The racing field filled with different audience, servants, healers, commoners and more were excited to watch the race. Hundreds of knights will take part in the competition, Amy was dressed in black tight-fitting trouser that reached her ankles, a tall boots to her knees with a one inch heel to protect her feet from sliding in the stirrups and black fitted shadbelly that shows her body curve.
Daniel yelled while running towards her.
"Wow, you're so se..."
"Shut up." Amy stopped him from saying that she was sexy. She is indeed sexy but she don't wanna hear it from Daniel.
"Well, you made it. Look! You're the only woman that will compete here."
"Ofcourse, I didn't practiced yesterday just to watch them race. Win or lose didn't matter, as long as we have fun."
She smiled and patted his shoulder and prepare their horses.
They put blinders to their horses with a hole for the eyes to keep them focus on the race, horses are more likely to be distracted especially when there are so many people around them. Amy's heart was pumping rapidly because of the audience cheering, she kept looking to her surroundings finding Phoenix but she can't see him.
'Why am I finding him?'
After a while, the knights gathered at the starting line sitting on their horses. Daniel was far from her so she was trembling really bad.
'I can do this! I can do this!' she's encouraging herself through her mind that she can do it without a fail even though she's the only woman in the competition.
She hold the reign tightly and fix her position very carefully as the red flag has been raised, signal that the race began. She quickly pulled the reign and the horse hurriedly ran.
Their horses ran at the same time, focusing on the path they took. While reaching the middle of the racing field there are other participants left and there are those ahead. Amy kept her balance and posture and she's mostly near to those ahead.
Her horse was incredibly fast today, she thought that she was going to be left behind when the race start but she was now leading the race.
After a while when almost reaching the finish line, beyond her knowledge, a knight was approaching her, she noticed him and took a glance at him when suddenly, the knight kicked her horse's back. Her horse reared in pain and her eyes widened as she was about to fall on the ground.
Amy fell into the ground covering her head as the possibilities of getting stepped on by the other horses. The audience screamed because of the incident, all the knights just passed her and she can't even stand up as her ankle sprained due to her sudden fall.
'That bastard! It's not fair, he cheated!'
As she glared at that knight that was now gone, she learned that she could do nothing as it already happened. She tried to stand up with her one leg jumping on the ground, reaching her horse whose in stand by. The race just finished and the audience was cheering loudly, Daniel hurriedly ran his horse towards Amy to help her.
"Eve! What happened? I didn't see you because there was so many horses on the field." He got off his horse and immediately place her shoulder to his shoulder and hold her waist to keep her balance.
"I haven't seen that knight even once. He kicked my horse and it started to rear." she complained as she felt the stinging pain gradually increasing in her ankle.
"Tsk! That's not fair he cheated! You could've won."
"It's fine, as long as I'm alive" she said and slightly laughed.
While Daniel was trying to get her to his horse a black horse suddenly appeared.
"Commander Adelard!" Daniel said while looking at him.
Phoenix looked at Amy and her sprained ankle and Daniel's hand which was on her waist.
"What happened here?" He said and got off his horse immediately.
"Ah, a knight pushed Eve's horse and it reared that's why she fell and sprained her ankle."
"Do you know who that knight is?" He said coldly while looking at Amy whose head was facing down.
"N-no...I haven't seen him before."
She can't face him because of what happened yesterday.
Phoenix walked towards them and suddenly lifted her in his muscular arms. Daniel's and Amy's eyes widened in utter shock because of his sudden act.
"I'll take care of her so that she can get to the healer quickly."
"Ah, y-yes Commander Adelard" Daniel took care of Amy's horse and left.
While riding on his horse and sat in front of him, Amy kept silent in embarrassment and Phoenix said something.
"Are you okay?" He said without looking at her.
"Yeah...It's just...I didn't finish the race."
"Don't mind it. I'll order someone to find that knight." his jaws clenched in anger.
"You don't have to worry Commander Adelard. It will just disturbed you."
Phoenix didn't said anything but his jaw keeps on clenching in anger and to think that, that knight did something to hurt her made him feel becoming a beast again.
When they reached the Castle he immediately took Amy to the doctor.
"Sir, what brought you here?" The male doctor in his twenties said.
"Ms.Eve here has sprained her ankle, I hoped you help her."
"I will, Sir."
Phoenix left her at the doctors care. Amy suspiciously suspected why he was taking care of her.
'Is he like this to every woman?'
'Wow! What a playboy to play woman's feelings.' while the doctor was checking her ankle and her mind was lost in space again, the doctor slightly pinched her swelling ankle.
"Ow! That hurts."
"My apologies Ms.Eve, I was just checking if this is just a sprain or there's more."
"Well? Is it just sprain? I think it is."
"You are right in your prediction, Ms.Eve" he smiled while looking at her feet.
"Just call me Eve, I find it uncomfortable if people were using honorifics to me."
"Then, you can call me Devon."
She just nodded with a smile then he began to massage her ankle lightly, he's gently putting some ointment and bandage on it like her ankle was about to break any moment.
"Please come back tomorrow for me to change the bandage, Eve."
"Ah...Can't I do it personally?"
"Well, you will have a hard time when you are alone since it needs to be massaged and put on an ointment."
"Oh, okay. Thankyou!"
She left while jumping on her one leg and Devon chuckled. Is she really this stubborn? The doctor is insisting to assist her, why would she try to reject him?