsters. Without disinclination, he quickly moved beside Conor and the duo backed each other while facing the trench. "Why does trouble always find us?" Rey asked in frustration. "I haven't had a good rest since that asshole named Demios sabotaged the pack."

"If my guess is right, then we are formulated for trouble, or perhaps, born to fight," Conor replied with a shrug while folding his hand into a fist. "I can't wait till they strike me and make my bones for a barbecue. So authorization to kill them all, my Alpha? " Rey took a sudden astounded glimpse at Conor, as if he was enunciating balderdash. How could they possibly withstand this deadly zone without combat?

"Did you have any alternatives apart from fighting your way out?" Rey inquired. "Or are you frightened of the trench eating you alive?"