Chapter 5

A shiver ran through me but I knew better than to cause a scene in such a public place and with our families eyes on me.

I let him take me to the back of the restaurant. He brought me into the girl's bathroom and made sure that nobody could come in after us.

I felt nervous as I leant back on the sink and waited for him to say something.

With an intense stare, he started walking over to me. With his leg, he forced mine apart and moved between them. I had to widen my legs when his big toned body forced me to.

"No, don't do that I need to go back, my foods getting cold" I say trying to push him back so that I could get out of here. He stood his ground not moving an inch even with how hard I was pushing.

"stop crying and maybe I'll let you" he said harshly taken his sleeve and wiping my eyes. The motion was too caring I couldn't understand what he was thinking because most of the time He's pissed at me.

I huff in annoyance moving his hand away from my face. I think he sees that I am getting annoyed. He finally steps back creating some space for me to actually move.

I take that as my chance to hop off the table and make my way toward the door. So much for a relaxing holiday, I'm seriously going have to have a talk with my mum soon.

Damon thankfully let me go.

The rest of the night went okay, I put on a mask for my family and joined the conversation when I could, pretending that I was okay when I was the opposite.

We were back at the house now and we were sitting in the lounge. Lily was laying across Adam and she had draped her legs across Damon's lap. She was tired you could see it, lucky for her she was being taken care of.

"honestly dad, the army was great but I could only do it for a few years" Damon replied as he traced circled on lily's feet. I moved my eyes over to Natalie, she sat on the sofa a beautiful smile on her face.

She was happy to have her boy back and honestly so was I. I just didn't want to admit it.

"well son, were all very proud of you and the man you've become," my dad said raising a glass. Everyone smiled and raised our glasses. Even I did.

Damon glanced at me, raising an eyebrow. I just nodded my head before drinking the contents not wanting to interact with him further.

By the time lily was snoring we all decided that sleep would be a good option after the day we've had. Apparently, Damon and Christian had arranged to have a party tomorrow. We wanted to know why but they decided to keep it a secret.

Damon and his bloody secrets.

Adam carried lily up to their room and me and Damon followed. Before I walked into mine I paused. "Damon" I said catching his attention. He turned around his jaw tense.

"I want to thank you for my room, I really love it. Actually, this whole house is pretty amazing" I say a blush forming on my cheeks. I knew Damon liked decorating because he would often help Natalie out with any new things she wanted in the house.

I think he got that from his father, I remember him always working on either his own house or mine.

With that said I stepped into my room and closed the door behind me. I heard him groan from outside before I heard his own door close.

I slipped into my pyjamas again with only one thought running through my mind. All I could think about was Damon. I thought about how good he felt in between my legs. His body was truly a sculptured masterpiece.

Even more now.

Without really thinking about it my hand suddenly started to play with my nipples. I would do this sometimes. But this time it was different because I was thinking about Damon.

I tossed and turned for the next two hours. I just couldn't get to sleep. Me and Damon weren't like we used to be. We barely argued and we got along fine just like him and lily are now.

I just wish he would just hold me, whisper endearing words to me I needed my Damon back in my life. But I was too stubborn.

Finally, I was able to get to sleep. I played some music to make it easier and luckily it worked.

My eyes snapped open suddenly. I was breathing heavily and I had been sweating profusely all over my body. Dreams don't come to me often but his one seemed to real. I knew in that moment that I needed to see him just know that he is alive and safe.

I walked out to the hallway and made my way over to the far room. It was slightly open which only reminded me that Damon could sleep when its pitch black he always needed some type of light.

I remember he would joke around when we used to sleep in the same room sometimes.

"you're my light baby girl" I used to laugh it off but he was serious.

I pushed the door open slightly and peeked inside. I was surprised when I saw the room. It was dark and basic, he didn't even have a bed to sleep on either. It was a sofa bed and was way too small to get even a decent sleep.

He had jeans on and no shirt leaving me to see his toned stomach and even some scars that were obviously there from the army.

I only needed to see I'm, I was satisfied that he was sound asleep looking so peaceful. I turned to exit the room when I heard his voice. "come here" his command had me alert. His eyes snapped open and he turned to look at me.

I noticed how his eyes ran down my body taking me all in. I walked towards him and sat down on the side of the sofa.

"why don't you have a bed Damon," I asked him, surely, he's not comfortable in this little space.

He turned his body to the side leaning forward slightly. "in the army we had beds like these, I guess I just got used to them" I felt him bring his fingers up and trace lines on my thigh.

"it looks like it, surely you can start using a proper bed now though," I said. He is back now and this is his house. My bed was triple the size of this and graced me with a wonderful sleep last night.

"I guess, why aren't you sleeping?" he asks me continuing to trace my bare thighs. I watched the small motion with interest. His fingers just like I remembered. Thick and soft. My eyes suddenly widened when I caught sight of his jeans. The button and zip were undone and could see his v line.

"I couldn't sleep, I had a really bad dream" his eyes narrowed and he instantly pulled me closer to him.

