Sensing Ravyn's distress, Zamonte reached out and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Leave this to me. Take Liriene to safety."
The weight of his responsibility was evident in his voice. Ravyn felt a tinge of concern, realizing that defeating Ifrit wouldn't be as swift as they had initially hoped. Nevertheless, ensuring the safety of the VIP remained their utmost priority. With a sense of urgency, she swiftly moved away from Zamonte and made her way to Liriene. As they came face-to-face, Ravyn lowered herself, offering her back for Liriene to climb onto, enabling them to move quickly.
"We need to hurry."
Ravyn urged, aware that she still couldn't employ Airtech. The VIP lady couldn't help but feel a bit skeptical about Ravyn's petite frame and wondered if she would be able to carry her all the way.
"I can manage on my own; just show me the way."