Trials of the All Stars: Rescue (2)

At a distant corner of the world...

Amidst the bustling city of lights and vibrant colors, the night was ablaze with streetlights and towering buildings. This particular night, however, seemed to shine even brighter, thanks to the flickering flames engulfing the downtown area. A long row of cars was parked haphazardly on all sides of the four intersecting streets, creating a chaotic scene. In the midst of it all, Sekai worked tirelessly, ushering people away from danger and towards safety. Frustration lingered in her voice as she complained about the cause of the ensuing traffic jam.

["Are you intending to harm innocent lives as well? Our mission is solely to rescue the hostages."]

Sekai's voice resonated through the earpiece, reaching her partner on the other end of the line.

"You've already taken away those eyesores. And those who commit evil deeds must face the consequences."