Trials of the All Stars: Rescue (1)

...There's just about a minute left before the herb's effects wear off. If I increase my intake of Solar Candle root any further, I won't have enough time to recover for future missions. I have to come up with a plan...

As Ravyn contemplated her next move, Zamonte soared through the air towards her, propelled by the force of the explosion in the red sand area. Taking advantage of the volatile setting, he fired shots into the sand, triggering a cascade of smoke and bomb blasts that filled the air, shrouding the area in a thick haze. With a surprising move, Zamonte, his limbs enveloped in a captivating sky-blue aura, successfully tackled Shaitan, causing him to sprawl to the ground. At the same time, he delivered a powerful kick to Ifrit, who was following closely behind.