"I've watched you die in my dreams many times" I admitted to him. This one felt too real though. I let him pull me in and stroke my leg. It brought me warmth and pleasure to have Damon touching me.

He raised his back slightly, trying to disguise the discomfort he was feeling. Automatically I took his hand and pulled him up with me. It took all my strength but, in the end, he helped me by lifting his body.

"you need a bed," I said dragging him over to the door. He took long strides to stay close to me. I heard him chuckle slightly but I just ignored him.

As soon as I made into the room I pushed Damon towards my bed. "baby, I'm fine sleeping in the other room" he tried to say as I ran around the bed to the other side. I ignored him again.

With a sigh, he relaxed into the bed. I stayed on one side as he made himself comfortable. I knew he was taking off his jeans he never sleeps with jeans on. Nobody in their right mind would.

"goodnight Damon," I said once he finally stopped moving.

"goodnight beautiful "he mumbled. All I heard after that was his soft breaths that indicated that he had fallen asleep.

I was proud of myself for reaching out. It may have been selfish but I was glad that Damon could rest peacefully. Lord knows what mental damage the army did to Damon.

Once it was the morning I got up from the bed. I knew Damon wouldn't be there when I woke up. I felt at ease and actually happy with this morning. I showered quickly and let my hair dangle down in its natural state.

The party wouldn't be until this evening so a relaxed morning was what I was going to do today.

Running down the stairs I was surprised to see that nobody was here. A small note was stuck to the table.

We've gone out to get food and drinks for tonight, be back soon

I narrowed my eyes wondering why they didn't wake me up, why Damon didn't come and get me. I felt my mood dropping until I heard the door opening again.

"morning" Damon said walking into the house. He had his casual attire on and made him look handsome.

"I thought you went out?" I ask him confused. He only smiled down at me as he walked closer.

"and leave you alone in this big house, I don't fucking think so," he said his voice deepening. His words sounded angry but it only made me happier and turned on but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Damon" I moan "I can take care of myself "I laugh moving over to the kitchen. I was desperate for some coffee and luckily for me, Damon had a coffee machine that made some pretty amazing cups of coffee.

"I know, I'm still getting used to that," he says walking in the kitchen after me. I decided I would make one for him too. I would also make him coffee before we'd go to school before and bring him one in a flask.

"How did you sleep," I say turning my head. I hope it was good I mean that was my aim by letting him sleep in my bed. I gasped when I realised how close he was. He broke into a grin when he saw my shocked face.


"amazing, when did you start snoring though" he commented placing his hand against the counter caging me in.

"I do not snore" I exclaim. Please tell me he's joking.

The laugh that followed after relaxed me. That would be so embarrassing if I actually did snore.

"you've got jokes now" I comment finally finishing making the coffee. I turned around and let the cup come up to my lips. suddenly I felt hot under his gaze. He watched me drink, his eyes focused on my lips.

"you going to taunt me or are you going to share," he said his voice low and deep. I smiled before handing him the cup of steaming coffee. He surprised me by turning the cup around and placed his lips over the exact same spot my lips were previously.

"I missed your coffee" he moaned out letting the hot coffee travel down his throat.

I was still in shock. Did he not understand how erotic that simple gesture was. He only gave me a naughty grin and walked over to the other side of the kitchen. I didn't even notice that he had been cooking something. Are those pancakes? I felt at home with Damon. The memories flooding in like a tsunami.

"I missed you," I said automatically my eyes staring into his. I felt like those words were long time overdue. I should've said it the moment I saw him. I mean c'mon Skylar you haven't seen him in 5 years and you walk away.

Damon's back tensed up and he slowly turned around his eyes narrowed.

I parted my lips, shocked at the intense stare.

"say it again" he growled, his fists clenched at his sides. My breathing became heavier his tone was so deep.

I debated on either running away or saying it again, not knowing what changed between us.

"I missed you Damon, so fucking much," I told him again waiting for him to hopefully say it back because that's all I wanted.

As soon as the words left my mouth he made his way towards me. His legs long and lean. As soon as he was in touching distance. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders.

"jump" he mumbled in a commanding tone. I did exactly what he said and wrapped my legs around his waist. I clung onto him as he buried his face into my neck.

"I missed you too baby girl, you have no fucking idea," he said into my neck, his lips moving against it. His words were like music to my ears, I had waited for this moment for far too long.

He placed me down onto the kitchen island. "I'm starting to think baby girl isn't the right name for you anymore. You're such a beautiful woman now" he whispers pulling his head back to look into my eyes.

My hormones were all over the place his hand was moving down the curve on my ass. I shivered from the sensation I was feeling.

"most probably at each other's throats," I heard the sound of my mum speaking as other voices filled the house.

I blushed at her words but Damon had a different reaction.

"I like the sound of that" Damon mumbled as I slid down the counter back on my own two feet.

I tried to ignore his little comment but it echoed in my mind.

What did he mean by that?