Taming Her Flames

Having to explain events that had ensued was the hardest part, how I would break out in sobs every five minutes. Barok and the girls encircled me, Sarah, to my right, her hand draped around my shoulder, Emily to my left, her hand holding mine as they all tried to provide any sense of comfort and the old man sat In front of me whereas Albert stood several feet away as if making it clear that this situation had absolutely nothing to do with him.

After narrating every event to the best of my memory, I looked up to meet the old man's gaze, he stared at me intently.

"Now, what is it that you want to do child" he finally spoke.

"I want to kill them, every single one of them, or die trying" I said with my teeth clenched.

"Calm down my dear child, a person who lets their emotions consume them cannot protect anyone let alone seek revenge, for now, you need to rest and find placidity. I know it may seem like I am asking you for too much but I won't let you fight your enemies blinded by rage I would only be leading you to your death" he said.

I sat there unable to quite understand what he was saying. Calm down?? My family was taken away from me right in front of my eyes, how was I supposed to put the resentment that burned so deep aside, I just nodded either way, too emotionally to figure it out.

That night I barely slept, part of me scared I'd burn the house to smithereens the other in distress that the old man plainly refused to let me train "you shall never learn to control your flames while clinging on to this much rage" he had said to me right before bed when I had brought it up.

Squished between Emily and Sarah who had adamantly refused when I insisted I'd sleep on the floor saying the bed was big enough for all three of us, I slithered out of Emily's hold as she held closely around my waist, she had apologized at l least fifty times for what had happened to me. For some weird reason, I was the one who ended up consoling her.

None of them stirred when I left the room heading outside, the air stung and I silently regretted not bringing a shawl with me. Heading for the meadow passing old man Barok's room who had taken up sharing a room with Albert I tried to lull my steps as much as possible so didn't wake them up. The moon shined brightly bathing my surrounding in white light.

"you scared at least 20 years out of life span Circe" Albert's voice startling me as he stood concealed by canopies of the trees that surrounded the meadow.

"For a second I thought you were a mage from another realm because of a bright light that concealed your face but it was just moonlight reflecting off your rather generous forehead" he continued.

And my face flushed, huh?? Unable to decipher what exactly I was feeling, I quickly scurried back feeling him way too close for comfort. Wait what?? When was I ever nervous or shy around Albert, the man had made it his sole life mission to embarrass me he had pointed out my forehead at least a thousand times since we were kids not that it was big or anything, maybe a little but that is not the point. Maybe it's because I have been having him around a lot and he has seen me in my most vulnerable state. Thank Gods it wasn't all that bright then he would have noticed.

"Circe?? Are you okay" noticing that I wasn't retorting back with a snarky remark as always

"When are you going back to the village?" I said casually brushing off what I had been feeling.

"Do you detest me that much??" He said coaxing his head so his eyes were level with mine and once again he was just way too close.

"Aren't you worried that your lady might have been taken?" I asked striding away further into the meadow trying to keep as much distance between us.

"My lady is very much okay" he answered

"And here the ladies at the village were concerned that you may be into men because you have never taken any woman to your bed is she from another village?" I asked.

"I just want to see how your plan to seek revenge plays out. I genuinely worry for you Circe" he changed the subject.

"I have already made up mind you can't convince me otherwise Albert" I said my tone rather light in contrast to how serious he had turned.

"I know that, so let me help you. Let me help you control your magic" he said moving closer to me.

"And how would you do that??" Very much curious

"You are scared Circe, you are scared of your flames aren't you?" and I didn't answer.

"That is why you are still up this late, you are scared that a nightmare will ignite your rage then your flames would sprawl out of control. Let me give you are scenario, what if you owned a pet dragon would you be scared of it?" he said sounding rather silly.

"Of course I would be scared of it Albert it would be a fucking dragon" I answered

"And what if that dragon was the only thing powerful enough to kill all enemies? Would you still be scared of it?" Albert asked again

"No I wouldn't, my enemy should be the one scared of the dragon not me because I own it" I said slowly figuring it out on my own.

"Good girl, likewise your dragon attacked everyone around you even those who you didn't intend to hurt each time you got angry, what would you do to tame it Circe" he said closing the little space that was left between us. My stomach swirled.

"I would stop losing my cool" sounding breathier than I intended.

"Turn around" he instructed, I obeyed.

"Now let it out slowly. Control it" his body all so close I could just lean back and I'd feel him against me.

And once again I obliged, finding the trigger, Alcina's disfigured face the look on mother's face when she sent away but this time I didn't let the rage consume me I owned. I held it on a leash and remained conscious of my actions, the fire started, engulfing my hands completely, and the flame burned a strange red.

"Move back I might hurt you" I said

"Thanks for your concern but I am a water type Circe and there is a river passing just feet away from us I'll be fine" he said in a hoarse voice.

Just then a memory made its way into my head, a memory that was all so palpable. My head and body remembering all at the same time how the guard had ran his slimy hands all over my body and had groped my ass. Then everything went to hell.