Her Second Home

"if you have something to say just spit it out already" I said to Albert who has been stealing glances since we got on the carriage to Illton which was our first stop. Only a few people owned carriages in the outskirts, people who had enough money to buy horse feed and had connections in the inner city.

"Circe do you even understand what it means if you are the one that killed those guards" he asked running his hand through his hair.

"I have not really thought about it altogether, I can not even remember how it happened, at this point, I am not even sure those flames were mine" I said lowering my head.

"It means your magic pars that of a Fyn and here I thought you were a complete muggle" he said his eyes still on me.

"If those flames were really mine Albert, I want to kill them, every single one them, I will not rest until they are all ash, the royals, the high lords and every single person in power, maybe then just maybe we would be free, maybe we would stop living in trepidation" my voice cracking as tears soaked my cheeks.

The rest of the ride to Illton was quiet, not a word from the both of us. Once at Illton we settled in for the night.

Once again my flesh burned I opened my eyes and flames encircled me from all sides swirling and dancing around my body, and the flames were warmer and comforting.

"Circe!" screams of a man sounded. Albert? The screams came again this time closer.

My eyes flew open. The room I slept in was on fire, burning everything except for me. Albert's voice sounded behind the door behind, the door I had locked before going to bed. I rushed for the door, the door handle scorching my hand, but pulling it anyway, on the other side several other people mostly water types including Albert rushed in to subdue the fire, but it still burned on obstinately, after what seemed to be several minutes they finally managed to put it out.

"Are you okay?" Albert said from beside me draping a blanket over my shoulders.

"What happened? You almost died in there dear" the inn manager said,

"She knocked over her lamp while she slept, she has bad sleeping habits" Albert answered for me

"How much will it be for the damages?" I asked my voice still shaky and my legs weak. I was sure we could cover the damages mother had given Albert more than enough for our trip.

"It is okay dear, mistakes happen, not much was burned anyway" the old woman that owned the inn said.

"Can you please assign me another room?" I said leaning against Albert for support because I was sure I was about to pass out again.

"Why don't you just share a room with your boyfriend, it is rare these days to see young people who do not share a bed before marriage" she said smiling widely.

If I was not all weak I would have been rolling on the floor laughing my ass cheeks off. I turned to Albert and his face was flushed red if it were not for the fact that he had been fighting off fire only a while ago I would have mistaken it for blushing.

"I and him are not together" I said through what was supposed a giggle but sounding as if I was being strangled instead.

"Oh you can't fool me, I'll assign you to a new room, you will be paying for it though" she said walking off.

"Are you okay to walk?" Albert asked my body still pressed against his for support.

"And what would you do? Carry me? I think I have had enough of you manhandling me. I am okay Albert" I said weakly.

"Okay," he said pulling away from me abruptly. My feet failing me I hurled backward only for him to break my fall when I was moments away from hitting the floor.

"You do not have to act tough around me Circe I am not your enemy" he said picking me up bridal style and I just did not have the energy to fight him off.

I barely slept even though my muscles were drained. I stayed wide awake with worry, realization settling in. I could use magic and that not coming as a surprise what scared me was that I could wield a lot of it. Fire users in our village could do as much as light a lamp. I did not understand why things were like that but all I knew is that I was going to grow stronger, learn to control my flames, then mother and Alcina's deaths would not have been in vain.

"The old man I am taking you to, is he a relative?" Albert asked once we had our last carriage to Eos where old man Barok lived.

"I would not say so, he was just well acquainted with my father, even after my father died we visited him often, he lives with his two daughters Emily and Sarah" I explained.

"Good to know I am not handing you to a man you barely know, he could be a pervy old bastard for all I know" he said.

"Don't you talk about old man Borak like that" I said in his defense. He was the nicest man I knew and I very much adored him, he versed in different arts as far as I can remember I learned reading and writing from him, and how I used to be so excited each time we had to visit and I adored his daughters as much as I adored him, Emily who was about my age and Sarah who was 2 years older about Albert's age always somewhat felt as close as siblings.

I was so caught up in nostalgia that I had barely realized that we had arrived in Eos, the sun was hanging low and dawn threatening the horizon. Just a little behind the meadow then I can rest.

The walk to their two little cottages did not take that long and as always he sat out smoking his little pipe of which father had warned him several times that it was bad for his health. Tears threatened my eyes. He looked in our direction and immediately sprung to his feet forgetting the pipe he had held running towards me, a smile making him look years younger. I could not help but burst into tears.